scotchymemes · 1 year
                         DONATE / SIGNAL BOOST !
Earlier this week, an electrical issue caused a housefire in my friend’s place. A large part of the front of the building has burned down and has been completely destroyed. The cooking stove, pellet stove and the entire electrical installation as well as many of their personal belongings are destroyed. 
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With this fundraiser, we hope to raise money to help her fix the damage to the house and furniture, replace lost personal items and buy food for herself and her service dog. The estimated amount listed in the fundraiser is a minimum estimated to at least fix and replace the most important parts of her home to make it a place she can live in again.
                    DONATE HERE ! GOFUNDME LINK !
With recent donations, they managed to start restoring one of the most damaged walls of their home (including its window and the door). They are still gathering funds to continue restoring that part of the house, as well as fixing the ceiling and the roof and remaking the floor.
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Due to my friend’s disability, she is dependent on a limited income that barely helps her get through the month without a disaster like this happening to her. Any donation, no matter how big or how small, makes a world of differences for my friend!
Remember that if you can’t afford to donate (now), you can REBLOG this post for free. Maybe some of your followers have the ability to donate.
                   DONATE HERE ! GOFUNDME LINK !
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scotchymemes · 2 years
Development Tea Room Starboard Sentence Starters
Sentence Starters based on the starboard of the Development Tea Room roleplay hub on Discord.
I will get my desk tentacles eventually. It’s okay, son. I love you, even if you’re being a teen emo. You can make me feel emotions tomorrow, I need roughly twenty-four hours to recover. Oh, sweet Jesus, I���m not coherent enough for that. I sound like a murderer and I’m proud of it. About horses, right? And not the suspicious murder? Ah, I found the insomnia team. I mean, if you get kidnapped, it’s not your fault your passport’s expired. We love our ace neighbours, but we are the horny coven. I have rejected the husk of Matt Damon. Too much power, not enough brain. I refuse to forsee any consequences to my actions. Is it an actual nine inches, or a fratboy nine inches? Sometimes you gotta eat trash to understand what gourmet tastes like. Gonna be gay and do crimes on main. I love killing husbands. I feel like I’ve accessed forbidden information. Earth may be flat, but this ass isn’t. Arson is just crime brûlée. I’m feisty today and there’s no stopping me. I am not meant for the great outdoors. I am optimally kept at room temperature. Please, don’t die. You’ll never find out the details of the deep fried oven ass. I forgot about the moist panties! My legacy are horses and golden showers. Not together. I'm not sure sharing a milkshake at McDonalds is as romantic to some people as it is to me. Go forth and cock block, my child. We’re werewolves, not swearwolves. I will make you bread and give you head. No braincells, only chaos. Sometimes it’s like a vibe check from god. It’s not supposed to touch your balls. Do you ever recieve a gentle reminder in the form of a bitch slap emotionally? Because I just did. Real talk — what is the difference between the abyss and the void? And why are they both always hungry? In addition to being a toxic personality, he would pass gas so sulfuric that even the devil would be like “Fuck off, no!” My husband thinks the sun shines outta my ass. It would be nice to meet his expectations for once.
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scotchymemes · 2 years
Reblog this if you want people to send you PRIDE ASKS!
This can be headcanons they have for your muses, prompts for you to write a headcanon about, pride-themed starters, etc. , anything goes!
