sapphic-witch · 1 year
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I hate art someone tell me what to do with this lmao
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sapphic-witch · 1 year
A little ofmd fan art i did a while ago.
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sapphic-witch · 1 year
I'm going to start posting my art on here because i want to.
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sapphic-witch · 1 year
Is anyone else having a crazy influx of bots following them on here?
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sapphic-witch · 3 years
Sometimes a deity pops in just to watch tiktoks with you and get annoyed when you scroll past before they're finished
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sapphic-witch · 3 years
Witchcraft is forgetting it's a full moon and then frantically throwing your crystals and tarot cards onto a windowsill to charge at the last minute
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sapphic-witch · 3 years
I've been on a long break from my practice for a while, and I wanted to talk about that.
It's 100% okay to take breaks from deity work and from your practice as a whole, witchcraft can be extremely draining and sometimes we need to put our mental and physical health first, and that's perfectly fine. Your deities will understand and you can always pick up where you left off.
So, how do you come back to your craft?
Start yourself off with like your a baby witch again, don't throw yourself into some big energy draining ritual right away. Do the basics and slowly ease yourself back into your practice. Leave some nice offerings for your deities and start meditating with them again. Pull some tarot or consult your pendulum for guidance towards your next steps. Be gentle with yourself 💕.
Happy holidays, everyone.
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sapphic-witch · 3 years
There's a lunar eclipse today, so have fun with all of the funky moon energy today everybody. (It's also a full moon, but lunar eclipses are always on full moons)
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sapphic-witch · 3 years
Hi, I’m looking to start practicing, or rather I and a few of my system members are looking to start practicing. We are all interested in different aspects of magic and are worried that a single body practicing too many different types of magic could be an issue. For instance, one member is interested in shadow, I am interested in the religious aspect, and another member is interested in crystals and green magic. We are looking for any resources or advice. Thank you.
Hi! I don't know much about DID, but I'll try to answer this to the best of my ability.
I don't think each of you learning and practicing different types of magic should be a problem, in fact, I typically encourage anyone who asks to pursue and learn about as many different types and paths as they can so that they have a better understanding of witchcraft in general, and have more options if they decide to narrow down their practice. So in that regard, other than just taking the time to plan out when each of you is practicing so that you don't use too much energy, because witchcraft can be quite draining (especially working with the shadow) but other than that it shouldn't be an issue.
That being said, I only know very little about DID and I don't know anything about your guys' situation, so you could just try it and see how it goes and figure out what works for you all.
I'll try to see if I can find any resources about practicing witchcraft with DID and post them here if I find any
I hope this helps😊
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sapphic-witch · 3 years
Don't forget, deity work and just witchcraft in general can be very draining so it's okay to take a break for your own sake when you need to recharge or just need some time. 💕
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sapphic-witch · 3 years
Hi! Thank you so much for your diety work post! I’m not planning on working with anyone any time soon, but I was wondering if you could clarify two things for research purposes- only if you’re comfy and have the time! <3 thank you !!
I’ve seen some warnings against mixing pantheons but also some practitioners who do. What are your thoughts on this?
Second, what types of divination can be used?
I'm glad you liked that post!
I have seen the warnings about mixing pantheons, and i can understand some of the concerns, but i personally work with deities from multiple pantheons. I won't name them because in my specific relationships with them they prefer privacy but I work with one celtic deity and two hellenic deities. I haven't had a problem with it, but just to be sure always ask any of your current deities (if/when you start working with them) how they feel about it.
For types of divination I use tarot for general messages and a pendulum for more direct communication, but you could also use candles, numerology (i don't know much about numerology though), bone throwing, automatic writing, etc.
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sapphic-witch · 3 years
I haven't talked about Spirit guides much on my account, but i have talked about working with deities, but I figured I could answer op's questions.
I have several posts about deities so I won't go in depth about them or anything, but working with spirit guides and working with deities are two very different things.
First off, everyone has spirit guides, not everyone works with deities and even less people have a patron deity (which i will talk about in a different post).
