scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
aka How much troll could a troll, troll troll, if a troll troll could troll troll.
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He’s a knowing troll, those are the worst kind. He think that by throwing insults people won’t notice that he never answered the question. 
@russianspacegeckosexparty is a big ole ephebophile. And bless him for it. I’m sure it kills him that he can’t ship Sterek publicly, but with how obsessed he is with them, he should probably stop spending time calling the kettle black and more time jacking off to his Scott/Older white man fantasies. 
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scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
@camelotpark decided to block me, but I thought I’d give him the courtesy of responding to his last post:
Saying Scott needed to learn  that lesson in that way is victim blaming.
That’s because you consider Scott to be the sole victim. You said yourself that words don’t beget retaliation though Scott was retaliating in his own way when he said that to Derek. This isn’t just an issue of a then b then c. This is a then b while c then d. Things are happening simultaneously and the answer isn’t always as easy as “they were mean to Scott so they’re bad”.
This is what you did and you not understanding that is your problem, not mine.
You not understanding how to read a sentence outside of your narrow-minded view is your problem, no matter how much you try to make it mine.
Another Scott stan bites the dust upon realizing that the only thing holding up their fave is their delusions.
I know that you need to justify me as a monster in your mind so you can block me and think you’re in the right. But what you did was completely create a problem and then set about the task of solving it in the most disrespectful and insulting way possible just so you could preserve the sanctity of Scott McCall. 
I hope you take time to think about what that really says about you and the friends you keep.
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scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
You aren’t touching Stiles/Gerard,because...
Because I said I’m not touching it and you don’t know how I feel about Gerard and Stiles and again it has nothing to do with this conversation. 
And again, I didn’t bring up Derek and Stiles, your friend did, and I didn’t make any comparisons and nothing blew up in my face. I responded to his inaccurate claim and I was right. You can’t make things up when the proof is literally right there. 
Of course intention matters, I don’t know why you keep fighting this. It’s probably because in your narrow-minded view “intention matters” = “everything this person did was correct and the person deserved it” which I’ve explained over and over is not the case. At this point, your misinterpretation is on you since I’ve corrected your stance several times. 
And trying to dismiss me for victim blaming when you won’t even consider all the victims in the narrative? Cute, but obvious. 
And now, I never said everyone views Scott through a race filter. I said that certain people perpetrate stereotypes  that are harmful to people of his race.
By viewing Scott through a race filter. For you, any interaction with Scott is based solely on his race and if it’s negative then it’s perpetuated by his race. This is what you do every single time anything even questioning him is posted. Must be racism! 
You wanna try and twist it into something that doesn’t show Peter is nothing more than a monster and Derek was fully complicit in it by doing absolutely nothing then again, keep it away from me. It’s not worth my time.
So presenting another view that is counter to yours but still correct is not worth your time? So why is your view worth my time exactly? And once again I tell you in explicit detail my meaning and you ignore it and then use that ignorance to assume my intention and present me as the enemy when you’re the one being combative and uncompromising. 
No amount of hurt words justify physical and mental assault. Full stop. It’s beyond the pale you are even trying to justify that.
Again, I never said it was justified, clearly and over and over. Pretending to ignore it so you can try and further paint me as the villain? Obvious. Nice use of “Beyond the pale” though. 
Then they could have left his ass alone. Let him fend for himself, but you and I both know they weren’t in Scott’s life out of the kindness of their hearts.
Your reading comprehension is not this bad, especially when I specifically stated in the section YOU quoted why they couldn't leave him alone. You’re letting your bitterness put blinders on you. 
Of course there are a million other reactions Derek and Peter could have had and similarly several different that Scott should have and could have had. The story was written for drama and conflict so we didn’t get that. But what we also didn’t get was a faultless teenager dealing with a villainous werewolf. If that were the case they wouldn’t have reconciled the two. 
I don’t know your obsession with woobifying Scott to the point of no self growth. He was not perfect nor was he supposed to be. You can still love him as a vulnerable character. You can still root for him to improve even where the text doesn’t call for it. 
I think this is more about Scott being a teenager than a “Man of Color”, @camelotpark. I don’t even think they knew Scott’s race enough to take it into account. 
You also act like Peter planned to attack Scott specifically that night. We know that’s not true. So no, don’t go into the woods and both animals in their natural habitat. You might get bit. 
You and @princeescaluswords love to get hyperbolic.  Derek has lashed out at Stiles because of his mouth/actions and it’s been pretty much decided by Stereks that Stiles deserved it. The scene with the quote he mentioned is in quite a few fics so yeah, we’ve already handled that, but thanks. 
Also, his example of Stiles’ S5 speech especially since there was no hate speech towards Scott at all. Though your interpretation of that scene is far from what the writers intended though you won’t admit your ideas are headcanons. 
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scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
I only brought up Derek and Stiles because your friend did so maybe direct that ire towards him? Also, not going to respond to the StilesvGerard stuff because this isn’t about them in anyway and I didn’t bring them up and you don’t know my thoughts on them so it’s unnecessary for this conversation.
First off, intention 100% matters. It’s what you judge literally everyone by. You say that everyone views Scott through a race filter and you do that because for some reason you claim to know their intentions. 
So yes, the difference between Peter and Gerard initially was INTENTION. Peter was out of his mind and it’s not an excuse but it does give context. Before you start frothing at the mouth about sucking the white man’s dick, I’ll let you know that I don’t really like Peter in the first couple of seasons. I think because they liked the actor his characterization was inconsistent, but I do understand where his rage came from. It doesn’t mean the choices he made were great (obviously), but you could anticipate them if you took the time to relate. 