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scotchymemes · 2 years
The Norwegian wolves look so funny. I feel that's on a eurovision bingo card somewhere. I'm home alone and have nowhere to be tomorrow so the drinks are winking at me. I think it's rude that I don't have a single bag of crisps in this house. No cheers for Germany. Are they covered in glitter or just so sweaty? I'm just not here for party vibe-killing ballads. I am here for a gay Europe party and that is all. Please don't put cats in a blender. Is that Agatha Harkness? Can't see them when you cover your eyes with a funky pink hat. I do however, hate her hair. I can’t deal with all the ballads! This looks like that one meme that's like "you have three types of gays" based on how they're dressed. That man looks like Hawkeye. Ay oh, let’s go! No disrespect to the other acts, but I'm different. I’m excited to see this purely for how much you hate it. This is so creepy?! White Jesus vibes, anyone? Time for the chaos to begin! Some weird floating head. Is this man ok? Does he need help? Turn it back on right now! Sir get off the piano. What’s happening? That guy’s still alive? Where the fuck did the massive heart just come from? Are we in an alternate reality right now? Space Viking is first? I feel like we are watching history unfold. Norway is getting robbed. Can they afford to host it? How the fuck did the French give twelve points to the UK? I just inhaled my tea. I’m posting from beyond the grave. I call robbery! It’s 1AM, bitch! Graham is sending me.
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scotchymemes · 2 years
I'm in need of lodgings for tonight. I sleep like shit too. What the fuck are you doing here, you old whoreson? You always were a horse's arse anyway. I've lived through a dark age and three supposed ends of days. It's horse shit. The White Flame will cleanse us all. Have you tried to cure yourself? I watched my entire home burn at the hands of another, my family trapped inside. You don't seem like a monster to me. Monsters are born of deeds done — unforgivable ones. Eager to please, easy to wound. I've seen you piss yourself in a wyvern's den. Love and blood. They both possess a mighty power. I think there's something wrong with me. Everywhere I go, people die. Sometimes I feel like I could burn the whole world. Fear is an illness. Facing your fear is not easy, but I'm here for you. Forget faith, we've got power. Better lost to history than to humans. You look like day-old shit. Night terrors are common after battle. Thieving a thief only makes you the latest thief. Newcomers always struggle sleeping on their first night. Scary stories don't really work on me. Kids never do what you say. Should've known better than bringing my favourite whores to a witcher den. You can't run from the world. You can't hide from it. Your stomach is growling loud enough to wake the dead. What do you call a witcher with no brains? I want to do what a witcher does. What is it with men lurking about this place? I have known many in my time who wanted to be great fighters like you. Less than perfect means dead. It is in blindness that we find our true strength. Hesitation will draw danger to you like fire. I see your wounds have improved, but your manners have not. You witchers, you pretend to not have emotions, but you do. We all have our time in the sun. What fresh hell did you crawl out of? I am not having this conversation unless I'm drinking. Sometimes, legends can be intoxicating. Goodbye, good luck, good riddance. And they say witchers are humorless bastards. The witchers save humanity from extinction. With a vial of your blood we could protect generations to come. You don't get to play damsel in distress, that's my job. We can't kill our feelings. I'm gonna take pleasure in your execution. Dreams are powerful omens. Perhaps we were meant to find each other. Nice scar, shithead. Where the bloody hell are we? Fire fucker? Sometimes we assume the worst because we fear to hope. I'm beginning to smell like a Nilfgaardian's ballsack. You could hang portraits from my nipples right now. You're an expert, how do you get blood out? Lording is for peacocks and pissants. When you have power like this, never apologize. That a perfect impression of you, by the way. Witchers don't kill out of fear, they kill to save lives. I don't want revenge, I want justice. What is destined cannot be avoided.
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scotchymemes · 3 years
Reblog this if you want people to send you PRIDE ASKS!
This can be headcanons they have for your muses, prompts for you to write a headcanon about, pride-themed starters, etc. , anything goes!
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scotchymemes · 3 years
I can't tell for sure if my shoes match with this outfit.
You are a rainbow and I'm colorblind.
If everyone else too, only perceived the world in colourless monochrome.
Forgive me, but I can't quite tell what colour your eyes are.
Do you need a hand picking out your outfit, dear?
Depression is being colorblind and being told how colorful the world is.
Every colour has a different story, but not everyone can see them.
What does the world look like to you?
Please stop asking me what colour that is.
I just learned peanut butter isn't green about a week ago.
I didn't even know color blindness was a real thing until I was in my late teens.
My parents used to tell me I colored the sky purple as a kid.
Apparently cats can't be green.
