sandwichboyfriend · 4 months
i forgot about tumblr for a while oops. i have an idea but i have No promises. if any of u wanna request smth id probs maybe do it as long as its not NSFW lol
hey fellas, im writing something for Arv that im very excited about. there hasn't been any recent male x readers for arv so might as well be me LOL
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sandwichboyfriend · 9 months
hey fellas, im writing something for Arv that im very excited about. there hasn't been any recent male x readers for arv so might as well be me LOL
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sandwichboyfriend · 10 months
i lied 😔👊 i was halfway writing it when my hyperfixation on good omens started and couldn't continue. ill write something though out of feeling bad i lied LOOOOL /lh
hey fellas, im writing something for Arv that im very excited about. there hasn't been any recent male x readers for arv so might as well be me LOL
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sandwichboyfriend · 11 months
hey fellas, im writing something for Arv that im very excited about. there hasn't been any recent male x readers for arv so might as well be me LOL
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sandwichboyfriend · 1 year
A/N Honestly this is really self-indulgent ‘cuz my instincts went “This mf forgets to eat I just know it.” and turned it into a really fluffy fic lmao. I wrote this with a male Spiderman in mind, but gender-neutral readers are also welcome of course! Hope you all enjoyed it!
Tags: Miguel O’hara x m!Reader, Possible gn!Reader, Peter B. Parker, Mayday Parker, mention of Gwen, Fluff, Just taking care our resident dilf, He/him prns, Spiderman!Reader, caring!reader, Emotionally constipated Miguel? Emotionally constipated Miguel., Peter being the best wingman, Mayday being her cute self, Self-indulgent
Miguel O’hara doesn't take breaks. Miguel O’hara only leaves his lair if he’s needed on a mission to set another anomaly straight. So what do you do? Exactly, force him into taking a break… Sorta.
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Miguel O’hara doesn't take breaks. Miguel O’hara only leaves his lair if he’s needed on a mission to set another anomaly straight. Only when his body is finally demanding food does he leave the monitors in the care of Jessica or Lyla while he goes through the cafeteria for a satisfying meal or his favorite Empanadas. So far, if there wasn't a catastrophic event—Which is pointless because he would've seen it before anyone else—Or a Spider-person that needs his immediate help, he keeps himself perched on his platform, monitoring the vast universes, unblinking, the video of him and his daughter playing just on his peripherals. 
“Miguel! How long have you been up there?” Until you.
Another Spiderman that joined the spider society just a couple of months ago has managed to worm his way into Miguel’s thorn bushes. He doesn't even know how, or when, did you start to become a constant in his nonstop monitoring but you did, annoyingly so. Your voice echoes the large room, steps follow suit as you stand at the base of his lair.
You huff, before pulling your mask off and arching a brow while your question is left unanswered. You’ve only done this a handful of times. The day you learned that Miguel O’hara, the guy that doesn't leave his damn perch unless you can hear his stomach rumble a mile away or his body forces him to take a nap, you’ve dedicated a bit of your time to make sure he takes a time off from those screens. Spiderman or not, he still needs rest. 
“Seriously man,” You sigh, considering swinging yourself up to that damn platform. “Have you eaten anything for the last 7 hours?”
Another silence. “You missed lunch, y'know, if it weren't for Lyla I would have thought you died.”
Of course, nothing. You blink, annoyed, before deciding to just turn around and head to the cafeteria yourself. If he won't get food for himself then you will.
At this point, seeing you exit Miguel’s office has been a normal recurrence for the other Spider-people. So when you walk down the corridor, others wave and said their hi’s while you reply back. As much as you miss your universe, hanging out with others of your kind is refreshing. You reach the end of the walkway where it drops before you shoot out webs and swing to where the cafeteria is, cutting your journey short. Who knows how long Miguel has neglected his stomach?
You picked up today's dinner menu, thanking the server, before snagging an Empanada and then swiftly swinging back to Miguel's office. You make your way inside, making sure to not trip on the scattered tech and cables, and to no one’s surprise; he’s still staring at those screens. 
“Here,” You sat the plate and box down on one of the many boxes and tables around his office. “Eat it, or not. I’m sure your stomach will appreciate it if you do,”
You shrugged before swiftly walking back to exit his lair once more, rolling your eyes when he doesn't respond again. Typical.
“I really don't get his problem, I mean, I'm just looking out for him, isn't that what teammates do?”
“No ones ever really brought him food, man,”
“Yeah well he’ll get his own food when he starves, and I don't think the others would like that,” You snicker before landing beside Peter. He was heading to Miguels to report a new potential member so you tagged along, besides you missed holding Mayday. 
“I think he appreciates it though,” Peter presses the button and the door opens, the three of you walking inside. You cross your arm, watching as Mayday starts to scale his dad, her giggles contagious.
“Weird way of showing it,” You huff, eyeing the girl as she starts pulling at Peter's strands before you reach for her, cradling her against your chest and tickling her little body. “No ‘Thank you’? Or y’know, a small ‘thanks’ maybe?” 
She coos, turning her head as if she understands your rambling. You hold her under her arms, then nuzzle her fluffy hair which makes her giggle.  You stare down her eyes, wrinkling your nose. “He’s a little crap isn't he, May?” She cackles in delight which makes you grin.
“Hey, no swearing around the kid,” Peter grumbles and when Mayday makes grabby hands towards her father, you hand her back.
“Says the dad that takes his daughter on missions?” You smirk, lightly punching Pete’s shoulder, making both of you laugh, and Mayday follows suit with her giggles. Finally reaching Miguel’s lair, the man is always on his platform, before Peter calls for him to report. As you watch the platform dramatically descend, this time with Miguel holding a screen tablet and facing you and Peter.
At least he’s not facing those screens this time, you thought. You cross your arms, eye scanning around the room when you spot a clean cafeteria plate on the same table you left it on a couple of hours before. 
“Hey uh…” Peter hums when you start to reach for the plate. “You go on ahead, I’ll be right back,” 
You quickly picked up the utensil and went ahead outside, already swinging your way toward the cafeteria. You peek inside the box and to your delight, the empanada you brought for him is already gone. You smile, humming in relief as you make your way to drop off the plate. You gave it to the staff and threw the box into the trash before you made your way back to the lair again.
A smile creeps its way to your lips and it won't leave, the feeling of a small blooming rose inside your heart as you realize Miguel does eat the food you leave for him. 
As you made your way through the doors, you heard the deep baritone of Miguel's voice conversing with Peter. 
“I don't understand him.” That made your step falter. You swiftly pressed back to the hallway leading to Miguel's lair, making sure to hear their voices clearly, though deep down you knew you shouldn't do this. 
“What don't you understand, man? He just cares about you,” Peter's voice is accompanied by Mayday's giggling. “He brings you food and makes sure you take breaks, I mean, I think that’s a pretty good thing,”
“I know It’s a good thing, Peter. But why? What does he want?”
“Not everything needs to have an ulterior motive, Miguel,” Peter chuckles, you can hear Mayday's laughs too. “Maybe he just wants to. Who knows,”
Then there was silence. You blink, processing the conversation, a million other thoughts fly by you, the biggest was your worry about burdening him. Maybe Miguel doesn't want you to do this, why else would he think you wanted something from him? Maybe you should back down, leave him alone like how everyone else treats him, maybe-
“It is… Nice of him, though,” A sudden rush of heat flows into your cheeks.
“I should thank him, one of these days,” Miguel continued. At this point, Peter should have sensed you but has said nothing. Until Mayday turns the corner and then came crawling into your view, you decided to make your appearance. 
You scoop up the little girl, cuddling her close to your chest. “Hey, kiddo! You shouldn't be back here!”
She cackles, little hands reaching for your strands which makes you laugh. You pull your head up to see Miguel and Peter standing at the end of the hallway, Peter with an oddly smug look while Miguel suddenly turns towards his monitors. “What’d I miss?”
“Nothin’, just done reporting,” Peter shrugs nonchalantly, walking towards you before taking Mayday, “I should head back though, this little spider needs her nap, don't you?” 
Mayday giggles in her father's arm, Peter already waving as he exits the office. “Later, you two!”
“See ya’ Pete!” You wave back, catching May’ little hands waving too before the door closes. 
Now it's just you and Miguel. It's rare seeing him off of the platform, away from that far-away bubble. You’ve only seen him on duty with other Spideys, that's the only time he’s away from the glowing screens. He’s still focused on the screen tablet when you jogged closer. Now that you’re meters away from him, You notice how broad his shoulders actually are, and the slight curls on the back of his head. You clear your throat, looking at anything other than Miguel.
“So… The new recruit Peter gave you? We taking them in?”
“Huh? Yeah, yes.” Miguel shifts slightly, you rub your hands together.
“Alright, cool,” You cringe, the air suffocating with tension and unspoken words. You look around, before deflating, your hand scratching the back of your neck. “Well… I’m gonna go then-”
“Wait.” You stop yourself from turning. “You don't have to keep doing that,”
“Doing what?” You raise a brow, with your mask off and Miguel in front of you, he can clearly see your slightly smug face.
“That. Bringing me food. I don't need it,” Miguel finally pries his eyes away from the tablet, now meeting yours. 
You chuckle. “Last time I checked, you're still human Miguel,”
“I can do that myself,” He steps towards you, which makes you pull up your hands defensively. 
“Alright, sure boss, but you only eat when your body forces you. That can't be healthy,” You huff, crossing your arms and meeting his deep reds. He backs down, looking towards the far wall. 
Great, an argument instead of him just agreeing with me, You sighs, looking down at the concrete floor. What were you thinking? Miguel can take care of himself, of course, he’s a fucking old man and you probably disrupted his old man metabolism or some shit like that.
