recoverywithgh0ul · 9 days
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Hey there! Welcome back to another recipe :> This one is fairly simple and requires no cooking, and is pretty flexible with the ingredients. It’s kind of a throw shit in and go type of recipe, which in my opinion, is my favorite kind. I’m a sucker for something easy, delicious, and that’ll use up leftovers. For this you’ll need leftover rice, or chilled, whatever you have on hand. Also, feel free to switch out the grain to what you have you have on hand >.<
Cold or old rice
(Veggies of your pick, here’s where it can get customizable)
Corn(canned or fresh)
Green onion
Green beans(canned or fresh)
-For the dressing-
Greek yogurt
Lemon juice
Spices of choice
If you want some spice I’d add a hot sauce of your choosing
In a big bowl, add your rice and veggies after previously chopping them(or draining if using canned)
In a separate bowl mix your dressing, and when well combined, mix well into the rice and veggies.
Let chill for about 30 minutes before serving, and enjoy!
This is great as a side, to pair with BBQ tofu, or any protein of your choice, nice on hot days, or like I said above just if you’re having a low motivation day. You deserve to eat, and most importantly you deserve the care you’ve been denying yourself for so long <3
Numbers does not equal worth, you’re a person that deserves to be loved by others and by themselves~ Good luck on your journey! Until next time~
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recoverywithgh0ul · 12 days
-home for lost thoughts-
Things that helped my recovery, and things that definitely didn’t. Obviously recovery is a very personal experience, and things that work for others, may not work for you, and vice versa. I’m just sharing what works for me, so maybe people can either see a different perspective, relate, or find inspiration. General TW for this whole post it will touch on uncensored topics such as calorie counting apps, weight checking, and fear foods. If that’s a lot for you, I’d suggest you skip this post, but i wish you well in your recovery <3
I’m going to start off with the things that absolutely did not help, and if anything, sent me into a complete spiral. Why? Gotta start somewhere, and it’s best always to end on a good note~
Weight checks- I feel like this is probably a no brainer, but these are probably the worst for me. Even if it was good news it was the eventual “when will i ruin it?” Thought, which would giving up, and lead to a binge, and the whole cycle. Looking back, to avoid this, just shifting my perspective to not going to the all or nothing place honestly would’ve helped a lot. Which is what I’m working on now thankfully :>
Free eating- as I’ve mentioned a lot, i don’t understand what a healthy portion looks like, i was never taught. So going into adulthood like that, really negatively impacted me because when i wanted to get healthy even when i tried i still had no idea what i was doing. Something has countered this, but it’ll be in the next section.
Calorie counter apps- never helped me, they’ve always encouraged obsessive behavior, and also caused shame, especially if i had gone over a few calories. I can see the appeal, but for me- they’ve always done more harm than good.
Feeling like i can’t have certain foods because I’ll lose control- this in the long run as never helped, because then these foods feel forbidden, and when i finally allow myself them- I’ll eat them until I’m sick, but if I incorporate them into a healthy diet, I’ve noticed i actually crave them less. So I’m slowly regaining back my control. And so can you~
Those are the main ones for me. Let’s end this on a good note, and move onto the positive :>
Portion plates- it might sound silly or restrictive, but the really do help me, especially if I’m feeling a craving to clean my plate, there’s only so much metaphorical ‘damage’ i can do. For me it works, for everyone, it definitely will not. You should always do what works for you and your body~
Adding in foods I’m craving in moderation, or making healthier dupes- so, just like it says, craving chips? Have a bit, just add something to it. Like some cucumber and hummus, or carrots and cottage cheese. Want cookies? Eat it with some Greek yogurt and fruit. (All suggestions not medical advice) you can have what you’re craving just add something with some bulk so it fills you up~ so you’re satisfying a craving, but also feeling satiated.
Combating limiting beliefs with positive self talk- instead of punishing myself for having a bad thought, or getting mad I’m not ‘fully healed’ trying to practice patience, and self positivity and give myself that mental comfort to heal myself like i know I’m worthy of. Seeking outside validation can only help to a point, because if even you don’t believe it, it’s not going to benefit you. Recovery is a journey healing not only your relationship with food, but your relationship with yourself. And you deserve to finally be healed~
Therapy or coaching sessions- again self explanatory, but super beneficial, especially when you feel hopeless and can’t do it alone. Sometimes even finding resources online, like quick videos on YouTube just to understand things more, or to gain insight or advice. For me personally, the more i understand something, the easier it is for me to tackle it. There are so many great food therapists on instagram especially that share such great advice, that i urge you just to watch a few reels. Help is attainable, i promise it’s not impossible.
