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The Langston Family
Kinda how I like to picture them now that the show has been...cancelled *sniffles*
I just love how Henry and Lucille are sitting on the porch watching while Jacob rides his bike. It’s such a ordinary, sweet family moment that they probably didn’t get to experience as much as they thought they would because of Jacob’s death. But now they can!
Resurrection episode: Home
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Resurrection + Green 
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Dear Diary
    You know, I never thought of writing in these, but I should. I should document this journey I’m about to go on. Well, the journey hasn’t really happened yet. I’m not sure if the journey is even happening. It’s complicated. I just want to think about her. Margaret Langston. That last name has a lot of bad memories associated with it. Margaret Addison. That sounds much better. Imagine being married to someone who can’t die? That has pros and cons. I can have her forever, but then what happens when I die? Do I come back? Do I come back younger? What if Margaret comes back even younger than her age now? Will we be able to ever have kids? Kids would be nice. I’m getting too ahead of myself here. I’m thinking too far ahead and I’m going to scare her. I don’t want to scare her. She probably hates me. I probably have no chance with her. I don’t blame her either. I don’t deserve someone like her. I wish I could go back in time and reverse all the trouble I caused her. She will probably never forgive me. She’s been through too much. I don’t want that for her. I her to be happy. If she is happy without me, then that’s okay too. When you love someone, you’ll do everything you can to make them happy.
x Brian
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FanFiction Friday II
Title: Reflection
Written By: Marla's Lost
Summary: This is a one-shot that expands the scene in Season 2, Episode 11, "Prophecy". That episode was so action packed and the acting was top notch. I just wanted to continue the scene between Henry and Lucille.
Rating: K+
Chapters: 1- Complete
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10961559/1/Reflection
This story is a wonderful oneshot that I still find myself rereading from time to time. Marla recreates the argument that Henry and Lucille had in "Prophecy" with both the drama and heartache. She get's into both the character's heads so perfectly you're torn between who's side you should be on.
This story was another one written BEFORE True Believer and it handles the events from the previous episode so well.
It is definitely worth a read and a few more after that!
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Frances Fisher of resurrectionabc talks about going slap for slap with friend & costar Matt Craven in The Hollywood Reporter’s Emmy Watch issue!
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“They’re right not to trust us. We’re not saints.”
Margaret Langston (Michelle Fairley) - Resurrection s2
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everything melts
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEE7u8rl2yc)
My first Resurrection Video! Also my first video made in a LONG time! If you have any ideas or requests for the show let me know! Hope you like!
Show: Resurrection
Characters: Henry an Lucille Langston; some Jacob as well
Song: When You Come Back to Me Again
Artist: Garth Brooks
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Here are some more of the Renew Resurrection pictures I made and posted during the time we waited to hear the news for season 3. Sadly they didn't work.
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4. To find out if Baby Nathaniel really was evil or not
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5. For more flashback scenes.
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6. To see more of the Margaret and Brian storyline.
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“Sometimes I just love him so much it feels like…a burden. I feel like I’m suffocating. It’s overwhelming” — Lucille Langston
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Could not have said it better myself! I watched the show with my mom too, still haven't told her its cancelled though, don't want to be the bearer of bad news. Wanted that season 3 so much!
my mom convince me to watch Resurrection! IT’S A PRETTY COOL SHOW! we like it a lot.
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if you start something, you have to finish it
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Marty: Look, it’s not what you think. Me, Maggie -
Fred: Let’s get something straight. I don’t want you to say one word about my daughter. I don’t want you to say her name. I don’t want you to think of her around me.
Marty: Sorry… I just thought about her.
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Thank you for sharing that :)
Question for Margaret, how did it feel to learn that you had a granddaughter who was named after you? Were you surprised that your son Fred would name his daughter after you?
It had been a surprise to hear Frederick had had a child. She’d always hoped, of course, that he would have children, someone for Jacob to play with, but he never did. Barbara never seemed to think it was the ‘right time’, and then of course they would separate and get back together and separate again, and it all seemed like Frederick would spend his life pining for a girl who would only ever use him as a toy. But no, they had married, and they had had a child. Frederick had had a daughter…and Barbara had had another fling. The latter had not surprised Margaret. 
“I was…pleased to hear I had a granddaughter, proud to hear we finally had a doctor in the family,” Even if she was a girl…something unattainable in Margaret’s time. How things had changed. “But that he’d named her after me…….that…” She took a breath, contemplating the feeling she had experienced when Henry had told, the realisation. “That was surprising, yes. Frederick always pushed against me, every step of the way, ever since he was a little boy, he fought against me in everything. I always felt I…disappointed Frederick..we certainly didn’t seem to get along” Sometimes she had thought he hated her, she had been convinced he did, until Henry told her the truth of why her youngest son had visited her during her coma in her last days.
 “But…after I died…he named his daughter, his only child, after me…to be honest, I didn’t know what to think. I was…surprised and….and touched”
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