“I- Thanks.” Your perk up, quickly meeting his still-averting eyes. “That's what I wanted to say. Thanks,”
You smirk. ”Yeah, of course, Miguel,” 
“Maybe… You can let Lyla take over, or someone, and uh…” Shit, maybe this is too bold…
Fuck it. “Join me for lunch, sometime?”
It was a mistake. The deafening silence was clearly a loud rejection from Miguel and you wanted to quickly blurt out something, anything to salvage what you had before, but he beat you to it.
“Sure, sometime,” You whip your head around, almost smacking with how close Miguel and you were standing. His eyes widened slightly, a ghost of a smirk across his lips and it made you gulp.
“Y-yeah, sometimes, yeah,” His brow quirks a bit when you start stumbling your way through his lair. “I should uh- I think Gwen called me so uh-” 
The last thing he saw from you was your stuttering word and your body turning the corner of his office, then a loud ‘Fuck yeah!’ before you disappeared. Truly a wonder how you, out of anyone, managed to pique Miguel’s interest. 
Reblogs are appreciated <3
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sandwichboyfriend · 1 year
i haven't posted anything in 2 months or something but im back but only cos i wanna talk about new girl. theres literally no nick miller x male reader and thats so fucking devasating bc im gay and i love nick miller and i UGH must i do EVERYTHING myself?! im already writing something for him actually more than just one but thats literally only for me, i want to read someone else's writing though ughh
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sandwichboyfriend · 1 year
he/they pronoun use for the reader.
scarvio goes through the day/night cycle on a set time, and doesnt change based on your current time so thats where the idea came from
Being an insomniac is hard, but moving to Paldea proved to be the best idea your mom had gone through. Having to find the "treasure" was easier, when you worked through the night. No one really checked up on you, since all they saw was a hard working young guy, who just a workaholic.
Larry did try to get them to rest a bit before the battle, but didn't get through to the young boy. After his defeat, he offered some food, so he could at least stop and eat a proper meal, since he looked a bit tired. The trainer took the offer and had a lovely meal with Larry.
"Thank you, Larry, this was really nice"
"Anytime, (Y/n).. Please try to have some rest, you're going to overwork yourself to the bones."
They simply nodded, and waved goodbye as they left.
One night, Arven was gathering ingredients for his sandwiches, and let mabostiff try to sniff out some stuff that may be laying around. Suddenly his tail started wagging hard, and started running off.
Startled, Arven runs after him. All the things that ran through Arven's mind, this definitely wasn't what he was expecting to see at all. (Y/n) was awake, and battling pokemon with what looks like some newer pokemon he's just caught.
Mabostiff reaches him, just has he's finished battling, and jumps on top of him. Not having expected it, he falls, and any fear of getting trampled on by a random Mabostiff leaves, as he realizes its definitely Arven's. He smells too clean, and like food to be anyone else's.
"Hey Arv, why are you up? its like um.." looks at his watch "it's 2 am, you shouldn't be awake."
Arven raises an eyebrow, and smiles knowingly, "Yeah I know. I sometimes wake up at to collect the berries before wild pokemon wake up. They're usually the better ones for pokemon recipes.. why are you up, though?"
(Y/n) pushes off Mabostiff from on top of him, but stays sitting on the grass. They just shrug, "I can't sleep, so I battle my lower level pokemon until I'm tired, but we're aways from that right now."
"You need to sleep, little buddy. I'm going to set up camp for us, and you're going to sleep, okay? I'll even get Mabostiff to lay on you so you don't leave." Arven suddenly gets an idea, "oh, actually that may work. He's sort of like a weighted blanket, and it's comfortable"
(Y/n) snorts, and shakes his head, "Absolutely not, he was on me earlier, and my breath was gone, Arv. He could asphyxiate me in my sleep by accident. I'm not as strong as you are, I can't handle his weight. I'd rather try to sleep with you on top of me, as the weighted blanket."
Arven's face grows warm, and he clears his throat, "I mean, it could work? I'm not as heavy as mabostiff, and I'm pretty sure you can handle my weight."
"Wh- huh? Arven I was joking. I'll try to just sleep, but if that doesn't work.. I guess we can try? Better than what I've been doing anyways; battling until I eventually get really tired."
Arven nods, "That's a terrible way of going about it. Let me set up camp then."
"You really don't have to do this Arven, it's fine. Honestly-"
Arven interrupts, and argues, "you have dark circles, and bags under your eyes. This is not a way to live. You'll be in an early grave if you can't get the sleep you need."
Sighing, (Y/n) lays inside his sleeping bag and nods to Arven. Arven lowers his upper body onto their chest, and then completely lays as comfortably as he can be on them.
"Oh.. actually this is really nice. the pressure and warmth you exude is really nice, Arv. I think-," they get interrupted by their own yawn, "I think this could work."
Arven just smiles, glad his plan actually worked. Thankfully, Arven was comfortable, and warm with the blanket he had brought. Soon enough they're both asleep, and night goes by quickly.
Arven is the first one awake. He notices that (Y/n) is still asleep, so he takes the time to really look at their features. They have fairly dark circles, with some pretty long lashes, along with some really soft looking lips, and some light freckles that you couldn't see unless you were looking hard at their face.
His eyes flutter open, and stretches a bit to wake up.
"Did you rest well? You look way less tired." Arven asks him, as he starts putting his sleeping gear away.
"Yeah, it was definitely the best sleep I've gotten in a while. Thank you Arven, it really means a lot." (Y/n) gives him a sleepy smile, rubbing the sleep out of them.
"If you want, it could be a night routine. You need to sleep more often, and I wouldn't mind sleeping with you every night." Arven gets flustered at his wording, "n-not in that way, I just um.. I just meant that you're surprisingly comfortable to lay on."
"I couldn't do that to you every day, I would feel guilty about it. You and I have stuff to do that don't align, so we'd have to-" (Y/n) giggles
Arven puts a gentle hand on his shoulder, and cuts him off, "It's okay, I wouldn't mind it. I mean, I would do anything for you, because you're worth it."
(Y/n) face heats up, and fiddle with their hands nervously, "Thanks Arven, I love you."
W-what?" Arven's face heats up, and he covers his tamato berry colored ears with his hair.
(Y/n) takes a moment to realize what they've just said, and puts a hand on his mouth.
"Oh, I didn't mean to.. I just.. hah, didn't think I'd be confessing so early in the morning, I uhm," swallowing the nerves down, and ignoring how warm his face felt, (Y/n) looked at Arven. "I think I'm in love with you. You're so nurturing and sweet to everyone, especially with your darling pokémon. For all the time we've been friends, I've fallen deeply and hopelessly for you. I don't care if you don't reciprocate, but now you know."
"Oh wow, I didn't know you'd like me back." Arven looks surprised at the sudden confession. "I thought you were way too cool to like me, especially since you're always so busy with cool projects. Kinda thought you liked Nemona, or maybe even Penny."
With a hearty laugh, he put a gentle hand on top of Arven's much bigger hand, "No, they're not my type; you are though. I really like you a lot Arven, would you go out with me?"
Arven nods, "Only if you let me treat you to my amazing breakfast sandwich."
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sandwichboyfriend · 1 year
Just as the sun sets
Arven x male reader romantic fluff
warning not proof read…. ignore it….
User goes by first person pronouns (i,me,we,myself) and he/him, reasoning for such is i don’t see a lot of male reader writes, if anyone wants it i’m open to switching out for gn pronouns. Arven calls reader little buddy and bud, reader has a small stature compared to Arvens taller figure.
Reader cooking, shy Arven, slow moving fic, First person pov, slight use of swear words, VERY SLIGHT suggestive themes emphasis on very slight, crushing, silent confession, sharing sleeping bag?, cuddles, undefined relationship
A long walk back from titan hunting, reader and arven look for a place to set up camp, both are tired which leads to a relaxing night which just keeps getting better by the second.
ps this ended up way longer than i intended.
alternating pov - Arven ➡️ reader
why does the way the sun pollutes his eyes, the way he squints as we walk foward in the forest, and the way he looks back at me with wide eyes since i walk opposite the sun, why does it make me feel so… crazy? happy? insane? … arceus now my face is just red.
I looked back at Arven, squinting hard barely able to see. Is he okay? his face is all red, probably sun burned because he didn’t let me put an extra layer of sunscreen on his sensitive face. Either that or an allergic reaction to the herba mystica that he cooked with earlier which ended up spraying him in the eyes and making him cry like he was cutting onions.
I raised my eyebrows opening my eyes wide and letting them relax at the sight of Arven, looking back at him and away from the sun gave my eye’s temporary relief as the world came back into view. Varying bird pokémon chirped at us from the swaying trees as we passed and the wind kept blowing Arven’s bangs from his face, which he always pushed back down, The sun was really attacking me now as it was threatening to set behind the mountains before we made it to camp. You could even hear feint chiming music playing from the sky begging us to settle in for the night. Our leading pokémon had started the walk with us but all ended up tapping out and returning to their balls like ‘raidon about halfway along the trail. Now it was just us, legs tired, hot, eyes burned, and about to collapse on the ground, Thankfully we haven’t yet.
“Picnic break?” Arven chimes from behind me, “for desert this time, you can cook…”
he knew my weakness, letting me make desert after a whole day of assisting his sandwich making.
“you got me there, deal.” I grin back at him, before tripping weirdly as i stopped the walking pace, standing felt like getting out of water after swimming for awhile and still feel like floating, except it felt like the world was still moving past us. I longed to keep going to camp, but knew a break was probably best.
I set down my back pack, the wind was finally settling after being over the top annoying and messing up my hair over and over and over again. The sun and sky were orange which signified that we would probably end up walking into the night, but i had full confidence it would be worth it since my little buddy made an absolutely to die for desert.