That’s all i can really think of for this post, as always, good luck on your journey! Remember you are worth it <3 until next time~
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recoverywithgh0ul · 14 days
i love shopping but i hate paying like why can’t i just get stuff for free?
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recoverywithgh0ul · 14 days
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recoverywithgh0ul · 14 days
Hey there, Ghoul here! Today is a vibe honestly for me, recently my thoughts around food have calmed down a bit, and it’s very nice. I can admit, at times the urge to restrict and place rules are still there. Though I feel like overall, a lot of anxiety is diminishing. I do realize it’s not always going to be like this, but for now, I’m enjoying it. <3 so, let’s get into today.
Egg and veg wrap with cream cheese, and a side of yogurt with berries, trail mix, and coconut flakes
Some nibbles of granola and nuts, like not even a handful each lol,, just wanted a lil snack
Veggie rice and taquito bowl with sauces
fruit and granola and coconut made like cereal in protein drink and some PB
Chipotle salad bowl with a side of chips and queso
(Was super proud of myself for not binging and listening to my body when i was done~)
Protein coffee
Water throughout the day
So another day down, as my night is coming to a close I’m just taking this time to chill out and just reflect on my day. Both the things I did well, and some of the things I could've improved on. In my opinion, self reflection is honestly so great for personal growth. Even celebrating your small wins, can help change your mindset on how you treat yourself.
As always, you deserve recovery, good luck on your journey, and until next time~
Also just to make it easier on myself, I didn’t do pictures today, but I still wanted to get a post up~
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recoverywithgh0ul · 14 days
remember that it’s okay to need gentle, cosy days to be able to fuel your most ‘productive’ ones! ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
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recoverywithgh0ul · 14 days
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recoverywithgh0ul · 14 days
Checking in, and this coming up week <3
So this coming up week, specifically the 20th of May to the 1st of June I’ll be on vacation visiting my partner >.<
Super excited, also a bit nervous because they want to show me a bunch of food spots that we don’t have here in the US/ just ones they’d think I’d enjoy~ so I did have a post idea on how to navigate ED thoughts while with loved ones/ on vacation, and honestly I’m pretty sure I’m going to do that. Other than that, i have some scheduled posts, but other than that i won’t be posting WIEIAD’s i will be posting some of what i ate in that week maybe? But that’s less planned honestly. I’ll honestly just be focusing on being with my partner~
Other than that, i just wanted to put this here, so if you see a lack of activity~ that’s why :>
As always, good luck on your journey, and until next time~
-Ghoul <3
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recoverywithgh0ul · 15 days
Hey there! Ghoul here, coming back to you with another what I eat in a dayyyy, so already started this day off supppper productively. So honestly I’m proud of myself for that. One of the things about addressing my all or nothing thinking just about tiny things is just, living in the moment, it can literally apply to anything. Since I personally struggle with Borderline Personality Disorder, I honestly had no idea how much my black or white thinking just impacted my daily life decisions, especially food. This is good or bad, this is too much or too little, this is healthy this is unhealthy. Everything has a balance, there is a grey area, you can take different foods and put them into a healthy balanced way to just nourish your body. Nothing is good or bad, it’s always how it’s used. Okay, after that, lets get into what I ate today~ >.<
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Toast with cream cheese, cucumber, with a egg on top, side of nuts and apple slices
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Veggie wrap(apple, bell pepper, cucumber, cream cheese) dipped in PB sauce (10/10)
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Chicken rice salad bowl with veggies and potatoes
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A few apple slices, small handful of chips(after the pic was taken), and nuts
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Chicken sandwich from Carl’s Jr., cucumber, bell pepper, rice salad
Protein coffee
Water throughout the day
Pumpkin spice tea with protein shake as creamer
Half of a protein shake
So today ended a bit on the less productive side, I was kind of tired just from not getting the best sleep. Overall though, in my personal opinion for myself, today went pretty well. I don’t have much to say tonight other than, you deserve to take care of yourself, you deserve to be happy, and you deserve to heal <3
As always, good luck on your journey, and until next time~
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recoverywithgh0ul · 15 days
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~ credits aren't necessary, only consider liking/reblogging if you use ♡
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recoverywithgh0ul · 15 days
it doesn't matter if you were productive or not. i‘m proud of you for getting through today.