Spirit guides can be ancestors, decreased pets, guardian angels, or a spirit or entity that is simply guiding you through life.
You don't necessarily need to reach out to them for them to guide you and help you, but reaching out to them and asking for their help for various things or to work with them can be extremely beneficial.
Reaching out to a spirit guide is quite similar to reaching out to a deity, you can light a candle for them, just to invite them into your space and open that communication. I'm a big fan of meditating to communicate with them (always with the proper protection so that you don't end up accidentally communicating with entities with negative intently), you could manifest signs from them, you could do a guided writing to receive messages (these can be wild), journal (!!!!!) journaling is very important if you want to start communicating with spirit guides, because they often send very subtle signs and messages and you need to be able to recognize those small signs in your daily life. It will also show then that you're paying attention.
After you've reached out to them, give them names, this will help you develop a personal relationship with them. Work with your intuition, spirit guides often guide you through your own intuition, so working on strengthening that will be very useful. Practice some divination, both for communication and to see what's to come.
That's all I've got for today but if you have any questions or comments drop them in my ask box. <3
spirit guides ??
i see stuff on twitter and instagram and tumblr ALL THE TIME about spirit guides or being connected to spirits and deities and the like and how do people know this?? i have wondered about this for so long and i just cannot figure it out and answers i do find seem incredibly vague. i think the concept sounds super cool but at the same time i guess maybe not everyone has like spirit guides or special deities? i just do not know
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sapphic-witch · 4 years
You will find lots of articles on tumblr for newbie witches but I realized when I started practicing that a lot of things were missing and I was kind of ashamed to ask because I felt stupid.
This post is for people who have just started practicing or are planning to. If you have already been into witchcraft for years this could be a little reminder for you.
You don’t need to be wiccan. You don’t need deities in your craft. When I started I was a little puzzled: everyone was talking about prayers, faith and other religious things essential in the craft. It seemed everyone was wiccan! Or Pagan. But they were talking about things I didn’t believe in. They were questioning my religious beliefs and my will to practice witchcraft. Then I found out about the existence of secular witches i.e. witches who do not include religion in their craft. Religion is not essential in witchcraft. You can use your own power, you can ask mother earth to land you some. It’s perfectly fine.
Get info BEFORE you seriously practice. This is a point lots of people skip and underrate. When I discovered magic was real I was enthusiastic. I wanted to start as soon as possible and I was upset my exams didn’t allow me to. Now I’m glad I waited. While I was studying for my exams I read various articles, I followed witchy blogs on tumblr (windvexer and witchtips are great blogs for beginners. Look for their masterposts!) and I collected enough info to start practicing one month later but understanding what I was doing. I’m not saying you should wait months to start but just be sure to be aware of the basis and the possible dangers.
Trust your guts! There are witches who will tell you super rare and expensive items are required in your craft. They will often tell you to use things you can’t have. I’m not saying they’re wrong, they are probably suggesting what it’s right in their practice. But they are sometimes not newbiesfriendly blogs. My suggestions is: do what it feels right for you. (But if you want to use herbs and eat them do some serious research first!!!) For example, if someone tells you you should use rose quartz for tranquillity but you don’t have it/don’t want to use crystals in your craft/you don’t associate tranquility with quartz, etc. don’t do it. Use a substitute! Plus, don’t underestimate the power of visualization. It takes practice, I know, but if you can’t have an item, just imagine you have it! And remember: magic doesn’t come from candles, crystals or whatever. It is within you. They just enhance it but they’re not essential.
Magic is real but do not confuse it with real life. Before you get pissed and think what I said it’s crap let me explain it. Magic is part of your life and your life is real, duh, but do not get overwhelmed by magic. In few words: don’t forget living. Don’t think every single thing that happens in your life is magical! If you see a bunny in a pet shop it probably isn’t a sign meant to you. It’s just a bunny. There are indeed signs hidden in your normal life but don’t think that everything is. 
