skyfelzz · 9 days
My birthday is 13 November so uhhhhhh
Forget your zodiac sign, what was your UA video based on your birthday?
Mine was pee sauna.
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skyfelzz · 1 month
me when i wanna talk about my special interests but i got the vampire autism where you gotta invite me to talk about smth first, otherwise i wont say shit or dont know what to say because i feel like im annoying
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skyfelzz · 4 months
go to this random coordinates generator and say in the tags how you would fare if you were dropped where it generates without warning. i’ll go first i’d be dropped in the middle of the fucking south atlantic ocean and perish
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skyfelzz · 8 months
THROUGH A RAPIST’S EYES” (PLS TAKE TIME TO READ THIS. It may save a life, It may save your life.)
An Article from Neena Susan Thomas
“Through a rapist’s eyes. A group of rapists and date rapists in prison were interview…ed on what they look for in a potential victim and here are some interesting facts:
1] The first thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle. They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun! , braid, or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed. They are also likely to go after a woman with long hair. Women with short hair are not common targets.
2] The second thing men look for is clothing. They will look for women who’s clothing is easy to remove quickly. Many of them carry scissors around to cut clothing.
3] They also look for women using their cell phone, searching through their purse or doing other activities while walking because they are off guard and can be easily overpowered.
4] The number one place women are abducted from / attacked at is grocery store parking lots.
5] Number two is office parking lots/garages.
6] Number three is public restrooms.
7] The thing about these men is that they are looking to grab a woman and quickly move her to a second location where they don’t have to worry about getting caught.
8] If you put up any kind of a fight at all, they get discouraged because it only takes a minute or two for them to realize that going after you isn’t worth it because it will be time-consuming.
9] These men said they would not pick on women who have umbrellas,or other similar objects that can be used from a distance, in their hands.
10] Keys are not a deterrent because you have to get really close to the attacker to use them as a weapon. So, the idea is to convince these guys you’re not worth it.
1] If someone is following behind you on a street or in a garage or with you in an elevator or stairwell, look them in the face and ask them a question, like what time is it, or make general small talk: can’t believe it is so cold out here, we’re in for a bad winter. Now that you’ve seen their faces and could identify them in a line- up, you lose appeal as a target.
2] If someone is coming toward you, hold out your hands in front of you and yell Stop or Stay back! Most of the rapists this man talked to said they’d leave a woman alone if she yelled or showed that she would not be afraid to fight back. Again, they are looking for an EASY target.
3] If you carry pepper spray (this instructor was a huge advocate of it and carries it with him wherever he goes,) yelling I HAVE PEPPER SPRAY and holding it out will be a deterrent.
4] If someone grabs you, you can’t beat them with strength but you can do it by outsmarting them. If you are grabbed around the waist from behind, pinch the attacker either under the arm between the elbow and armpit or in the upper inner thigh – HARD. One woman in a class this guy taught told him she used the underarm pinch on a guy who was trying to date rape her and was so upset she broke through the skin and tore out muscle strands the guy needed stitches. Try pinching yourself in those places as hard as you can stand it; it really hurts.
5] After the initial hit, always go for the groin. I know from a particularly unfortunate experience that if you slap a guy’s parts it is extremely painful. You might think that you’ll anger the guy and make him want to hurt you more, but the thing these rapists told our instructor is that they want a woman who will not cause him a lot of trouble. Start causing trouble, and he’s out of there.
6] When the guy puts his hands up to you, grab his first two fingers and bend them back as far as possible with as much pressure pushing down on them as possible. The instructor did it to me without using much pressure, and I ended up on my knees and both knuckles cracked audibly.
7] Of course the things we always hear still apply. Always be aware of your surroundings, take someone with you if you can and if you see any odd behavior, don’t dismiss it, go with your instincts. You may feel little silly at the time, but you’d feel much worse if the guy really was trouble.
1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do: The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do it.
2. Learned this from a tourist guide to New Orleans : if a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from you…. chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and/or purse than you and he will go for the wallet/purse. RUN LIKE MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION!
3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car: Kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy. The driver won’t see you but everybody else will. This has saved lives.
4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping,eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc. DON’T DO THIS! The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side,put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU CLOSE the DOORS , LEAVE.
