sims3ski · 11 months
For the new people who are following me, have you tried my Aurora mod?
It triggers when a unicorn spawns in your world, with a typical 33% chance of it spawning at night.
Check it out:
Mod The Sims - Aurora Boreal - Unicorn Aurora Default replacement!
World in video: saaqartoq by @nilxis
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sims3ski · 11 months
Here is another mod overview video - this time it's about the chicken mod.
Version 2 of the mod
Update 09.07.2023
It’s no big secret (I mean it reads in this instruction) that I was not very happy how the chicken movement was working in the original version of this mod. So when I was working on the Dig For Treasure -mod I use the chicken’s move code to calculate where to dig and managed to improve the code a bit so I decided to do this update.
Note: Please delete any old chickens you have in your game if you download version 2.
1. The chicken’s movement should now be a bit more random.
2. With testing cheats on you now have an option to toggle chicken movement on/off. Even if this is off the chicken will still do the animations and change directions once in a while, but they will not move from the spot you put them in. By default this option is off.
3. Added option to feed chickens using seeds and produce on top of the original 5§ food. This is for you medieval/off the grid players – who try to play this game with no or very little money. If feeding your chicken using seed or produce the mod will just take the first seed/produce it find in your inventory and use that. So if you have some super special thing you don’t want to end up in your chicken remove it from your sim’s inventory first. The animation for feeding is the same regardless what option you use. Note, that anything deemed produce (including fish) can be used to feed the chickens.
4. The mod now has sounds! In a form of a separate .package where I attached all the sound files.
Note: If you have the original chicken coop in your game you can delete the sound file and the chicken will still have sounds. The mod will just use the sound files from the coop.
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sims3ski · 11 months
Lightning Enhanced Mod Release Trailer
In this mod, you will have an enhanced experience with storms in your game. Lightning will now cut through the skies, delivering more powerful strikes, and the overall visual effects will be stunning. You'll feel a greater sense of immersion as the storms become more intense and realistic. The enhanced lightning effects will add a new level of excitement and drama to the game, making each storm a memorable experience. Get ready to be amazed by the breathtaking visuals and the sheer power of nature in this mod! Instructions:
1- Put the required files in the mods/PACKAGES folder:
Lightning Crater (Math Mod)
Fog Merge (Math Mod) *If you have this file from my butterflies or fireflies mod, you do not need to download it.
2- Put the required files in the mods/OVERRIDES folder:
Clouds Texture (Math Mod)
Lightning Texture (Math Mod)
3- Choose the flavor that you like (Only one) and put in the mods/OVERRIDES folder:
Sky Lightning Flavor 1 Blue lightning
Sky Lightning Flavor 1 Yellow lightning
Sky Lightning Flavor 1 Purple lightning
Sky Lightning Flavor 4 All colors of lightning (Blue, Yellow and Purple) This mod does not conflict with lighting mods.
Download now:
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sims3ski · 11 months
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mesh by me
poor EA hair texture
retexture and convert to other sims games are allowed,but no paywall and early access,share it free pls.
💞@katsujiiccfinds @pis3update @sssvitlanz @wanderingsimsfinds
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sims3ski · 11 months
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» Tørsvall Village Center Map «
Updated May 2022
New map update! Yep I’m calling it the ‘village center’ now cause it sounds cute :) It’s been over 6 months since the last map I uploaded, and you can see the extra little area I’ve added in the upper right! The blank area next to that will be mainly residential.
Below the cut I’ll put a list of all the lots! I’ll include a link to lots that I’ve already showcased, and put lot names in italics if I haven’t decided on a name for it yet :)
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sims3ski · 11 months
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Nov. 25th, 2009 
Seeing how we’ve had an influx of male hair conversions lately, I thought I’d lend a hand to our female TS3 sims with this conversion of this Raon hair. The number is Raon55, it’s available for females only, ages teen through elder. Originally I made this for my own use, but I may as well share it so more people can get some use out of it. Enjoy! Download
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sims3ski · 11 months
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Dec. 2nd, 2010 
More Garden of Shadows Advent Calendar goodies! Today you get a set of five walls. Go HERE for details. :D
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sims3ski · 11 months
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Dec. 4th, 2010 
More Advent Calendar goodies! Get out of my garden…
There are two download choices: one has all the above files combined into a single package, while the other has them as individual files. Do whatever you want with these, and credit is always a nice thing. Speaking of credit, meshes and basic textures were both originally by Wood For Sims for TS2, except the scattered roses which were originally from Silent Hill and converted for use in TS2 by Aviolina.
