richiesharksz · 6 months
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thinking of middle school rui before mizuki found him 😊
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richiesharksz · 7 months
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Day 6: Angst
I still have one more to draw so look forward to that huhu
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richiesharksz · 7 months
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He’s not looking at Kaveh at all either
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richiesharksz · 1 year
im alive
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richiesharksz · 2 years
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richiesharksz · 2 years
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redid my commission sheet ^^ please dm me on here or discord (Rena#4548) if interested, feel free to ask for more example pics or if you have any further inquiries <3 
saving money for school and other expenses, anything is much appreciated, thank you for reading!!    
kofi | twitter 
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richiesharksz · 2 years
commissions of my dear friend.<3.
hello everybody, I'm here to say my friend is making commissions for his gf!!.
I'm not certain they have Tumblr but they do have Instagram. His Instagram is @andis_planet.
Some of his drawings are like this:
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The full body (colored) is of 8$
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if you are interested go hit a dm on his insta, he's very talented, tysm and bye <3<3.
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richiesharksz · 2 years
“Was it worth it?”
The words ring in Quackity’s head. They bounce around his skull as he lays there. Laying there all alone. The casino is empty, Las Nevadas is empty. It’s empty. He is laying on the ground.
The ground is cool to the touch, a little sticky maybe, it feels a bit tacky even. It’s uncomfortable as Quackity lays on the floor. “Is it ever worth it?” There it is again.
Had anything he’d ever done been worth it? Or did it just perpetuate more violence more betray and manipulation. He tried to stop he, he tried to bring justice. But it didn’t work.
At some point it had been more about hurting Dream and fulfilling his own desires than it had ever been about bringing him to justice. Justice over what? An event he hadn’t even really seen in full?
Quackity hadn’t personally been really hurt by Dream. He hadn’t ever really had a say over what was right to punish Dream. And by hurting Dream, he’d hurt everyone else.
Everything was wrong. Nothing was right. “Has it ever been worth it?” Hot tears leaked out of Quackity’s eyes rolling down the sides of his face. Dripping down his chin, into his ears, his greasy hair. “…no. It was never worth it,” he whispered weakly. Voice rough.
He sniffled, “it was never worth it. None of it. Never worth it. It was always selfish and-” he cut himself off. What was it?
Building Las Nevadas what was it? What had it ever been? He stared upwards, looking at the ceiling. It was stained with cigarette tar, the entire place smelling of booze. “Was this self harm?” he asked himself quietly.
All of this had just been defensive. A useless urge to prove himself. A want for more. Power. And what showed power. This? Was this powerful?
Selling people’s bodies and alcohol? Using drugs to keep himself out of his own head? Was it ever worth it if he had to cope with sex and booze?
He convinced himself it was all for some big goal. A big plan. But what had that ever been? What had been the goal? Where had he been going? Where was he going?
And even if he had one, was it worth it?
That word again. Worth. What even defined worth? Quackity didn’t know. Quackity didn’t know if he wanted to know.
He peeled himself off of the floor. Walking up to his own bar. Sliding over the counter. Grabbing a bottle. Struggling the top open.
Finally getting free the top flying out of his hand. Landing in a corner of the bar. Sighing Quackity sat on a bar stood. Chugging down the alcohol. Feeling the burn in the back of his throat. Warmth settling in his stomach. The more he drank the more he felt alive. It was satisfying.
He glanced in the dirty mirror placed behind the bar for some reason, he looked like Schalt. He set the bottle down. The stubble on his cheeks. Sunken cheekbones. Scar running down his face. All he needed was some ram horns.
Quackity laughed manically. Falling onto the bar counter. Cool surface pressed against his cheek. Laughs dissolving into big sobs.
Sobs that ran down his face, eyes red and puffy. Body wracked with big sobs and hiccups. Snot running down his nose. He grabbed the bottle again. Spilling most of the alcohol down his shirt. Some spilling on the counter. Some of it getting into his mouth.
It was never worth it.
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richiesharksz · 2 years
sabemos q luzu es viejo pero no digan que tiene edad de ser el padre de quackity??? apenas tiene 36? eso lo pondria a 14/15 añitos en el 2000 (el año que nacio big q)
thats kinda weirdchamp??? stop it????
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richiesharksz · 2 years
If we're going full angst, we're not wasting any possibilities
"K!Luzu seeing Quackity as replacement Auron" this, "K!Luzu seeing himself in Quackity" that.
Where is my "K!Quackity seeing Rubius and Luzu as replacements for Sapnap and Karl" at?
