silentsthoughts · 1 year
My Thoughts On: Chapter 3
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Hey everyone!!! Sorry for the weird disappearance, life caught up to me so I had to take a break for awhile. I can't guarantee that I'll be posting weekly but we'll see but for now, let's sit down and talk about Chapter 3 (aka my favorite chapter).
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I loved it. That's it. End of entry.
I'm kidding--not the loving it part--I actually really did love Chapter 3 a lot for several reasons, definitely not because Cyno was in there no sir. To start off, I loved the eerie trippy-ness of it all simply because of the time loops and everything that had to do with dreams and consciousness and all that. I think that it was a nice twist and breakthrough from all of the typical, cliche storylines that we had previously encountered in the game. When we first met Nahida and she explained to us that we were in a time loop, I kid you not, my brain was struggling to take in half of the information on what was going on. Of course, it didn't get better when the storyline continued to progress...but on a side note, did anyone else cry when Dunyazard "died"? Cause I sure as hell did (and if no one did, then maybe I'm just a big cry baby).
Another thing that I absolutely loved in the chapter was the fact how 'real' it all felt. This one is kinda hard to explain but I really loved how Hoyoverse along with the VA's (I have it on ENG fyi) made each character come more into life and how raw(?) their emotions are. Like, you can just feel how hurt Nahida is when she talks about how she's always feeling less and second compared to Greater Lord Rukkadevata and you can just feel the sass that Tighnari and Kaveh have and you can feel the anger Dehya feels when fustrated AND we surely can't forget how distraught Scaramouche was when his Gnosis was being taken away. But it's not all of these characters, you can also feel the anger that surges within Traveler after Dunyarzad "didn't make it" and they took their anger out on the Eremites. Each characters' emotions felt so real and raw that you just can't help but feel so immersed in it all.
Besides the emotional aspect of it, I LOVED the teamwork that the Sumeru characters along with Traveler had done. Unlike Inazuma where it was "teamwork" (aka Traveler just did everything and was the errand runner more than anything), Sumeru used the power of compromise and friendship lol to come together and save their rightful archon. I lowkey felt like Traveler barely did anything cause all they did was just show up in front of the Grand Sage with AlHaitham and go to solitary confinement afterwards lmao except when fighting The Balladeer. Towards the end, when Rukkadevata had erased the memory of herself from the world, I was beyond shooketh because the fact that she can have the powers/abilities to do such a thing is crazy to me--which makes me believe that she's the third strongest amongst the archons (intellectually).
Of course, we can never forget about the ending where you ask questions about your future/sibling. Tell me why Nahida has been the ONLY useful archon that we've come across!? It's been 10,000 years and we have now finally learned shocking news that our sibling's presence has been recorded in Irminsul but not us. In case some of you guys have forgotten/didn't pay attention, Irminsul is the "core" of Teyvat and it records the history of Teyvat along with the people who reside within the world UNLESS you're a Descender. So in Traveler's case, we are the 4th Descender, meaning that they don't belong in Teyvat and everything about their journey is not recorded within Irminsul. I'm very interested to see how the story line will unfold now that we know our sibling IS part of Teyvat and if the Hydro Archon will be just as useful.
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Overall, I loved the chapter so much. It took a long time to complete but I really like how this time it extended to a total of 5 acts. I think by doing so, it gives the chapter time to develop not too fast but not too slow either so I'm hoping that Hoyoverse will continue on doing that--if not 5 acts, then at least 4. Now then I think this is a wrap for my thoughts on Chapter 3. I was initially thinking of doing the interlude chapters since they do play a key part to the story line as well but I think I might take a break from that for now and I might continue onto doing characters or something else. But in the meantime, thank you all so much and look forward to the next "My Thoughts On..." post.
Have a great day/night!!!
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silentsthoughts · 1 year
My Thoughts On: Chapter 2
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Hello everyone, I am BACK with another "My Thoughts On..." blog!! Last week, I mentioned that I was going to discuss about Chapter 2 to which I am and I'm very much excited to because I have A LOT to say about this chapter. So let's get right in to it!
