slavicgirluk · 2 years
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Sometimes putting past to rest is something that seems impossible to do. Your head is all overwhelmed with moments that you almost can touch, taste, smell and feel… but then you wake up from the illusion and you find yourself in the NOW- and this very moment of time travelling may feel uncomfortable and confusing. It can feel like you’re floating between now and then and you find yourself nowhere and that’s scary. But hear me out… What I understood some time ago is that nowhere is actually NOW-HERE, and that’s the best place to live in. You’re now and you’re here. All time and space is connected and you can take the essence from the past and add it to the steps that you’re about to take into your future. You can become active and conscious in building your next moment and you don’t have to feel sad about them becoming your spoken past tenses. Remembering that “I did this last year” can become as sweet as honey with no bitter aftertaste. It’s all simply because you’re choosing the new ways of creating experiences in your NOW-HERE space. And the stronger you feel standing in that space, the sweeter all the moments become. Your every step is sprinkled with possibilities and limitless thirst for life and new paths in this amazing newly discovered space. You are writing your own story after all, just with the difference that you’re the lead actor who gets to enjoy the ride as you let your creativity flow through you. It’s up to you to change unpleasant nostalgia tenancy into the land of abundance and prosperity. As our well known nostalgia gives you the urgency to turn back time just to feel a certain way this one more time… yet your own NOW-HERE land is actually constantly providing with the sweet fruit of your creation as you go. And sometimes that’s the only choice you need to make to actually not only enjoy your reality but also understand your power of creating it. And NOW-HERE can become your own masterpiece, place of joy and freedom that no one can take away from you... So, tell me… What do you see yourself creating now that you know that it’s up to you?
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slavicgirluk · 2 years
The bond between a human and their pet is actually so impressive. We don’t speak the same language, we don’t even have the same likes/dislikes (and for sure our reaction to the intercom sound is opposite) but yet it seems that in moments of stillness we are connected and we understand one another telepathically almost. And love is pure on both ends. Unconditional.
I remember the time when I didn’t have any dog- it was the gap between when my previous dog passed and I got Foxy- at times it felt like there is no real purpose in being outdoors. And I actually enjoy nature, yet I could feel this lack of purpose and lack of enjoyment. I feel it’s because when I have my little fluff ball with me- I can feel this real joy in exploring. Her little paws want to touch every bit of different surfaces- eyes are always cautious and curious. And ears react to any sound that’s outside of the usual range. And that’s how we go. I have my music in my headphones, she has her outside world noises to be aware of- and we move rhythmically towards no destination. Or sometimes we just sit down and observe.
Ah, there is an actual joy in this connection. And I can only hope if she could write in her dog journal, she would have similar things to say… ;)
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