5. A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage:
a. Be aware: look around your car as someone may be hiding at the passenger side , peek into your car, inside the passenger side floor, and in the back seat. ( DO THIS TOO BEFORE RIDING A TAXI CAB) .
b. If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door. Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars.
c. Look at the car parked on the driver’s side of your vehicle, and the passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out. IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)
6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. (Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot).
7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN! The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; And even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN!
8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP IT! It may get you raped, or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often asked “for help” into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next victim.
Send this to any woman you know that may need to be reminded that the world we live in has a lot of crazies in it and it’s better safe than sorry.
If u have compassion reblog this post. ‘Helping hands are better than Praying Lips’ – give us your helping hand.
REBLOG THIS AND LET EVERY GIRL KNOW AT LEAST PEOPLE WILL KNOW WHATS GOING ON IN THIS WORLD. So please reblog this….Your one reblog can Help to spread this information.
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skyfelzz · 10 months
All of the attacks I’ve made during ArtFight 2023
Pt. 1
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Characters belong to their rightful owners:
Cyan belongs to @/PhoenixMasked (on twitter and instagram)
T. Belongs to @/SkeleHearts (on twitter)
Linus Harlan belongs to @/Mari_papercat (on Instagram)
Enya belongs to @galaxynatiart
Spill belongs to @/SirSirtuin (on Twitter)
Bella Young belongs to @blackwolfnsr
Wendy darling belongs to @kiquidd
23 notes · View notes
skyfelzz · 1 year
I only posted fanart here before so lemme present to you, my first oc post: artfight banner LOL
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6 notes · View notes
skyfelzz · 1 year
I inked the entirety of Future Utopia Island
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6 notes · View notes
skyfelzz · 1 year
Tumblr Sexyrematch info
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skyfelzz · 1 year
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I posted 18 times in 2022
13 posts created (72%)
5 posts reblogged (28%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 15 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#my art - 5 posts
#art - 5 posts
#fanart - 5 posts
#no straight roads - 4 posts
#nsr - 4 posts
#nsr fanart - 4 posts
#drawing - 4 posts
#illustration - 4 posts
#artwork - 4 posts
#flintsky speaks - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#currently i have done 2 pairs but i still can't figure out how to thumb since i still need the empty space inside the hand to slot em in
My Top Posts in 2022:
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📕 School Exercise Book 📕
📕 Buku Latihan Sekolah 📕 📕 学校练习簿 📕
This is the 1st out of my 3 zine pieces!
Check out the zine here: https://nsrmalaysiazine.carrd.co/
HAPPY 2ND ANNIVESARRY NSR!! Man i should have posted this a longgg time ago but i figured this would be the perfect time to post the 3 pieces I contributed for the NSR Malaysian Zine as well since it's also almost our Independence day
Halfway through the zine I was promoted as a UI/UX mod for the zine, so yes, I made the zine carrd site! :P (with the help and guidance of @softlight289 and some feedbacks) Might not look too nice compared to other sites but hey, I learned quite a lot of stuff and gained lotsa experience from being a mini-mod for the zine! >:D These will be separated posts cuz I have a LOT to talk about
Image description under the cut! :D
This used to be one of my cover art submissions that didn't get chosen, but decided to finish it anyway cuz why not :P Was looking back at my old exercise books that I doodled on and decided "why not" and made this piece XD I still doodle on em til this day, in a seperate exercise book of my own ofc haha
I gotta be very honest here, I don't have stickers and color pencils on my books, I only have stickmen and poor left-hand writing attempts. This book belongs to who? Up for yall to decide cuz honestly: it could be anyone >:)
I almost forgot to draw Sayu lol
26 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
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🌀 Gasing Under the Daylight 🌀
🌀 Gasing di Pancaran Matahari 🌀 🌀 在阳光下转陀螺 🌀
This is the 3rd out of my 3 zine pieces for the NSR Malaysian Zine!
As you can see, the titles kinda sucked since i have 0 idea how to title this piece
Check out the zine here: https://nsrmalaysiazine.carrd.co/
Image description under the cut! :D
Fun facts:
I mashed up both the timelapse of the original lost file and the timelapse for the redraw
This piece got like, 2 redraws, one is because of a file lost after updated Ibis, while the other is because I'm unhappy with the perspective and decided to redraw it
The coconut tree got the highest amount of redraws and it gets more and more realistic for each redraw.