He was unpacking a picnic blanket from my backpack and rolling it out onto the even grass, both of us pulling it back up and tugging from the corners to straighten it out. Sadly we went from walking in silence to setting up in silence, and honestly the nature noises were deafening, it made me feel like he could sense my thoughts and that it made him think i was actually crazy for staring into his eyes like that earlier. I don’t know why i’m like this, it’s like i’ve never ever had a friend before with the way i’m acting…. which at this point might even be true.
I caught sight of a yellow flower beneath the tarp as I readjusted it just one more time and panicked thinking we had set up right on top of a floette, thankfully we hadn’t and i glanced apon a bright yellow dandelion. I plucked it and held it up to the setting sun seeing them match up before i pushed it into the water bottle pocket of my bag letting it stick out.
Arven was starting to freak me out. He’s been silent this whole time and continuing to shoot me short glances before realizing he pinned his hair behind his ear as he quickly pushes it back infront of his face. It was funny seeing him experience this inner turmoil with himself and i was dying to know what was going on inside his head. He clearly wasn’t upset though, i caught him smiling to himself as a plucked a small flower from the grass. If he wanted time in seneca, he’s get time in silence. And by silence i mean without direct conversation because there’s absolutely nothing stopping me from playing a little music while horribly singing and dancing to it.
I had my rotom phone float around us while playing popular upbeat songs, this caught Arven by suprise as he almost drops the plates and spoons when rotom swerves by him. He just stared back at me, face red again. What’s embarrassing him really?
In the middle of silence his rotom phone speeds by my face playing the singing voice of a women that i cant quite pinpoint. I was zoning out while overthinking my obsession with why i’m acting this way towards my best friend and was extremely embarrassed when i almost shattered every single plate we had. Which for some reason were glass instead of plastic because i thought they’d be nice to have tonight.
I was watching my bud dance with one hand in the air as he used the other to pick up prepared cakes and frosting, followed by fruit. He was yelling out the lyrics which he did not know at all, but still he refrained from directly talking to me.
It was time for me to prepare my dish now. Arven finally set down plates and utensils, and i had gotten all my foods ready.
I started by slicing prepared mini vanilla cakes into three slices each, followed by thinly slicing the assorted fruits (mostly pecha berries) into half circles. I was about ready to put the easy sweet together but took a moment to stop swaying my hips to the music and to put down the knife to invite Arven over. His silence is over for now, desert is ready.
“Arven, unless you’re having an interesting conversation with the setting sun right now, i have something for you.”
He rolled his eyes hurrying over to me, which i then handed him a spoon and plopped a bit of whipped cream i had made earlier in the day onto it.
“Just taste a bit, i’m not sure if it survives the walk since it looks a bit flat and i trust your judgment.”
“if you insist.” He replied before popping the whole thing into his mouth and closing his eyes. His face reddened more, arceus i hope he’s not having an allergic reaction to this too.
Before he responded with his rating on the frosting i looked at him and studied his face more. I could feel my face reddening too, why did he look so perfect with his face flushed, with his bangs thrown back again which he had yet to notice and which i don’t plan on telling him about. Shit this is not happening, i can feel my heart in my chest, i hadn’t spoken to him the whole walk, and i really haven’t gotten to look at him this close all day, why was he being distant? I wanted to see him closely more often. The music was muted in my head, i was so focused i can even see the scab on his forehead from when a flying pokémon skimmed his head last week.
“ten out of ten and perfection, i don’t think it lost anything from the walk.”
“The whipped cream…?”
Shit i was lost.
Even though i closed my eyes i could feel him examining my face. He could definitely see i was red, and the redness just wouldn’t go away. Something about this whole day has felt different, and i think i’m starting to discover the reason why.
As always, his desert was timeless and perfect and it wasn’t even done, he had just had me taste the whip cream.
“ten out of ten and perfection, i don’t think it lost anything from the walk.” I state, opening my eyes to a world slightly darker than earlier, it felt odd speaking to him but also nice after i’d been holding back all day.
“huh?” He had a dazed look on his face, hopeful thinking would make me feel like he was experiencing similar thoughts to mine but i really don’t think i have much of that mind set left.
“The whipped cream…” i replied, chuckling to myself but eventually the chuckle made me want to gag myself with the spoon seeing my buds face redden even more.
“crap yeah yeah i got lost for a second, thanks for testing it even if you could’ve died from food poisoning.”
I stood behind him now, watching over his shoulder as he assembled cakes onto the plates. A layer of cake, cream, fruit, repeat. He did this three times for both our cakes before he did the same for our pokémon in smaller portions and in bowls.
Somehow the sun has still stayed in the sky, i notice as i release my pokémon to the picnic area and watch as my bud swats at his phone in the sky. legs tired i finally flip down onto the ground laying all the way down and just looking up to the orange sky shaded by overhanging green trees.
A second figure joins sitting up next to me on the blanket and just placing a plate on top of my torso. I look sideways to see my friend lowering his phone volume and picking up a fork.
i honestly have no idea how the music got so loud, i panicked as i sat down and heard the high volume. I made sure it was quiet because Arven quiet honestly looked exhausted, i’m also really starting to think he actually is sunburned at it wasn’t him being flustered.
A quick breeze brushed in pushing me back slightly and pulling loud tattering noises from the surrounding trees.
Arven pushes himself up from the ground after moving his plate. I see his bangs away from his face again and he goes to push them infront of his eye again.
“Hey you should keep it there, it’s nice seeing your face.” I say shyly with a grin, blushing so slightly that i actually song notice until i get a reaction from him.
“Wow i knew it, you’ve just been so obsessed with looking at both of my eyes today then haven’t you.” He exclaims probably louder than he meant to, but dear arceus it made my thoughts worse. He ended off with a low chuckle and i honestly can’t put up with this. By this i mean this feeling that i might want to mean more than just a travel buddy or best friend, and maybe the fact that he wants that too.
This time we weren’t sitting in silence. He turned up his music volume again and we ate our cakes alongside our pokémon. He kept pointing out when he saw a rufflet pass in the sky which brought up a phantom stinging on the scab present on my forehead. I will admit, i’d never thought my hair was that threatening to a small bird pokémon, and i geuss my little buddy had to remind me about it day and night since one swooped down to interrupt a previous walk.
We finished eating quickly so we could return to the walk and find a place to sleep for the night before dark.
We started to pack up just as quickly as we unpacked, except a few of our larger pokémon stayed to help out. Before i pulled my bag up and onto my bag i pulled my water bottle from its pocket and handed it to my bud, as he seemed especially parched, he denied the drink but i insisted, seriously now his face was as red as mine, i think he needed it. I watched as he looked up sipping from my water, why did watching him this way feel different, watching him at all today felt different. a thought i’ve been pushing down for weeks maybe even months now pushing its way back to the front of my brain. I don’t want him to just be my little buddy, or my best friend.
Handing back Arvens water, i watch as he whistles and rounds up the remainder of his pokémon while heaving his bag back onto him. I see dropped on the floor the yellow flower he picked from earlier. After staring at it for a second I kneel to pick it up from the patch of grass smushed by his heavy bag. And continuing our walk we go conversing about the most random things we can think of, just wanting to hear eachothers voice. A slight flirting occurs back and forth but i could honestly be making this feeling up.
The walk doesn’t last much longer, just under 30 minutes as we settle down under a safety checked overhanging cliff. It hung low to the ground and shaped a corner with surrounding rocks, creating a cosy cave home like corner.
The sky shines a glowing pink over our camp area as it rapidly falls to the ground.
I start setting out some lanterns to keep the light when the sun fully sets. Due to the pokédex, we should be safe here from any hostile pokémon. The swaying trees also aren’t as loud here and arven isn’t being antagonized by birds, so i’d say it’s the perfect spot.
“Tent and sleeping bags or just sleeping bags?” Arven taps me on the shoulder to ask. I take a moment to think about what would be more beautiful for the site, less about warmth honesty.
“I think we can get away with just the sleeping bags tonight, we found a perfect spot and i think it would be relaxing.”
“Oh thank arceus i was honestly not up wrestling the tent tonight.”
“works out for us both then, i just want to be able to see outside.”
Arven reaches into his bag to get out our two sleeping bags. And by two sleeping bags i mean sleeping bag. Arven has packed one sleeping bag.
Well that’s that.
“I can settle for laying on mabosstiff.” I say after a long pause as we just look at the lonely roll of cushion. “i’ll be fine i don’t want you sleeping on the floor.”
The wind stopped blowing as if it was listening to us work this out.
“well yeah you act like i’ll let YOU sleep on the floor, mabosstiff or not.”
Another even longer pause.
We both go to speak again but just talk over each other and pause again. Rotom pauses the music.
“How about we share it?” I propose quietly.
I look down at my bud and see him staring up at me, red face wide eyes and he makes my face end up looking exactly the same.
“Well, sure fine but kick me out in the middle of the night if you need, i understand it’s like your sleeping bag.” He says rubbing at the back of his neck, which is also flushed pink.
“Yeah i wouldn’t do that even if i needed to pull the sleeping bag over my head to hide from a rufflet.” I hear him snort loudly in an amused laughing tone, like he was holding in a laugh and it forced its way out of his nose.
We agreed to share the one sleeping bag we packed, which honestly is my fault since Arven remembered his and i didn’t, but whatever works. We stripped of our jackets and vests, plopping down the bag, and turning off all the lanterns except one right by our bed for the night. We stayed in our day clothes since they consisted of baggy button ups, and we both opted for solid color sweats and shorts, we were dressed for the night.
Finally here we were. Arven layed down first on his side opposite the zipper and gestured me to hop in. Honestly i was reluctant, so many feelings were brought up today that i wasn’t sure i would make it through the night without exploding into a bunch of little pieces. I’ll manage.
