saibug1022 · 2 hours
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i cannot for the life of me remember who i painted the initial sketch of this a year ago for, but i felt like rendering Soo here's the polished version 🤷
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saibug1022 · 9 hours
The Breach: Part 3
Word Count: 1.4k
Magnus Bishop x Marcus Sharpe
Part 1, Part 2
It was strange, what small things stuck out to you when everything else was massive. Magnus’s whole life had been turned upside down—he’d been brainwashed by an interdimensional force, was nearly abducted to another realm, had his mind invaded by a resurrected ghost, and was forced to perform an arcane blood ritual that fundamentally altered his physiology and gave him strange fire powers—but as he sat next to the open window of Westchester General all he could think about was that he should be cold. It was the middle of the night, he could hear the wind now that he had his hearing aids in, and he knew how cold it got in Westchester but he didn't even feel a chill.
“All this is really not gonna help your insomnia.”
Magnus glanced over at his boyfriend in the hospital bed in the middle of the room. Magnus could barely look at him. When he did all he could focus on was the bandages wrapped around Marcus's neck and shoulder, covering his burn. The burn Magnus gave him.
“You should be resting,” Magnus muttered. He turned to look back out the window. “You have third degree burns.”
“Come here,” Marcus held his hand out to Magnus. Magnus didn't take it for a minute, hesitant to go anywhere near Marcus after what he did, but right now he couldn't deny Marcus anything. He sighed and moved his chair from the window to the side of Marcus's bed and took his hand carefully. “What happened?”
“When I woke up you were unconscious,” Magnus explained, eyes on the bedsheets. “You were burned. Bad. We got you to the hospital but Noah took Val home because he was pretty much dead on his feet.”
Marcus chuckled and Magnus looked up at him in confusion. What the hell was funny about that?
“Dead on his feet?” Marcus snickered. It took him a moment but eventually Magnus realized and he rolled his eyes.
“Yes, Val was a ghost, haha,” Magnus sighed. “The pun was not intentional.”
“Doesn't make it not funny,” Marcus giggled.
“Your sense of humor cannot be trusted, you're on a bunch of pain drugs,” Magnus teased him only for him to be hit again with why he was in pain in the first place. His face dropped. “Your burn is a light third degree. You're gonna need to keep it covered and they're giving you pain meds and the doctor said it could take at least a month to heal. They're keeping you overnight for observation but they should be able to discharge you tomorrow after you talk to the doctor. Then we can go home and I'll start looking for a new apartment for myself when you're settled.”
“Wait, what? Why?” Marcus's eyes widened. He stared at Magnus like he'd just declared the sky had turned green while Marcus was unconscious.
“Why what?”
“Why are you moving out? Did I do something wrong?”
“No!” Magnus held Marcus's hand in both of his and squeezed it. “You didn't do anything wrong. You probably saved my life.”
Marcus closed his eyes but not before Magnus caught sight of tears gathering in his eyes. Magnus hated it. But not as much as he hated the bandages across Marcus's chest. He'd thought about this for hours and he couldn't see another option. He'd much rather Marcus be heartbroken, or even hate him, and live than be in love with him and die.
Magnus tried to take a deep breath but it shook as he exhaled. He'd broken up with casual lovers before and he never had any trouble but this was so much harder. It wasn't just someone Magnus entertained himself with. This wasn't anyone else, this was Marcus. His Marcus.
“I don't want this,” Magnus swore. His voice shook with tears. “You are the best person I've ever met. You brought a light back into my life that I didn't even realize was missing. I've never had trouble leaving things behind but this…this is the hardest thing I've done. I don't know how to control this. I already hurt you once. I, I can't hurt you again. I won't. Or worse I could…I could kill you. For all I know this CAN'T be controlled.”
“With anyone I meet I've always been scared of getting hurt…I've never been scared to hurt someone else. But I've never loved someone like I love you. I wish this didn't-”
“No,” Marcus shook his head.
“No?” Magnus said. “What do you mean no?”
“No,” Marcus glared at him. A full glare, with less anger than determination and pure stubbornness. “You're not breaking up with me.”
“Is that not my choice?”
“Not when you're being an idiot.”