The final thumbnail for this was made in my English module after I have finished all my work given by teacher
The house is from @softlight289 jetty piece >:)
yes as you can see the timelapse i struggled with the clouds so fren sent a ref and it helped me immensely
To be honest, this piece is kinda random, but my brain reminded me that I can't play the gasing and I want to deliver something cool so BOOM this piece is born XD
Good for Mayday for spinning the gasing successfully because until today I still can't spin the gasing properly for my life :')
37 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
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🌾Sabah, Land Below The Wind💨
🌾 Sabah, Negeri di Bawah Bayu 💨
🌾 风下之乡,沙巴 💨
This is the 2nd out of my 3 zine pieces for the NSR Malaysian Zine!
Check out the zine here: https://nsrmalaysiazine.carrd.co/
Image description under the cut! :D
I wanted to make an entire piece dedicated to my hometown Sabah, initially, I plan to go for the poker card style since ppl like to play cards during CNY but I can't work that out so it ended up being styled like a tarot card instead :P
As a Sino-Kadazan that grew up in West Malaysia, I only got to learn Chinese culture and missed the Kadazan part of my culture entirely. So now I'm trying to go back to my Kadazan roots by learning the language and culture after I graduated high school because by that time I will be able to go back to Sabah for a long while and slowly rediscover the other half of my missing culture >:)
I really want to make a piece to represent a part of what I personally know about Sabah and its culture since East Malaysia is often overshadowed by a lot of other stuff, and I decided to dedicate an entire piece just for Sabah, and this is why this piece means a lot to me.
In this piece, you can see Mount Kinabalu, the Sabah State Museum, The Tip of Borneo, Rafflesia, Nepenthes rajah, and the Kadazan culture with the patterns and also Mayday doing the Sumazau dance.
59 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
For my school's Maths room deco :P
Drawn on a broken mini table with paint markers
After 4 months I can finally announce that I've been dragged to submas and pokemon in general, I blame my twt moots /hj
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106 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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i don't think I post this here before, here's an update of the Neon J and 1010 cardboard figurines >:D
oh for the peeps who waited for over a year for this, sorry for the lack of updates skdjvbjbf-
254 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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skyfelzz · 2 years
man last night i had an RE7-8-esque dream with a school, mall and I forgot whats the other place but thats not the point cuz I dreamt about the Village of Shadows storybook being sold in one of the stores in the mall, except the content of the book is just the Pokedex from Pokemon Legends Arceus
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skyfelzz · 2 years
SPOILERS for the re8 DLC
everything else under the cut
just finish watching a playthrough and damn congrats for being one of the first games that made me tear a lil, ESPECIALLY with the letter
ok i know Ethan is like, dead and stuff but since he's in the DLC, imma continue counting the canonical damages he took
RE8 DLC Ethan Damage count: 1(184). he pushed rose to safety and fell onto floor 2(185). pushed rose to safety again and fell when the rocks are falling in the cave 3(186). slashed by miranda 4(187). grabbed? hit?? idk miranda get ahold of his left arm with the mold thing and then lifted up 5(188). le stabbed in da torso 6(189). fell from imbalance
right after he pushed rose down there's a chair coming behind him, did it hit him?
after he got le stabbed did miranda put him down or just dropped him? idk i cant see his character model]
TOTAL: 57 (RE7)+126 (RE8)+6 (SoR DLC) = 189
even in the hivemind dood still protects his daughter. respecc
RE7+RE8: My attempt in counting EVERY Ethan's CANONICAL damages/injuries he has taken (Warning: it's VERY LONG)
Yep, I have done the deed. (I know, I know, there's already maybe a few posts and videos out there on the internet that already list out all the canonical damages/injuries Ethan has taken, but STILL) Welp, I want the NUMBERS, sooo yea! Also, as I said in the title, it's very long, so if you're interested, everything is under the cut! >:D (Also, first ever contribution to the RE community, hi everyone XD) Rules: 1. Optional ones do NOT count, not even the leg got cut off by shovel one, since, ya know, it's optional, plus it also makes my job way easier :P 2. I count what I think would hurt on a daily life basis, don't care minor or major, I'M COUNTING EM. 3. I count the damages INDIVIDUALLY, so let's say if he got slashed 5 times at the same time that counts as 5 damages Exceptions: - Scene is too fast and I can't count them individually even if the clip is slowed down - All of it happens at once, for example, 4 sharp fingers of Lady D's stabbed through Ethan would count as 1 damage 4. To also make all of our life easier I numbered the damages 5. I will describe these damages as short as possible, but if u want me to make it more detailed, go ahead! tell me >:D 6. I'm too poor to own the games and can only rely on videos so pls, go easy on me :'D also, as a person who is sensitive to hand damages and has to constantly rewatch and reconfirm, this is HARD to make
OK, hoo boi, here we go!
