rindousbbg · 9 days
ur matchups are so cute omygosh. can i pretty pretty please get a haikyuu personality matchup yippeee. whoa, my mbti keeps changing every time i take the test ngl...but i've gotten intp two times so i guess i'm that. i'm a fun person to be around, and always try matching the energy of those close to me. i'm the type of person who always tries to 'fit in' but never truly feels recognized yk? like i always push myself to be the best, but sometimes i just crumble. i think with my head, not my heart, and always try to be number one (i'm competitive like that). i'm also an academic overachiever, who's somewhat of an ambivert. i love studying, watching movies, getting compliments (sorry), listening to music and writing 4 page long essays i'll probably never submit because they're a bit too aggressive. i dislike people who make me cry and are better than me (jealous jealous jealous GIRRRRLLL) sorry for the inner monologues. my type is a guy who's driven and makes me feel challenged, i love a man who can keep me on my toes. if we're going deep into the details, he should be a yapper who loves telling me everything that's going on, and motivates me to work harder, bonus points if he looks mean and scary but isn't. i dislike men who get angry easily. my love language is words of affirmation and physical touch like please compliment me and hold my hands. thanks i love u make sure to stay hydrated!!!
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You got...
• You are fun, and that's all he requires in his life. He's eager to do anything fun with you at any time. Just command him. 
• Moments with him are filled with laughter and constant teasing because he ain't relinquishing you just like that. He might act like a pervert some time. 
• After Noya found out regarding your 'fitting in' personality and genuinely, for the first time in his life, gave you beautiful advice, you cried. He would straightforwardly tell you that you matter a lot, no matter who appreciates it or not. 
• He would teach you that you don't have to always be on top; it doesn't matter in the cessation. 
• Noya was a bit surprised when he noticed that you think with your head instead of your heart; he didn't take you as a person who thinks with head (maybe he did misread you a little).
• he loves your competitive nature and thinks it's fun to see that side of yours. And down to compete with you. 
• He's a big idiot who scarcely scores in exams, so seeing you as a good student riles him up since he doesn't optate to be left behind and wants to be the impeccable man for you. 
• He called you boring when you told him you like to study but would would help if you need any help and will endeavor to even though hes a big dumbass. 
• You require to convince him a lot to watch movies with him since he's diligent with his volleyball practice matches. 
• He would tease you and compliment you since you love them, but sometimes his compliments are scarcely too instigative, and it makes you nervous and shy. But not to the point where you feel uncomfortable. 
• He's ready to beat anyone up who dares to make you cry; withal, someone's better than you? Hell no, if he sees you being worried because of it, he will find whoever is competing with you and threaten them so you won't be jealous that others are better than you. 
• He can keep you on your toes, no doubt. He may seem like an idiot, but when it's a super earnest situation about something, he will get solemn. Noya is a certified yapper; he will yap about literally anything, even the most useless and random things. He will yap about whatever's going on in his team, how he detests people when they make fun of his height, and what he sees in his dreams. (You asked him, so deal with him.) 
• He's not obligatorily mean and scary , but if he gets offended, he can be pretty scary.
• He is deplorable for you; he would shower you with compliments and will hold your hands. At first, he will be very shy himself, but when he gets comfortable, don't expect him to isolate you.
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hope you like it...
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rindousbbg · 10 days
Why can't he be real??? 😭 I need him.
hello!!! I love your fics! Can I request a kenma x reader? where he does things he hates but still does it for the reader because the reader loves it? eg: getting wet in the rain etc? thank you if do!!
≪ back to fics masterlist
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kozume kenma x reader
a/n: HI ANONNN i'm so glad you like our stuff! and ofc bae :) yes kenma would 100% do stuff he doesn’t like just for his partner because they love it.
cw: not exactly the usual type of fic with a storyline, it's kind of like headcanons? mostly? but written headcanons? i think ????? idk man. anyway it's all fluff and kenma being ridiculously in love with you :)
wc: 1.7k
fic below!
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the following is based on true events: lyssa: *sends yves a screenshot of the request* look there's another kenma req! yves: he's a literal cat lyssa: yeah! wait but that's not the point of the- yves: hold on i have a tweet for this lyssa: LMAO ofc u do
okay, on to the real stuff!
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"Kenmaaaaa, let's go (insert activity of choice)!"
"...do we have to?"
"Yes! It'll be fun, I promise!"
"...are you sure?"
"Yes, come on!"
"...you really wanna?"
"Yes! And I promise to spend a whole day gaming with you. We can play literally any game you want. Now, can we go? Pleaseeee?"
Sigh. "Alright."
This was the usual conversation between the two of you whenever you wanted to do something Kenma didn't necessarily enjoy. In other words, you’d bribe him with a full day of gaming together.
You knew he'd much rather stay in any day of the week instead of go out and engage in such uncomfortable, sweaty and outdoor (derogatory) activities. Anyone who even remotely knew him would know that. However, you genuinely thought that doing more physical activities together would be good for the both of you.
Hence your increasingly frequent pleas for him to join you in doing said activities.
The first time you asked him out on such a date, it was to go swimming together. He looked at you with a blank expression, but you could read his thoughts exactly. "Do you even like me? Do you even know me?" was what he seemed to be saying. With his eyes, at least.
To be honest, most of his reasons for not wanting to go swimming were pretty valid. Why would he wanna get soaked just to take another shower after that? Why would he go swimming when there are gonna be people around to witness him flap around in the water? And his hair is already bleached, so why would he want to ruin it further by going into a pool practically loaded with chlorine? Out of everything, chlorine had to be the bacteria killer? Why couldn't it have been something nicer, like chocolate or something?!
Fair enough, you thought. But by the time the two of you were out of the pool that day (you don't even remember if you just played in the water or if you actually swam laps together), the sun was literally shining down on him, yet his smile seemed brighter than the sun itself. You weren't sure exactly what about swimming had made him smile like that the first time, but since then, every time you suggested going swimming together, you'd remind him how much fun he had the last time and he'd be less opposed to the idea.
Even though he'd probably never admit it to you, he actually enjoyed going swimming with you that first time because of you. The way you laughed and the way you seemed so comfortable in the water honestly captivated him. Then he started to notice how the sun reflected off the water and onto your skin, casting a golden glow around you.
So damn pretty, he remembered thinking to himself.
Soon, you started going swimming at night - to not "die of UV rays", in his words - and the way the moonlight reflected off your skin was simply ethereal. He couldn't have used any other word to describe you in that state. You reminded him of a siren, and if real sirens were even half as beautiful as you, he’d understand why those pirates and sailors were so easily lured out to sea.
Even if you couldn't swim swim, you still looked so content in the water that slowly, he couldn't say no to going swimming with you anymore.
The next kind of activity you asked him to do together was to go to the beach. And of course, you were met with the usual resistance at first. The way his face lightened when you said "swimming" then pinched together when you said "at the beach" told you exactly what he was thinking.
Ew. Sand. Everywhere.