“I'm being an idiot? After all the arguments and fights we've had about me being reckless and you're pulling this?”
“Yes! Because this isn't reckless! I'm not going to leave you to go through this on your own!”
“Damn it, Marcus!” Magnus yelled and shot to his feet only to see a cyan light from the corner of his eye and he looked over to see a fire in the trashcan next to Marcus's bed. “Shit!”
Magnus closed his eyes and forced himself to breathe and calm himself down. He had a death grip on the back of the chair but he managed to settle his breathing enough that the fire dissipated without setting off the smoke alarm.
“I can't control this,” Magnus said again, frustration still in his tone but masked by a forced calm. “I don't even know if it can be controlled. If it can, it's going to take me ages to get it under control. And in the meantime I'm not exactly stable. I could hurt you, I could hurt someone else. You have a third degree burn from trying to help me. I can’t…”
Marcus held out his hand again and this time Magnus took it without hesitation.
“Of course it won’t be easy,” Marcus said. “It'll probably be dangerous and scary too. But if these powers, or Power, I guess, I'm not sure, if it acts up when you're upset I'm not going to let you run away from everyone you love. The people who love you too.”
“But what if I-”
“You probably will,” Marcus admitted. He reached up with his good arm and brushed his thumb under Magnus's eye, gathering the tears waiting to spill. “But it's okay. And I'm not going anywhere.”
Magnus wasn't a crier. But something about those words, about Marcus swearing not to leave even when Magnus was trying to, that had a sob crawling out of his throat. Internally he scolded himself, reminding himself that Marcus was the one in the hospital with burns Magnus inflicted, but once that first sob escaped he couldn't stop. Marcus pulled him down until Magnus was sitting on the bed and then pulled him further so Magnus was leaning over with his head on Marcus's good shoulder as he just sobbed.
This was all his fault. He'd let his fear of abandoning Osiris bring him back to Westchester over and over despite Si's warnings and he's been pulled kicking and screaming into something that had the potential to destroy his life and worse the lives of people around him. Something else he couldn't control was wrecking his life and this time it was all his fault. He couldn't fight this.
“It'll be okay,” Marcus reassured him. “You don't have to do this on your own this time. We'll be there. We can get you some time off to work on this, we can talk to Val and his I think brother which I'm still confused about, we can talk to Osiris and Amalia, you can handle this. We can handle this. I love you Magnus, I love you so much. Even the really really warm, cyan parts of you.”
Even with sobs wracking his body a small laugh came out with him. Only Marcus would make him laugh right now. It was nice. It was the first time someone told him they weren't leaving and he not only believed him, but he wanted that too. It didn't scare him.
“I love you too,” Magnus murmured. “Fine. You win. We'll go home.”
“Hell yeah I'm the best.”
Magnus laughed again. It blew his mind but he knew right then that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with this complete dork of a man. And damn it, he was going to.
Power be damned.
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saibug1022 · 10 hours
The Breach: Part 2
Word Count: 1.8k
Magnus Bishop x Marcus Sharpe, Val's Polycule (background)
Part 1, Part 3
Marcus grumbled in his sleep, feeling something missing even in his state. He reached over for Magnus only for his arm to hit the cold mattress. He groaned and sat up, looking around to see if his boyfriend was still in the room but Magnus was nowhere to be found. Honestly, waking up to find Magnus missing wasn't entirely uncommon, but it still worried Marcus a little every time.
Marcus grabbed a shirt, intent on searching their hotel room for Magnus, only to see something that made him pause. Magnus's shirt he'd worn to bed was on the floor. And when he went out to the living area Magnus's shoes were gone too. He'd gotten dressed and left. But where would he go? They were in Westchester, there wasn't much to do. Especially not in the middle of the night.
Marcus had to pause and take a deep breath before his mind started racing. He was already thinking of a thousand horrible possibilities for what horrible thing could have happened to Magnus but he stopped and redirected his attention. He just had to find Magnus. He went back into the bedroom and grabbed his phone to call Magnus. A buzzing sound started up from the other side of the bed accompanied by a bright flash of light from the nightstand. Magnus left his phone on the nightstand. Next to his hearing aids.