RE7: Guesthouse/Encounter with Mia: 1. dropped from the broken ladder 2-3. got yeeted by Mia, hit the wall n drop on floor 4. pushed harshly to the floor by Mia 5-8. left arm was sliced 4 times by Mia 9. stabbed through left hand w/ knife by Mia 10-12. sliced twice on right arm once on left arm by Mia 13. left hand cut while holding knife by Mia 14. shoulder probably got stabbed by Mia 15. left wrist probably got twisted by Mia 16-17. yeeted through wooden wall n hit the floor by Mia 18. wooden planks fall on him when he got yeeted through said wall 19. grabbed hard on shoulders by Mia 20-21. slam on wall then floor by Mia 22. slam left arm to wall by Mia 23. pinned his left hand on the wall using a screwdriver by Mia 24. pull the screwdriver out 25. left hand got chainsawed by Mia 26. pushed to floor by Mia 27-28. "welcome to the family son" punch by Jack then falls on floor 29. head got stomped(true death) by Jack 30-31. got dragged on wet ass swampy grounds with stump on the left hand still prob in water
Dinner scene: 32. Lucas yeeted his plate to his face 33. Jack used a knife to cut somewhere around Ethan's mouth 34. hit on wooden floor while trying to untie himself from chair
Jack (Chainsaw fight): 35. got forcefully turned around by holding head 36-37. got kicked in stomach and drop on prob concrete floor
Margurite: 38-39. yeeted by Marguerite when attempting to enter crow door and hit the wooden floor 40-41. dropped through broken wooden floor and hit stone ground
Lucas: 42. tv explodes in his face 43-44. cake explodes in his face and impact on floor
Jack (Mutated): 45-46. got grabbed and slammed on floor 47. forced grabbed by Jack 48. swung and slammed on the ground Boat section: 49. knocked unconscious in water [Unsure: bring by mold, encased in mold]
Eveline: 50-51. slapped by Evie 2 times left and right 52. dropped from even greater height 53. left leg got stabbed through and lift up 54. got dragged 55. got hung upside down 56. got slapped 2 times 57. dropped from that height again
House: 1-2 (58-59). Knocked out with gun handle by chis squad then pass out 3 (60). got dragged on floor to put him in the vehicle
Entering Village/Village: 4 (61). car crash 5 (62). left hand got cut by barb wire 6 (63). slide down steep when entering village 7-8 (64-65). grabbed in the knee and pulled down through wooden floor by a lycan 9 (66). fall over when lycan bit him 10 (67). left hand got bitten and lost 2 fingers and chunk of hand by the same lycan 11-13 (68-70). got grabbed and yeeted out of wooden wall and slammed on the ground by the same lycan 14-16 (71-73). got grabbed, turned around, and sliced (face/chest???) by a lycan 17- 18 (74-75). got grabbed and yeeted by said lycan into river 19 (76). haven't bandaged left hand in river 20 (77). arrow in leg by a lycan 21 (78). pulls arrow out from the leg 22 (79). fall over/got pushed by Leonardo 23-25 (80-82). impact of 3 truck crashes 26 (83). smack wounded left hand on a wall 27 (84). jump down from the ledge [Unsure: the 2 cuts o his palm when he pushed the box in the first dark house he entered? where did those came from?]