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richiesharksz · 2 years
non canon scenario where k!quackity manages to get in a fight with anyone and he gets punched in the face and his makeup/pixels/mask go away for a bit revealing his scar and while everyobody notices everyones to scared to bring it up.
Depending on the headcanon like his mask falls of revealing not only the scar but also the fact that hes wearing a mask in the first place.
I liked the makeup headcanon a lot bc eyeliner right but since i saw the pixels hc i really just like yeah makes sense, the visual of his face glitching can be so creepy I love it, like its not something the rest of karmaland has seen OH MY GOD WAIT, When they were in the caves with K!luzu and quackity changed his face and luzu was like bitch wtf okay yah yeah the pixels hc is the best on so far mhm mhm
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richiesharksz · 2 years
thank you techno blade for all the wonderful memories you gave me and the whole Minecraft community, thanks for the memories, for the merch, for the laughs, for everything. We'll never forget you. Thank you again. You may rest in piece. <3. Also, due to respect, i'll delete anything related to him. Love you Alex/Dave.
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richiesharksz · 2 years
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for the clout, I hate the quality, he is my oc, Benett, since this is a Voltron ¿? au I decided to make him galra, half galra? I'll explain below the cut, better not open it if u just want to see the drawing lol.
so originally he was a human, almost like Shiro, kind of a mix between Shiro and Keith, why? cause he went on a mission to the space as Shiro did, he got captured and instead of adding him a robotic part of the body, he got galra blood added to him, giving the ability to turn human and galra whenever he decides to. The experiment was very but very painful though, after that he managed to escape the ship on one of the galra missions, the ship had a malfunction allowing him to escape a ship. That's when he was found by the blade of Marmora, staying there until now.
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richiesharksz · 2 years
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if Karl loses his memories, I guess we’ll just watch his recovery arc where he reconnects with everyone and falls in love with his fiancés again, no biggie :D
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richiesharksz · 2 years
i forgor 💀
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quackity and karl: *venting some of their deepest emotions with hard hitting line after hard hitting line*
sapnap, for 10 minutes: 😃
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richiesharksz · 2 years
dude, just realized i made a whole ass speech to explain Keith's name 💀💀.
things of keith that all the voltron fandom agrees on but it's not canon
The fact that Kogane is not his canon surname on the new series, in the 80's his surname was Kogane and his name was Akira, the fandom decided to add Keith a second name 'Akira' and a surname 'Kogane'. If you search on google "Akira Kogane" you'll see Keith, basically, the fandom gave Keith a complete name "Keith Akira Kogane", Keith's surname wasn't revealed in the new series.
Keith isn't confirmed as gay in the new series but the way he acts makes us think otherwise, his voice actor had even said in Keith's voice "I'm gay", HE'S EVEN AWARE OF IT.
I actually have no idea where you all got Keith was lactose intolerant lmao.
Keith isn't canonically Asian on the new series nor on the old series. It may be his name that made people think he is Asian or from an Asian heritage.
Where did you all get Keith's dad is fucking Texan??.
As much as this is not canon, the whole fandom myself included considers this canon.
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richiesharksz · 2 years
"YOU HAVE THE BRAIN-CEL???!!!?!?!!?" lmaooo
So, I know you said you have no ideas for Sap n Karl yet and I don't know if your Qauckity is in relationship with the two, but I just had a thought. Imagine by now, Techno is aware Qauckity is the duck and they've been chill for awhile. One day, Qauckity just starts rambling about these two fiances he has and Techno doesn't take it seriously, kind of brushes it off as Qauckity rambling about things in the way Quackity does.
Then, Karl and Sapnap appear on his doorstep.
Quackity practically shoves Techno aside to drag the other two in and proudly presents them as his two fiances.
"Wait, you actually have fiances?"
"Uh, yeah, I've already told you."
"I didn't think you were serious! YOU actually have fiances!?"
"Why do you make it seem like its unbelievable for me to have fiances!?"
Anyways, any situation I think of where Quackity introduces his fiances to Techno usually leads to some form of humorous scenario. (Also, don't take this seriosuly, it was just a silly thought that popped into my head XD)
Q: here are my fiances uwu
T: how did you manage to even get two?
S: two hands
T: i said HOW, not why.
K: love <3
T: that... that doesn’t-
S: love and big sexy
T: he’s not even that attra-
K&S: -start making out-
T: wHY-
Q: -calms techno down- it’s because i have the single brain-cell between us, techno...
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