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so I was watching supernatural with the subtitles on and then..
You too, Booby
I’m so done.
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woowowow its been a LOOOONG TIME
sorry bbs but not really. i do what i want.
here is CHAPTER 6!!!!!11!!
sam was eatin dinner wit his knew friend hannahbull.
'what are we eatin hanni???' sammy asked him.
'just a littl sumthing i cooked up.' he smirkded.
'I NO YOU COOKED IT!!!! i wanna no what it is becuse u need to teach deano how to maek it. he luuuuvs to cook now.' sam was v pasisonate about hid food he could eat all the time and nevr be full and now dean could cook for hi msince he]s nesting or w/e and he wanted dean to make sometinhg else besided burgers all the time because they are goos but not that good and dean makes them alot cuz cas loves them but sam only likes them and he LUVS this food that hannibul made so dean needs to make this now instead of burgers. 'do u REEEALLY want to know friend? half the fun is not nkowing exactly what is going int yoiuer mouth.' he smirked again liek he mad a joke only he new aboujt. sam did not think it was ver y funny.
'i sure do!'
in a caaam, slow voice, she spoke to SAm, "u and I have history. or don't you remember?"
I've literally never met you in my life" sam said confusedly
"the other nite we had a date anf you showedup 2 hours late" she said in the same voice.
"Um I didn't show up at all. We didn't have a dat. I never met yuo befour..." sam was v confused
"should I give up?"
"or should I just keep chasing pavements?"
"chase what? I don't know you or what is happening?????" sam shrunk backin his chair as adele came closer to him ith each word.
"you grace me with your cold shoulder" she glared at him for a loooooong minute and then walked out.
San turned to hanni "so will you tell me about the recipie now????"
thank for reading! soz bout another cliff hanger!!! gotta buld suspence!!1! make sure keep an eye out for the next chapeter!!!!!! 
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So this dude kept sexting me and REFUSED to believe he had the wrong number. I gave up on trying to convince him so now every time he texts me I send him a picture of Steve Urkel. He’s starting to get mad.
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Avril Lavigne smiles as her best PuNk friend 5ever, Miley Cyrus, turns into Draco Malfoy. Wizards are SO hawt.
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Chapter Five
( A/N its been a while.........sorry not sorry......xD this is deidcciated to tommy wiseau!! love you baby!! ps i dont really remember what was happening so dont bug me about plot wholes!! )
Coming from the woods was a dark, ominous growling....in this place, only darkenss reigned. 
"Are you okay?" asked Dean? Sam was shivering, teeth chattering as though he was in antarctica but he wasn't he was in the woods with his bro rn.
"REALLY DEANB?" Screamed Sam, "J'AI BESOIN DU BUERRE TO RUB ON YOUR CHEST." but i cant because my homoerotixxx magazine has not yet revealed how to convince mon frere to change teams.
"Righ tnow u need to calm down," scried cas, who was scared bc french ppl make him uncomfortable.
"Yeah man," You're growing a beret out of your scalp it's getting pretty bad." 
"Oh, right, becase I defintieyl WANTED to be infected by this francois le zombi," screamed Sam in a perf french accent. 
Next to him, cas slipped a wet tear and it slid down his face in a quiet waterfall of fear. No one noticed. 
"My charade is the event of the saison." sam defensed.
"Y are you SO--" screeched dean like a howler monkey before he was interuppted.
"WERD EITHER A YOU BERS LIKE A CAPRI SUN?" Bobby grumbled kawaiily from the house.  He couldnt go outside bc his girth was too much for the door frame.
As it turns out, the boys were only in the yarn. They were making milkshakes to lure deamons to them.
"Yeah okay that sounds tres magnifique." husked Samm. 
Water tears salt oceans of despair poured in silence from cas's broken hearted eyes he could not believe this hole of sea french le zombi.
"Alrert I gert frurt perch n pizzer." Said Bobby.  