This is actually what I wanted to reply to:
When someone says that Scott’s hurtful words required a response because Scott only learns from experience (that experience being the continued abuse from Scott’s abuser) They are saying that Scott provoked the mental and physical assault he endured again from Peter so he could “learn” never to speak out of turn like that again.
There you go again assuming someone’s intention instead of just asking for clarification. Because that’s not the take I got from that comment at ALL (that I had to search for the context of). 
It’s not about not speaking out of turn, it’s about understanding that actions have consequences. When Scott said that it was a message to the werewolves that he thought they were beneath them and he didn’t respect them, but he was willing to indulge them to get what he wanted. You argue in his defense that he had no reason to trust them or want to work with them, but they didn’t have any reason either, except their instinct prodded them to keep him close. Something that Scott blatantly refused to understand. 
Scott needed to understand the world that he was dealing with. The fact that the hunters were mass murderers and he would side with them because of a girl when really, what they did was just as bad, if not worse than the werewolves. 
So of course a callous hateful comment like that was going to spark a response and Scott needed to learn that lesson because clearly telling him about the fire wasn’t enough. He needed to see it in order to empathize.
I think this is more about Scott being a teenager than a “Man of Color”, @camelotpark. I don’t even think they knew Scott’s race enough to take it into account. 
You also act like Peter planned to attack Scott specifically that night. We know that’s not true. So no, don’t go into the woods and both animals in their natural habitat. You might get bit. 
You and @princeescaluswords love to get hyperbolic.  Derek has lashed out at Stiles because of his mouth/actions and it’s been pretty much decided by Stereks that Stiles deserved it. The scene with the quote he mentioned is in quite a few fics so yeah, we’ve already handled that, but thanks. 
Also, his example of Stiles’ S5 speech especially since there was no hate speech towards Scott at all. Though your interpretation of that scene is far from what the writers intended though you won’t admit your ideas are headcanons. 
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scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
I think this is more about Scott being a teenager than a “Man of Color”, @camelotpark. I don’t even think they knew Scott’s race enough to take it into account. 
You also act like Peter planned to attack Scott specifically that night. We know that’s not true. So no, don’t go into the woods and both animals in their natural habitat. You might get bit. 
You and @princeescaluswords love to get hyperbolic.  Derek has lashed out at Stiles because of his mouth/actions and it’s been pretty much decided by Stereks that Stiles deserved it. The scene with the quote he mentioned is in quite a few fics so yeah, we’ve already handled that, but thanks. 
Also, his example of Stiles’ S5 speech especially since there was no hate speech towards Scott at all. Though your interpretation of that scene is far from what the writers intended though you won’t admit your ideas are headcanons. 
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scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
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There @russianspacegeckosexparty. Fixed it for ya.
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scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
Peter “mindraped” Scott!
Scott Stans: He showed him TERRIBLE images and it could have traumatized him!
Us: Umm... yeah, but-
Scott McCall Stans: Poor Scott had to see all those people burning to death and suffering! He must have been so scared!
Us: I... you realize that... wait-
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scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
It’s different, you see?
Scott Stans: Peter bit Scott without his consent and then MIND RAPED HIM!
Us: Scott bit Liam without his consent and then dug around Corey’s brain without his consent.
Scott Stans: Well he had reasons. 
Us: Also, let’s not forget how he forced Derek to bit Ger-
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scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
Never Give Up!
Scott Fandom: He’s in AP Bio, he’s so smart and persistent and never gives up!
Scott McCall when dropping AP Bio: “It’s too much time, too much work”
Scott Fandom: [never comments because they seem to forget this has happened. 
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scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
Stiles is the White Man Savior!
A white man who looks down on POC and tells them what to do based on his limited view of their experience? 
Why is this bad when Stiles allegedly does it, but perfectly fine when it’s @princeescaluswords? 
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scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
Derek is with Braeden!
Braeden who was back in S5 and didn’t mention Derek once? (Know who did? Scott to Stiles. Who also looked at his initials longingly). 
Derek whom Stiles tracked down and the basically was with for days before coming back to Beacon Hills together. 
Don’t take this as Braeden hate, I’m sure she and Stiles are besties when she’s in town taking a break from pegging Peter or Isaac *shrugs*. 
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scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
He so Sm0rt!
Antis: He’s the smartest man alive. He is basically a Rhodes Scholar. 
Natalie Martin in canon: I had to suck some major D to make sure y’all walked. And by UC Davis I meant the University of Charleston Davis Community Theater College in Downtown Pasadena, because your grades are TERRIBLE, sis. 
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scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
We Still Don’t Care
Scott Stans: Sterek is racist. 
Us: No, you are, here are receipts. 
Scott Stans: *blocks Us* Well it’s still paedophilia.
Us: Not in werewolf years. 
Us: Because werewolves are real?
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scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
Stiles’ Fans Take Personality Traits From Scott!
What personality? 
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scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
re: Stereks are bitter about Braeden
Stereks don’t care about Braeden or they love her and put her in their fics. I bet she’s positively in more Sterek fics than Scott stan fics.  Wherever those are. 
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scottmccallisok ¡ 5 years
Scott McCall Loves Your Sloppy Seconds
Scott McCall is full of compassion. So much so that he ditches his POC girlfriend and bones down his best friend’s ex-rapist. Weird flex but you know, go awf. 
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