Okay. Now Marcus was panicking.
After what happened last year with Magnus losing track of time and Marcus completely freaking out, Mags took his phone everywhere. This was something else. Magnus just left, but didn’t bring his phone. That would be concerning enough on it’s own but in a town with supernatural crap going on Marcus could barely wrap his head around? It was downright terrifying. And his hearing aids? Again with the dangerous supernatural crap! Marcus shuffled through his phone’s contacts, trying to remember the name of the guy Magnus had introduced him to. Val, right? Yes, Val was in his contacts, that had to be him.
Please be him.
The phone rang for a minute but just when Marcus thought he was going to have to show up at Val’s cabin himself, he heard the small click.
“Val’s phone,” A murmured, tired voice answered. That was not Val.
“Uh, this is Marcus, Magnus’s boyfriend,” Marcus said.
“It’s Magnus’s boyfriend,” The voice said but quieter, like they’d turned away from the phone.
“Ah shit,” Val sighed and Marcus could have cried with relief. “Here, Andy, gimme.”
There was a small pause then Val’s voice came through the phone properly.
“What’s going on?” Val asked.
“Magnus is gone,” Marcus answered, running a hand over his face. “I woke up and he’d disappeared. His shoes and clothes are gone too, so he got dressed, but he left his phone and hearing aids, which is completely unlike him. He didn’t leave a note or anything which is even less like him.”
“Was Magnus acting strange before you went to bed?” A new voice asked. “Almost like he wasn’t quite aware of his surroundings?”
“Who is that?” Marcus questioned.
“Dan. my boyfriend,” Val replied.
“How many boyfriends do you have?”
“Four, focus.”
“Right. Yeah, he was. I was worried but I figured it was just being back in Westchester, you know, and I didn’t want to push and freak him out. He said something about going back into the woods feeling right, so he wanted to go back again.”
“Val-” The newest voice, Dan, started but Val was already cursing under his breath.
“I know, I know, shit,” Val cursed, quickly followed by rustling and a few tired grumbles and groans from various people. “Marcus, listen to me. Do you remember how to get to the cave where you met Osiris?”
“Maybe?” Marcus tried. He was already hurrying around the room to get dressed.
“Can you-, thank you,” Val sighed. “Okay Marcus, Noah is going to meet you at the edge of town, along the woods and lead you back.”
“What about you?”
“I’ll meet you there.”
“Because I need to make sure the cave is safe for humans.”
“Just go!”
The call disconnected and Marcus flew around his room, rushing like he never had before to get dressed, grab his things and Magnus’s phone and hearing aids in case he wanted them, then sprint from the room. He managed to find Noah, barely remembering his face but assuming there’d only be one college-age guy lingering in the shadows of the woods. Marcus barely stopped before they were hiking through the woods, Noah explaining some of the intricacies of the cave as they went.
Apparently, when the breach was acting up usually only Power creatures (like Val, Osiris, and a guy from Pine Springs) and sometimes people with the Power (like Lincoln) could enter into the deeper parts of the cave where the Breach actually was. Magnus was neither of those things so the fact they were so sure he was there was just scaring him more.
Marcus may not understand all this but he knew it was dangerous. He knew plenty of people had been killed by the Power. Pretty much everyone Power-adjacent Marcus had met or even been told about had lost people to the Power. He knew it got in people’s heads too, so they couldn’t or wouldn’t fight back.
Marcus could lose him. He could actually lose Magnus this time.
Every step echoed in his terrified heart, his breath caught in his ribs in a way he knew had nothing to do with how fast they were moving through the woods and then through the cave system. This couldn’t be real. This was one of his nightmares. Any moment now he’d wake up and Magnus would be right next to him and putting Marcus’s hand on his chest so he could feel Magnus’s heartbeat under his fingers. Then he’d fall back asleep with Magnus in his arms. That was it. He even prayed, for the first time in years. He wasn’t sure who he was praying to, but he was. He was desperate.
Finally, Noah and Marcus found Val just outside the Breach chamber holding onto the wall as sweat dripped down his face. Noah rushed to his side and wrapped an arm around the smaller man’s waist to help hold him up.
