snowkittwice · 1 month
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Nepeta drawing by me
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snowkittwice · 1 month
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Base by Wentzlien
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snowkittwice · 2 months
Title: Rewinded
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41785935/chapters/104835639
Platform: Ao3
Creator: SnowKitTwice
Work Type: Fanfic
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Rating: G
Pairing: none
Word Count: 1,192
Warnings: no archive warnings apply
Number of comments: 0
Completion status: WIP, first chapter done, if it follows the planned plot will be 10 or so chapters
Short Summary/description: found family dadzawa fic, after Eri's quirk rewinds a handful of villains to their backstory selves, Aizawa basically adopts them (I planned for them to become sidekicks to the Wild Wild Pussycats later on in chapter 2 or 3)
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snowkittwice · 2 months
I'm gonna draw fanart of this because I thought that was a very different character lol stay tuned
Draw someone wearing the fabric of space-time.
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snowkittwice · 2 months
My brain will just create new WIPs against my will, it’ll just start going, I have no say in which one I work on, in fact, WIP actually stands for Writer in Peril, help
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snowkittwice · 2 months
I've got a couple of oneshots in writing (its a suprise) and I'm working on chapter two of the Rewinded fic (plot breakdown: found family, gen, fluff, sfw. So the villains in mha turn into their backstory versions because of Eri's quirk/power turning them back, they try to return Eri and make a deal to undo her quirks reverse aging effects- was originally gonna have 4 villains and the pussycats but some characters might get cut to prevent endless plotholes and confusing timeline)
Im also still editing both JellyBahh fics, pls read my fics any of my fics and comment I swear to god if I so much as even get a single character/emoji as a comment I will be posting a new chapter that same hour on my life
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snowkittwice · 2 months
No stop I read this really good death note fic with this plot and this was the entire first chapter and then chapter two L was like totally comforting Light like a father figure character would and holy fuck dude it was so cute and wholesome and asdajaldaks 😭😭😭😭😭 I think the fic was called Camera Shy by Rayoislife and man it is possibly my favorite fanfiction ever written hands down 😭😭😭😭😭 I love this plot so much bro
The utter humiliation of the moment when a bladder shy character reaches the point of desperation where they simply cannot wait any longer. The paralyzing realization as they start to lose control, the warmth of their accident soaking into their clothes, the way they start to blush or even tear up. And worst of all, the knowledge that if only they weren’t so bladder shy, they could have used a bathroom instead.
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snowkittwice · 2 months
I read a fic like this a while back I think with Dabi and Shigaraki in it and it took place in the league of villains hideout and they were having a tea party?? I cant remember it mightve been deleted I'll update you if I find it
imagine someone stiffly trying to hold their piss. they know they'll lose control if they unclench any of their muscles. their partner starts to massage their shoulders and tells them to relax. which makes little dribbles of piss escape, so tiny they don't notice, until a bigger pulse shoots out. they whine in distress but their partner shushes them and moves the massage to their lower back. as their body relaxes their poor bladder can't help but release the tension and give out completely.
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snowkittwice · 2 months
I'm 17 and have been writing since 12 personally
Reblog for a larger sample size!
No "show results", if you're not a fanfic writer just be patient.
I saw a post about an anon saying it was embarrasing to have an ao3 account in your 30s (it's absolutely not), so I want to do a poll and see what the age range actually is.
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snowkittwice · 2 months
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suicide postponed, i found batman/joker omorashi fanart. yay.
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snowkittwice · 8 months
Part 2 of MHA rant
Okay so in the last rant, I basically said 3 of my canon compliant fics predicted manga events literally a month in advance, and I'll get into more detail on that but I only have solid proof of one because I havent published the other 2 so you can doubt my predictions but I'm betting on my predictions
Having said that, I've also had horrendously incorrected theories that reached too far in too many directions so 🤷 like maybe ignore the previous post but idk I'm convinced I can predict the manga sometimes accidentally so I'll just start posting predictions as soon as I think of something so that when it happens, I can prove I predicted right lol
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snowkittwice · 8 months
MHA rant part 1
Anime-only mha fans and English collecting mha manga readers tread carefully on this post... (I'm also casting predictions for the manga)
Dead ass starting to get convinced my canon compliant mha fics are totally like- predicting the manga, like if I write a canon compliant fic, it will happen again in the canonical manga about a month later 😭
Like, once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, but three times now? It's becoming a pattern so, I'm placing my bets on the manga now (I'm only an english collecter, I'm not past volume 35 yet, but I got 395 and uh Bakugo spoilers so there's context) :
>> Toga will probably come back if Bakugo comes back, either they both stay down or both are revived, especially since Toga wouldn't have died if it wasnt for her heroic act of saving Ochaco and earlier on, Deku saving Ochaco worked in his favor too so I'm placing a bet on that
>> I'm betting on Hawks dying in a fight against Dabi if he becomes last resort in that fight because of his fire weakness, or the capture/death of Dabi and/or Shigaraki- probably not in that specific fight but eh whatever
And here's a more positive prediction: Toga and/or Shinsou will join 1A after the war arc and we will get to see them both become heroes (if the war arc isnt the final arc/if the war arc doesnt end in a bunch of deaths and a flash forward to Deku as a pro hero with a the end screen like Phineas and Ferb's final episode)
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snowkittwice · 10 months
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Im proud of our fandom guys!! Only two days of this existing and we have 59 fics!! Good job everyone
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snowkittwice · 10 months
This ^^
Ok can I be fr.
If I see one more person being like “ew tiktok is trying to copy US with this ZEPOTHA thing how ANNOYING”
Both Goncharov and Zepotha are fake asf movies made for people to have fun with. It’s not that deep. Plus it’s the internet. Tumblr is not some supreme website above every other social media site. We are legit known as the site with the most weird controversies and lore. Let people have fun.
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snowkittwice · 10 months
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snowkittwice · 10 months
All pokemon DS + 3DS games in order:
Diamond/Pearl 2007
Platinum 2009
Heart Gold/ Soul Silver 2010
Black/White 2011
Black and White ver two 2012
X and Y 2013
Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire 2014
Sun and Moon 2016
Ultra Sun and Moon 2017
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snowkittwice · 10 months
Me writing:
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