Honestly? Valid. Sand gets everywhere - and I mean everywhere. The sand gets scorching hot in the daytime so why would anyone wanna go there? To get sand up your ass? To burn your feet off?? Like, can't you just do that over the kitchen stove or something?
That was until you were spending the day together at the beach, building sandcastles and sunbathing and just hanging out by the water. You could never forget how relaxed he looked by the end of it.
Sure, there were tons of other people at the beach that day, but he completely forgot about that when he was with you. You just did that somehow - make him feel like it was just the two of you even in a crowded room.
"It's not that bad, right, Kenma?"
It's "not that bad" only because of you but I'm not admitting that, is what he was thinking.
This process continued with several more activities - cycling, hiking, even going to the gym.
When you asked him to go cycling together, his face told you, "What makes you think I'd enjoy cycling when there isn't even water to help me cool off this time? And what if I lose balance and fall?"
When you asked him to go hiking together, his expression screamed, "There aren't even gonna be wheels this time, are you kidding me? My legs are gonna give out. You're gonna have to haul me back home by yourself and it's not gonna be my problem."
And when you asked to go to the gym together, he muttered, "Kuroo and Yamamoto are rubbing off on you."
Despite these complaints, Kenma always came home looking more refreshed than ever. Even though he still didn’t love those sports, he didn’t hate them either, thanks to you. But that wasn't the point.
To him, the point was just seeing you do what made you happy. And as much as he hated getting all sweaty and sore and tired, he absolutely loved watching you go about the activities you had planned. Sure, you were just as sweaty and sore and tired as he was, but he didn't care. He honestly just cared that you were happy, and he knew then that he would do anything just to make you smile like that for the rest of your lives.
As for non-physical activities, if you love doing things like going to the museum, painting, gardening, yoga or meditation, board games, photography, he'd definitely be less resistant even though he doesn't particularly love those activities, and of course he'd just enjoy spending that time with you. Honestly, he's just glad you didn't pick something physically draining this time.
One time, you dragged him away from his video game and out of his bedroom to go play in the rain together. When you told him you wanted to go out into the rain, he had half a mind to drag you back into the house and lock you in the bedroom with him. But he was also kinda curious as to what you could possibly find so exciting in the middle of a rainstorm, so he followed you outside with just his hoodie, sweatpants and house slippers.
As raindrops pelted against his skin and clothes, he looked up to see you standing in front of him with your arms held out to the side and your head tilted slightly upward.
It was cool and rainy night, and Kenma would typically be in the comfort of his bed or gaming chair, safely sheltered from the rain. Why the hell would you wanna go out in the rain when you have a perfectly good house to stay in? He thought earlier.
Now, he finally had an answer to that. Two, in fact.
One, it was beautiful. He's obviously seen rain before, but only from his window. He had never been in the rain like this before. He's been caught in the rain on the way home from school or practice, sure, but never deliberately in the rain.
Looking up, the night sky was splattered with stars, barely visible behind metallic grey storm clouds. Silvery droplets raced towards the ground and glistening specks of water started to collect on his lashes. Blinking them away, he could see you in front of him.
The second answer to his earlier question was simple. You.
Dressed in one of his old volleyball jerseys, home shorts and slippers, you still looked so goddamn beautiful to him. You were laughing wholeheartedly even as raindrops assaulted your skin from above. You were somehow glowing even with just the dim streetlights nearby. Turning towards him, you grabbed his hands and pulled him towards you, further out onto the empty street.
"Come on, babe, have some fun!" You yelled, making sure he could hear you through the downpour. He could feel the rainwater slowly soaking through the material of his hoodie and onto his skin. He watched as you started kicking your feet and jumping into puddles of water on the road, and soon, the two of you were in the middle of an all-out puddle war.
Sooner or later you'd both be out of breath, and you'd end up with your arms wrapped around his neck and his around your waist. As the two of you swayed slowly back and forth, everything seemed to be in slow motion. The falling of rain around you, the steady beating of your heart, your slow breaths and the quiet rumble of thunder nearby added to the overall ambience.
Thinking back, he wasn't sure if this experience was beautiful because of the rain or because of you. Probably the latter, he thought. Furthermore, if he had to describe this experience in one word, he'd say it was magical. Simply and absolutely magical, and all thanks to you.
That day, he also decided that going out into the rain with you was worth an extra shower, and eventually this became a habit for the two of you whenever it rained heavily at night. If you moved to an apartment, you'd stand on the balcony together and stay there while it rained. Sometimes you'd dance, sometimes you'd play around with the puddles of rainwater on the ground, and sometimes you'd just be in each other's arms talking about anything and everything.
Main point is, he’s in love with you and he would do anything for you - even if it means getting sweaty and tired. Though I don’t think he’d complain that much if you asked to play volleyball HAHAHA
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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rindousbbg · 14 days
Hq boys and tr boys who would do this.
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Hq: KENMA, SUNA, tsukishima, oikawa.
Tr: HAKKAI, Chifuyu, Ran, Smiley.
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rindousbbg · 14 days
thinking abt writing a rindou fic! I love that man sm.
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rindousbbg · 15 days
I just realised i finsihed one matchup for tr but it was for Haikyuu 😭😭😭 gotta change again.
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rindousbbg · 17 days
sorry for not posting the left matchups!! I will get it done asap!!
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rindousbbg · 17 days
this is too cute!! Gonna cry 😭
Can I request 17 candle promt (20) with Kenma?? thank you so happy! and happy advanced birthday. 💞💞
thank you ! i did go off prompt but i hope you still enjoy !
prompt → "searching for each other in a crowded rooms, finding each other everywhere" + kenma
you sat in the crowded common area of the hotel that your team (nekoma) was staying at. you sat with kuroo, kai, and yaku, yaku and kuroo’s bickering being the main conversation piece. you occasionally dipped your mouth down to your straw, to take a drink of the banana milk you had acquired from the vending machine. you hummed along to whatever song was stuck in your head, occasionally tuning in to the 3rd years’ conversation.
you heard shuffling on the stairs, but there were countless teams currently holed up in the hotel so you didn’t bother seeing if you knew them, continuing to, instead, zone out. in your blurred vision, you saw kuroo tip his head back and his disciplinary voice pulled you back to reality. turning your head to where kuroo was faced, you saw kenma, your boyfriend.
as soon as you find his eyes, they practically light up with recognition, along with a soft smile. he shuffles over to the couch you're sitting on, curling up beside you, not unlike an actual cat. once he’s comfortable, you silently offer your banana milk to him, holding the straw up to his mouth. he takes a few sips before kissing your cheek. no words are exchanged as kuroo goes back to his conversation (argument) with yaku, but instead of you listening to them, you watch as kenma beats level after level of the new game he bought in the city today. 
kenma sits criss-crossed on the couch cushion, and you have your knees tucked up to your knees as you crane your head to rest on kenma’s shoulder to watch him play. 
he’s currently raiding some abandoned building, and every so often he misses a pile of loot and you point it out to him quietly, oblivious to the commotion around the two of you. 
and hours pass, it's been dark outside for hours, most of the people that were in the common area have seeked refuge in their hotel rooms. kuroo stands up along with kai and yaku, stretching as he does. when he finishes, he puts a hand on his hip, and wags a finger at me and kenma, “now don’t stay up too late, kenma, and (y/n). even though we don’t have a match tomorrow, we need to be up early for the bus ride."
kenma merely gives a hum of acknowledgment while you briefly disengage with kenma’s game to look kuroo in the eye, “we won’t be up too late.” 
he seems to take your statement at face value, because he nods, the smugness of being in charge fueling his already large enough ego. he heads up the stairs, following after yaku and kai as they head for their rooms.
you curl up against kenma, resting your cheek on his shoulder once again as he continues to beat level after level.
