richieshigh5 · 6 years
Wonder [C.H. One Shot]
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this was lowkey inspired by an excerpt i wrote called I Wonder. kind of angsty, kind of fluffy. hope you enjoy it, lemme know what you think hehehe
He would come over when most of the city was asleep, but he’d still be in your bed long after your side of the world was awake. You cherished those moments; of him laying on what was now his designated side of the bed—the right side—and you lay facing him, sleepily watching him slumber. He looked most at peace like this, in your opinion; no crease between his thick brows and full lips parted ever so slightly as the softest snores escaped him, dark curls brushing across his forehead in a messy bedhead. There was no ounce of stress or signs of overwhelm tightening his features, utterly relaxed and resting.
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
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Hey guys, I’m trying to make enough gas money to get to a 5 Seconds of Summer concert on Friday night. It would really mean a lot if you could check out my depop and buy something. All I need is money for gas, since I’ll be driving two hours. Not to be emo, but I’ve been in rough spot lately for a long time now and really need something to look forward to
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
Some pure roommate!Luke For defcliff0rd and wanksclifford roommate!5sos/stoner!5sos night
The first time you found yourself asleep in roommate!luke’s bed was intentional; a gesture of kindness when Calum got too drunk to go home after a party and Michael had already claimed the couch. You and Luke were close; affectionate enough that people that didn’t know you might’ve assumed you were a couple upon first meeting you, but anyone that spent longer than an hour with you knew your relationship was built on teasing and jokes – with a heavy dose of sexual tension you both vehemently denied. 
It wasn’t unusual for you to indulge in a cuddle, so it was every bit as normal as cuddling through a movie marathon when you curled into Luke’s side and his arm swooped around you. It was unusual the way his heart beat a little faster when he felt your breath fan across his collarbone and the way the feel of his skin under yours made you hungry to know what it taste like; to kiss his neck, his jaw, his lips.
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
my post is apparently so popular that porn blogs are reblogging it to promote themselves. I’ve truly made it in life
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I met jack & jackson yesterday. When I was meeting Jackson my mom asked him how old he was, so he responded “I’m nine, but my parents say I’m mature for my age” and gave this big, overdramatic wink. So jack goes “you’re not mature! He’s lying!” And my mom captured the exact moment on camera. Jackson’s reply? “Says the kid who jokes about drugs all the time.”
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
Thank u so much love, I 💓💗💖
hey! Can you ship me with one of the guys? Idk how tall I am but I’m about average height? A lil chubby, brown eyes, glasses, and short hair. My friends always call me the ‘drunk aunt’ of the group instead of mom of the group. I’m probably the most non confrontational person on this earth but I have a hella short temper. low key a teacher’s pet because I can’t stand getting in trouble I’m typically nice to people cause I feel guilty if I’m mean lmao. And that’s all I can think of 😂♥️
Shipapoolooza Event: CLOSED
You got: Henry ‘Short temper’ Bowers
ugh i don’t even know man
i’m so pissed off right now but i’m going to direct this anger to finish these dumbass ships
Asshole Henry bowers teaches you to be a better person bc you can’t handle confronting him
so when you get easily pissed off by the things he does
(and trust me, you FRICKIN” will)
you learn to just– shove all that rage deep down or channel it in a more progressive way
but also you can’t do what henry does
taking his anger out on other people
bc you actually have a conscience
he thinks you’re adorable with them glasses and short hair
but he WILL openly mock you in front of the class when you start “sucking up” to the teacher
he can’t stand that kind of stuff
especially bc he can’t stand his awful homeroom teacher
Don’t worry though
he still shows his affection for you by beating the snot out of some guy who though he could join in on the mocking
really it’s the guy’s fault
everyone in school knows that you and henry are an item
you’re untouchable by anyone outside of the Bowers Gang
and even some of their members need to watch where their eyes and hands are
which is wonderful for you bc you’re kind of a people pleaser
making you an easy target for those who’d want to only use you
also why henry first took interest in you
He likes to take you to Derry Scoops a lot
ya’ll usually split something
switching out on who gets to pick each time you go
he will feed you ice cream from the same spoon he uses
it’s not in a romantic way tho
it’s more of a “Shit this is good! Shove it in your mouth now!”
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
waiting for peter kavinsky smut like
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
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Tears fill my eyes as I read the words on my screen. The world seems to stop spinning for the slightest second as I re-read the anonymous message over and over again, gripping on to the hope that the words will magically disappear. But they didn’t. Anon had done it; they’d figured out that the only way to make me take off my hijab was to call my hair ugly. My one weakness.
A tear streams down my left cheek.
Eight years of academy hijab training…wasted. I had to prove this extremely relevant and good-looking anonymous person wrong, I cared too much about what they thought. How could I live my life knowing that there is one person out there who thinks probably my hair is ugly maybe? How could I look myself in the mirror? How could I face my family? My shoulders shook as I cried silently, and my chair squeaked ever so slightly at the vibrations; as if it, too, was crying in sorrow.
It wasn’t until that moment that the second part of the message dawned on me… how would I prove them wrong without breaking the rules? Was it really against the rules? I reach into my hijab and pull out a scroll. At the very top, in cursive jet-black inked letters, the word ‘Rules’ stares back at me. My heart is racing as my eyes frantically read the scroll.
‘Rule #1: no killing people,’ it reads. I let out a whimper. There go my evening plans. 
Suddenly, my eye catches the next words. The scroll is rustling in my trembling hands as I turn my face away, tears spraying out of my eyes like the spit of a white person as they try to justify racism. The cursive words felt more like a curse of words, vivid and refusing to disappear as if I were still staring at them even through my closed eyes.
Rule #2: don’t show ur hair girl it’s ugly lmaooooo
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
In this house we accept that Jack Dylan Grazer has said inappropriate things but we do realize that he’s a fourteen year old kid who has years to change who he is, therefore we treat him with the same love and respect the rest of the cast gets.
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
“…you didn’t have access to the answers from the book last night…”
speak for yourself old lady some of us know how to cheat
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
holy SHIT there’s a paranormal club at my school?? bouta finally find myself a cute ghost gf
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
saw infinity war happening but I didn’t get involved because I was sitting on the bench
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
Okay, but how long exactly was Peter willing to let their “fake” relationship go on? Like “Hey, Covey, you know what would REALLY piss Gen off? If we got MARRIED.”
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
I’m trying to make a cute lil manip thingy so if anyone has a picture of tom holland as peter standing sideways, with the picture at least down to his waist, if you could send it to me I’d really appreciate it!! I know I had one but I deleted it on accident and can’t find it anywhere
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
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I met jack & jackson yesterday. When I was meeting Jackson my mom asked him how old he was, so he responded “I’m nine, but my parents say I’m mature for my age” and gave this big, overdramatic wink. So jack goes “you’re not mature! He’s lying!” And my mom captured the exact moment on camera. Jackson’s reply? “Says the kid who jokes about drugs all the time.”
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
The Edge of Seventeen Bloopers
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richieshigh5 · 6 years
Amy Santiago & Captain holt have the exact same dynamic as Peter Parker and Tony Stark thanks for coming to my ted talk
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