sing-o-clio · 22 days
Hey little info crowdfund to save me rereading the entire Aeneid tonight:
Anyone remember if his ship is named at all? I presume there’s more than one, given he shipwrecks at Carthage, but do any of the ships get names?
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sing-o-clio · 27 days
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Arctic Encounter
Artist : Arthur Wardle (1864-1949)
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sing-o-clio · 2 months
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the ancient flooded halls
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sing-o-clio · 2 months
The give me motivation via excitement poll:
Feel free to give your reasons or just be enthusiastic in tags/replies, I am having a Bad Time so it’s all appreciated🥰
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sing-o-clio · 2 months
Friend and I are debating whether something is common knowledge or not.
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sing-o-clio · 3 months
Hello! I apologize if im bothering, and wish you all the best in upcoming year! I wanted to ask, do you perhaps have some suggestions for modern plays ( written in last 20 or so years) inspired by greek tragedies (either serving as motifs or beibg retellings), particularly Oresteia? I am asking because I see lots and lits of literary retellings, but with few exceptions, rarely dramas. Thank you anyway, sorry for bothering, and have great holidays!
hi!!! i can think of a few but but because i'm more of a roman epic person the list is mostly plays i've actually seen. i think literary retellings are probably easier to find people talking about online because like. they aren't performed and so there's not the access barrier of needing to Go And See The Performance. and then also there are plays where you then can't get hold of the script! i'm also assuming you're interested in plays that aren't just translations / close adaptations of tragedies, because those are a lot easier to find and also like. more common?
here are some plays that i have either read or seen that fit your criteria and also fuck immensely:
the burial at thebes: a version of sophocles' antigone - seamus heaney
antigone the musical - marina mccready (does cool things w genre; version of antigone that has made me feel the most genuine sympathy for creon)
the cure at troy: a version of sophocles' philoctetes - seamus heaney (this isn't quite within the last 20 years but you may be interested anyway!)
phaedra's love - sarah kane (also a bit older but it's sooo good. although it is maybe more senecan tragedy than greek tragedy?)
phaedra - simon stone (based on euripides' hippolytus but also the plays by seneca and racine. but also it isn't any of them. but also it IS)
oresteia - robert icke (maybe my favourite play of all time ever) (robert icke has also done a version of oedipus but it was in dutch and i don't think it's possible to get the script?)
girl on an altar - marina carr (inspired by the oresteia but. not. also very cool in that it incorporates a Lot of iphigenia at aulis and yet iphigenia never appears. and then the whole play is about her)
also! if you aren't aware of the archive of performances of greek and roman drama productions database you might also want to rummage around in there! like i am Aware of things like a recent musical version of medea / iphigenia in splott but they are almost certainly in that extremely filterable database :D
also also clutuals pspspspsps if you have any particularly cool additions to this list. hi. hello.
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sing-o-clio · 3 months
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bits from the most recent etymonline column which may haunt me
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sing-o-clio · 3 months
can i ask for a landscape in perfumed letters? we're always going for characters but i love your landscape/cityscape work too! maybe something ancient?
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panicked thinking i lost this ask but it was just in a different inbox ^_^;;
[deviously pilfers your travel blog posts and shoves them together]
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sing-o-clio · 3 months
Personally I love it when a damp patch appears on my bedroom ceiling after a rainstorm. I adore it when water leaks through the wall of my house and into my blessed quarters. It just absolutely thrills me, the thought of having to pay through my nose to get it fixed, having some stranger come in to my house and make a nice big hole in my ceiling and attic wall. It's just my absolute favourite thing.
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sing-o-clio · 4 months
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demeter protecting persephone sketch
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sing-o-clio · 4 months
people new to ambiguous stories: THIS is what happened and if anyone disagrees with me i hate you and you are the worst person on the planet
people who are somewhat used to ambiguous stories: this is what i think happened but any interpretation could be correct and if you disagree with me that's cool!
people who get off on ambiguous stories: there's literally no way to know what happened for sure and i don't want to i don't even want to guess, any endings could be true they could also all be lies they actually all happened at the same time any and all interpretations are correct so long as someone believes in them AUGH THE CATHARSIS OF THE UNKNOWN
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sing-o-clio · 4 months
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Actually, you know what, one of the things I submitted this week was the no-i-story, so here is a snippet, because I have been revising the ever loving heck out of this thing, and I'm pretty proud of it. Even if the place I submitted to doesn't want it, I'm still happy with it.
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sing-o-clio · 4 months
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sing-o-clio · 4 months
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The Bacchae 
Directed by François Rochaix A.R.T. Season. November 21, 1997 to January 24, 1998 With Michael Edo Keane as Dionysos
Photos by Richard Feldman
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sing-o-clio · 4 months
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Sasha Dugdale, Deformations
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sing-o-clio · 4 months
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Galileo Chini, Icarus, 1907, Oil on canvas
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sing-o-clio · 4 months
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Cover of Scena Illustrata Magazine by Ezio Anichini (Feb. 1916)
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