The colors of the lights on a traffic light are irrelevant. Once you know where the different colored lights are positioned, you’re good.
I got this smartphone app, it helps me tell colours apart from each other.
I know what colour most things are, because plenty of people have taught me before.
When I look at the autumn leaves, I don’t see what all these people are talking about.
This is all normal to me. I've never known different.
It's not as big of a deal as others make it seem like. It's something you just get used to.
I'm not sure what you mean when you tell your shirt is olive coloured.
I only get more confused by these colour filters.
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scotchymemes · 3 years
X-Men: Dark Phoenix Sentence Starters
So, what happens to me now? What you choose to do with your gift is entirely up to you. If you break something, anything, I can fix it. You think you can fix me too? You’re not broken. I forget sometimes that you can read minds. That’s a small price to pay for keeping the peace. Did you just read my mind without permission? Whatever happened up there made you stronger. You’re off the charts. Are you a little intimidated by me? We changed the world so we could live in it. All these photos, none of me. You never looked for me. Why didn’t you look for me? Don’t try to lie, I can read your mind! You didn’t even say goodbye! My whole world died that day, and you went with it. When it comes, people get hurt. I love you. Whose blood is that? I’ve lived with vengeance my whole life. I know who you are. I don’t want to fight. I thought you protected mutants here. If I find her, I’ll kill her. The only person here afraid of your power, is you. This is what you wanted to show me? It’s your destiny, (…), to become something greater. I told you they could never understand you and what they can’t understand, they fear and what they fear…they want to destroy. We do this here, now, they’ll see us as monsters. If you touch her, I will fucking kill you! I know whose blood that was. Have you come to kill me too? We could be your new family. I knew you were still in there. Follow me into your future. I travelled to the stars for a gift that you don’t want. Your lives mean nothing. Your world will be ours. My kid used to be a fan. I have no desire to fight you. I know you did what you did out of love. I forgive you. If you kill me, you’ll kill them all. Your emotions make you weak. How’s retirement treating you.
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scotchymemes · 3 years
From both movies starring Ryan Reynolds.
He is as dishonourable as he is attractive. Shit… Did I leave the stove on? House blowing up builds character. I only have twelve bullets so you’re going to have to share. I’m touching myself tonight. What the shit-biscuit?! Really? Rolling up the sleeves? I may be super, but I’m not a hero. Some of the best love stories begin with a murder. I will shoot your fucking cat! Then whose kitty litter did I just shit in? I’m just a bad guy who gets paid to fuck up even worse guys. Motherfucker, you’re the world’s worst friend. Hakuna his tatas, he’s sorry. It’s time to put balls in holes. What if I just held on and never let you go? Jesus Christ, it’s like I made you in a computer. I think we can all just agree that shit just went wrong in the most colossal way possible. I had a Liam Neeson nightmare. I dreamt I kidnapped his daughter and he wasn’t having it. That guy was already up there when I got here. Rock, meet bottom. Please don’t make the supersuit green, or animated. This place seems sanitary. One thing that never survives in this place is humor. What the fuck is wrong with you? You look like an avocado who had sex with an older, way uglier avocado. This shit’s gonna have nuts in it. Today was as much fun as a sandpaper dildo. Motherfucker should’ve worn his brown pants. It sounds even stupider when you say it. Fuck Wolverine! Every good family film starts with a great murder. Oh, I shit my pants. Kiss me like you missed me. You’re a lot smarter than I look. You can’t really live until you’ve died a little. You are not judge, jury or executioner. You’ve let me down for the last time. What did I do to piss off a grumpy old sucker with a Winter Soldier arm? Dubstep is for pussies. You sure you’re not from the DC universe? You shut your trashmouth! Luck isn’t a superpower. I guess dubstep never dies. Why couldn’t god take my hearing? It’s a goddamn fannypack and you know it, you sick son of a bitch. I have no idea what’s happening. I will bathe in the blood of your enemies. You’re just an annoying clown dressed up as a sex toy. Let’s fuck some shit up is my legal middle name. My body and hands are so soft. Blessed are the wicked who are healed by my hand. Only best buddies execute pedofiles together. And they say millennials are the hardest to reach. Damn, it feels good to be a gangster! He even runs like a fucking pervert. You sacrificed yourself for me. Is that a knife in my dick? There’s a knife in your dick.