"Rad," danced Dean happily. 
Dean and Sam went into the house, crawlingf under bobby's legs because there was no way to squeeze past his stomach in the living room, a 12 x 15 room. Cas trailed behind too afraid to get close to the european disease. 
"Sweet! This is cooler than when tay swift broke up with her boyfriend and wrote a song about it so ddeep. Just like this deep dish pizza." Dean dunked his pizza crust into the fruit punch because he has unique tastes in food.
"Oh mon dieu, mon frere, anata wa tres stupide ahonhonhon." Sam laughed amiably as a french moustache sprouted from his upper lip. Then they all dug in to the 
Natt Daemon, this whole time, was tied up in the closet. Until he stood up to confess towho his boss was he had to listen to a prerecorded laughter of steve urkel from family matters.
  "There will be peace soon
So matt, lay your head to rest
don't you cry no more."
," carressed a beautiful serenade from across the misty moor....it was.....MATT DAEMONS BOSS COMING TO FREE HIM. 
  STAAy tuned for chapter siX!!!
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Chapter #FOUR: matt deamon's secret
The motel room was quiet..the curtains smelled like dead moths and prostitues....Dean breathed in deeply to enjoy it....his nostrils flared emotoinally. 
Castiel flipped through the channels. He paused on a music video on the Disney Channel--it was cUTE (Castiel is ia secret weeaboo he really likes to watch k-on and yuru yurI and usGIO Drop
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 ) it was hannah montana she sang "he's a cutie/he's so groovy/can't keep myself from doin somethin stoopid." and castiel almost rcied bc it reminded him of dean....he glanced over INTIMATELY at his almost luver and caught dean just as he was looking away (!!). cas's heart skipped a beat (dokidoki)-- had dean been starin gat him...?? (that's so shoujo!!) cas blushed and kawaii'd. While he'd been not paying attention, his finger had still been scrolling through the schannels,,,
Matt Daemon squirmed in his luxury designer suit, it was navy blue, the color of the darkest regions of hell, and his uncomfortable nature made its undulate with anxiety.
"Werts wreng??" wheeezed bObby.
THey just realized that they had all been lounging on bobby!! bobby could feel matt damon's butt squirming and his man piecce throbbin.... 
Family mattters was on the Tv...Steve Urkel laughed demonically....Matt aDaemon moaned.
"What's happening??" Sam bleated.
A dark soun came out of matt demon's mouth, and black smoke started oozing like a cloud-- a mist of evil!! from his mouth quadrant. 
He can't survive it
The ardent laugh of Urkel
Climax will be death
"How specific," blessed Castiel gratefulllily.
"NO!!!" Screached Matt Daeomn. You mustn''t! 
"SERMWERN STRERK MER CHERN." yelped Bibly. Every1 jumped because his belly rumpbled and tickeled their booties. 
Dean reached over-- this was a practiced routine-- he stroked Billy's chin, reaching around his goiter. 
"MERT DERMON...U ARE NOW URNDER ER COMMERND." bobby shouted demandingfully.
"no!" he sqeauked. "NO!. I will-- I will turn you over to my bioss- Ad--" But his voice was cutt off. He was unable to say the name of his bawz. 
To understand the mood of the room right now...take a balloon and blow it up, then fill it with liquid ink...then put a rubber band around the balloon (this is a metaphor if u dont get it ur dumb no HATERZ PLZ!) That's what the atsmosphere of the room was like...except it was getting hotter! The troposphere of the motel was getting a dangerous level of Ozone (O3 luk it up) and the climate was beginning to change.
"if you dont' do whatever we say, " Sam cried, "We'll kill u with Urkel's laugh!"
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uM thank you but excuse me i already have a boyfriend???? his name is meesha kollins   and we'RE in LOVE  so please get off my lumps!!!
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Chpater 3! WIZERD PI
(AN: DuRR and ruRR, this is 4 u bbs! your my best firendz eva!!!)