Four Lords Meeting: 28 (85). some metal rod getting stabbed in the chest/stomach by Heisenberg 29-30 (86-87). got hit by crap ton of metals to the body and fall over 31 (88). dragged on ground stomach down with said wound prob got effected 32 (89). drop down to hole after meeting 33 (90). got hammered by Urias in the face 34 (91). slide on rough stone after Urias missed his hammer 35 (92). drop down from the slide and hit the ground 36 (93). multiple scratches from the rolling spike while breaking the cuff [Unsure: cuff break using spike, heat and sparks from friction]
Castle section: 37 (94). pushed by Bela and fall over 38-39 (95-96). both his knees got sickled by Lady D's daughters 40 (97). right side of body hit a chair while got dragged 41 (98). right wrist hit table leg while got dragged 42 (99). left hand wrist got cut for Lady D to suck blood 43-44 (100-101). both his hand got hooked and got hung up to the ceiling 45-46 (102-103). forced to pull both of his hands out of the hook 47 (104). drop down after unhook himself 48 (105). attacked by flies 49-50 (106-107). 2 flies coming out of his right hand 51 (108). drop down from height into a hole 52-53 (109-110). pushed through wood planks by Bela and fall over 54-55 (111-112). got grabbed up/choked in the neck then on head by Lady D 56 (113). got bodyslammed once by Lady D 57-58 (114-115). head slammed 2 times to the floor by Lady D 59 (116). pushed into the holed floor by Lady D 60-62 (117-119). drop through 2 floors and then hit on the stone floor 63 (120). right hand got severed by Lady D (and he sticks that back on like biology dosent exist) 64 (121). got lift up then yeeted by lady D and dropped on the floor 65 (122). grabbed by the wrist and got lift up but Lady D 66 (123). getting stabbed in the stomach by Lady D 67-69 (124-126). grabbed by the neck and getting yeeted through a thick ass stone wall and glass and hit floor, 70-72 (127-129). grabbed and got yeeted/slammed on wall then floor, 73 (130). hit by lots of debris during the end of Lady D boss fight on tower 74-75 (131-132). got grabbed by Lady D again, drop from very great height and hit stone floor
Dollhouse section: 76 (133). fell over while defending dolls 77 (134). thumb got bit by Angie 78 (135). pushed by Angie and fall over
Varcolac assault: 79 (136). fall over 80 (137). getting bitten in the waist/stomach 81 (138). clawed through the stomach 82 (139). left knee got bitten 83 (140). get dragged from that 84 (141). stomach got bitten 85 (142). right leg got bitten 86-87 (143-144). getting swung dragged and yeeted
Reservoir: 88 (145). acid drops after taking the flask 89 (146). got attacked by Night Howl 90 (147). getting pushed by Chris then fall over 91 (148). yeeted by Moreau into water 92 (149). jump over ramp and hit the ground
Factory section: 93 (150). pushed to chair 94 (151). drop into hole and hit the floor 95 (152). slide in tunnel at a high velocity 96 (153). dropped from great height to flat scrap metal 97 (154). drop on the floor after stop fan using gun 98-99 (155-156). fall over when hit by 1 metal in the metal whoosh when Ethan tryna escape at the end of the section 100 (157). sparks from the mutating Heisenberg 101 (158). dropped from great height into water 102 (159). pressure on the left hand wound when getting up from the water 103-107 (160-164). Chris suddenly grabbed Ethan and turn him over and getting punched and kicked by Chris and fall over 108 (165). slightly pushed Ethan on the tank 109 (166). got lift up n explosion 110-111 (167-168). drop with tank, electric sparks when Karl tryna cut Ethan 112 (169). got lift to a great height by waves idk my science 113 (170). hit by tank 114 (171). explosion: round 1 115 (172). drop from said great height 116 (173). explosion: electric boogaloo
Miranda: 117-119 (174-176). 3 crows to the face when Miranda transforms 120-121 (177-178). getting heart ripped out and fall over 122 (179). pushed and fall over when grabbing Rose 123 (180). got wrapped/grabbed/pinned/idk by mold
Ending: 124 (181). right hand crumbles 125 (182). fall over with knees 126 (183). detonate bomb and explode (RIP)
TOTAL: 57(RE7)+126 (RE8) = 183
Conclusion: Ethan Winters has CANONICALLY taken 183 damages throughout RE7 and RE8, welp let's take a moment to like, digest that for a while.
[P.S. Thanks for probably like, the 2 ppl who actually read this entire post, I appreciate ya! :D]
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skyfelzz · 2 years
Every night you dream that you talk to a genie, when you wake up you can't remember what you wished for. One morning you wake up with a giant crab pincer replacing your right arm. What do you do?
Live with it ig, having a cool ass pincer is dope tho
0 notes
skyfelzz · 2 years
For my school's Maths room deco :P
Drawn on a broken mini table with paint markers
After 4 months I can finally announce that I've been dragged to submas and pokemon in general, I blame my twt moots /hj
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116 notes · View notes
skyfelzz · 2 years
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🌀 Gasing Under the Daylight 🌀
🌀 Gasing di Pancaran Matahari 🌀 🌀 在阳光下转陀螺 🌀
This is the 3rd out of my 3 zine pieces for the NSR Malaysian Zine!