“jus’ wanna get to level 20..” he murmurs as he sends attack combos after attack combos on the boss he’s facing. you give a faint nod as your mouth cracks open with a yawn. you watch as the boss he was facing falls to the ground, defeated, as kenma turns to place a quick kiss to your temple before starting level 20.
you continue to watch for a few minutes before your eyelids softly flutter shut. but hey! its not your fault your boyfriend is so warm and comfortable! you melt against his right side as he occasionally lets out a sigh or shifts. but what feels like after only 5 minutes, you feel kenma’s hand caressing along the edges of your face as he peers down at you, a soft smile gracing his lips. your eyes squint, trying to clear the haze sleep caused as you sit up. kenma’s hands fold in his lap as you rub at your eyes, “time?” you croak out. 
kenma quickly checks his phone, “eleven, common area’s closed.” an hour you were asleep.
you nod in understanding, stretching your arms above your head. "did you beat the level?" you ask him, when you relax again, he nods as he fiddles with his jacket sleeve.
"yeah, about half an hour ago."
you reel back for a minute, "why didn't you wake me up, i know you're tired too,"
he shrugs, "you were sleeping and we didn't have to leave until, well, now."
your face visibily softens as you lean forward to cup his face, placing fluttering kisses all over his skin. you feel his face heat up as you do so. you back away briefly before planting one final kiss on his lips.
you tuck strands of his hair behind his ears when you part, and as you move to get up, kenma’s lean hand wraps around your wrist. you turn to look at him, seeing the flush along the back of his neck and cheeks.
“yeah?” you mutter softly.
“i'm glad i found you.” he, miraculously, doesn’t trip over his words or stutter at all as he gazes at you with pure adoration. 
your cheeks warm as a smile grows on your face. you get up from the couch, offering your hand to kenma. you pull him up and as he regains his balance, you place a soft kiss on his cheek before murmuring, “i'm glad you found me, too.”
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rindousbbg · 19 days
this is so adorable aww. Thank you!!
[ matchmaking... ]
@rindousbbg : [ match report ready ]
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your match is…
✦ Inumaki Toge
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-> [ This may be… a slightly difficult match, at first. ] You’re socially anxious and on the quiet side, especially around strangers. And Inumaki is… well, not exactly the person you can just converse with like you would most others. Your open-mindedness plays an incredibly important role here while you figure out a method of communication that works for both of you. And it does take time, but Inumaki is used to it, and you’re patient enough to put the work in and keep trying things out. Texting ends up becoming a go-to, especially since you’re both often busy with your own studies and missions. He thinks it’s really cute if you’re the type to heavily use emojis, finding it amusing to have full on emoji-only conversations with you here and there.
-> [ Inumaki is protective, but not suffocating. ] He cares very deeply about his friends and loved ones, and he wants to make sure they’re safe and happy. It’s just natural for him to defend them and protect them. And you would be no exception to that! Thankfully for you, Inumaki is good about not overstepping. He’s not so protective to the point where he won’t let you do things, to the point where he won’t let you mess around and learn things the hard way on your own. He respects your autonomy, and making mistakes is essential for learning. Just know that if you’re ever overwhelmed or in a position where you aren’t able to defend yourself fully, he’s there to back you up.
-> [ He’s someone who won’t mind your weird side - he has a pretty goofy, playful side himself, anyway. ] Inumaki definitely does not fit the mold of normal. He’s a bit quirky, but he is who he is and he’ll carry himself with confidence. That said, he’s definitely drawn to people who walk to the beat of their own drum and stand out in some way or another. He loves being able to see more of your personality shine through once that more anxious, shy exterior melts away! Teasing is his love language just as much as it is yours, and he loves the fact that he’s really able to truly be himself in your presence.
-> [ When you’re being lazy in bed, Inumaki often likes to join you. ] The two of you tend to each do your own things, but it's a nice, low-effort way to spend time together. There’s no pressure to talk, no pressure to find something for you both to do together, no pressure to go out and leave the comfort of home. Many times, during these quiet and cozy moments, he’ll be watching YouTube videos on his phone while you’re browsing the web. If you ever wanted to vent about your day, talking about your struggles with feeling burnt out, he’s all ears! He gets it; he has a bad habit of pushing himself too hard all the time when it comes to being a jujutsu sorcerer.
-> [ “Proper” words of affirmation aren’t common coming from him, for good reason, but he is very affectionate in other ways. ] He’s the type that likes to lean towards acts of service and quality time - dedicating his time and energy to you and your relationship is incredibly important to him, and he takes it very seriously. One of Inumaki’s favorite ways to show he cares for you is by cooking! He’s known to be the best cook out of the second years - and he seems to like spicy food, too, so he’s more than willing to make something that’ll suit your tastes. Cooking is often seen as a tedious task since eating is a necessary task (and then there’s the resulting clean up), so he really likes being able to provide for you in this way.
-> [ Since he’s often away due to his studies and missions, he really loves staying in and hanging out with you when he has the chance. ] It really doesn’t bother him that you’re more of a homebody, rather than someone who likes to stay busy and get out of the house all the time. And he’d never want to force you out of your comfort zone when you aren’t ready, anyway - so staying in with you? That’s perfectly fine for him! Inumaki likes having at-home movie dates, and he’s willing to go out and get snacks for the two of you if you could get the couch and movie set up.
-> [ Inumaki is very interested in your fashion taste, and honestly seems very interested in whatever you happen to learn about fashion in your free time. ] He loves the cozy, comfortable clothes you often wear at home - they’re very cute on you, and he enjoys how soft they are against his skin when you two are cuddled up together. It’s just so charming how the oversized clothes you adore drape over your small frame - he thinks you’re short enough as it is, and your style only accentuates that! Teasing aside, he never really thought all that much about fashion, so anything you happen to learn and share with him is likely completely new information to him.
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rindousbbg · 19 days
TYSMM it's so cute.
[ matchmaking... ]
@rindousbbg : [ match report ready ]
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your match is…
✦ Akaashi Keiji
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-> [ Akaashi is someone similar to you, but different enough that the relationship stays interesting. ] He’s not the most social or talkative, but most people wouldn’t consider him to be shy or socially anxious. A bit cold initially, perhaps, but not totally unresponsive. He’s more than willing to have a conversation with you if you seem interested. It would take quite some time for you two to be comfortable enough with each other to have regular, engaging conversations… but it would happen eventually. Akaashi also ticks off several boxes of traits that you prefer in partners - calm, level-headed, and intelligent. He’s good at reading people, so even if you tend to be a little closed off, it doesn’t take him long to learn the subtleties of your behaviors.