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scotchymemes · 3 years
Sentence starters inspired by Netflix's Barbarians (2020).
Should I stab him for you?
In half a moon, I'll return for her.
I'd rather drink piss.
No blood shall be spilled when we meet.
Call me a sex slave once more and I'll cut your balls off.
The Romans will be good to our sons.
Like a toothless whore trying to recite poetry.
Only the gods can sentence a man to death.
You're still lousy with a spear.
Rome will be your mother now, and your father.
What are we if we can't even give our dead a decent burial?
It's a place of the dead, nobody should be there.
I love treason, but I hate a traitor.
Where death is, life will come.
How could the truth be any different?
I've never seen a force like that.
The father of the gods has seen what's coming.
Roman gold will be your prize.
I hear a song about your bravery.
The world will forever know of our victory.
Everything I know about fighting, I know from you.
What do we fight for?
The crucial point is that we can only win if we're in complete control of our feelings.
Whatever we're fighting for, we pay the price in blood.
We all must die. The guilty and the innocent.
Your impregnable armor became your biggest burden.
Your biggest weakness was your trust in me.
What were you fighting for, and was it worth it?
You never understood that some wanted to live differently than you.
We barbarians have to stick together.
You want your father's love so much you'll believe anything, do anything.
I thought you were dead.
And I bet that was convenient for you.
You're the only one I can rely on.
If, and when, you end up ruling, I'll be the first to kill you.
The gods have their own special ways of punishing us.
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scotchymemes · 3 years
Dooku: Jedi Lost (2019) Sentence Starters
Your feelings betray you. Let your anger grow. Let it seethe. Focus on the pain, use it. It is the source of your power. I vowed I would never call anyone Master again. I never knew how sweet revenge would taste. I will teach you the ways of the dark side, but first, you must prove yourself. Enjoy yourself, it’s a festival! One day, I’m going to wipe the smirk off his stupid face. The bigger they are, the louder they scream. I feel the Force inside me, flowing everywhere. The Force is forever in motion — rising, flowing... This place is spooky enough as it is. It’s coming — coming for us... Coming for me! There is nothing trivial about the dark side. It’s hard to sneak up on a Jedi, you know? There haven’t been Sith for a thousand years. Promise you won’t go easy on me. I don’t need any favours. The Jedi are fools, each and every one. The Jedi must concern themselves only with the will of the Force. Is this how the best are treated? Turns out that the droid was telling the truth... What he doesn’t know won’t kill me. I sense a disturbance in the Force. Most species have their own armageddon myths. He made you a weapon. I rescued you, when I saw what you could do. Jedi never control. We influence. Her wings ache when she flies. A Jedi listens. A Jedi respects. A Jedi understands. The pain of tomorrow is the comfort of yesterday. You are going to change everything for the better. In my vision I saw lightning course through bodies! You know as well as anyone that the galaxy is a dangerous place. Democracy can quickly fail. Pain is only an illusion. It can be controlled. You need to stay out of my thoughts. Taking your frustration out on a Med Droid will hardly help the situation. It was deleted using my clearance codes... Can you get me into a casino? Pride is a dangerous emotion. We would do well to remember that. I have lost count of the diplomatic functions I have attented since we last met. Why should we care about what the public thinks of us? I want to make a difference. I want to serve the galaxy. Power is wasted on the powerful. The council said we weren’t to interfere. A blaster? Really? The mind of the weak, so easy to manipulate. Look at the devastation and yet, the senate does nothing. A Jedi is more than a name, more than a title. The past doesn’t define you, (...). The future doesn’t define you. — I define you! I always will be the best part of you. Your will is mine. I hate the lies and the deceit and the fear and the hatred. This is where I belong. This is who I am. — I am free.