“Good, you’re here,” Val panted. When he looked up Marcus couldn’t help flinching back. Val’s eyes—the whites, irises, and pupils—were pitch black. “I’ve been trying to get through to him but all I’ve managed to do is hold him back. I didn’t wanna go in because if he saw someone he barely knew and freaked out it would just be harder to pull him back. Ah!”
Val’s knees gave out from under him but Noah adjusted to hold him up as Val gripped at his head with one hand, using the other to hold on to Noah.
“Shit, Val, what are you doing?!” Noah demanded.
“The Power is trying to pull him in!” Val exclaimed. Marcus’s heart stopped. Val looked at him. “I technically have to power to influence people but I never use it so I’m not good at it. I can barely keep him back. But something just changed. It’s still pulling at him but not to go into the Breach.”
“Is it safe to go in?” Marcus asked. Val nodded and Marcus turned the corner in an instant.
The sight before him was something he’d never even see on a movie set. The light from the Breach was blinding. The dancing cyan light made shadows dance across the cave and forced Marcus to cover his eyes with his hand as best he could and still see. There was something moving about, part force and part wind. But the howling, Marcus could hear it in his skull it was so loud.
There, in the middle of the cave, standing before the pool at the foot of the breach, was Magnus. He looked completely undisturbed by the maelstrom around him. If anything he looked calm. At ease.
“MAGS!” Marcus shouted to be heard over the breach only to remember there was no use to it anyway because Magnus’s hearing aids were in Marcus’s pockets. “Fuck!”
Marcus tried to move forward but every step forward he took the wind forced him two steps back. He couldn’t throw anything, the wind would just force it back too. He wanted to ask if Val could do anything about the wind but when he glanced over Val couldn’t even stand on his own. He was holding onto Noah for dear life, using all of his energy to keep Magnus from walking into the Breach.
As Marcus watched Magnus grabbed a sharp stone from the cavern floor and held his hand out over the pool of water. He used the rock to slice open his hand and let the blood fall into the water.
“FUCK!” Noah exclaimed. “We have to-”
“From blood to Earth,” Magnus chanted, in a voice so devoid of expression it didn’t even sound like a person. “From shadow to dust. I pledge myself to the Power and the Power pledges itself to me.”
Another drop of Magnus’s blood hit the water and the pool began to glow. It was no longer just reflecting the light of the breach, no, this light was coming from the water itself. The wind picked up even further as the breach brightened. At this rate the howling was going to make Marcus go deaf too. He heard a shout of pain from behind him and a thud as Val completely collapsed. Strange tendrils of blue mist began to rise and before Marcus’s horrified eyes they wrapped around Magnus.
The wind stopped and the howling silenced itself as Magnus cried out in pain and collapsed to the ground. Finally Marcus was able to run forward but when he reached out to touch him it was like his boyfriend was on fire. He hissed in pain as he managed to get just one hearing aid in Magnus’s ear for the moment, figuring the other could wait.
“Magnus!” Marcus shook him again, ignoring how his palms blistered. He couldn’t be so hot he actually burned him. Magnus ran warm but not this warm. This shouldn’t be physically possible. “Mags, sweetheart, please, can you hear me?”
The tendrils could have taken seconds, minutes, or maybe hours to dissipate. Marcus ignored them entirely, just trying to get Magnus to see or hear him. But eventually they did withdraw and everything went dead silent.
Then Magnus’s temperature rose even higher. Marcus’s eyes widened but he couldn’t even get a word out before a blast of cyan fire exploded through the cave. Marcus went flying back. He just had time to register hitting something hard before the world went dark.
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saibug1022 · 13 hours
"well one genocide is better than xyz genocides" Have you ever considered that Palestinians are not your sacrificial lambs. have you ever considered we deserve to live just as much as you do
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saibug1022 · 14 hours
being a fan of a friend's ocs is actually so humiliating....... like yes my favourite character rn is tragically doomed and a pillar of humanity who i think is relevant to the current world. you can find information about them on discord dot com and sometimes in late-night conversations with this guy i know. what the fuck
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saibug1022 · 1 day
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Based on The Three Fates by Alexander Rothaug
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saibug1022 · 1 day
artists, this is ur reminder to start drawing references or redesign your original characters before artfight in july this year
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saibug1022 · 1 day
I will be sad if Crimes of Passion 3 is a wedding book. For one thing, they've been together all of five minutes. But mostly, this book should be about solving Jimmy's murder. That's the cornerstone of MC's character. It should be the core of the last book of the trilogy.