-> [ He appreciates how calm and open-minded you are. ] Akaashi is used to dealing with Bokuto; and even though he considers Bokuto a very dear friend and gets along with him, he can be a little… much. Loud, energetic, emotional, and even childish. So being around you - mature and calm and empathetic - it’s absolutely a breath of fresh air! You’re the type of person that he’d be able to easily get along with, and finds your relationship to be low stress. Akaashi can be a little stubborn at times, so your open-mindedness and patience is incredibly helpful and allows the relationship to remain largely smooth sailing. It’s good that you can read him well, too, considering how he isn’t often very expressive.
-> [ With your penchant for teasing, you play off of Akaashi’s cheeky side very well. ] Everyone has their “fun” side - and you and Akkashi tend to both keep it pretty well hidden unless you’re around good friends. But that makes it all the more entertaining when you each start to loosen up and show your respective senses of humor a little more. He kind of loves the teasing, honestly. You guys are often on the same page, and it’s nice to have a bit of banter with someone whose energy matches yours. The two of you will often lightheartedly bicker with each other when spending time together, whether it be at home or out on a date.
-> [ Akaashi is definitely a person whose actions speak louder than words. ] He isn’t the most expressive, and he’s well aware of this. His words are also very direct, almost always straight to the point. While he has no qualms about straight-up telling you that he loves you, there’s not usually much embellishment to his words. However, there are a lot of little things he’ll do to show his affection. Very much the type to quietly take care of your chores or errands along with his own when you’re feeling burnt out, the type to make sure you’re stocked up on supplies (and your favorite snacks) when you’re not feeling well.
-> [ He finds your interest in multiple hobbies quite charming. ] Really, it all boils down to the fact that he likes when people have a passion (or several) - after all, he was quite taken by Bokuto’s passion for volleyball. He values the fact that there are numerous things you enjoy doing - and finds your tendency to follow your whims to be quite cute. Your relaxed way of approaching your hobbies and free time shows a relaxed way of life - and Akaashi does feel like he could possibly benefit from loosening up a bit himself. He’s not really the type to participate in your hobbies with you, simply because he has his own, but enjoys being in the same space as you while you two engage in your own individual activities.
-> [ That said - when you’re burnt out and insisting on lounging in bed, he’ll sometimes join you. ] Sometimes. Akaashi won’t laze around if there are things he needs to do (he’s very much a person who wants to get all of his tasks done for the day before allowing himself to relax the rest of the day), but there are times where he’s happy to join you - if you allow him, that is. Funnily enough, after a bit of cuddling, he’s likely to just start dozing off. He’s comfy, the room is quiet and dark, and there’s nothing that he really needs to do for the rest of the day… it’s practically inevitable that he ends up taking a nap (and sometimes, he needs it!).
-> [ Given that he becomes an editor at a shonen manga company (and wished he could have worked in the literature department), it’s obvious that he likes writing. ] Writing and reading are interests that you two can really bond over. Since you two are both quite private people, neither of you may share your writing very often with each other… But you each are supportive of the other nonetheless. Unlike more judgemental types, Akaashi wouldn’t think much about your love for fanfiction - in fact, he’s probably written some himself (it’s like a stepping stool to coming up with his own original stories). As for reading in general, he has recommendations for various genres if you ever wanted something new to read, and he’ll give serious consideration to any recommendations you might give him.
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rindousbbg · 19 days
Kuroo: Teachers be like, "Why are you cheating?" Like bro, I don't know the answer.
Bokuto: Why didn't you cheat off me? I was sitting next to you.
Kuroo: Last time I did, I got a negative score and I didn't even know that was possible.
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rindousbbg · 20 days
Match up exchange with @frostfall-matches
You got...
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→ gojo conclusively found an opponent worthy. He would study your personality very well, taking everything inside his head little by little. You piqued his interest and that's why he would study everything about you to get a hold of your character.
→ he would realize how you can come off as emotionless, he wondered about it. He sees you as someone who's unique in their way but won't admit it. You are reverent yet when you feel like you require to get the feeling off of your chest you say it without any hesitation that's what made him feel so drawn to you.
→ he feels like you don't care enough about things, you are calm and mute (reminds him of Megumi), even tho under pressure, you incline to not lose your cool and preserve yourself. He would step into your work knowing well that you detest it. Why you may ask? It's because he wants you to depend at least once in your life. (He cerebrates you go too hard on yourself, personally he won't care but seeing you all like this makes him wonder why you are like this so he would endeavor to try to help without you asking for him, he knows it will make you mad)
→ he would call out on your deportment a lot, like when you are getting too arrogant to the point you don't realise. He's someone who would pull you out of the daze you get yourself into. But you take criticism well so you would try to to get his point and understand everything he said.
→ he won't mind you taking risks after all life is all about risks and adventure , there's no fun in sitting idly in a room.
→ he remembered the way you laughed at him for the first time you laughed at his absurd joke. He mentally conceived he did an excellent job and from then he will try to to make jokes and make you laugh, it's like a goal for him.
→ together you would banter a lot, although it took some time for you to get comfortable to his presence, he seemed vexing, blunt, mordacious and more incoherent but sometimes he would say some advice worthy words bluntly that would make you realize things and give you courage (reminder, he won't realise that at all, he would think he was sprouting nonsense as always)
→ one thing about him is he won't let you win any argument, he will bulwark himself like his life depends on it but after all of this, he still loses it. He forgets his points in the middle of the conversation which leads you toward winning.
→ he would spill some hot gossip for you and then you both would share gossip from here and there. you will realize that he isn't that bad. The affection you will give him after getting close will be the best. He would never thought you were that type of person but still loves it. it and wants your affection nonetheless.
→ he would laugh at you because you would get yourself in trouble for the 19th time in a day. And he's tired of getting you out (it's not like you asked him for help but still does it. Why won't he, all he cares for you)
→ love how you are intelligent and capable of things, makes him feel like he doesn't require to bulwark you but still he would do it (it's purely out of his habit he convinces)
→ I suggest you require to mentally prepare yourself for the Storm. he's clingy and won't let you go to the toilet even if it's urgent. He ain't let you out from his arms, man is hella rich so don't worry about getting some extravagant yet absurd stuff he will buy for you.
→ he will participate in your hobbies, every one of them, he doesn't care. He tbinks some of your hobbies aren't something he would like but he doesn't wanna leave you so participating won't hurt.
→ he doesn't care about money, so wherever your eyes are landing he's eager to buy everything. Catch him taking you out on a date in a most expensive restaurant.
→ learning a language with him would be a chaos, he's someone who masters things fastly and easily. But to make you smile he would pretend he can't pronounce.
→ he has some qualities you would love, such as a good sense of humor, Bantering or teasing you, self-vigilance and many more. I say he's someone who can move on from the past easily, surely he can but if it's something he cares about he won't move on easily and that's the quality you may not like about him.