I plopped down right next to him, my back to the zipper and facing him. Honestly we had more room than i anticipa-
He wrapped his arm around my torso and pulled me in as he reached for the zipper behind me.
“what? sorry are you okay did the zip pinch you?.”
“shit no no it’s fine it just kinda… idk closed in the space.”
He noticed his arm was wrapped around my lower back and he quickly let go, i saw his face go red. Maybe i haven’t been making up the fact that he might want more too.
In a time of awkwardness i dove my sky facing hand into my pocket. In it i actually felt something, and i pulled it out. It was the yellow flower from earlier, somehow it’s not smushed and still bright yellow. I just looked up at Arven, and by looked up i mean looked up, i was just about reaching his chest in this sleeping bag that i could suffocate if i leaned foward in the wrong way.
Ignoring that possibility, and also ignoring the fact that he was taller than me made me extremely flustered, i reached my hand up and just put the flower behind his exposed ear and pinned his bangs back with it. I think he could be right about me being obsessed with seeing both his eyes.
Closing my eyes so i could safe myself from saying anything stupid was interrupted when i felt a hand come up and push the hair out of my face and pin something behind my ear. I opened my eyes again to see his eyes wide looking up into mine, this time they glowed with the lantern light instead of the blinding sun, and they looked up at me wondrously. I feel like neither of us have stopped being unhealthily red since we set off on this quest but i’m seeing the reason. We looked at eachothers eyes in the same way, more than jsut eye contact, we saw each other in those eyes, and we wanted to be able to see more than just a buddy there.
I reached up to touch what was pinning my hair up,
“Is that the-?”
“yeah, it fell out of your bag when you grabbed the water, it’s uhm… it’s really pretty.”
“this is going to sound stupid but if reminded me of the way the sun reflected in your eyes earlier, when the sun was extra bright. It looked like a bloom of yellow.”
I don’t know why i said that, why did i say that?
“I- you cant just say that and-“ He started, but he just burying his face in his hands.
Dear Arceus- Arven has absolutely the stupidest way to say things that are so absolutely flirty in the most unintentional way. Or maybe it was intentional- all i know was that as i buried my face into my hands, i felt him grab me by the waist again and pull me up closer to his face.
With a slight hesitation i wrapped my arms around him and pulled myself into the crook of his neck. I heard him gasp in my arms before he wrapped his arms around my lower back intentionally this time.
This time there was a comfortable and wanted silence. We layed there in eachothers arms absolutely exhausted from the excessive walking. Rotom never unpaused the music, the harsh wind never continued, and thankfully we were not antagonized by any bird pokémon at all. The world was silent besides our in sync breathing, our hand rubbing against eachothers bodies and faces comfortably.
It felt right this time, we felt right.
if you read this far… thank you!
I really enjoyed this write, and i hope other people do too. I wanted the end to keep you thinking and imagining, the story isn’t over.
Also if anything was missing of didn’t make sense then it didn’t copy paste correctly from my notes and i apologize 🙏
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sandwichboyfriend · 1 year
All good things come to an end
Ship: Arven x GN!Reader
Series: Pokémon
Word count: 2.6k
A/N: Please bare with me in with the slow beginning, ot gets better I promise
Warnings: A few short sentences that hint at Arven having an anxiety attack
Themes: Hurt/Comfort, fluff, friends to lovers, bit of angst
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“Hey, would you like to hang out today?”
“I’m so sorry Arven, but I’m fully booked with fan meetups and interviews. We’ll have to try again sometime soon, okay?”
Alright, not a big deal. He can just try again some other time. 
Arven hung up the phone and put on some more comfortable clothes, now deciding to stay in for the day. He had hoped to take you out to lunch today, so he dressed a little nicer than usual. It made sense that you were busy, being champion and all isn’t just about having battles and doing whatever you want. Mabosstiff looked up at him, a little disappointed since he liked spending time with your Pokemon, and was itching for a battle soon.
“Hey buddy, are you down to go to the park? Mabosstiff wants to see you.”
He felt bad bugging you again only two days later, so he figured he’d try to persuade you with Mabosstiff.
“Ahh, I’ve got a battle with an important trainer from Kalos in a few minutes, and I hear she’s got a strong team. I’m not sure how long the battle will last, so I can’t make any promises for today. Sorry, Arven!”
No dice. Alright, maybe he just has to give more of a heads-up before meetings? It’s gotta work one of these days.
“Hi again champ, wanna make sandwiches together on Wednesday?” He was hopeful about this one, planning all of it out.
“Oh! That sounds fun! Let me see my calendar- aw shoot, I’ve got lunch with Geeta where we plan on discussing some league things. I’m sorry Arven, maybe some other time?”
Arven had already planned all around that timing, not like he had much else to do, so he made an extra two sandwiches for later, just in case.
It couldn’t be that you were avoiding him, right? You two were so close and worked so well together while fighting the titans, you must really just have a busy schedule, right?
He ate his sandwich alone, never being able to clear his mind of your image. 
Arven was out shouting moves for his Pokemon to use the next time he saw you. He was close to calling out to you, but decided against it, remembering how it’s been lately with your busy schedule. To his surprise, as soon as you heard his comforting voice and caught sight of his unique hair, you ran right over to him, calling out his name. You didn’t catch the way his smile grew slightly bigger.
“Oh, hey! I figured you’d be busy today, what brings you here?”
“This is like, my only day off this week. It’s been terrible lately, not a minute to myself!” You keep complaining about how all of a sudden everybody needs you to make decisions for the league, to do interviews, make ads, try on stupid clothes, go to all these dumb meetings, and so on. The both of you take a seat on a bench nearby and you eventually get to mentioning that you came here to train, since you’re got a handful of trainers you have to battle soon. You absentmindedly begin to run your fingers through Mabosstiff’s fur. 
Arven always loved how you cared so much for Pokémon, always treating them with respect and going out of your way to treat them with such care. He never missed the way you’d scratch behind Mabosstiff’s ear because you noticed that he really liked that, or how you’d always offer your Pokémon their favorite treats after trying new, difficult things or winning a hard battle. Or even when you’d offer to heal up a trainer’s Pokémon for them, and not be afraid to call out those who didn’t respect their own Pokémon. It seemed like it came so naturally to you, and Arven truly thinks you’re perfect Champion potential, even with all the complaining.
“Sorry about the rant, I’ve just been so pent up lately. How’ve you and Mabosstiff been? Taking good care of yourself?”
Your tone was so sincere, you definitely did care about him and thought of him as a friend, right? You surely couldn’t have been avoiding him with how honest you sound right now. 
He begins your guys’ first actual conversation in weeks, glad to finally be able to catch up with you. You were always so hard-working, especially during the gym challenge and while taking down Team Star, so you ended up not having much time with Arven back then, either. Actually, the only time you ever did get to hang out with him was when you were battling for your lives against the Titans. At the odd time, he was able to get his eyes off of the danger in from of him and take a glance at you, while you were completely entranced in the battle. He could tell that that was all that was on your mind, and he probably barely existed to you in those moments. 
The sandwiches afterward were another story though, savoring every bite and being sure to thank him and his godly sandwich-making skills over and over. He cherishes those moments with you. He didn’t get to see that wide smile after beating a Titan very often and adored the way you would sway from side to side a little when you were extra glad about how tasty his sandwich tasted.
But all good things come to an end eventually. With a short call from Geeta telling you about some rogue pokemon that was hurting people, you were off in seconds.
Arven comforted Mabosstiff after hearing a whine from him, sad that you left so quickly. Well, at least he was able to get a few minutes with you. 
The next time he tried to call, he was turned down immediately. Maybe you were on a call already? So he tried again a few minutes later, with the same outcome.
And again a few days later.
Same problem a week later.
And then two, then three. 'Why can’t I get ahold of you? Did I get blocked by you? Did you really hate that last meeting you had, and never wanted to talk to me again?' No no, that’s going way too far. But why, just why are you ignoring him? Maybe they just need some space, he thought. Arven put down his phone with a shaky hand, pulling his blankets back over him, ready to waste another day away. Mabosstiff comes to cuddle him, letting Arven bask in his warmth, hopefully gaining some kind of comfort. The stinging in his eyes may not express his gratefulness, but at least he has one buddy that always sticks around.
Meanwhile, you’re in Galar, visiting for a few weeks to challenge their strongest trainers. There’s an event going on, and lots of strong trainers and champions are all meeting up. Your mind is completely occupied with planning out sentences for when you meet these people and coming up with strategies for when you battle these people. Leon’s Aegislash knows a fighting-type move, so using a ghost-type wouldn’t be ideal. The same goes for using a rock type against Charizard, his ace Pokemon since it knows a grass-type move. Man, you also have to consider other stuff like abilities and what strategies your opponents might attempt. So bothersome. The time difference isn’t helping either, and all these new people are giving you a headache. You know that most of these people are going through the same things, but you’ve all gotta sit, smile and act professional.
You finally get back to your temporary hotel suite, hoping to get some rest for the day. But of course, with no time to yourself, you get a call from your Public Relations Team. They’re the people who are meant to promote and protect your brand. They also get to control ‘unwanted’ notifications. Without them, you’d be getting tens of thousands of notifications from whatever social sites and random people trying to text and message you. It turns out that there's this one person that has been trying to contact you, and one of the newbies thought that it was some rando. They’ve realized how grave their mistake is when the entire top three floors of the hotel can hear you shouting into your phone. 
There’s a good chance that this decision may end your career as a Champion and may even get you banned from lots of places, but that isn’t even a thought in your mind right now.
You have to go see Arven now. Your face is burning with the frustration of a thousand suns, and the private jet’s pilot taking you home doesn’t even want to risk breathing wrong, or he might get thrown off.