Magic just gives a little push. You can’t perform magic with a purpose and without acting in the real world in order to make it happen. You can’t create a sigil to have new friends if you have 0 social interactions. Don’t ask for the impossible: a spell won’t allow you to meet Obama, I’m sorry, unless you live in the White House.
Don’t be afraid to live magic and muggle lives at the same time. I swear the first time I performed magic and I created a shield I felt bad going to the bathroom. It seems dumb, I know, but beginning the practice can be scary the first time. Don’t be ashamed of what’s natural and don’t be scared to use subtle magic when in company. Magic is part of you!
You don’t need labels. I repeat: YOU DON’T NEED LABELS! When I started practicing I felt the need to say out loud what my interests were. The truth? I couldn’t say it yet. Everything fascinated me so I just told people I was eclectic. But I actually am not. Don’t feel in a rush when you get into the magical realm. Just do what you like and you will later understand what you prefer.
It is okay if you’re not into everything magical! You will see lots of witches who use herbs in their practice. Others use crystals. And every spell you find online requires either herbs or crystals. You will spontaneously think they are essential for every witch but they are actually not. Don’t feel ashamed. Say it out loud: “I don’t like herbs!/I don’t like crystals!/I don’t like sigils!”. You can only love tarots and you can still be a witch. You can dislike jars and you will still be a witch.
It is okay if you don’t want to be called “witch”. I understand that this word is often used to describe someone nasty, ugly or unpleasant. Or you could just simply not like the word for your own personal reasons. You can use other terms, more specific about your craft: diviner, spirit worker, fortune teller, etc. Or if you just want a synonym of the word witch: magic practitioner, sorcerer, wizard. There are many others. Find the word you feel comfortable with.
Males can be witches as well. Witch is not just a word for women. If you’re male and you want to practice magic and be called a witch, go for it!
You don’t need to be in a coven. If you don’t want to be part of a group you can learn on your own. And that’s fine.
Be careful of the words you use. You’re new in the craft and you start using words like gipsy, spirit guides, strega, etc. Be very mindful of the words you choose! They can be disrespectful, cultural appropriation or misuse of terms about a closed practice. Do your own research and remember to be always respectful. If you misuse a word and people let you know it’s wrong apologize, be polite and change your attitude. It’s easy. For more info I’d suggest to look here [cultural appropriation 1 2; gipsy as a slur word; witch culture; stregheria 1 2 3; - I will add more links in the future about this topic]
Don’t let others define what’s right and what’s wrong. Some people say cursing is bad, blood magic is for evil witches, satanism is bad, etc. There is no “white magic” or “black magic”. Magic is neutral and it depends on you. You can curse and be the nicest person in the world. If you’re afraid of the three fold law I’d suggest to read this post and don’t let others influence you. It’s your choice. Not theirs.
Everyone can be a witch. When you discover magic is real and it’s not just in books you ask yourself “Can I be a witch?”. You may think you need someone in your family to “pass you the magical genes” or something like that. But what most of witches believe is that magic lies within each one of us. You can be more naturally talented but if you are not don’t be afraid. Speaking of books, remember that Hermione was born in a muggle family yet she was the greatest! If you don’t have natural talents you can still be a witch. Work hard and you will see great results!
Gender, sexual orientation, age, race, culture do not prevent you from being a witch. You can be transgender, asexual, African American, Chinese or whatever. You can still be a witch.
Did I forget something? Let me know in comments or reblogs and I will add it in the list!
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sapphic-witch · 4 years
Deity Work 101
Part Two
*not for beginners*
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The same warnings as before:
Deity work can be very draining even for very experienced witches
Be very careful, if you are not ready you can often be tricked into working with entities that have negative intent and will harm you
Deity work has a physical and mental toll if you are not prepared
You must be fully committed to your practice
Deity work in not a required part of witchcraft, some witches work with deities, some do not
Not every deity relationship is the same
It is not (and never will be) a romantic relationship if your deity says they want to be with you romantically they are not the actual deity
How you know a deity is reaching out to you:
I probably should’ve addressed this in part one. Everyone’s experience is different, and every deity is different. Just be observant of patterns in your life and any animals or symbols that appear repeatedly, preform divination and ask if these are signs. I would often feel the presence of the deity before starting to notice the signs and think that they were just a spirit chilling in my room. It feels like a person staring at you, my deities have physical feelings as well when they are present, I’ll feel a hand on my back when one is here, or a warm feeling on my arm when another is present, etc. Divination will be your best friend to figure it out.