→ Since you are much shorter than him, get ready to be in his arms 24/7. Sometimes he would throw you into his shoulder and then start walking like nothing. He even used you as a dumble. Carries you like you don't weigh anything. Pokes your cheek when you smile because the dimples are visible and he can't help it. Would love your piercing, think it's cool.
→ getting teased for being clumsy ? Yes. It's like a hobby for him and he does it 24/7.
You got...
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→ kuroo has experience with introverts so it's not a big deal for him to understand you. You are distant and disinterested in most of the things (like Kenma) so he would often compare (not in a bad way) how similar you are. He also likes how respectful you are to others. You are calm under pressure and an independent vibe would click with him in an instant. You are confident and he finds it attractive.
→ he might pretend he gets hurt by your bluntness (which is an a big lie, he finds it captivating too), but you both would take risks together to do whatever adventure you want.
→ loves your humor even in a perilous or facile situation. You won't understand his sarcasm because nobody knows what he tried to say.
→ your optimistic spirit will lead him to push himself more if he's in a match. It energizes him. Your constant teasing and mordancy might annoy him sometimes but the more you annoy him the more cocky he gets.
→ always there to preserve you from the trouble you got yourself into. Admires you going out your way to avail others. He will have a smile on his face and admire you when you help someone.
→ sometimes he thinks you are a robot because of your emotionless face so he endeavors his best to make you smile or hear your laugh. Very confident in his skill.
→ physical touch isn't his love language, I would say it's words of affirmation but if you get comfortable enough don't dare to to think you will be out of his arms.
→ if you stop giving him attention for video games, expect it to be taken away because he's fed up with this, would say "Anime is for kids" but later you will find him being more fascinated with that anime than you, likes to watch how you paint. Cosplays with you. Even helps you do any chores.
→ will buy you fruits and eat later together. He's a science nerd so it would be hard for him to learn anything than science.
→ he prefers dogs over cats so when you said you prefer cats he would be devasted and won't talk but later forgets it saying its not a big deal.
→ Man has some lame jokes idk if I can call it humor but he's still hysterical, he's a leader so listening to others saying isn't much of a quandary for him. He knows what he wants so he's confident in his skills.
→ he's not hot headed but he gets frustrated if someone mentions his bedhair. If you do tell him then deal with a pouty boy.
→ would tease you about being clumsy, he would additionally tease you because of your height. might love doing hair care and face care since his hair is his life, teaches you how to play volleyball because why not?
→ if you give him attention or affection first then he will tease you for your whole life.
→ loves your fashion style and you will match clothes alot.
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hope you like it...
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rindousbbg · 21 days
Hshshsh this is so him 😭
Ran just wanting to hear that bonten drama
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rindousbbg · 22 days
@lcvemiyuki your appreance matchup is...KUROO TETSURO.
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hope you like it..
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rindousbbg · 23 days
Can we get some domestic fluff with Kenma? ty.
stars in his eyes (handpicked from the skies).
⊹ ࣪ in which kenma is content with losing, every once in a while.
a.n thank u for being my first request anon i love u ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
⤷ masterlist ; requests open
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for the first time in his life, kenma kozume did not know what to do.
he felt restless, standing there in the middle of his room like an npc left idle. the rain pattered outside the window, the rhythmic tap tap doing nothing to soothe his nerves.
kenma already tried everything that would usually work. booting up pokemon black, making a mug cookie, watching his favourite movie for the nth time this month, nothing worked, and to be frank, it was getting on his nerves. he felt like there was an itch under his skin he just couldn't reach.
and to make matters worse, he couldn't find you anywhere. not that he was trying particularly hard to look, he had barely left the confines of his bed. your dorm room.. he thought to himself, trudging the agonising two feet to the other side of the hallway, door adorned with a small sign in the middle with your name on it.
not bothering to knock, he used the spare key he had borrowed with no intention of returning to you and barged in, only to find you fighting and loosing a war against a large comforter. behind you was what he could only assume was some sort of fort. he couldn't tell.
"...do you need help, love?"
“is it hat bad?”
kenma nods his head, crossing his arms and leaning on the doorway. “i don't even know what the hell you’re doing,” he mumbles, the corners of his lips quirked in what this essentially mild amusement. “are you seriously loosing a war against an inanimate object?”
“im tryin– im tryna make a pillow fort, asshole!”
he blinks, once, twice, before bursting into stifled giggles. the image of you tangled in your bedsheets, attempting to fashion some sort of tent to the length of your bed with pillows and blankets he didn't even know you had, was comical. “why?”
“you seemed a little sad, so i wanted to make a little man cave for you.”
the giggling ceased, a rosy hue blossoming over his cheeks as he pouted. he felt flustered and embarrassed, like a teenage girl in one of those shoujo animes you’d force him to watch sometimes. not really knowing what else to say, he mumbled a quiet ‘thank you.’ as he shifted from one foot to the other, staring at his toes like they were suddenly the most interesting thing in the world. 
after a painfully long and somewhat awkward silence, kenma glanced back up at you, his expression a mixture of apprehension and slight annoyance, but there was no denying the fond look in his eyes. 
‘you're a moron.’ is what he meant to say, but all he managed was a soft ‘come here.’
“-- i cant!”
a small smile pulled at kenma’s lips. that, he could work with.
he entered the room, kicking the door shut behind him and making his way over to you, tiptoeing through the mess that was your dorm room floor. he climbed into the mess of blankets, careful not to knock anything over in the process, and inside of the pillow fort, watching you with a grin as you writhed on the floor in front of him. 
you played dead on the floor as he uncovered you, sticking out your tongue and splaying your limbs out dramatically.
kenma rolled his eyes, nudging you with his foot. “get up, idiot.” his tone was more amused than irritated, enough to make the corners of his mouth quirk up in a smile.
however, you didn't move, only continuing to lay there, limp on the floor like a ragdoll. kenma couldn't help but smirk. he leaned back and observed you, taking in every detail, memorising how you looked in the moment, ingraining it in the backs of his eyelids.
a few loose strands of hair lay across your cheeks and the small of your neck. your tongue stuck out slightly, making you look more cat-like than ever. kenma felt a deep pang of affection in his chest, the feeing akin to warm honey. 
after a moment, he leaned back down and continued to untangle you, his nimble fingers grazing over your sides as he worked his hands underneath the confinements around you. with each touch, kenma relished the feeling of your warm, soft skin against his fingers, the way your body squirmed and writhed under his touch.
the moment he managed to free you, kenma pounced.
he leaned over you, laying his head on your chest as you lay on the cold hardwood floor. you looked like a mess – but despite the embarrassing situation, you looked beautiful. “could you help me fix the fort, ken’?”
kenma took a moment to admire you beneath him, pressing a kiss to your forehead before nodding his head. a moment passed, and then another, but kenma made no effort to move. he was content right where he was.