I'm not saying there shouldn't be couple moments. I'm really looking forward to those. But let it be moments that feel authentic to this stage of their relationship. How do we handle the press? Your apartment or mine? Is it too soon to give you a key?
Jumping straight to marriage feels like a disservice on so many levels.
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saibug1022 · 2 days
Just said "It fuckin WIMDY" out loud. My step mom did not get it :(
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saibug1022 · 2 days
gently knocking on door hello may we hear more about Emrys!
Once threatened to cut off Kieran's hair in his sleep during the whole hating each other period
The kindest person you ever met and cannot fight whatsoever however they will fuck you UP
Such bad abandonment issues. Super independent and hates the idea of literally belonging to someone but loves the whole "say you're mine" thing Kieran does because it means he actually WANTS them. Finally someone WANTS them. Not just for sex or something but loves them heart and soul
Actually had black hair before meeting Radiance and the other faeries and getting that maroon flowers hairstyle. Kieran has offered to change it back multiple times because Emrys will complain its hard to match the maroon with Night Court colors sometimes and they will adamantly refuse every time
Their current face claim, tho not set in stone, is Josh Hutcherson, specifically during the Hunger Games era
Despite the game's outfits is just as comfortable in dresses and pants
In a modern au would most likely be a nurse
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saibug1022 · 2 days
being a fan of a friend's ocs is actually so humiliating....... like yes my favourite character rn is tragically doomed and a pillar of humanity who i think is relevant to the current world. you can find information about them on discord dot com and sometimes in late-night conversations with this guy i know. what the fuck
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saibug1022 · 2 days
Ranking My MCs on How Likely They Would Be Adopted by Batman
Not a single person has ever asked for this. However, I have seen so much batfam stuff on my dash it's been living rent free
Val Ebony (ILITW) If you told me Val moved to Gotham and was a vigilante for a few years and then moved back right before ILITW I think I would believe you. This man has the whole package: dark hair (his hair is brown underneath all the dye), tragic backstory, shitty parents, even shittier bio dad who's also a villain, homicidal rage, he even died! But overall what got him to the top is just because of how well he fits with the Gotham and the Bats' vibes and aesthetics. Like it just feels right.
Eros Blackwell (Immortal Desires) Batman would have showed up in Crimson Beech to try to recruit Eros only for Eros to explain they do in fact still have a mom *who is on thin ice with me rn). However. They still get REALLY close, especially when they find out Gotham is on a ley line. I'm tempted to say Eros, Cas, and Gabe fuck off to Gotham after ID 2
August Rose (Crimes of Passion) So August's backstory is that they grow up most likely without their mom, and then their dad is mysteriously murdered. August tries to solve it themself but fails and instead becomes a detective to solve other crimes and hopefully find justice for other people. They're gruff, badass, and too damn clever. They were definitely Robin. Hell they could be Batman for all we know and it just wasn't mentioned in CoP
Magnus Bishop (Laws of Attraction/Into the Windverse) While slightly less likely only because he becomes a lawyer instead of some sort of detective or hero. However, he absolutely has the potential. His parents were murdered when he was young, he was tormented at school and betrayed by his friends, he was neglected by his foster mother and separated from his sister, all before he turns 18. He even gets super powers eventually. He has the determination, the ambition, and hell the whole reason he became a lawyer was to defend people from the systems that beat him down his whole life.
Asterin Nightbloom (BOLAS) I mean Asterin is pretty obvious, he's like the quintessential hero. Dead parents (twice), super skilled, heart of gold, etc etc. He's practically born to be a hero and I think he'd be such a good bat. Maybe not a Robin unless it's just for a few years before becoming his own hero
Leon Vance (It Lives Beneath) The main reason Leon is so high up is because he is so fucking capable. That's what the bats are known for among other heros. And of course there's his classic bat backstory. He's a badass, he unearths a CULT, has a cool and unique signature weapon, forms his own team and even has a super hero suit. Best part, he looks good the whole time.