Once you land, you have one of your bigger pokemon carrying you, running around Paldea as fast as possible while on the hunt for Arven. You’ve now calmed down and are now moreso in a state of panic rather than frustration, hoping that everything’s alright and everything is going on just as usual. You knew that he didn’t get lots of comfort growing up, and you knew that he didn’t have many- or even any- friends. You truly hope that he had just forgotten about you at this point. You’ve tried time and time again to call Arven, and nothing. You turned on your notifications and prayed to Arceus that he’d get back to you.
There he was. You had finally found him hours later. He was sitting at his picnic set up, feeding Mabosstiff the last piece of his sandwich. The biggest sigh of relief left you as you hurried over to him, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder, ready to explain and apologize to him.
Arven immediately recognizes the hand and stands up abruptly, feeling immediate anger bubble up within him. Swinging his arm forcefully to get your hand off of him, a yell leaves his mouth and he sends you flying. 
He takes a step back to intake the situation and feels instant regret, his conscience getting back at him, telling him that you’re still a person too, and he has no reason to lash out at you like this.
Then he catches the watery look in your eye and how tears threaten to fall. 'Did I… did I hurt you? Why is it so loud all of a sudden? I hurt my closest, my only friend? Everything’s so bright, why do I feel nauseous? Did I hurt the only person who was ever even somewhat close to me? No, no, NO! Please don’t leave me, I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please, please stay with me. I need you. Please comfort me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for bugging you and being so annoying, I'm sorry for making you fight the Titans, I'm so sorry for-
Arven feels warm arms wrap around him. One goes up to pet the top of his head, while the other rubs circles on his back. He slumps into their body without any thought, his mind going blank. Gentle fingers continue to make their way through his hair, and the circles being drawn on his back don’t stop. It’s the only thing he can focus on right now.
With the softest voice you can muster, you begin to talk.
“Arven, sweetheart, I know I apologize often, but I mean it every time. And please, please accept this as my most sincere apology, I am so very sorry for not being here when you needed me most. I always wanted to spend time with you, but I let other things get in the way of that, and foolishly accepted that.”
You weren’t hurt by him, not at all. Well, on the outside at least. You felt so very bad emotionally for what you’ve put him through, and can’t bear it anymore. You take a deep breath in and encourage Arven to do the same. He slowly tries to accept the situation and sits on the ground. You sit on Arven’s lap and continue to hug him and run your fingers through his hair, then bring them to cradle his face in your palms as comfortably as you can, to make sure he’s completely focused on you. He absentmindedly rests his head in your palms and nuzzles into them.
“It’s okay, I’m here now. I will not leave you anymore. I’ll stay here for as long as you want me to.”
You let go of his chin and bring his head closer to you for a comforting hug, you sit there in silence.
Until the inevitable happens. You feel a vibration in your pocket and contemplate even taking it out to hang up. You end up letting go of Arven with a soft ‘sorry’, and your hand makes its way to your pocket.
'Hey, are you just trying to toy with my emotions? Is this really just going to happen all over again? Did everything you just say mean nothing to you?'
You take your phone out and answer on speaker. Geeta is fuming and insists that you must be at the champion dinner and that this is incredibly unacceptable and blah blah blah.
Without a care in the world, you utter your next sentence;
“Alright, sure… as long as I get to bring Arven as a date.”
The silence coming from the phone and Arven would be deafening if you even cared a little about what she’d say. Worst case scenario, she starts yelling at you through the phone and you hang up on her and continue to cuddle with Arven, or, best case scenario;
“Fine. Hurry back over to Galar, you should make it on time if you leave in less than an hour. That may give you time to get prepared for the dinner itself.”
As much as you want to stay and comfort Arven, you’d much rather bring him to the Champion dinner as a sign of rebellion. And as a sign of love towards Arven because you are bringing him as a date, but that’s not important.
You quickly stand up and offer your hand to Arven, silently asking him if he accepts your offer to this ‘date’. He grabs your smaller hand, and you’re off to pick out your nicest clothing and hurry over to Galar.
You and Arven are at long last sitting down, picking away at the fancy food in front of you after such a hectic day.
“Finally.” Arven lets out a sigh of relief, everything that just happened eventually processing.
“I hope this means we get to spend more time together.”
“I’ll make sure of it. I’ll apologize for being away so much and not being better, and I’m ending that cycle right now. I’ll be there for you whenever you need me, even if I’m just a phone call or text away. I was definitely clear about you being an important contact, so there’ll be no more mix-ups.” You try to lighten the mood, and also want to clarify how important he is to you. Maybe what you said wasn’t enough, let’s try that again.
“Hey.” Arven focuses on your serious expression, as well as the way your hands meet his.
“I’ve loved you this whole time, and I’m going to act on it now. I’ll hug you whenever you need me to, I’ll give you a kiss on the cheek whenever you want. If you need some words of comfort, I’m here.”
“...And if you want a date? Well, I’ll just have to clear my schedule.”
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sandwichboyfriend · 1 year
I'm so proud of you.☆
Ship: Giacomo x GN! Reader
Series: Pokémon
Word count: 3.9k
A/N: Whoops. Guess who's spiralling back into their pokemon phase
Warnings: Uh Giacomo kind of puts himself down and thinks he's weak at battling, reader gets super sad near the end but it's okay I promise
Themes: Fluff, Hurt/comfort, angst, strangers to friends to lovers
Chapter 2
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‘So, I guess my reign as boss ends here, huh? Segin Starmobile is barely standing, I can tell it’s about to fall unconscious anytime now. This trainer is definitely something else. Pawniard was barely out on the battlefield for two seconds before he went down, it just took one hit from that trainer’s Skeledirge. Damn!’
Giacomo glanced down beside him to the small Pawniard at his feet, who was slowly opening up his eyes after being knocked out. A slight regretful frown was plastered on Giacomo’s face when his eyes snapped back to the battle, only to hear the sounds of the Segin Starmobile fainting.
“Didn’t stand a chance. Man, that’s embarrassing.” He tried to put himself in your shoes, only to think about how pathetic it must have seemed to be him. He went down so easily, it almost seemed as if he didn’t care about team star whatsoever. 
Giacomo shakes his head lightly. 
‘No no, that’s not true at all! I love the team with my whole heart.’
‘Then why…. why couldn’t I put up a better fight? This must just be an every day thing for them, defeating trainer after trainer.’
He’s interrupted by the sound of footsteps on the grass in front of him, only now paying attention to your figure. You lean down to one knee before him and before he has time to question what you’re doing, you’re pulling out a potion with one hand and gently holding out the other towards his Pawniard.
Pawniard willingly takes a careful step toward you. Once you have a warm smile on your face and a careful hand on Pawniard’s little head, you apply the potion.“You put up a great fight out there buddy! I just know you’re gonna be so strong when you grow up. Keep up the amazing work, sweetie!”
…What? You’re not just going to leave him like nothing ever happened? But that’s what’s supposed to happen after a battle. Either you just walk away or insult him, like how all the other battles he used to have have gone. 
After giving a soft pat on Pawniard’s head and receiving a cute thank you squeal, you’re up and dusting your legs off, shifting your focus to Giacomo. You offer him a hand for a respectful handshake after the battle. He goes in to shake it, still a bit shocked and not fully focusing of his actions anymore. He’s brought back to reality by your voice once again;
“Man, I love your style! And your bond with your pokemon is super admirable. Dark types really are amazing, aren’t they?” You look over to Pawniard once again, offering him a closed-eyed smile, “Everyone always thinks they’re these big, scary pokemon that are gonna betray their trainers, but they’re really just big sweethearts! They’re just a little protective is all, which is pretty sweet if you ask me.”
“Uh.. yeah, um, it’s really unfortunate how misunderstood these little guys are.” He’s surprised at how much care you’ve offered his pokemon and how kind you’re being towards him.
“Right? Anyways I should really get going to the next gym! -Oh! But first, I’d like to thank you,” He picks his eyes up from Pawniard, only after making sure his buddy is doing all right, to look at you, “I’ll be honest, lots of trainers give up halfway throught their battle with me because, well, they know that they can’t do all that much damage to my babies, to put it lightly. But it’s so… disheartening to see them give up so easily. It’s as if they don’t have any respect for their pokemon.” You turn back towards Giacomo and your eyes light up, “But you! You put your all into the battle up until the last second! I have lots of respect for trainers like yourself, so please, keep training super duper hard so we can battle again one day!” You give him a thumbs up with both hands, showing your genuineness.
He didn’t know what to say. He’s never been complimented like this before. Maybe even ever. You were already walking off towards the Segin squad’s gate, giving your Skeledirge some kind of sweet snack you had just taken out of your pocket. Turning back around after remembering something, you shout back; “Oh! And that music was super dope!” and with a wave of your hands, you were off.
That was the first interaction you ever had with the one and only DJ Vice.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
From then on, he didn’t have much to do, since he was no longer boss and all. He would try to keep up with the standings of team Star, slowly seeing all of the other squad bosses fall one by one. It turns out that you were a notable trainer taking on the gyms, so your standings were online. The battles were even filmed, too. It may have been weird, but he couldn’t help but feel a tad bit happy whenever he’d refresh the app and see that you beat another gym leader. And it was pretty cool to see your team grow bigger and stronger as time went on.
Before you two knew it, team Star has been taken down, and you’ve officially become the Champion of the Paldea region. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Giacomo has now been attending school regularly for the past few months, and he’d sometimes spot you. But he never had the guts to go up to you and make his presence known. He told himself that it was because of all the students surrounding you and always asking for battles, pictures, signatures, anything really. You never really got a break. Yet you somehow always had a smile written across your face. ‘They must be the perfect champion,’ he thought to himself, ‘always so full of energy and optimism.’ He smiled to himself, put his headphones on and went off to his next class.