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scotchymemes · 4 years
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This special will run from November 6th to December 20th. This offer is not in conjunction with other packages I have. My normal wait time still applies. Please have a look at my commission information / forms and send in a request via the submit box.
Banners - up to ten, £7
Dash Icons - four for £2
Headers - £3
Roleplay icons - 200 for £15, custom PSD and border
Promos - Four images for £9
                                PAYPAL | COMMISSION INFORMATION | KO-FI
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scotchymemes · 4 years
Sentence Starters based on Netflix’s La Révolution (2020).
No one could've predicted what was about to happen. Stay away from donkeys, or you too, will bray as well. This country not only needs bread, but also authority. Those who bear this mark are the famished. Anger is brewing in the streets. Perhaps you shouldn't steal from someone who can run faster than you. When you're a woman you soon learn that predators are everywhere. Bribing a guard is easy, but why? When there's no place left in hell, the death shall return to earth. Centuries are shaped by those who are not afraid to die for a cause or fight for justice. What are you hoping to discover here? This world is coming to and end if the dead have returned to the world of the living. It's blood, but acting like a parasite. All I have left is an empty grave. We are what we are. Why would you fight it? Whatever happens, the mighty remain the mighty. Every man has the right to avenge the death of his child. The mighty only stand tall because we are on our knees. Kill him now, and I'll spare dozens of lives. You've not been able to frighten me for a long time. The blue blood will kill you all. Prepare to crunch into life, my dear friend. I have no idea what I have or haven't done. What is brewing behind the gates of Versailles will change history forever. Betraying the King is punishable by death. You don't kill the unwell, you make them better. If you find the rebels, show no mercy. Your new nature must remain a secret, and you definitely can't feed here. A public with nothing left to lose will revolt, you stupid fool. When you save someone's life, they become your responsibility. For a moment, I thought you'd returned for us. Your heart... It's not beating. This disease that poisons my veins has turned me into a monster. Her death is the only way to stop this evil. What we saw was the Devil, and no one can do anything against him. Bitches bark, but they always end up obeying. I've been a coward for a long time. You will no longer fear death anymore. Treason is punished with bullets. The people are dying because of men like you. From the day you were born I knew you'd be a perpetual failure. There's no remedy or cure for mediocrity. My line will die and end with you in dishonour. To top it all, you have betrayed the crown. Why should I deprive myself of seeing what I've escaped? Once the dominant one is feeble, the others fight to take its place. You know, death is only the beginning. The time has come to create an army. This is not a prediction. It's a certainty. Yesterday's slaves will become tomorrow's rebels. I'm most fortunate to have you as a friend of mine. None of this would've happened if only you were worthy of me.
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scotchymemes · 4 years
Sentence starters inspired by Netflix's Barbarians (2020).
Should I stab him for you?
In half a moon, I'll return for her.
I'd rather drink piss.
No blood shall be spilled when we meet.
Call me a sex slave once more and I'll cut your balls off.
The Romans will be good to our sons.
Like a toothless whore trying to recite poetry.
Only the gods can sentence a man to death.
You're still lousy with a spear.
Rome will be your mother now, and your father.
What are we if we can't even give our dead a decent burial?
It's a place of the dead, nobody should be there.
I love treason, but I hate a traitor.
Where death is, life will come.
How could the truth be any different?
I've never seen a force like that.
The father of the gods has seen what's coming.
Roman gold will be your prize.
I hear a song about your bravery.
The world will forever know of our victory.
Everything I know about fighting, I know from you.
What do we fight for?
The crucial point is that we can only win if we're in complete control of our feelings.
Whatever we're fighting for, we pay the price in blood.
We all must die. The guilty and the innocent.
Your impregnable armor became your biggest burden.
Your biggest weakness was your trust in me.
What were you fighting for, and was it worth it?
You never understood that some wanted to live differently than you.
We barbarians have to stick together.