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sims3ski · 11 months
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Dec. 7th, 2010 
Even more Advent Calendar goodies! I am awakened by the dream.  In the dream, my daughter is dead.  Her father is returning her body to me in pieces.  He keeps her heart.  I thought I screamed… 
Do whatever you want with these, and remember that credit is always a nice thing.  Meshes by me, artwork by Steven Archer and used with permission. Download
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sims3ski · 11 months
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Dec. 15th, 2010 
I uploaded some short nail accessories to Garden of Shadows. Also, if anyone’s tried to get a hold of me over the past… I don’t even know how long… and I haven’t replied, it’s because I’ve been dealing with some pretty shitty crap in the real world and it’s made me even flakier than usual with regards to things like PMs and such.  (For the record, water damage sucks.)  At any rate, I’m getting ready to head out of town for the holidays in just under a week, and I’ll make something of an attempt to catch up after the new year. 
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sims3ski · 11 months
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Dec. 17th, 2010 
A couple of sets for you on Garden of Shadows. 
Download Patterns Download Combined Walls Download Individual Walls
Download Jacket
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sims3ski · 11 months
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Dec. 21st, 2010
More for the Garden of Shadows Advent Calendar. Go HERE for details.
Download - Individual Files Download - Combined
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sims3ski · 11 months
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Dec. 21st, 2010
I started these with the intention of releasing them for the GoS advent project, but didn’t finish them before now.  No big deal, really, since it’s not like I really needed to have them done what with all the other elventy billion mostly-done projects I had to draw on… Anyway, this is a conversion of Wood For Sims’ TS2 ‘Nostalgia’ living room set, which was one of my favorites. I have to say I like it in TS3 even better.  It contains a sofa, loveseat, comfy chair, rocking chair, side table, single-tile coffee table, and television. (Just for the record, I didn’t convert the bookshelf because I don’t really like it.)  Previews show default color selections. Found under logical categories. Do whatever you want with these as long as you’re not claiming you made it or putting it on paysites of any kind. Credit to Wood For Sims for the original meshes. Let’s start making maps out of all the dead skin… DOWNLOAD INDIVIDUAL DOWNLOAD COMBINED
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sims3ski · 11 months
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Dec. 21st, 2010
This is one of those things I’ve wanted since the release of TS3, but only just now got around to finishing up. I know there was a version of this released ages upon ages ago, but as far as I’m aware that one didn’t morph right, and probably had some uv mapping issues as well as it was a simple numerical conversion rather than a new mesh. This, by contrast, is a new mesh. I scaled the male sneakers down a bit, matched the upper line of vertices to the female legs, and redid the uv mapping so you can use any pattern socks or stocking with these without having tiling problems. They’re available for everyday and athletic wear. Do whatever you want with these as long as you’re not claiming you made it or putting it on paysites of any kind. EA mesh and textures, tweaked by me. Inflict the worst of pleasures to make it all feel better. DOWNLOAD That’s it from me (individually and directly, at any rate) until after the new year. Hope everyone has a satisfactory, non-denominational capitalist, wintertime gift-giving season!
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sims3ski · 11 months
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Jan. 5th, 2011
Mostly for Repulsive Desire, who I know wanted these this way.  ;) My asylum items as individual packages. Loads and loads of previews because I went a bit overboard on this. Do whatever you want with these as long as you’re not claiming you made them or putting them on paysites of any kind. Bed, chair, EST machine, and torture machine originally converted from Silent Hill for TS2 by kativip.  Castable version textures by me mixed with original Silent Hill textures when needed. Poster textures from Left 4 Dead. Bottles and floor overlay 100% original by me. You throw away the gun. Did I tell you what’s to be done? I need it to kill just one. DOWNLOAD
Keep reading
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sims3ski · 11 months
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Jan. 8th, 2011
I’ve been working on these for much longer than I’d like to admit. These are a couple of meshes based on some that come from the store, but are slightly-somewhat-different. Enough that they’re ‘my own meshes.’ Whatever. You don’t need any store files for these, and they should all be stand-alone files. If you only like one but none of the others, you’re good to go. If you like them all, that’s also swell. I wanted cuffed jeans, so here they are. I also wanted a longish long-sleeved t-shirt, so here it is. Do whatever you want with these as long as you’re not claiming you made them or putting them on paysites of any kind. Jeans are available for everyday and career wear; shirts are available for everyday, athletic, and sleep wear. They’re the ones who’ll hate you when you think you’ve got the world all sussed out. They’re the ones who’ll spit on you, you’ll be the one screaming out. DOWNLOAD
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sims3ski · 11 months
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Jan. 9th, 2011
Now for teens. All morph states and LODs, blah blah blah etc etc. Textures are exactly the same as the adult version. Let me know if you run into any issues. DOWNLOAD
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