Later that night, Giacomo simply couldn’t fall asleep. No matter how comfortable he tried to get, or what music he tried to play as white noise, nothing worked. So here he is out on a walk with Mabosstiff strolling beside him while Honchcrow tags along behind the two. Giacomo looks around and realizes that this is surprisingly quite nice. He’s never really willingly gone out for a stroll this late at night, he’s only ever done this when his dark type pokemon wouldn’t let him sleep. Guess that is one downside to having pokemon that are more lively at night. The breeze was nice, and it wasn’t too chilly. Mabosstiff was enjoying the walk, so it was all worth it.
That is until Mabosstif freezes with his ears perked up for a second, before bolting off in some random direction. Honchcrow was less enthusiastic about the supposed disturbance, but went and followed Mabosstiff anyways. Giacomo didn’t want to yell at them since he was still close to the school, which means people might hear him, so he had no other option but to try to catch them. Only a few minutes later once he reached a clearing, did he notice what was going on. Sorta. He had found Mabosstiff playing with a Haunter. Though, he doesn’t remember them being wild in the area. Giacomo went up to his pokemon to say that playtime is over, but first, he needed to find his other dark type. Which didn’t take long, because a familiar voice rang in his ears. One that he hadn’t properly heard in months.
“Oh hey! Giacomo, right? Or do you prefer to go by DJ Vice?~”  The end of your sentence had a playful tone, making sure to make it clear you were just messing with him. 
His head snapped towards you, definitely not expecting you to be out this late. ‘Ah, there he is.’ Giacomo spotted Honchcrow resting on your shoulder, while you had your hand up to pet its feathers gently. 
“Sooo, how’s it been, Gia? Good to see you back in school again,” You offered up that kind smile of yours, one he got so used to seeing over a screen that he almost forgot what it looked like in real life.
“It’s, um, it’s been good. I’ve got a few new team members.”
You chuckle a little, as he notices that it was kind of obvious.
“I see that, have you gotten a bunch stronger like I asked you to?”
You remember that? Seriously? Do you actually remember him? He never really considered himself a memorable guy, just more of a chill-in-the-background kind of character. Yet here you were, the champion of the Paldea region, hanging out with a guy like him. As if he and you were ordinary people.
“Hey! Be nice, you two!”  Your attention diverts to yours and Giacomo's Pokemon, your your keen ear recognizing the sound of specific moves being used.
Mabosstiff and Haunter were play fighting, and Mabostiff decided he wanted to get a little rough and play dirty, using Crunch. Haunter got back at it by using Dazzling gleam, a move you taught it by TM so it could defend itself against dark types. Giacomo took note of this.
“Planning super effective moves against me so soon? Cheeky.”
“It’s not just for against you, I do need haunter to be strong no matter the opponent, you know.”
Your pouty face was probably the cutest thing he’s ever seen, and the way your lips split into a grin right away made it all the better. You looked up at the stars and admired them, taking in the sight. It wasn’t often you had alone time, and some nights you really needed it. Sitting up from your comfortable position, consisting of having your hands on the cold ground, you put them together and rubbed them for friction. Now there was a debate in Giacomo’s head. Yes, he knows that you two technically don’t know each other very well and therefore you two aren’t close, so it might make you uncomfortable. But you seem to be really friendly with him, maybe this is just how you are with everyone? Oh well, it won’t hurt anyone to offer. 
You spot movement out of the corner of your eye and tilt your head towards Giacomo. With his eyes adverted and hand out towards you, he holds out his jacket and offers it to you. 
You snicker to yourself at the way he refused to look at you, but accepted his kind offer with your signature smile anyways. Now this was a sight to behold. Who would have thought you being wrapped up in his big jacket would be so adorable? He sure didn’t. Taking in a quick breath, he adjusted his hat and shifted his focus to the stars to distract himself. It was a comfortable moment for you, enjoying the scenery and warmth, along with your pokemon burning up all that built up energy from staying in their pokeballs most of the day. Sure, you did send out different pokemon to battle when you did get challenged, but that doesn’t change the fact that you would usually wipe people’s entire teams with said singular pokemon.
Mabosstiff had finally hobbled over to Giacomo, notifying him that he was ready for bed, and Haunter came floating over to you to suggest that it was getting late for you. Remembering that even if it is calm right now, tomorrow’s still going to be another hectic day full of action... and people. Not that you looked forward to every single battle and picture, but most of the time it was still entertaining.
You felt bad having to say your goodbyes so soon, but time had to keep moving forward. You gave Giacomo his jacket back and wished him goodnight. But before you could walk off, he interrupted you;
“Well, um, if you still care about battling, I’m usually hanging around the Segin squad’s base or the music room if you wanna swing by… or something-” He shifted his body weight, realising that he just told the champion of Paldea is allowed to battle him whenever. Like yeah, duh! It’s an honour to even have the option of talking with them! As if they would ever wanna battle such a lowly trainer like-
“I think I’ll take you up on that offer. Lookin’ forward to hearing some more wicked tunes, Gia!” You waved him off with another smile, glad that he’s willing to hang out. 
Wait, did you give him a nickname?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You took a quick peek at your rotom phone to see what time it was. It turns out you have more time on your schedule than you had initially planned. Perfect. Of course you couldn’t pass up the opportunity to battle against one of the first people you’ve met here, you knew you’d be thrilled to see how much he’s improved since your first encounter. So, you head up to the music room to see if Giacomo might be hanging around. Lo and behold, there he is. You find him tuning a guitar for one of the newer students. Isn’t that cute? You try your best to ignore the stares and phones that come out from pockets and into hands and you make your way over to Giacomo. You do your best to make it seem as casual as possible, because it’s the worst when people make assumptions about relationships and start gossiping. You’ve already seen posts and news articles of you being shipped with people you’ve only spoken to once. Asking for a pencil, or someone offering to fill up your water bottle. It’s frustrating, but you’ll just have to sit and smile. At least the battles are still fun, and there are some kind people out there, right? Anyways, you two manage to make it to a more secluded area for a battle, somehow managing to shoo off some students that wanted to follow you.
“Alright, here and now, Gia! Give it your all and try to take the crown!” You want to shout at the top of your lungs, but knowing that people might come and want to watch, you accounce your challenge just loud enough to hear the confidence and excitement in your voice.
‘Odd,’ he thought, ‘their smile is different. It’s bigger, and seems more genuine than when he saw it on a screen. Guess that’s a good thing.’ He grabs his first pokeball with a smile, and throws it out. 
“Alright, let’s skip straight to your outro! Don’t worry, I’ll play a brand new remix just for you as you crash and burn!”
The battle went on as usual, taking one or two hits to get through each of his pokemon. That was one thing your promised yourself as champion, was to never go easy on an opponent unless you had a reason to.
But even though this battle seemed like all the rest on the outside, there was something different about battling him. It was much funner. This time, you had butterflies build up in your tummy when you threw out your first ‘mon. He’s passionate and enjoys the battle as much as you do, you note, and he respects his pokemon. The most important things about being a trainer, you find. Having respect and being kind to your team, as well as enjoying the thrill of battle. There’s no doubt that even if you had somehow lost, you would have enjoyed this battle more than any other you’ve had. But you had to maintain your composure, in case anyone was around. So you went up to Giacomo and gave him a handshake.
“That was real fun, Gia. Better get used to losing, ‘cause I’m gonna be battling you often.”
“Well, the more we battle, the more likely I am to win. So it’s on, champ.”
Your smile slightly faltered at the nickname, and you turned around to head back to your dorm after bidding your goodbyes. But just like last time you turn towards him; “Loved the remix by the way, keep it up!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Then again and again. You two went from battling once a week , to twice, to five times, to daily.  Even if it felt like clockwork everyday, this was your time to escape, in a way. Today was a little different, though. As soon as Mabosstif came out of his ball, he dragged his feet over to you, and gently pushed you down. (Well, as gently as a nearly 140 lbs dog could be.) And there you laid for the next hour or so, gently petting Mabosstiff and your other pokemon’s fur. You were basically in a giant cuddle pile of pokemon, while Giacomo laid his head against Mabosstiff’s side, deciding that he could work on editing some tunes while you silently fell asleep.
There was another time where the battle got more and more intense. A given, thanks to the fact that Giacomo got to learn all of your little tricks and weaknesses. Thanks to the intensity of the battle though, a stray bullet from his Cacturne’s bullet seed caught his cheek. It didn’t hurt all that much, just stung for a second, but his hand immediately went to his cheek as a reaction. You, spotting this with your keen eyes, immediately halted the battle and went to check up on him. He tried to convince you that he was fine, and it’s just a little cut, but you insisted on helping. You pulled out a bandaid and talked to him about the dangers of infection of a open wound, and plainly explained how much it would suck for that to happen, especially since it’s on his face. 
Only now realizing how close you two had gotten after delicately planting the bandaid on his cheek, he tried to advert his eyes but his body wouldn’t let him. You noticed the tension in the air and quickly tried to find a solution, opting to steal his hat and put it on your head to distract him. You weren’t expecting it to be so big, but hey, it worked. Good thing you have lots of training to think quickly.
“Hey, c’mon now, give it back, dude!”
“No way! I bet I look so swag right now, now I just need some headphones and eyebags and I’ll be all good!” You smiled, mostly at how he now referred to you so much more casually than before.
“Rude!” he finally caught you by the arm, enough to keep you still but not enough to hurt you, while he settled his hat back on his head.