“...you cant help me if you don't move, love.”
he huffed in response. “but i like where i am.” he whined like a child being denied a toy, lip jutting out as he pouted at you. nevertheless, he did end up moving off you, prying himself as if he was superglued to your body.
in all honesty, he could stare at you all day. the sight of you in the dim lamplight, surrounded by pillows and blankets was captivating to him. he made no move to do anything. he just stared at you, studying every move as you methodically adjusted the pillow in a brick-like batten. it was hard not to. especially when you looked so pretty.
he wanted to kiss you so badly.
once you were finished, kenma glanced over the fort. it took up the entirety of your bed, held up by hello-kitty blankets and binder clips. on the inside was a row of the flamingo fairy lights he had gotten you from the clearance aisle, and in the corners were stacks of your stuffed animals, piled on top of each other like some sort of pyramid.
without a word, kenma ducked in and curled up in a ball, hands reaching out for you. it was quite cosy in here, he could admit, as he reached out for one of your many cat plushes, pulling it close and burying his face in it.  the soft colours and the varying textures of the fort was so undeniably you. kenma found comfort in the idea that you collected things simply because they were cute or comforting, your room being more of a museum than a place to rest.
you laid down beside him, pressing your back flush against his chest as he unwound to accommodate you. kenma’s arm snaked beneath you, wrapping around your waist and pulling you tight. he buried his face in your hair instead, breathing in the scent of your apple shampoo. it screamed home to him. all of you did. 
kenma was absolutely, utterly, and unapologetically in love.
it came so easy to him, like second nature. it was like he could shut off his brain when he was around you, the same way he did when he went strip mining in minecraft, or fishing in animal crossing.
the way you’d take his things and claim his hoodies as your ow made him want to scream. or the way you’d call him over the top pet names like ‘pretty boy’ or ‘light of my life, love of my life’. you put up with his bluntness, his rudeness, his lack of drive when it comes to almost anything. you were his, and he was yours.
kenma sighed contentedly, feeling the warmth of your body pressed against his. the fort, despite its chaotic construction, had a comforting charm. it was a rare feeling for him, for someone who found more solace in the pixels on a screen than he did with a human person. he listened to the faint music playing from your abandone psp at the foot of the bed,  a gentle background noise to your steady breathing. this was what he needed, what he craved without realising it. the stillness, the simplicity of just being with you.
but as the minutes ticked by, kenma’s mind began to wander, as it often did. thoughts of the future crept into his consciousness, bringing with them a sense of uncertainty that he couldn't quite shake. what would happen after highschool? where would they go, where would you go?
the weight of those questions settled on his shoulders like a heavy blanket, threatening to suffocate him in its embrace. but then he felt your hand slip into his, fingers intertwining with his own in a silent promise of solidarity, even if just for a little bit.
“love,” you mumbled in his ear after a bit. “d’ja want to finish the movie we were watchin’ last week?”
kenma’s eyes lit up. “american psycho?”
“..no. scream one.” you giggled, untangling yourself from him to reach for your laptop under your bed, and shifting so you and him could lay at the foot of your bed and watch.
kenma ended up watching you more than the movie itself, relishing in all the little expressions and movements you made whenever something happened on screen. how you’d grin and kick your feet at the sight of stu, or the tightening of your grip on his hand whenever ghostface would stumble over another piece of furniture.
he leaned on your shoulder, feeling somewhat drowsy and content. while the movie was interesting, as interesting as the 10th watchthrough could get, he felt more content with laying beside you. he stifled a yawn that was cut off by a scream as a mediocre jumpscare happened, and he couldn't stop the embarrassed flush on his cheeks when you teased him.
“shut up.” he grumbled, removing his fingers from yours as some form of punishment for the teasing. “its not that funny.”
you made a comment on how he was getting scared of a movie as old as coach nekomata, only to be met with a pillow to the face. he was not scared. he simply had an above average survival instinct.  
“you're insufferable, you know that right?” he mumbled, burying his face in your neck as he rolled over to lay on top of you once more. “why do i tolerate you?” despite the harsh tone, there was no denying the fondness in his voice. “love you too, ken’.”
he rolled his eyes, though he felt a small smile gracing his lips as he pinched your cheek. how could he ever stay mad at you?
you pushed him off of you dramatically to reach behind you under the pillow, pulling out a small bag of haribo gummies. giggling, you watched kenma’s expression light up, eyes glimmering as he grabbed a handful of gummies from you almost uncharacteristically. if there was anything he loved more than video games, and hopefully you, it was sweets. especially apple flavoured ones.
he popped a few in his mouth, savouring the taste like it was some sort of gourmet dish. “thank you, love.” he smiled, pressing a kiss to your cheek, mumbling out a quiet ‘i love you.’
“of course, baby. i love you too.”
kenma felt like he could melt. he leaned in close, pressing a kiss everywhere he could reach, one to your forehead, a second to your cheek, and a third to the bridge of your nose. his hands gently cupped your face, tilting your head downwards so he could finally press a kiss to your lips.
the way you gasped, the way you tilted your head into the kiss, the way you placed your hands over his. kenma felt like he couldn't get enough of you.
ghostface pops up from the back of sidney’s seat, and you could feel kenma jolt in your grasp, flinching away like the man was personally coming to kill him. 
he swore under his breath, something about how he hated the ghostface, before moving to bury his face into your neck again. he was embarrassed, of course he was. he didnt get scared of shitty 90’s movies, he was a real man. a real man who was currently hiding from a fictional killer inside of a pillow fort, holding onto his lover like they were a lifeline.
“we can play mario kart instead if you’d like, darling.” you hummed, shutting the laptop and replacing it with the switch you had stolen from him, handing him a controller and pressing 200 cc.
playing mario kart, or even any multiplayer game, was always the highlight of his days. he’d often tease you about the way you got so into the game. the way you’d pout whenever he’d win. despite his teasing, though, you were a delight when you played. he’d never seen you so animated before. it was endearing, the way you got so riled up over a game with silly little characters in carts and bikes.
kenma would never tell you this, but he secretly let you win sometimes, like any good boyfriend would. of course, he never lost on purpose, but if the score between you two wasn't very high, he’d accidentally drive off course and give you time to catch up.
it wasn't even on purpose at first. there was some part of his brain that couldn't stomach the sight of your defeated body language, and he just knew that if he’d won by a landslide, you’d feel terrible. so he’d let the score get closer, and closer, until suddenly the large 2nd flashed on his screen, his avatar holding its head in its hands behind it.
“i won!” you grinned, pushing him playfully as he rolled his eyes in mock annoyance. but he couldn't hide the fond smile that fought its way to his face. “yeah, yeah. lets see if you can win the next race.”
“yeah, yeah,” you mocked, pressing next as your characters revved their engines. “you’re just bad.”
he gasped dramatically, placing a hand over his heart like you had personally wounded him. “i’ll kick your ass.” “sure you will, kenken.”
kenma kozume did not lose video games. especially not to the love of his life that he’d literally do anything for.
he was laser focused, drifting and abusing the powerups he stole from everyone else, and as much as you hated to admit it, he was winning. throughout the whole race, all he could hear was the mashing of the controller’s buttons and the grinding of your teeth as you struggled to catch up.
in the end, he managed to pull through with a victory, and as he looked over to you to tease you, you were once again playing dead, hands over your chest and eyes closed as if you were ready to be placed in a coffin.