Damian Stone (Murder at Homecoming) There's the obvious stuff like being a genius, a detective, unsolved mystery haunting the narrative, solving a murder, looking good doing it, socially awkward, etc etc, but I also have to add that I literally named them after Damian Wayne. In fact their name was originally gonna be Tim after Time Drake but Damian sounded better. However, they do suffer in the rankings seeing as they have both of their parents, both of which are also very good parents.
Callum Wayland (Hero) Listen, Callum would be a great DC hero but in terms of Batman relations I don't think he'd be adopted. Unfortunately for him the Super Family parallels are just too hard to ignore. However I could see him being a Bat's emotional support Super so they'd see each other a lot and I think Bruce would be begrudgingly fond of him when he finds out Callum punched a corrupt rich guy into the stratosphere.
Castor Athantis (It Lives Within) Castor has all the makings of a PHENOMENAL DC superhero but again I just don't see them as a bat. They have too much of a mystical connection. They're more likely to run ith someone like Constantine. I'm sure they'd be associated, I could definitely see Castor joining Justice League Dark, but that's it
Emrys (The Cursed Heart) Emrys will fight for people but it's not something they're really going to pursue. They have the backstory for it, don't get me wrong, but going out and punching bad guys just isn't really their thing. In a modern au they might be some sort of friend of Bruce's and a Batman ally but they wouldn't be a hero.
Julian Athantis (It Lives Within) Julian is just as good a candidate as Castor, down to mystical powers. But Julian would only be a hero to help Castor, if he was one at all. He just wouldn't have his heart in it. He'd show up, help other heroes, and I could definitely see his and Lincoln's apartment being open to be used as a safe house, but he just doesn't want to be a hero. Not as in he's just not interested, more as in he actively does not want to be a hero.
Taylor McKenzie (Endless Summer) Taylor is in a similar boat as Julian where he doesn't really want to be a hero. He'll show up to big planet-threatening shit but otherwise he just wants to go to college and love his friends and husband. I could see the Justice League, Batman especially, keeping tabs on him so they'd know each other but that's about it. More likely Taylor would just go create problems for Dr. Fate when he's bored and then go back to minding his business.
Apollo Solaris (The Elementalists) Apollo really fits the hero archetype. However. I think if he stepped foot in Gotham city he'd explode. Or maybe Gotham would. They just clash so severely that even if he did meet Batman for whatever reason they'd hate each other.
Mattheo Lazarin (Bloodbound) Listen. Mattheo has enough on his plate being the Bloodkeeper and dealing with vampire shit. He doesn't have time to care or be a hero.
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saibug1022 · 2 days
wanting to talk to people is so fucking embarrassing. literally hi it's me again I wanted to have a conversation with you because I think you're fun to talk to. oh god you can just fucking kill me if you want sorry
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saibug1022 · 2 days
Ranking My MCs on How Likely They Would Be Adopted by Batman
Not a single person has ever asked for this. However, I have seen so much batfam stuff on my dash it's been living rent free
Val Ebony (ILITW) If you told me Val moved to Gotham and was a vigilante for a few years and then moved back right before ILITW I think I would believe you. This man has the whole package: dark hair (his hair is brown underneath all the dye), tragic backstory, shitty parents, even shittier bio dad who's also a villain, homicidal rage, he even died! But overall what got him to the top is just because of how well he fits with the Gotham and the Bats' vibes and aesthetics. Like it just feels right.