“So like, do you always have a crazy bedhead and that’s why you always wear the hat, or-”
Giacomo gently hit you on the arm, playfully telling you to shut it. Man, what a day.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Today, your battle had to run a little later than usual. Something about an interview, then a meetup with Geeta, and then some other stuff. You both met up at the clearing you met at during your second interaction, it now being one of your favorite places to hang out. Giacomo had been waiting for about ten minutes or so after you called and told him the location before you had finally shown up, but something seemed off. You seemed tired. Well, obviously you were allowed to be tired after a long day, but this seemed different. You always put effort into being a decent example and trying to be a good champion. But the bags under your eyes, the way you slouched, and the way you held a Pokeball loosely in your hand were all signs that something was wrong. You weren’t just tired, but absolutely drained. Before you could even send out your first pokemon, Giacomo was leaning down in front of you with his back facing you.
“Get on.”
“But our battle-”
“Forget about it, we can battle whenever we want. C’mon.”
You hop onto Giacomo’s back, not having the mental energy to fight back. It was a quiet walk back to the dorms, but before you knew it, you were sitting comfortably on Giacomo’s bed with Skeledirge resting beside you while Giacomo sits on his chair backward, his arms crossed on the back of said chair.
“So, what’s wrong?” He wants to help, he really does, but he’s never done this before. But he figures the best way to go about it is to just ask, right?
“I’m fine, just a little tired.”
He takes a deep breath in and sighs and you’re ready to start dodging questions, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he gets up off his chair, gently tugs you up, and puts his arms around you. One across your lower back, and the other gently cradling your head.
“Let me help, Hun. Please tell me what’s wrong.”
Your breath hitches and starts to waver as tears begin to form in the corners of your eyes, unable to hold it in anymore. You try to control your breathing again before trying to speak, not wanting to let your voice crack. Giacomo gently pulls you down onto the bed and into his lap, slightly swaying side to side comfortingly. The possibility of your voice cracking or getting Giacomo’s hoodie full of tears is no longer even considered.
“I can’t keep doing this, Gia. They either treat me like trash, an object, or a god. Nobody ever considers my feelings anymore but you.” You take another shaky breath in, desperately trying to compose your thoughts while on the brink of breaking down even further. Your voice raises a bit. “The people who pretend to become my friend just want me for my money or status, nobody wants me for me. What is my value besides my performance? Is there really nothing else people like about me besides what I have? I never have any time to myself except for late at night, but then I’m stuck with my own thoughts, and that’s even worse than being bombarded with questions, challenges, and people asking for pictures and autographs, all while people send insults my way.” Another deep breath in and out. You notice the gentle circles drawn across your back.
"The top is the loneliest place to be of all, Gia."
“Not with me around. You are worth so much more than your performance. You have changed people for the better and given some hope, some determination, and some… some you’ve given the best gift of all.” You look up at him through blurred vision. “Your love and your trust. Nothing can compare to the feeling of having someone to come to every day, to keep me on routine. And the way you look at me when we’re battling, or looking at the stars is so very special.”  He wipes a stray tear from your cheek with his thumb, treating you as gently as glass.
You lean into him and continue to sway back and forth, opting to focus on the sweet words coming from him. 
 “I’m so proud of you, I cannot put into words how much you mean to me.”
He tucks a piece of hair away from your forehead.
“If you ever need a break, just come find me. I can be your home, your safe place. You can just be yourself around me, ‘kay? I love you, sweetheart.”
He’s not sure if you heard the last part, your soft snores starting up and your breath evening out in the middle of his sentence. Oh well, he wouldn’t mind telling you all of that all over again any day. With a gentle kiss to your hairline, he gets as comfortable as he can get while not waking you up, and falls asleep, cradling you with as much delicacy as he can manage.
Time spent: 4.5 hrs
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sandwichboyfriend · 1 year
this was gonna go a different direction when the reader says i love you, but i decided not to cos then I'd have to make a part two and im too lazy for that lmao
he/they pronoun use for the reader.
scarvio goes through the day/night cycle on a set time, and doesnt change based on your current time so thats where the idea came from
Being an insomniac is hard, but moving to Paldea proved to be the best idea your mom had gone through. Having to find the "treasure" was easier, when you worked through the night. No one really checked up on you, since all they saw was a hard working young guy, who just a workaholic.
Larry did try to get them to rest a bit before the battle, but didn't get through to the young boy. After his defeat, he offered some food, so he could at least stop and eat a proper meal, since he looked a bit tired. The trainer took the offer and had a lovely meal with Larry.
"Thank you, Larry, this was really nice"
"Anytime, (Y/n).. Please try to have some rest, you're going to overwork yourself to the bones."
They simply nodded, and waved goodbye as they left.
One night, Arven was gathering ingredients for his sandwiches, and let mabostiff try to sniff out some stuff that may be laying around. Suddenly his tail started wagging hard, and started running off.
Startled, Arven runs after him. All the things that ran through Arven's mind, this definitely wasn't what he was expecting to see at all. (Y/n) was awake, and battling pokemon with what looks like some newer pokemon he's just caught.
Mabostiff reaches him, just has he's finished battling, and jumps on top of him. Not having expected it, he falls, and any fear of getting trampled on by a random Mabostiff leaves, as he realizes its definitely Arven's. He smells too clean, and like food to be anyone else's.
"Hey Arv, why are you up? its like um.." looks at his watch "it's 2 am, you shouldn't be awake."
Arven raises an eyebrow, and smiles knowingly, "Yeah I know. I sometimes wake up at to collect the berries before wild pokemon wake up. They're usually the better ones for pokemon recipes.. why are you up, though?"
(Y/n) pushes off Mabostiff from on top of him, but stays sitting on the grass. They just shrug, "I can't sleep, so I battle my lower level pokemon until I'm tired, but we're aways from that right now."
"You need to sleep, little buddy. I'm going to set up camp for us, and you're going to sleep, okay? I'll even get Mabostiff to lay on you so you don't leave." Arven suddenly gets an idea, "oh, actually that may work. He's sort of like a weighted blanket, and it's comfortable"
(Y/n) snorts, and shakes his head, "Absolutely not, he was on me earlier, and my breath was gone, Arv. He could asphyxiate me in my sleep by accident. I'm not as strong as you are, I can't handle his weight. I'd rather try to sleep with you on top of me, as the weighted blanket."
Arven's face grows warm, and he clears his throat, "I mean, it could work? I'm not as heavy as mabostiff, and I'm pretty sure you can handle my weight."
"Wh- huh? Arven I was joking. I'll try to just sleep, but if that doesn't work.. I guess we can try? Better than what I've been doing anyways; battling until I eventually get really tired."
Arven nods, "That's a terrible way of going about it. Let me set up camp then."
"You really don't have to do this Arven, it's fine. Honestly-"
Arven interrupts, and argues, "you have dark circles, and bags under your eyes. This is not a way to live. You'll be in an early grave if you can't get the sleep you need."
Sighing, (Y/n) lays inside his sleeping bag and nods to Arven. Arven lowers his upper body onto their chest, and then completely lays as comfortably as he can be on them.
"Oh.. actually this is really nice. the pressure and warmth you exude is really nice, Arv. I think-," they get interrupted by their own yawn, "I think this could work."
Arven just smiles, glad his plan actually worked. Thankfully, Arven was comfortable, and warm with the blanket he had brought. Soon enough they're both asleep, and night goes by quickly.
Arven is the first one awake. He notices that (Y/n) is still asleep, so he takes the time to really look at their features. They have fairly dark circles, with some pretty long lashes, along with some really soft looking lips, and some light freckles that you couldn't see unless you were looking hard at their face.
His eyes flutter open, and stretches a bit to wake up.
"Did you rest well? You look way less tired." Arven asks him, as he starts putting his sleeping gear away.
"Yeah, it was definitely the best sleep I've gotten in a while. Thank you Arven, it really means a lot." (Y/n) gives him a sleepy smile, rubbing the sleep out of them.
"If you want, it could be a night routine. You need to sleep more often, and I wouldn't mind sleeping with you every night." Arven gets flustered at his wording, "n-not in that way, I just um.. I just meant that you're surprisingly comfortable to lay on."
"I couldn't do that to you every day, I would feel guilty about it. You and I have stuff to do that don't align, so we'd have to-" (Y/n) giggles
Arven puts a gentle hand on his shoulder, and cuts him off, "It's okay, I wouldn't mind it. I mean, I would do anything for you, because you're worth it."
(Y/n) face heats up, and fiddle with their hands nervously, "Thanks Arven, I love you."
W-what?" Arven's face heats up, and he covers his tamato berry colored ears with his hair.
(Y/n) takes a moment to realize what they've just said, and puts a hand on his mouth.
"Oh, I didn't mean to.. I just.. hah, didn't think I'd be confessing so early in the morning, I uhm," swallowing the nerves down, and ignoring how warm his face felt, (Y/n) looked at Arven. "I think I'm in love with you. You're so nurturing and sweet to everyone, especially with your darling pokémon. For all the time we've been friends, I've fallen deeply and hopelessly for you. I don't care if you don't reciprocate, but now you know."
"Oh wow, I didn't know you'd like me back." Arven looks surprised at the sudden confession. "I thought you were way too cool to like me, especially since you're always so busy with cool projects. Kinda thought you liked Nemona, or maybe even Penny."
With a hearty laugh, he put a gentle hand on top of Arven's much bigger hand, "No, they're not my type; you are though. I really like you a lot Arven, would you go out with me?"
Arven nods, "Only if you let me treat you to my amazing breakfast sandwich."
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sandwichboyfriend · 1 year
he/they pronoun use for the reader.
scarvio goes through the day/night cycle on a set time, and doesnt change based on your current time so thats where the idea came from
Being an insomniac is hard, but moving to Paldea proved to be the best idea your mom had gone through. Having to find the "treasure" was easier, when you worked through the night. No one really checked up on you, since all they saw was a hard working young guy, who was just a workaholic.