 How they communicate:
Again, every person, relationship, and deity is different, so I can’t say for sure. However, in my experience and in my research, deities don’t directly speak to you as you would assume. They communicate in signs, messages, and symbols like puzzles that you have to figure out. Sometimes they will give you impressions while you’re meditating, or drop a crow in front of your car while you’re driving. You can also astral project, to communicate with them, but that’s very advanced and I don’t feel comfortable posting that on tumblr. 
I mentioned altars a little in the last post, but having a dedicated altar or space for your deities is a great way to show that you are devoted to them and provides an area to leave offerings. 
What to include on deity Altars:
A Candle to light when they are present or when you want to summon them. 
The rest of these are optional: statues or pictures of the deity, symbols that represent them, art that you have created for them, things you find in nature that reminds you of them, etc. 
Remember: Deity work is not required, every witch’s craft is different, every relationship with deities are different, I have some deities that are fun and we just kind of hang out and laugh with each other, and other deities that I have to treat with utter respect and treat them like the deity that they are. 
I prefer to keep most of my craft private out of respect for my deities and for my own protection. Remember that other witches can take what you post about your practice and use it against you. 
Check out part one
Let me know if you have any questions 💕
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sapphic-witch · 4 years
Deity Work 101
(Part 1)
*this is not for beginners!*
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First, some warnings:
Deity work can be very draining even for very experienced witches
Be very careful, if you are not ready you can often be tricked into working with entities that have negative intent and will harm you
Deity work has a physical and mental toll if you are not prepared
You must be fully committed to your practice
Deity work in not a required part of witchcraft, some witches work with deities, some do not
Not every deity relationship is the same
It is not (and never will be) a romantic relationship if your deity says they want to be with you romantically they are not the actual deity
I’m making this post, because I know first hand how hard it can be to find information on starting deity work and it can be very scary because of all of the things I’ve mentioned. Despite all of the warnings I gave, deity work can be very beneficial. 
So, how do you get started?
* A deity reaches out to you, I would advise you not to reach out to deities. 
Once a deity reaches out to you do not immediately accept their offer. Cast a circle to keep any interfering entities or if the deity is not who they claim to be, to keep the deity out and use whatever form of divination you choose to confirm that the deity is who you think they are. 
Next, do some research, it is very important to understand their mythology and their history before developing a relationship with the deity. It will show that you are devoted and willing to work with them.  
Once you have researched as much as you can, decide whether or not you want to accept the deities offering, it is okay to refuse, if you feel you are not ready, or for any reason. Then, leave an offering for them, you can set up an altar with simply a candle and a place to leave them offerings, or you can leave it in nature, and leave the offering with the intent of accepting their offer, and starting to work with them. 
How do you actually work with them?
A lot of the beginning is just leaving offerings and building the relationship.
Make sure you research what offerings to leave for them, and ask them if they accepted offerings or if they have specific offerings that they prefer. 
Meditate with them. 
You can also ask for their help with spells, inviting them to lend their power into the effectiveness of the spell, dripping some of their candle wax onto a spell jar for added effect (with their permission of course), etc. Make a playlist for your deity 
End your day with a dedicated meditation, divination reading or prayer for them to communicate with you. 
*I’m going to make a Part Two because this is getting long*
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sapphic-witch · 4 years
One of my deities ways of getting my attention when I haven’t been noticing her messages are to have a crow land directly in the middle of the road while I’m driving to scare the crap out of me
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sapphic-witch · 4 years
Might look into chaos magick, might not...
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