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"So Silents, what are your thoughts on Chapter 2?," you may ask. Well, thanks for asking cause my thoughts on this chapter was that I was quite disappointed in it , if not "quite disappointed", I was very much disappointed in this chapter. I know a lot of you can relate to me as well (maybe) because--don't get me wrong, I still thought that it was pretty damn cool but the execution of the lore was just not it. Let me start of with Ayaka: at first she comes off as this sweet, innocent and good-natured woman right? Wrong. Cause a lot of people--mainly on Tik Tok--have pointed out the fact that she was the very first one to manipulate the Traveler in helping out the country and their crisis which was the Vision Hunt Decree. And of course, after what the Traveler had witnessed (We Will Be Reunited Chapter), they were even more desperate in wanting to find their sibling and just bounce out of Teyvat but things aren't easy, are they? But after the events that had occurred, it made the Traveler really get their shit together more so than ever and it's pretty obvious and shown based on the dialogue choices the moment we reach Inazuma (i.e. when Ayaka pleaded for help, you had the options to say that you weren't interested, along with other quests where Traveler had said something similar). Back to the main topic here, 'manipulate' is pretty intense of a word but if you really think about it, what she did do was well, manipulate you. If memory serves me right, she mentioned during the first meet that you two are "friends/allies" and that friends/allies should help one another out and in a sense, Ayaka went as far as guilt tripping the Traveler by saying that if they cared about others so much, then they should help out with the three people who had their Visions confiscated by the Vision Hunt Decree. Again, my memory is kinda foggy on that so please correct me if I'm wrong.
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The second point (more like person) I want to bring up is Yae Miko: sly, elegant and in my opinion, very manipulative which I'm not a fan of. Because we were already six feet deep into helping out the Vision Hunt Decree the Yashiro Commision way, Yae Miko decided to butt in and assist in the cause but THIS time, we were given the main task in breaching into Ei's Plane of Euthymia and only then, would we be able to change her mind since the Electro Archon roaming out and about is actually a puppet. I don't really have much to say about Yae Miko in all honesty but I just had to bring that topic up so I guess that leads me to my next point which is Raiden Shogun/Ei. I've seen a lot of people bash on Hoyoverse for failing in making Raiden an antagonist and I kinda agree cause goddamn she would make a really good antagonist, but I would be liar if I said that I didn't like her soft spoken self and her love for sweets (she's so cute, I love her). So far into the Archon Quest lore, Raiden has been the only archon who has gone hostile on us whether it was her puppet or not and I did find that a pretty interesting turn of events in the story. However, it was pretty unexpected and disappointing to realize that she's not cold hearted (we're talking about Ei here just an FYI) but if you really think about it: she actually is pretty cold hearted(?). The reason why is because her puppet was made by Ei herself and a puppet can't function properly without given commands so what was Raiden's orders? To find eternity and by doing so Raiden started the Vision Hunt Decree and the Sakoku Decree and thus was everyone's Visions were confiscated.
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My third and final point why I found Chapter 2 to be pretty disappointing to me is the lack of team work and communication amongst the characters. I felt like the story was made to be seen that everyone you have met in Inazuma had all combined forces and worked together and saved their home nation right? Wrong again. I felt like it was all of the Traveler's hard work (along with Teppei, RIP Teppei)that had managed to save the entirety of Inazuma and the burdens of the damn nation. They were given so many favors and requests and had to run so many errands to meet with that person, help the other, etc. and you can very much tell that the Traveler was tired of it but they still managed to do it because it if were me, I would've just up and left. I think another thing that made things worse is that everyone was so fucking useless when it came to the Traveler's sibling. I felt like no one had a sense of empathy or sympathy towards them and they were just like,"Oh no, you lost your sibling? Well that sucks but help us fight in this war."
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To sum things up, good lore (to an extent) but bad execution. I really do think that Hoyoverse could have done better in executing the Inazuma chapter but who am I to say y'know? But with that, I think that about wraps things up for my thoughts on Chapter 2!! I know that I said I had a lot to say but I'm not sure about that reading the entry again lol. To me, it felt like I did have a lot to say but oh wells. Next week, I shall be going over Chapter 3 which I am also excited to talk about because *spoiler alert* it's by far, my favorite chapter and you'll see why. Stay tuned for next week's thoughts and have a great rest of your week. Byezers!
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silentsthoughts · 1 year
My Thoughts On: Chapter 1
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Hello everyone, I am back with another "My Thoughts On..." post!! I hope you guys had a great and lovely Thanksgiving cause I, for sure, did. Anyways, today's topic is about--you guessed it--Chapter 1 of Genshin Impact woop woop!! I was very excited to type this up and share my thoughts on the storyline cause THIS time I did pay attention to the story line so almost everything is pretty fresh in my memory still. If I do get some details wrong, please spare me on that, it HAS been two years since Version 1.1 came out.  
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Alright I was gonna get carried away at first by starting off with the region and the soundtrack and all that but those subjects are for another time, I'm here to talk about the storyline. I would say that the entirety of Chapter 1 was quite anti-climatic in my opinion and hear me out on it: the biggest reason why I thought it was pretty anti-climatic was because we all knew that Zhongli was actually Rex Lapis/Morax (I'll just call him Morax since it's easier and faster to type). During that time when Chapter 1, Act 3 came out, I didn't play it yet so I was seeing spoilers EVERYWHERE and even before, after the end of Act 2, the whole fandom started theorizing that Zhongli was Morax based on his design and it was pretty damn obvious that even a kindergartener could probably tell. Lo and behold, he then reveals himself to be the former Geo Archon and give his Gnosis away blah blah blah Childe gets butt hurt that he got played so hard etc. etc. Basically the point here is that everything was right there in front of your eyes and it wouldn't be hard to miss at all.