As you can see, the titles kinda sucked since i have 0 idea how to title this piece
Check out the zine here: https://nsrmalaysiazine.carrd.co/
Image description under the cut! :D
Fun facts:
I mashed up both the timelapse of the original lost file and the timelapse for the redraw
This piece got like, 2 redraws, one is because of a file lost after updated Ibis, while the other is because I'm unhappy with the perspective and decided to redraw it
The coconut tree got the highest amount of redraws and it gets more and more realistic for each redraw.
The final thumbnail for this was made in my English module after I have finished all my work given by teacher
The house is from @softlight289 jetty piece >:)
yes as you can see the timelapse i struggled with the clouds so fren sent a ref and it helped me immensely
To be honest, this piece is kinda random, but my brain reminded me that I can't play the gasing and I want to deliver something cool so BOOM this piece is born XD
Good for Mayday for spinning the gasing successfully because until today I still can't spin the gasing properly for my life :')
42 notes · View notes
skyfelzz · 2 years
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🌾Sabah, Land Below The Wind💨
🌾 Sabah, Negeri di Bawah Bayu 💨
🌾 风下之乡,沙巴 💨
This is the 2nd out of my 3 zine pieces for the NSR Malaysian Zine!
Check out the zine here: https://nsrmalaysiazine.carrd.co/
Image description under the cut! :D
I wanted to make an entire piece dedicated to my hometown Sabah, initially, I plan to go for the poker card style since ppl like to play cards during CNY but I can't work that out so it ended up being styled like a tarot card instead :P
As a Sino-Kadazan that grew up in West Malaysia, I only got to learn Chinese culture and missed the Kadazan part of my culture entirely. So now I'm trying to go back to my Kadazan roots by learning the language and culture after I graduated high school because by that time I will be able to go back to Sabah for a long while and slowly rediscover the other half of my missing culture >:)
I really want to make a piece to represent a part of what I personally know about Sabah and its culture since East Malaysia is often overshadowed by a lot of other stuff, and I decided to dedicate an entire piece just for Sabah, and this is why this piece means a lot to me.
In this piece, you can see Mount Kinabalu, the Sabah State Museum, The Tip of Borneo, Rafflesia, Nepenthes rajah, and the Kadazan culture with the patterns and also Mayday doing the Sumazau dance.
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skyfelzz · 2 years
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📕 School Exercise Book 📕
📕 Buku Latihan Sekolah 📕 📕 学校练习簿 📕
This is the 1st out of my 3 zine pieces!
Check out the zine here: https://nsrmalaysiazine.carrd.co/
HAPPY 2ND ANNIVESARRY NSR!! Man i should have posted this a longgg time ago but i figured this would be the perfect time to post the 3 pieces I contributed for the NSR Malaysian Zine as well since it's also almost our Independence day
Halfway through the zine I was promoted as a UI/UX mod for the zine, so yes, I made the zine carrd site! :P (with the help and guidance of @softlight289 and some feedbacks) Might not look too nice compared to other sites but hey, I learned quite a lot of stuff and gained lotsa experience from being a mini-mod for the zine! >:D These will be separated posts cuz I have a LOT to talk about
Image description under the cut! :D
This used to be one of my cover art submissions that didn't get chosen, but decided to finish it anyway cuz why not :P Was looking back at my old exercise books that I doodled on and decided "why not" and made this piece XD I still doodle on em til this day, in a seperate exercise book of my own ofc haha
I gotta be very honest here, I don't have stickers and color pencils on my books, I only have stickmen and poor left-hand writing attempts. This book belongs to who? Up for yall to decide cuz honestly: it could be anyone >:)
I almost forgot to draw Sayu lol
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skyfelzz · 2 years
since DLC was announced lemme reblog my only contribution to resi so far, which is counting damages lmao
RE7+RE8: My attempt in counting EVERY Ethan's CANONICAL damages/injuries he has taken (Warning: it's VERY LONG)
Yep, I have done the deed. (I know, I know, there's already maybe a few posts and videos out there on the internet that already list out all the canonical damages/injuries Ethan has taken, but STILL) Welp, I want the NUMBERS, sooo yea! Also, as I said in the title, it's very long, so if you're interested, everything is under the cut! >:D (Also, first ever contribution to the RE community, hi everyone XD) Rules: 1. Optional ones do NOT count, not even the leg got cut off by shovel one, since, ya know, it's optional, plus it also makes my job way easier :P 2. I count what I think would hurt on a daily life basis, don't care minor or major, I'M COUNTING EM. 3. I count the damages INDIVIDUALLY, so let's say if he got slashed 5 times at the same time that counts as 5 damages Exceptions: - Scene is too fast and I can't count them individually even if the clip is slowed down - All of it happens at once, for example, 4 sharp fingers of Lady D's stabbed through Ethan would count as 1 damage 4. To also make all of our life easier I numbered the damages 5. I will describe these damages as short as possible, but if u want me to make it more detailed, go ahead! tell me >:D 6. I'm too poor to own the games and can only rely on videos so pls, go easy on me :'D also, as a person who is sensitive to hand damages and has to constantly rewatch and reconfirm, this is HARD to make
OK, hoo boi, here we go!
