somewherefreezing · 3 months
"YoU'rE gOiNg To FeEl BaD If YoU dOn'T eAt"
Thanks, captain obvious. That's the fucking point!
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somewherefreezing · 3 months
Dizzy. Weeeeeeeeee
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somewherefreezing · 3 months
I wanna st4rve until I lose my period again. Who needs functioning organs anyway, right?
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somewherefreezing · 3 months
Shout-out to the person who invented diet soda for keeping me from going completely insane. If 0 calorie drinks didn't exist I'd be fucked.
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somewherefreezing · 3 months
$h is such a slippery slope, and it's scary at times.
I went from doing cat scratches to cvts going through f4t in just a few years. And now even those don't satisfy the need for pain sometimes. I'm constantly chasing the unreachable goal of causing enough damage to myself, but it will never be enough. Ever.
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somewherefreezing · 3 months
I want someone to feed my delusion that losing more weight will make life better. If I get small and fragile, people will care about me. And then I won't need to cvt myself to convince people I'm struggling.
I don't care how toxic that is, I'm actually going crazy rn. Please.
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somewherefreezing · 3 months
This weekend is gonna put me in some situations that, in the past, have led to overeating.
But I'm not going to let that defeat me. You'll never make progress if you don't keep trying. Keep goals in mind and breathe.
I can do this.
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somewherefreezing · 3 months
When you lose 45 lbs and suddenly realize people were lying to you as a kid when they said you were just "big boned"
Like, yeah I have broad shoulders, but that's not what was giving me a double chin (・-・ )
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somewherefreezing · 3 months
Sometimes I feel like the only thing stopping me from posting pictures of my SH is the possibility that some young kid could see it and want to replicate what I've done. Deep cvts are no joke, and you shouldn't see them as "goals" or whatever.
Mental illness is too romanticized on social media
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somewherefreezing · 3 months
Hey ED and SH peeps, I wanna be friends 🫶
I'm 18 and have been struggling with disordered eating and s3lf-h4rm for several years now. I'd like to find people of similar age who share the same problems, we can all be miserable together ^_^;
Current stats: 5'6 - 136lbs - bmi 21.9
sw 181lbs ▪︎ gw 120lbs ▪︎ ugw 110lbs
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