Despite all of that though, there were beautiful moments played within the chapter. The first one was when you meet Xiao the first time. When that man appeared on screen, it was love at first sight. The second time was when we were fighting Osial and the Fatui to protect the Guizhong Ballistas and then Osial used his Spirit Bomb on us (it's super effective!!) and we all came falling down, only to have Xiao come to our rescue. I. guess what I'm saying is that Xiao was the main highlight of the entirety of Chapter 1 lol (can you tell that I'm a Xiao simp?). Even though I saw major spoilers on both Tik Tok and Twitter for Act 3, I still very much enjoyed it because it really does hit different when YOU'RE the one experiencing it.
Speaking of protecting the Guizhong Ballistas though, I never wanted to admit this but I failed to protect them twice(?). It's hard when you had a shit team that you thought was the most bomb team ever and the enemies are stronger than you cause you didn't know how to utilize artifacts and weapons properly . And I hated it cause I had to repeat the whole dialogue and cutscene about two times. I was lowkey so close on rage quitting if I failed the third time but it's what they say: "third time's a charm" and they were damn right about that cause I did succeed.
Overall, as anti-climatic and obvious the chapter was, I still very much enjoyed it and if I was given the chance to replay it again, I definitely would. Besides all that, I also found it quite disappointing how Zhongli didn't provide useful answers at all, considering the fact that he's the oldest archon amongst the original seven. But I guess he had his reason or something I guess.
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Anyways, this sums up my thoughts on Chapter 1 and if you guys are enjoying this so far, then please stay tuned next week for my thoughts and discussion on Chapter 2! I actually do have a lot to say about that chapter and I can't guarantee you guys that it'll be anything much positive. I do apologize that this entry is pretty short, I originally was gonna write the entire story process and my thoughts on them but I took down the whole idea cause I do tend to get side-tracked and since I'm here to only discuss about my thoughts on the storyline, I kept it strictly to that so I again apologize for the short entry this week. I promise (no promises) you guys that next week's entry will be much longer so please look forward to that and I'll see you all next week. Byezers!!
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silentsthoughts · 1 year
My Thoughts On: Prologue Chapter
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Hello everyone, welcome to this week's topic discussion on Genshin Impact!!! Originally, I was gonna wait till next week but I got too excited so that's why we're here. This week's thoughts I want to share will be about the Prologue Chapter! I know, we're going way WAAY back here but here me out, I wanted to share my thoughts about the recent chapter while it's still fresh in memory but where would be the fun in that, really? For my senior citizen/OG Genshin players out there, ya'll really know how it was back then. Times were great when we had to pick up each individual loot from every boss fights to trying to visit Diluc and/or Kaeya at their respective places (I see you Diluc and Kaeya simps out there, don't hide now). Anyways, without further ado, let's jump right into it, shall we? Before I really get into it, please don't come for me if I said something that wasn't aligned with the Prologue Chapter, it's been so long. Alright back to it.
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If I have to be brutally honest, I do have a lot of regrets on not paying attention to the Prologue Chapter. I really tried, I really did guys but I don't know what happened, something did lmao. My attention span to the chapter was so bad that I had already forgotten how Aether (since I play as Lumine) looked like and I thought that Venti was my long lost sibling. And yes, I do give you guys permission to come for me about that cause that was some wack ass logic of mine, I honestly had no idea why and how I came up with that conclusion. Every now and then, I do think about starting up a new game but I've worked too hard to get to where I am now (AR 59 BABYY!!) so all I can really do now is to just listen to the audio of the Prologue Chapter. I honestly was SUCH a big noob during the entirety of that chapter ya'll, it's near cringey when I think back to it *cringes in AR 59*, but now that I've been properly paying attention on the main story line lore, everything is starting to make sense to me. It was very hard for me to hide my amusement and ooh's and ah's during that chapter cause think about it: a mobile game that is super high quality without needing to pay for continuing the storyline, fluid animations, BEAUTIFUL soundtracks!?!? Oh hell yea, SIGN. ME. UP! Cringey and weird as this sounds but it was at that moment that I knew Genshin was gonna be my forever game, my comfort game and it still is two years later.