RE7: Guesthouse/Encounter with Mia: 1. dropped from the broken ladder 2-3. got yeeted by Mia, hit the wall n drop on floor 4. pushed harshly to the floor by Mia 5-8. left arm was sliced 4 times by Mia 9. stabbed through left hand w/ knife by Mia 10-12. sliced twice on right arm once on left arm by Mia 13. left hand cut while holding knife by Mia 14. shoulder probably got stabbed by Mia 15. left wrist probably got twisted by Mia 16-17. yeeted through wooden wall n hit the floor by Mia 18. wooden planks fall on him when he got yeeted through said wall 19. grabbed hard on shoulders by Mia 20-21. slam on wall then floor by Mia 22. slam left arm to wall by Mia 23. pinned his left hand on the wall using a screwdriver by Mia 24. pull the screwdriver out 25. left hand got chainsawed by Mia 26. pushed to floor by Mia 27-28. "welcome to the family son" punch by Jack then falls on floor 29. head got stomped(true death) by Jack 30-31. got dragged on wet ass swampy grounds with stump on the left hand still prob in water
Dinner scene: 32. Lucas yeeted his plate to his face 33. Jack used a knife to cut somewhere around Ethan's mouth 34. hit on wooden floor while trying to untie himself from chair
Jack (Chainsaw fight): 35. got forcefully turned around by holding head 36-37. got kicked in stomach and drop on prob concrete floor
Margurite: 38-39. yeeted by Marguerite when attempting to enter crow door and hit the wooden floor 40-41. dropped through broken wooden floor and hit stone ground
Lucas: 42. tv explodes in his face 43-44. cake explodes in his face and impact on floor
Jack (Mutated): 45-46. got grabbed and slammed on floor 47. forced grabbed by Jack 48. swung and slammed on the ground Boat section: 49. knocked unconscious in water [Unsure: bring by mold, encased in mold]
Eveline: 50-51. slapped by Evie 2 times left and right 52. dropped from even greater height 53. left leg got stabbed through and lift up 54. got dragged 55. got hung upside down 56. got slapped 2 times 57. dropped from that height again
House: 1-2 (58-59). Knocked out with gun handle by chis squad then pass out 3 (60). got dragged on floor to put him in the vehicle
Entering Village/Village: 4 (61). car crash 5 (62). left hand got cut by barb wire 6 (63). slide down steep when entering village 7-8 (64-65). grabbed in the knee and pulled down through wooden floor by a lycan 9 (66). fall over when lycan bit him 10 (67). left hand got bitten and lost 2 fingers and chunk of hand by the same lycan 11-13 (68-70). got grabbed and yeeted out of wooden wall and slammed on the ground by the same lycan 14-16 (71-73). got grabbed, turned around, and sliced (face/chest???) by a lycan 17- 18 (74-75). got grabbed and yeeted by said lycan into river 19 (76). haven't bandaged left hand in river 20 (77). arrow in leg by a lycan 21 (78). pulls arrow out from the leg 22 (79). fall over/got pushed by Leonardo 23-25 (80-82). impact of 3 truck crashes 26 (83). smack wounded left hand on a wall 27 (84). jump down from the ledge [Unsure: the 2 cuts o his palm when he pushed the box in the first dark house he entered? where did those came from?]