“get up, you sore loser.” he muttered, tugging on your sleeve and poking you in the stomach.
while he pretended to be embarrassed with your dramatic acting, kenma actually enjoyed it when you did this. yes, it was a little dramatic, but he found it endearing. something about the way you'd play up your reactions made him feel warm. you were always so expressive in everything you did. it made up for the lack of them he showed.
people told kenma that he was like an npc. speak when spoken to, answers short and clipped, as if he were forcing them out. many people thought he was cold, stone-faced and hollow.
but you didn't see him that way. 
you made an effort to see through the facade he barely kept up. you saw the little quirks that made him human. the small smile he'd have when he had beaten a level, or the way he’d bite his tongue in concentration. you made kenma made feel human.
he felt whole, like a puzzle piece finally finding it's place. when you saw him for what he really was and loved him unconditionally...he felt seen. kenma wasn't a stoic, unfeeling robot. he could love and feel just like any other person could. and when he was with you, he felt like he finally knew what the fuss for love was about.
kenma wasn't really sure what to call you. boyfriend? partner? that didn't feel enough. lover was too cheesy, too old-fashioned, too... boring. partner was a bit casual and didn't show enough affection, boyfriend felt like it barely scratched the surface of how he felt about you. 
kenma didn't know why it bothered him so much. who cares about words anyway?
yet despite the meaninglessness of the labels, kenma couldn't let it go. he couldn't use any of those words to describe you, they just didn't fit. calling you his friend would imply that you were nothing more than that, but you weren't. you were more than that. so much more.
so what were you then? you're his lover, but you're so much more than that. you were a friend, his confidant, his other half. there was nobody kenma trusted more thatn you when it came to his inner thoughts, nobody he'd open up to as he did you.  kuroo was his best friend, but there are even things you feel ashamed to tell someone like that. because they were only best friends.
it was hard to put into words. maybe he was just overthinking things. maybe the labels didn't matter anyway.
kenma had never been one to believe in soulmates, yet here he was, utterly and completely convinced that you were his. not in the cheesy 'we were destined by fate to be together' way, but more of a 'i never thought i needed someone this much, until i met you' way..
even though he struggled with affection, you still gave him the emotional intimacy he needed.
you were patient and kind, even when he felt like he couldn't understand what he was feeling. you stuck by him, even when he pushed you away. 
kenma had never experienced love like this. he didn't know whether to call it a blessing or a curse.
“…. love?”
 he flinched at the sound of your voice, pulling him back into reality. you had won, again, and gotten 1st place on the leaderboard again. “yeah?”
“are you alright?”
“yeah im– im just thinkin’.” he murmurs, jolting when you reach over and cup his face gently, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. kenma's breath hitched in his throat as you cupped his face, moving your hand to tuck a lock of hair behind his ear.
his heart beat a bit faster as goosebumps rose on his arms, a blush spreading across his cheeks. even if he was used to your affection, it still made him feel like a shy schoolboy whenever you touched him.
he couldn't understand how you could go from playing dead on the ground five minutes ago to gently caressing his face and running your fingers through his hair. not that he was complaining, of course. he enjoyed the feeling of the gentle touch
“of course you’re thinking,” you teased gently, your fingers continuing to stroke his hair. “you’re always thinking. whats on your mind now, my love.”
kenma lips twitched into a small smile, the warmth of your touch seeping into his skin. “just  about us.”
“oh?” You leaned in a little closer, curiosity and affection evident in your eyes. “thats..mildly cryptic.”
he nodded, giggling at your words as he placed a hand on top of yours. “no its not. they're good thoughts. i was just trying to figure out… what to call you.”
You tilted your head, clearly intrigued. “we’ve been dating for three years and you don't know my name?”
“no thats– thats not what i meant!  i meant like.. like boyfriend doesn’t feel right. partner, lover… none of it fits. it’s like… those words are too small for what you mean to me.”
youreyes softened, and a smile spread across your face as you press a kiss to your boyfriends forehead. “ken, it doesn’t matter what you call me. its not like you call me nice things, anyways”
he rolled your eyes at your jab, poking you in the stomach as he rolled away from you. he knew you were right, but the words still stuck in his throat. “i know. but i want to find a word that shows how much you mean to me.”
you leaned in and kissed his forehead, your lips warm against his skin. “how about you just call me ‘yours’? Because that’s what i am. yours.”
kenma felt a wave of emotion wash over him, the simplicity and truth of your words settling in his heart. “yours,” he repeated softly, the word feeling right in his mouth. “yeah. i like that.”
you grinned, pressing your forehead against his. “and you’re mine. That’s all that matters.”
kenma closed his eyes, savouring the moment. he realised that the labels didn’t matter as much as the feelings behind them. What mattered was that he had you, and you had him.
“i love you.” 
“i love you too.”
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rindousbbg · 24 days
Match up for @d3vian
Here's your matchup...
You got...
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Choso Kamo.
• Choso would find comfort in your soft personality.
• your personality is something he got naturally drawn in.
• He would additionally compliment you (unintentionally about your vitiligo). He doesn't even know when he does that.
• It may not be visible that much but if you are insecure about it he would trace it with his finger gently to remind you it's not something to be insecure of.
• You being silent doesn't faze him. He won't mind that much. But if you are silent but if you are awfully quiet he would get confused and later ask you if you are mad at him.
• But if you get comfortable with him, then it will be a long session of talking. Mostly you talk and he would be listening attentively.
• he thinks if he misses anything he would be a bad boyfriend. (Since he doesn't know how boyfriend-girlfriend works)
• He's very supportive of whatever you wear. To him, you look beautiful as always.
• Would endeavor to learn to skateboard for you. So you guys would skateboard together.
• He doesn't get angry easily unless it's someone else talking bad about his family (brother and you), he additionally doesn't know how skinship works so you won't be bothered.
• although he would feel happy whenever you compliment him but half of the time he won't understand why you complimented him.
• He's just confused. 😕
• If you give him any kind of gifts then it will be treasured forever and carefully.
• He's very protective when it comes to his family members.
• Home dates are always a must for both of you.
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hope you like it...
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rindousbbg · 24 days
hii i would like to request a personality haikyuu matchup :)
mbti: infj
zodiac: capricorn
likes: reading, going to the beach, pilates/yoga, binging any form of romance (books, series, movies, etc)
dislikes: i hate when people make me late/not on time
dislikes (romantically): someone who makes me uncomfortable+doesnt communicate
personality: im an introvert who opens up depending on my environment. im a completely different person around my friends versus complete strangers. im very observant when it comes to social cues. people say im more book-smart and lack common sense lol. im a perfectionist and like to get things done ahead of time. lastly, i think im also a hopeless romantic haha i digest any form of romance and i think that's why im quite picky and have high standards when it comes to relationships
ideal type: i like a person who matches my humor and understands me. i think someone who is smart is attractive and also has a good sense of style. someone who has goals in life and is hardworking is important. my love languages i like to receive is acts of service and words of affirmation. being observant and attentive to the little things>>
thank youu <33
Here's your matchup...