IT WAASS…MAAT DAEMON!! (hes souper evil like u dont even no) (also hes rely hawt & has abz and mussels) “BOBY YOU CAN”T SUMMON SOM1 HOOTER THEN ME! NOW DAEN WILL NEVR WANT MAH HOT BOD” sam used bobvys belly as a tishew 2 dry his tears wen he creyed (but he was kindda hawt wen he was creyning) (but not as hawt as matt daemmiin) SUDNEDLY! they herd karnerns voise form the kichen. “i made sum pi for deen!” sham ran to the kitten and 8 all teh pie in 1 bit. ‘”’now u haf ta kisth meh two geth any pi daan’ sam siad thro his mothfull of pi. “NOOOOOO”O shuted cadtiel and matt demnon in youneson “heS MIYNE U CN”AT HEV HIME!” Deena was stuk in the midlel of a triangel of men tat all wnanted the d.ean. He didnet no wat 2 do, so he called ronaldo wesley. dean new that a wizzerd could get him more pie. sammeh creied agin baecaze her new he cold net compeet with all the hawt abss. math daemen took of his shrit and thro it over sames fase. deen 8 sum pie after ron gav it 2 hem. “we gotta gank this demnen now” daen said as every1 pholowed hime in2 the motel rom. “know know listnen guise u cannt kill me yet. if uoy kill me now you well never no who iwerk 4.” “who do u work 4?” assced bobily as he rowled in2 the rom. Their was a pergnent paws... ………… … …….. .. “I can”t tel u.” he sad, floppining on te bed. “okya” sad cas. “lettuce whatch the movey box nao” and he picced up the remote 2 philip channels. BUT…. SUDDNENLELEY…..!!!.!...!!! DUN DUuUuUUuuuuUUuuUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN…… (AN: so short but lotsEs off susepence ppl! Plz red next chatper 2 find owt what hapnens!!)
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Chapter 2: SUspence.......
(AN: this isfor my freinds DURR and JURR. I LUV U GURLz 5evaaaaa. Ur so kaawai! ^>^!!!!) IT WAZ..........................CASSTEIL!!!!!!!!! (if u dont know who tht is ur not a christien or watch supernatrel cuz hes an angle DUH) Caas walked gayly(because he loves ddean DUh) into the room. He was still scarred but super sexxy bcause bovvy was doing black magick(kind of like on that movie the craft but diff). He used the other door bcuz Bobby was in the way fo the other 1. sam and Karren watcjed cass in his sexy trechcoat. dean starred at the angle gayly an sam cryed becaus4 cas was always trying to steal dean from him(every one in this show id gay if u don liek it leve!!!!!!). “no bobby, u cant do this!” sayd casteil angeredly. “lets talk about this”. Bobby scremed “GERT ERT A MER HERSE i hurt urngerls get awer! arwill kill yer!! !”. bobly hates all agles but he waz still stcuk so he couldnr do anything. Casteil walked sexily to the black magik book but rite then bobyl shoke his huge stomak and broke the walls. ther was lots of mess but keren culd clean ir because thas what zombie wives due and she loved bobby soooo much. Sam scremed ad cryed more bcause he is always afriad. Also he is emo andhe wants t look lie gerard way. Also he was sad that angels have hOtter abs ten him,. deann ran to sav e his bf casstei(they r datin now i forgott) but it wuz to late! Booby hit cas in the fase with the book. The n he set it on the alter with blod red cltoh and lots of caandles. He had deamonic simbles like pentacals to. (BUT it's ok cuz boby is still good. He only uses magic to sumen demens andkil them.) every1 gasped but cass was unconshous becuz booby is raelly strong. Also now he dosnt have any powers cuz the book was cursed wit blak magique. Bobly stared chanting dark magik spells. “GOTHBA THEFBATH FITHROY DAKA DIOBLA SHAIM NOS” (id ont speak latin tis is jus what is sounds like. plz no haterz) there waz smoke and electisity and the house was craking apart. Sam hugged dean and cried, dean grabed his giant bag of salt and a gun. no 1 knew wher vobbys zombie wife went but she ws already dead so she wasnt scared. SUDDENLY........................there was a figur in the smoke. u coudnt see his fase but he was really hot anywya. IT WAS.............................(DUN DUN DUN)..................... (AN: im sorry this chapter is soooooooo short. I tried to make it suspencefull. next 1 wil b sooooooo shocking i promise so plz read.)