Larry did try to get them to rest a bit before the battle, but didn't get through to the young boy. After his defeat, he offered some food, so he could at least stop and eat a proper meal, since he looked a bit tired. The trainer took the offer and had a lovely meal with Larry.
"Thank you, Larry, this was really nice"
"Anytime, (Y/n).. Please try to have some rest, you're going to overwork yourself to the bones."
They simply nodded, and waved goodbye as they left.
One night, Arven was gathering ingredients for his sandwiches, and let mabostiff try to sniff out some stuff that may be laying around. Suddenly his tail started wagging hard, and started running off.
Startled, Arven runs after him. All the things that ran through Arven's mind, this definitely wasn't what he was expecting to see at all. (Y/n) was awake, and battling pokemon with what looks like some newer pokemon he's just caught.
Mabostiff reaches him, just has he's finished battling, and jumps on top of him. Not having expected it, he falls, and any fear of getting trampled on by a random Mabostiff leaves, as he realizes its definitely Arven's. He smells too clean, and like food to be anyone else's.
"Hey Arv, why are you up? its like um.." looks at his watch "it's 2 am, you shouldn't be awake."
Arven raises an eyebrow, and smiles knowingly, "Yeah I know. I sometimes wake up at to collect the berries before wild pokemon wake up. They're usually the better ones for pokemon recipes.. why are you up, though?"
(Y/n) pushes off Mabostiff from on top of him, but stays sitting on the grass. They just shrug, "I can't sleep, so I battle my lower level pokemon until I'm tired, but we're aways from that right now."
"You need to sleep, little buddy. I'm going to set up camp for us, and you're going to sleep, okay? I'll even get Mabostiff to lay on you so you don't leave." Arven suddenly gets an idea, "oh, actually that may work. He's sort of like a weighted blanket, and it's comfortable"
(Y/n) snorts, and shakes his head, "Absolutely not, he was on me earlier, and my breath was gone, Arv. He could asphyxiate me in my sleep by accident. I'm not as strong as you are, I can't handle his weight. I'd rather try to sleep with you on top of me, as the weighted blanket."
Arven's face grows warm, and he clears his throat, "I mean, it could work? I'm not as heavy as mabostiff, and I'm pretty sure you can handle my weight."
"Wh- huh? Arven I was joking. I'll try to just sleep, but if that doesn't work.. I guess we can try? Better than what I've been doing anyways; battling until I eventually get really tired."
Arven nods, "That's a terrible way of going about it. Let me set up camp then."
"You really don't have to do this Arven, it's fine. Honestly-"
Arven interrupts, and argues, "you have dark circles, and bags under your eyes. This is not a way to live. You'll be in an early grave if you can't get the sleep you need."
Sighing, (Y/n) lays inside his sleeping bag and nods to Arven. Arven lowers his upper body onto their chest, and then completely lays as comfortably as he can be on them.
"Oh.. actually this is really nice. the pressure and warmth you exude is really nice, Arv. I think-," they get interrupted by their own yawn, "I think this could work."
Arven just smiles, glad his plan actually worked. Thankfully, Arven was comfortable, and warm with the blanket he had brought. Soon enough they're both asleep, and night goes by quickly.
Arven is the first one awake. He notices that (Y/n) is still asleep, so he takes the time to really look at their features. They have fairly dark circles, with some pretty long lashes, along with some really soft looking lips, and some light freckles that you couldn't see unless you were looking hard at their face.
His eyes flutter open, and stretches a bit to wake up.
"Did you rest well? You look way less tired." Arven asks him, as he starts putting his sleeping gear away.
"Yeah, it was definitely the best sleep I've gotten in a while. Thank you Arven, it really means a lot." (Y/n) gives him a sleepy smile, rubbing the sleep out of them.
"If you want, it could be a night routine. You need to sleep more often, and I wouldn't mind sleeping with you every night." Arven gets flustered at his wording, "n-not in that way, I just um.. I just meant that you're surprisingly comfortable to lay on."
"I couldn't do that to you every day, I would feel guilty about it. You and I have stuff to do that don't align, so we'd have to-" (Y/n) giggles
Arven puts a gentle hand on his shoulder, and cuts him off, "It's okay, I wouldn't mind it. I mean, I would do anything for you, because you're worth it."
(Y/n) face heats up, and fiddle with their hands nervously, "Thanks Arven, I love you."
W-what?" Arven's face heats up, and he covers his tamato berry colored ears with his hair.
(Y/n) takes a moment to realize what they've just said, and puts a hand on his mouth.
"Oh, I didn't mean to.. I just.. hah, didn't think I'd be confessing so early in the morning, I uhm," swallowing the nerves down, and ignoring how warm his face felt, (Y/n) looked at Arven. "I think I'm in love with you. You're so nurturing and sweet to everyone, especially with your darling pokémon. For all the time we've been friends, I've fallen deeply and hopelessly for you. I don't care if you don't reciprocate, but now you know."
"Oh wow, I didn't know you'd like me back." Arven looks surprised at the sudden confession. "I thought you were way too cool to like me, especially since you're always so busy with cool projects. Kinda thought you liked Nemona, or maybe even Penny."
With a hearty laugh, he put a gentle hand on top of Arven's much bigger hand, "No, they're not my type; you are though. I really like you a lot Arven, would you go out with me?"
Arven nods, "Only if you let me treat you to my amazing breakfast sandwich."
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sandwichboyfriend · 1 year
Here, Boy ~ X.T.
A/n: I didn’t know exactly how to end this. Hope it landed well :)
Request: “Xavier Thrope x werewolf!male reader where Xavier is crushing on a golden retriever sporty reader…” by anon
Word Count: 2,000+
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sandwichboyfriend · 2 years
Hi! my name is undisclosed but you may call me Sandwich or Null (or even Arven as thats the name on the acc). I will be writing strictly for nblm/mlm (he/they pronouns only), so if you ID as a women ALL the time, please do not reblog, for my own comfort.
people who use she/her but do not ID as women, i see u, and i welcome you
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sandwichboyfriend · 2 years
Arven's taste
Arven was making sandwiches as you sure didn't know how to make them yourself. He was making enough to share with the pokemon.. and Koraidon he supposes. Arven was glad that you had decided to bulk buy the ingredients, so he could just make the sandwiches.
He was finishing up the last sandwich and a weird thought occured to him. How would he taste like? Many thoughts were going on in his mind.
You caught him thinking deeply, and shook him by the shoulders a little. "Hey Arv, what's on your mind?"
Arven's face flushed in embarrassment, having gotten caught in his thoughts "Ah it's nothing important. Don't worry about it lil bud."
"Well, if it's on your mind it can't be not important, so spill it, big man." You countered.
Arven sighed, "I was just thinking about how I would taste, y'know. It's a bit stupid."
"Oh! I can help with that." You piped up, overly eager.
Arven's face went red, as he imagined you kissing his lips. He had a crush on you since you helped him with Mabostiff, and only realized it quite recently. You were so strong, and capable, but couldn't make a good sandwich for the life of you, so he always swooped in, and made them for you. He loved making sandwiches for you.
While he was lost in thought again, you had grabbed two slices of bread, and put them on his hand, and took a soft bite.
This immediately pulled him out of his daydream, and he pulled his arm back immediately. "What the hell, (Y/n). That wasn't what I was talking about."
"Oh sorry." his best friend looked at him rather apologetically, "What could I do to make it up to you?"
Arven mumbled something into his hand.
"Say that again?"
"You could um, you could kiss it better." Arven was beyond embarrassed he had said that, he looked away and tried to hide behind his hair.
You grabbed his hand softly, and raised his arm a bit, giving it a small kiss. This was very embarrassing, but your friend had asked for it, so you complied.
Arven's eyes got wide, he didn't think you'd actually do it. Seeing you were equally embarrassed, and going on the adrenaline rushing through him, he assumed you liked him as well.
"You um you didn't taste me the way I had hoped." Arven felt himself get a bit confident as he spoke, "would you like to try again?"
The wheels in your head were turning, wondering what he meant by that. "Um sure."
Pulling you into his arms into an embrace, was not what you had expected. Even less so when he got closer to your face. From where you were, you could see how pretty his eyelashes were. the prettiest shade of cream and grey. It reminded you of pepper (the condiment).
He looked at your eyes and then down to your lips, as if asking for permission. A small nod was all he needed, and kissed you gently. There was a lot of yearning behind the kiss on both ends, it felt both like an eternity, and not long enough when it ended.
"I.. wow. I didn't know that's what you had in mind." You were slightly breathless, and flustered you had gotten a kiss from your long-time crush, and not only that, but he initiated it.
"Yeah sorry, I don't know what came over me. Just forget that ever happened if you want. We can just be best buds, I'm okay with that." Arven had slumped his shoulders, and went back to finishing the sandwiches.
"You misunderstood me, Arven. I like you, like a lot." You spoke up from behind him, grabbing his hand, "I just didn't expect you to reciprocate. I love fighting pokemon, and being able to have a picnic with you afterwards. It's the time of day I'm most excited for, everytime."
Arven couldn't help but feel a soft fluttering in his stomach, absolutely enamoured with the boy in front of him, speaking so dearly of their time together.
"-boyfriend? it's totally okay, if you say no."
Arven was so lost in thought that he didn't hear what they had asked. "I'm so sorry, I got lost in thought Can you repeat that?"
You were so patient with him, and he loved you for it. "That's okay Arvy. I asked if you wanted to be my boyfriend. Nothing has to change, except we kiss sometimes."
"Oh my god of course! We're boyfriends now! Hear that ma, I got a boyfriend!" He yelled at the sky so happily, and held your holding hands towards the sky, as if to show Sada.
"You're such an adorable dork."
"You asked me to be your boyfriend. No take backsies." Arven was beyond happy, and he was excited for this to be their first picnic as a couple.
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