You want your father's love so much you'll believe anything, do anything.
I thought you were dead.
And I bet that was convenient for you.
You're the only one I can rely on.
If, and when, you end up ruling, I'll be the first to kill you.
The gods have their own special ways of punishing us.
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scotchymemes · 4 years
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                                 DEATHLYRPH HALLOWEEN SPECIAL
This special will run the month of October. First come first serve. 
ROLEPLAY ICONS: 100 for £5
DASH ICONS: 4 for £2
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scotchymemes · 4 years
From both movies starring Ryan Reynolds.
He is as dishonourable as he is attractive. Shit... Did I leave the stove on? House blowing up builds character. I only have twelve bullets so you’re going to have to share. I’m touching myself tonight. What the shit-biscuit?! Really? Rolling up the sleeves? I may be super, but I’m not a hero. Some of the best love stories begin with a murder. I will shoot your fucking cat! Then whose kitty litter did I just shit in? I’m just a bad guy who gets paid to fuck up even worse guys. Motherfucker, you’re the world’s worst friend. Hakuna his tatas, he’s sorry. It’s time to put balls in holes. What if I just held on and never let you go? Jesus Christ, it’s like I made you in a computer. I think we can all just agree that shit just went wrong in the most colossal way possible. I had a Liam Neeson nightmare. I dreamt I kidnapped his daughter and he wasn’t having it. That guy was already up there when I got here. Rock, meet bottom. Please don’t make the supersuit green, or animated. This place seems sanitary. One thing that never survives in this place is humor. What the fuck is wrong with you? You look like an avocado who had sex with an older, way uglier avocado. This shit’s gonna have nuts in it. Today was as much fun as a sandpaper dildo. Motherfucker should’ve worn his brown pants. It sounds even stupider when you say it. Fuck Wolverine! Every good family film starts with a great murder. Oh, I shit my pants. Kiss me like you missed me. You’re a lot smarter than I look. You can’t really live until you’ve died a little. You are not judge, jury or executioner. You’ve let me down for the last time. What did I do to piss off a grumpy old sucker with a Winter Soldier arm? Dubstep is for pussies. You sure you’re not from the DC universe? You shut your trashmouth! Luck isn’t a superpower. I guess dubstep never dies. Why couldn’t god take my hearing? It’s a goddamn fannypack and you know it, you sick son of a bitch. I have no idea what’s happening. I will bathe in the blood of your enemies. You’re just an annoying clown dressed up as a sex toy. Let’s fuck some shit up is my legal middle name. My body and hands are so soft. Blessed are the wicked who are healed by my hand. Only best buddies execute pedofiles together. And they say millennials are the hardest to reach. Damn, it feels good to be a gangster! He even runs like a fucking pervert. You sacrificed yourself for me. Is that a knife in my dick? There’s a knife in your dick.
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scotchymemes · 4 years
...because for some muses, sinday just ain’t it. Specify the muse for multimuse blogs!
I don’t believe fortune tellers, they don’t rely on scientific facts. Magic is a science we do not yet comprehend. Do you think a robot takeover is techincally possible? What do you know about alternate dimensions? UFOs are really just strangely shaped clouds. I don’t believe in aliens. What’s your favourite conspiracy theory? That’s not science, that’s supersticion. I think I could get the hang of this thing a lot quicker if the instructions weren’t written in some alien language. I’ve never seen anything like this before. Don’t touch that. We don’t know what it does. It looks like some kind of weapon. They’ve got a force field! Ow! That thing just zapped me! You think you can fly this thing? I think I might’ve opened a protal to a wormhole... I thought I was the only one left. It’s not science, it’s common sense. I’m not smart enough to study science. Can you help me with my science homework? Everything is theoretically impossible until it’s done. Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. Science is the poetry of reality. Science is the key to our future. Nothing in life is to be feared, it’s only to be understood. I am among those who think that science has great beauty. The science of today is the technology of tomorrow. Science is a way of thinking, much more than it is a body of knowledge.
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