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CHAPTER ONE: The Beginning
The Begginning 
(AN this is dedicatined to my best Friends rurr and jurr love u giuse!!! STAHP IT!! xP)
Once upon a time in a land NOT SO far away there lived two brothers who took acid and hunted ghosts. They were total bad boys which was really hot and sometimes they would even take off their shirts. (hNNNG) THey both had the kind of abs you could fry eggs on top they looked like six packs like litle bundles of dragon eggs just waiting to burst forth into dragon-shaped symbols of MANLINeSS.
Right now they are inside on a dark and stormy night-- picture a house tall and spooky. All the windows had lines of salt on their sills to protect them from ghosts because ghosts can't cross salt DUH its a scientific fact. In the distance, a dog barks.
The brothers are in their bedding room, looking like Calvin Klein models in just jeans and skin suits (those are like birthday suits but HOTTER(.
Dean looked sultrily across the room. "Sam...," he pauses and licked his pawses. 
Sam flipped his hair dramatically and looked up at his bro. "What," he replied angstily.  
"I think we should...--" but Dean was cut off before he could reveal his deep dark emotional secret.
"BOYS," a throaty voice called from downstairs, "Get yer dang nibbit flibbin idjit booders down hur."
"Warden calls," Sam sighed. "Sometimes I feel like I'm in a prison of my own despair." Then Sam cried a litle and it was like the tears of a kiten because it was so small but so cute and meaningful. His tears wrote a haiku of sadness on his abbs.
I can't date my bro
Because he's not a homo
I will change that soon
Downstairs, Bobby jiggles in heftily. "Karen where are ye get thur dinnur in hur." 
Bobby's zombie wife shufled into the room zombily, pressing up against the wall to get past Bobbby's immense girth. "Booby where did you want me to put the STEAK>" Karen choked on her words like the cute, ebullient sound of a dog preparing to vomit--it was because most of her throat was missing (common zombie problem plz dont judge).
Bobly turned and some of his phone collection dislodged fro the wall as his stomach swept past. "Dern gremert I swer thurs rurms are gertin smralmer evur dur." 
"Oh Bibly," Karen smiled dreamily. Some of her teeth were missing but Boibly leaned in for a kiss. He loved his wife the way TSwizzle loves the boy in Sparks Fly. In fact, that was THEIR SONG and it was by singing the lyrics, "Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around" in a black magique spell after she was possesed that brught her back to life to be with him (5ever) as a hot zombie wife.
"What's up man," Dean huffed, tiffed at missing out on his chance to bond with his bro (wincest LOL!!! xP).
"Alright bers now thurs anerther demon out thur but he's nurt lirk aner urv the wurns ur've furt befur."
"What do you mean, Biblo?" Dean squeaked like a dchipmunk. He was nervVous because it was a scary idea-- something unlike anything they'd ever fought before??? But they'd fought everything! From Satan to Santa to a unicorn to the own depths of their self-loathing....
"I'll show yer," Bily barked, and heaved a massive dark magique book from under his goiter. 
"No! Bilbo STOP what are you doing??" said a voice dumbly and scaredly.
THey all turned at onece!! Dean gasped, a tear flung from Sam's eyes and hit Karen, causing a worm to fall from her face, and Boblo tried to turn but got stuck between 2 walls. 
IT WAS....!!!!! (dUN DUN DUN)
(to be continued in cHPATER 2!!)
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