Eros Blackwell (Immortal Desires) Batman would have showed up in Crimson Beech to try to recruit Eros only for Eros to explain they do in fact still have a mom *who is on thin ice with me rn). However. They still get REALLY close, especially when they find out Gotham is on a ley line. I'm tempted to say Eros, Cas, and Gabe fuck off to Gotham after ID 2
August Rose (Crimes of Passion) So August's backstory is that they grow up most likely without their mom, and then their dad is mysteriously murdered. August tries to solve it themself but fails and instead becomes a detective to solve other crimes and hopefully find justice for other people. They're gruff, badass, and too damn clever. They were definitely Robin. Hell they could be Batman for all we know and it just wasn't mentioned in CoP
Magnus Bishop (Laws of Attraction/Into the Windverse) While slightly less likely only because he becomes a lawyer instead of some sort of detective or hero. However, he absolutely has the potential. His parents were murdered when he was young, he was tormented at school and betrayed by his friends, he was neglected by his foster mother and separated from his sister, all before he turns 18. He even gets super powers eventually. He has the determination, the ambition, and hell the whole reason he became a lawyer was to defend people from the systems that beat him down his whole life.
Asterin Nightbloom (BOLAS) I mean Asterin is pretty obvious, he's like the quintessential hero. Dead parents (twice), super skilled, heart of gold, etc etc. He's practically born to be a hero and I think he'd be such a good bat. Maybe not a Robin unless it's just for a few years before becoming his own hero
Leon Vance (It Lives Beneath) The main reason Leon is so high up is because he is so fucking capable. That's what the bats are known for among other heros. And of course there's his classic bat backstory. He's a badass, he unearths a CULT, has a cool and unique signature weapon, forms his own team and even has a super hero suit. Best part, he looks good the whole time.
Damian Stone (Murder at Homecoming) There's the obvious stuff like being a genius, a detective, unsolved mystery haunting the narrative, solving a murder, looking good doing it, socially awkward, etc etc, but I also have to add that I literally named them after Damian Wayne. In fact their name was originally gonna be Tim after Time Drake but Damian sounded better. However, they do suffer in the rankings seeing as they have both of their parents, both of which are also very good parents.
Callum Wayland (Hero) Listen, Callum would be a great DC hero but in terms of Batman relations I don't think he'd be adopted. Unfortunately for him the Super Family parallels are just too hard to ignore. However I could see him being a Bat's emotional support Super so they'd see each other a lot and I think Bruce would be begrudgingly fond of him when he finds out Callum punched a corrupt rich guy into the stratosphere.
Castor Athantis (It Lives Within) Castor has all the makings of a PHENOMENAL DC superhero but again I just don't see them as a bat. They have too much of a mystical connection. They're more likely to run ith someone like Constantine. I'm sure they'd be associated, I could definitely see Castor joining Justice League Dark, but that's it
Emrys (The Cursed Heart) Emrys will fight for people but it's not something they're really going to pursue. They have the backstory for it, don't get me wrong, but going out and punching bad guys just isn't really their thing. In a modern au they might be some sort of friend of Bruce's and a Batman ally but they wouldn't be a hero.
Julian Athantis (It Lives Within) Julian is just as good a candidate as Castor, down to mystical powers. But Julian would only be a hero to help Castor, if he was one at all. He just wouldn't have his heart in it. He'd show up, help other heroes, and I could definitely see his and Lincoln's apartment being open to be used as a safe house, but he just doesn't want to be a hero. Not as in he's just not interested, more as in he actively does not want to be a hero.
Taylor McKenzie (Endless Summer) Taylor is in a similar boat as Julian where he doesn't really want to be a hero. He'll show up to big planet-threatening shit but otherwise he just wants to go to college and love his friends and husband. I could see the Justice League, Batman especially, keeping tabs on him so they'd know each other but that's about it. More likely Taylor would just go create problems for Dr. Fate when he's bored and then go back to minding his business.
Apollo Solaris (The Elementalists) Apollo really fits the hero archetype. However. I think if he stepped foot in Gotham city he'd explode. Or maybe Gotham would. They just clash so severely that even if he did meet Batman for whatever reason they'd hate each other.
Mattheo Lazarin (Bloodbound) Listen. Mattheo has enough on his plate being the Bloodkeeper and dealing with vampire shit. He doesn't have time to care or be a hero.
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saibug1022 · 2 days
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April 25, 2024 - Cops in Ohio gearing up for another Kent State.
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saibug1022 · 2 days
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while 911 is blowing up rn here is hen shes a lesbian paramedic also she has a rocket scientist wife
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saibug1022 · 2 days
No Zionists on my page thank you
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