You got..
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Suna Rintarou.
• Suna would buy books for you and read them together. Sometimes he even read books online. He prefers everything online anyway.
• Online shopping with him is so fun. He sees something and he buys it for you or himself.
• He's mostly mute type but he can be communicative when you are talking about some meme, song and anything related to online.
• Since you are book smart he would avail you to be more realistic and avail with your common sense. eg: helping you out with how the cars work, how some system works etc.
• He's lazy, so he would be astounded at how you do everything on time and a perfectionist. 
• He will tease when you scarcely shower him with more affection than usual. 
• He's always teasing you and making you embarased but never an extravagant amount of to the point you feel uncomfortable. 
• He knows where to stop. 
• He randomly clicks your photos and makes videos. Your sleeping face, eating face, even the weirdest one. everything he has on his phone.
• random tiktok chalange with you? Yes. But you have to convince him. 
• Sends you memes and funny puns. Additionally, send romantic videos of two cats or dogs or flowers. Captioning "us".
• He's someone who's not as jocose as others but if you are talking about anything related to memes or trendy things you can count on him. 
• He's indolent but endeavors his best to be more outgoing for you. 
• He has a great sense of style and also he's smart. Matching outfits? Sayless. 
• He may not be great with words for comfort but he endeavors his best to pick up some good lines from online and additionally he notices the little details. 
• Eg: You told him something consequential some days ago? He would write that down on his note app.
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hope you like it...
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rindousbbg · 24 days
talk 2 me / haitani rindou
You think Rindou is the most charming he can be like this ー fresh out of a nap, hair all messy and wearing his old basketball jersey from high school as he shoves your cooking down his throat. There's sleep marks all across both his arms, a tiger balm plaster stuck on his left shoulder that he'd rummaged through cabinets and asked for you to help him stick it on, the evening sun kissing all over his back, painting his soft tanned skin pretty gold and honey.
And you? You're sprawled across the couch watching him, TV show long forgotten and the remote control in your hands as you fiddle mindlessly with the buttons. You think you really want to press a kiss to his toned bicep ー maybe nibble on it a little, watch him hiss in faux pain as if he isn't already used to the gentle sting of your teeth poking into his flesh, your teethmarks indented and some saliva smeared across his skin.
But here's the thing ー Rindou is mad at you (you think your baby is still mad at you). He isn't facing you while he eats ー well, technically he is facing you, just sideways, kinda. You know he knows that you're looking at him ー watching him like a hawk, taking in his every move as he feeds himself spoon after spoon of the leftover bowl of rice you couldn't finish, and hearts in your eyes despite the little argument shared earlier in noon.
"Honey," you start, voice all soft and sweet when calling him such a lovely endearment, and Rindou visibly softens at your coo. His shoulders aren't as tense anymore and he not-so-discreetly starts lowering down the volume of the movie playing from his laptop.
You heart flutters a little at his gesture despite knowing that he is still mad at you. "'M sleepy. Gonna go nap a bit." You wait for him to process it, and with that, you retreat into his room with his cat following behind in little meows.
He blinks a bit when he hears his bedroom door closing and puts down the spoon with a sigh. Ran emerges from the balcony with a scoff after having to witness all that went down.
"Are you still not going to say sorry?"
Rindou doesn't think he's felt this guilty before.
You awake from your nap to soft kisses littered all over your face and a familiar weight pressed on top of yourself.
With one eye open you see your honey lying atop of you, beefy arms wrapped around your torso, your waist, and he's chosen to bury his head into your neck now. His cat rests just a little beside both your legs, purring loud as ever, but she is awake and she is watching the both of you as Rindou clings and buries himself into your warmth while you rub and massage his shoulder for relief.
"You know, I dreamt of you taking me to the beach." You murmur, hints of sleep still evident in your voice. You feel his lips stretch into what seems like a smile against your skin. "You were only asleep for 10 minutes."
"A lot can happen in 10 minutes, baby... My dream, for one."
He scoffs playfully against you and neither of you speak anymore afterwards ー just busy enjoying each other's warmth and basking in the sun until it slowly lowers itself and hides behind the many skyscrapers of Tokyo.
It's quiet until it's not.
"Are you still mad at me?"
You poke and tickle your nose against his cheek, prompting him for a response. You wish for him to say that he isn't. You don't like it when he is mad at you ー you never do. You hate it, actually. And you hate it even more when you fight knowing it's no one's fault and you hate it too when you do not know how to communicate to him despite knowing what it is that you actually, really want. (He doesn't really, either, but you're both trying for each other, and it is all that matters.)
"No, I'm not." You melt into his arms as you let him manoeuvre you both on the bed until you are facing each other. Rindou still has his hands wrapped around you, so you move one of your own to rest on his arm, thumb rubbing soft circles onto his pec as you listen to him speak.
"'M sorry for earlier. Didn't mean to raise my voice. Was just frustrated 'n everything. You never really tell me what you want." He apologises in broken up sentences and your heart melts a little upon spotting the cute pout on his lips as he nuzzles closes to you.
"I mean, I just want you to tell me what's up, what's going on, you know? I won't... I won't react differently. 'S just me, babe. Tell me things. I don't want you to keep it all inside." Rindou confesses.
A warm, calloused palm covers itself on your hip. One of your own covers his cheek.
"I know. I'm sorry for earlier too." A thumb swipes across his brow, then his eyelid. "I don't really know how to tell you things, but I am trying. I know you won't judge, but it's hard to open up."
"...Then we'll try, together. Jus' don't wanna see you sad. Don't like it when we fight either."
You know Rindou hates it when he does things that upsets you. Like the one time he'd gone out and fought with the douchebags who'd messed with you despite telling him not to, and he'd ended up coming home to you with one black eye and a busted lip only to see you in tears because you don't like seeing him all beat up. That was ages ago, when he was still young and had nothing much to lose except for you. Or the other time when Rindou had accidentally neglected your feelings at the start of your relationship because his simple mind couldn't yet differentiate between time spent with you and time spent together with you.
But those were the past. Right now, he's looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky ー like you'd crafted the Earth and created the Sun.
"Promise me you'll tell me things, yeah? Make it my problem too. We'll settle it together." He grabs your hand on his cheek ー kisses the tips of your fingers, then your palm.
And you both watch as a certain furry creature squeezes its way past both your bodies ー little movements accompanied by soft meows, until it eventually finds a comfortable spot between you and your lover and confidently topples down right where you face each other.
"We'll go to the beach tomorrow." Rindou grumbles in annoyance after being fed a mouthful of cat fur, honeyed voice a little muffled as he tries his best to shift her into his arm, "...with this light bulb here."
You laugh into his chest. "Okay, honey."
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i feel like most of my stuff are pretty repetitive but i am such a sucker for gentle, mundane romance 😕😕
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