Four Lords Meeting: 28 (85). some metal rod getting stabbed in the chest/stomach by Heisenberg 29-30 (86-87). got hit by crap ton of metals to the body and fall over 31 (88). dragged on ground stomach down with said wound prob got effected 32 (89). drop down to hole after meeting 33 (90). got hammered by Urias in the face 34 (91). slide on rough stone after Urias missed his hammer 35 (92). drop down from the slide and hit the ground 36 (93). multiple scratches from the rolling spike while breaking the cuff [Unsure: cuff break using spike, heat and sparks from friction]
Castle section: 37 (94). pushed by Bela and fall over 38-39 (95-96). both his knees got sickled by Lady D's daughters 40 (97). right side of body hit a chair while got dragged 41 (98). right wrist hit table leg while got dragged 42 (99). left hand wrist got cut for Lady D to suck blood 43-44 (100-101). both his hand got hooked and got hung up to the ceiling 45-46 (102-103). forced to pull both of his hands out of the hook 47 (104). drop down after unhook himself 48 (105). attacked by flies 49-50 (106-107). 2 flies coming out of his right hand 51 (108). drop down from height into a hole 52-53 (109-110). pushed through wood planks by Bela and fall over 54-55 (111-112). got grabbed up/choked in the neck then on head by Lady D 56 (113). got bodyslammed once by Lady D 57-58 (114-115). head slammed 2 times to the floor by Lady D 59 (116). pushed into the holed floor by Lady D 60-62 (117-119). drop through 2 floors and then hit on the stone floor 63 (120). right hand got severed by Lady D (and he sticks that back on like biology dosent exist) 64 (121). got lift up then yeeted by lady D and dropped on the floor 65 (122). grabbed by the wrist and got lift up but Lady D 66 (123). getting stabbed in the stomach by Lady D 67-69 (124-126). grabbed by the neck and getting yeeted through a thick ass stone wall and glass and hit floor, 70-72 (127-129). grabbed and got yeeted/slammed on wall then floor, 73 (130). hit by lots of debris during the end of Lady D boss fight on tower 74-75 (131-132). got grabbed by Lady D again, drop from very great height and hit stone floor
Dollhouse section: 76 (133). fell over while defending dolls 77 (134). thumb got bit by Angie 78 (135). pushed by Angie and fall over
Varcolac assault: 79 (136). fall over 80 (137). getting bitten in the waist/stomach 81 (138). clawed through the stomach 82 (139). left knee got bitten 83 (140). get dragged from that 84 (141). stomach got bitten 85 (142). right leg got bitten 86-87 (143-144). getting swung dragged and yeeted
Reservoir: 88 (145). acid drops after taking the flask 89 (146). got attacked by Night Howl 90 (147). getting pushed by Chris then fall over 91 (148). yeeted by Moreau into water 92 (149). jump over ramp and hit the ground
Factory section: 93 (150). pushed to chair 94 (151). drop into hole and hit the floor 95 (152). slide in tunnel at a high velocity 96 (153). dropped from great height to flat scrap metal 97 (154). drop on the floor after stop fan using gun 98-99 (155-156). fall over when hit by 1 metal in the metal whoosh when Ethan tryna escape at the end of the section 100 (157). sparks from the mutating Heisenberg 101 (158). dropped from great height into water 102 (159). pressure on the left hand wound when getting up from the water 103-107 (160-164). Chris suddenly grabbed Ethan and turn him over and getting punched and kicked by Chris and fall over 108 (165). slightly pushed Ethan on the tank 109 (166). got lift up n explosion 110-111 (167-168). drop with tank, electric sparks when Karl tryna cut Ethan 112 (169). got lift to a great height by waves idk my science 113 (170). hit by tank 114 (171). explosion: round 1 115 (172). drop from said great height 116 (173). explosion: electric boogaloo
Miranda: 117-119 (174-176). 3 crows to the face when Miranda transforms 120-121 (177-178). getting heart ripped out and fall over 122 (179). pushed and fall over when grabbing Rose 123 (180). got wrapped/grabbed/pinned/idk by mold
Ending: 124 (181). right hand crumbles 125 (182). fall over with knees 126 (183). detonate bomb and explode (RIP)
TOTAL: 57(RE7)+126 (RE8) = 183
Conclusion: Ethan Winters has CANONICALLY taken 183 damages throughout RE7 and RE8, welp let's take a moment to like, digest that for a while.
[P.S. Thanks for probably like, the 2 ppl who actually read this entire post, I appreciate ya! :D]
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