Again, my memories on this chapter is kinda fuzzy so please spare me on that but all I ever remembered doing during those times was just going to domains left and right and following Venti around as if he was a mad sus man (to which he kinda is, if you think it). I also remembered when we had to steal the Holy Lyre der Himmel, it was very much giving Thief/Assassin's Creed kind of and I hated doing that cause I am the WORST at stealth but I was able to complete it anyway. If I remembered correctly, I think you were able to play as Diluc in one of the domains unless I'm thinking of his story quest, but regardless I did not for the life of me, know how to play as him (and I still don't now that I have him). Regardless, I just remembered that there was a lot of fighting and going back and forth. Towards the end of the chapter when we start fighting Dvalin, I was lowkey freaking out cause I didn't know how to fight him along with not knowing how to utilize Venti lol.
Just right when the chapter was coming to an end, I remember when Signora came in and I was like,"Who the fu--oh.. *lowkey blushes*" Like, please tell me everyone had the same thought, it can't just be me right? Right? And of course, at the end of every Archon Quest, we get to ask questions about our life and it did take me awhile what Allogene and Gnosis meant until I had to do further research and do the whole coming-back-to-listen-to-the-audio to finally have a good grasp on what they are and their purposes. Also, does anyone remember when Diluc was talking about the Fatui and he was like,"If I have to choose between eating a slime and (something else, forgot what he said), I would rather be crushed by a meteorite." Something along those lines but I just found it so funny cause my guy rather choose death than do any of those things lmao.
Overall, I give the Prologue Chapter 7/10. The missing three points has nothing to do with Genshin or Hoyoverse, it's more towards my lack of attention during that chapter so I would give myself -10/10. But next week, I'll be discussing about the next chapter which will be the Liyue chapter! I'm so excited to give my input on that chapter because it's still pretty fresh in memory, but it's probably simply because I DID pay attention to the story line that time. See you all next week!!
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A/N: Hi everyone, I just want to say thank you for taking your time reading this sucky review/thought of mine on the Prologue Chapter. It's been a long week at work for me, so some things probably sounded repetitive or just didn't make sense at all so I would like to apologize for that. Besides the fact that I've been kinda brain dead, I couldn't really say much because I really don't remember the Prologue Chapter at all lolol. But again, thank you all so much for reading this and hopefully I won't be too tired and dead next week cause I really want to let you guys know my enthusiasm through each chapters and whatnot. Have a beautiful day/night everyone and I'll see ya'll next week!!
P.S. My posting days might be a little inconsistent, I'm trying to get into groove of this so until I figure things out for myself, you guys will be seeing me post up on random days each week.
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silentsthoughts · 1 year
"My Thoughts On..." Blog Intro!!!
Hello everyone! So I've been having this type of thought for awhile and I've decided that I want to publish a blog(s) based on my thoughts/constructive criticism on Genshin Impact. Whether it's a certain chapter, character, lore, region etc. I would type my thoughts about it. Now, TWO things I won't go over would be a certain weapon and it's uses on said character or a certain character and their build (sorry guys, I'm not the brightest in that area, I'm more of a lore/have fun typa gal). I'm pretty bad at explaining so hopefully you all will understand the more I publish. I like to consider myself as pretty down to earth and neutral when it comes to constructive criticism on Genshin Impact. It's probably unnecessary to put down some reminders but I would like to remind ya'll:
1. As stated, I WOULD NOT go over a certain weapon and it's uses along with a certain character and/or build.
2. As much as I love theories, I absolutely suck ass at formulating them cause corporate America be making me too brain dead to come up with such complex ideas. I certainly would put in my input but I won't go as far as making a whole chart.
3. Yes, I'm a pretty vulgar person and I will include curse words in my blogs but I do try to sound "professional" however, if my vulgar self is too much for you then you can always leave. Which leads to my next reminder..
4. This blog is all about positivity and fun. As this blog page grows (hopefully), I would hate to see a whole World War lll happening in the comments section. Also, please don't come for me if a certain opinion of mine offended you. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and so am I, so if an opinion of mine is something you find offensive, you're always obligated to leave.
5. PLEASE don't hesitate to ask me to share my thoughts on a specific something from the game!! I would LOVE to interact with you all and I'll try my best to get back to you guys and don't be afraid to put in your thoughts as well as long as it is a positive one!
That is probably all I can think of for the most part but otherwise....WELCOME EVERYONE!!!
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silentsthoughts · 3 years
Omg lmao I love this!!
I'm back with more Genshin sceneries. Yes, I'm a hoe for sunsets and sunrises in this game😩💦
(Also, please don't mind the white streaks you see on the bottom left of Bennett's pic, doing it to prevent my account getting hacked😗)
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silentsthoughts · 3 years
I'm back with more Genshin sceneries. Yes, I'm a hoe for sunsets and sunrises in this game😩💦
(Also, please don't mind the white streaks you see on the bottom left of Bennett's pic, doing it to prevent my account getting hacked😗)
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silentsthoughts · 3 years
Ah bless the Kamera in Genshin😌👌
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