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recoverywithgh0ul · 15 days
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~ credits aren't necessary, only consider liking/reblogging if you use ♡
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recoverywithgh0ul · 16 days
Hey there, Ghoul here back at it again with another what I eat in a day! Been very productive today, do I base a large amount of my worth on how productive I am? Maybe, lol. Ah yes, burnout culture, don’t we love her/s so started my day off pretty late today, but that’s okay. Everyday is different for me and I’m honoring and accepting that. So, lets get into the day~ :>
Pre workout~
The rest of the protein shake before my walk, because I’ve noticed for my body, it’s good to have something in it when I do physical exercise.
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Broccoli, pepper omelette with cheese and turkey, side of cucumbers and mixed nuts
(At first i was intimidated by this meal, but then i realized it’s just fuel. It’s to help my body through the day :> )
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Bell pepper with cream cheese for dip, and a cheese slice
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Chicken nuggets with side of spicy garlic, ranch, honey, and BBQ, potatoes, and cucumber and bell pepper
(I was so excited for the dips honestly, so good)
Handful of nuts
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Wrap(broccoli, turkey, rice, cheese), veggie salad with PB sauce, chips
(Wasn’t the most mentally satisfying, but the veggies definitely were)
(If I get hungry)
Mini doughnut, nuts, rest of a protein shake
Protein drink(1.5)
Protein coffee
Water throughout the day
Another day, done, as the days go by I realize that it really does get easier to separate my black and white thinking from food. Even though sometimes it can be extremely difficult especially if something feels ‘fatting’ or ‘too much’ at the end of the day, I’m slowly realizing, as long as I’m just taking care of myself, honoring my cravings, my body, and nourishing my soul, it’s slowly getting easier to do this. I can admit at times I’m still scared, and that’s okay. It’s okay to do something scared, as long as you still do it~ as always, good luck on your journey, and until next time~
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recoverywithgh0ul · 17 days
Hey there! Ghoul here, so these last couple of days I’ve been trying to be super productive when I can. Also something kind of awesome happened yesterday, I was planning on getting takeaway for dinner because I was just craving it- looked at all the options and just lost all want for it. I don’t know If I just couldn’t justify the price or something? Lol but hey, it’s progress nonetheless~ I’ve also been trying to incorporate more coping skills into my day lately, like crocheting, and journaling. Overall been pretty successful. So with that little update, let’s get into the day~
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Breakfast wrap, potatoes, and frozen blueberries
(These next few days is going to be a struggle to make more balanced and full meals since I don’t have a lot of produce in the house currently, and since I’m leaving in 5 days I can’t really justify buying more in fear of not finishing it lol)(I didn’t finish the blueberries rip)
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A blueberry, spinach, and apple protein smoothie, with some cheese cubes and chips(I swear this smoothie tastes like a muffin >.< )
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Veggie burger on bread, with a side of potatoes with cheese and broccoli
Fiber one bar, trail mix, and a cup of a protein shake
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Leftover pizza, broccoli, peppers, rice salad (leftovers basically)
Chips and cheese
Protein coffee
Water throughout the day
Strawberry protein shake(1/3 of a bottle)
So today as you can see, wasn’t the biggest win in the health department. Though at the end of the day it was eaten in moderation, I honored my hunger cues, and I still got some fruit and veg in. Of course eating like this everyday without balance isn’t ideal, but an off day isn’t a bad thing <3 Well, I hope being completely transparent helped a few people on their own journeys, as always, good luck on yours, and until next time~
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recoverywithgh0ul · 18 days
Hey there! Ghoul here, checking in for another what I eat in a day. I think sometimes the misconception of healing your relationship with food is that everyday will be and look the same. And it wont, some days might be harder, you might slip back into unhealthy habits, unhealthy mindsets. And on those days, as long as still doing your personal best, that’s all that matters. You have nothing to prove to anyone but to yourself. Anyway, let’s get into the day~ >.<
So before breakfast, I was pretty hungry so I had some trail mix.
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For breakfast I had a egg and turkey spinach wrap, with air fried potatoes, mandarin oranges, and some frozen blueberries
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PB rice with honey, apple, trail mix, and frozen blue berries
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Spinach and rice salad bowl with chicken nuggets and a side of chips,,
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Protein bar, and some apple slices, some cheese cubes
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Broccoli turkey cheese wrap with rice, chips, and apple slices
Protein iced coffee
Water throughout the day
Green tea with pineapple aloe Vera juice
Energy drink
So closing thoughts for today are just to honor your body, your hunger, and your self. At times it will be hard to love yourself, and on those day try to practice self care as much as you can~ getting better will always get worse before you get better, and recovery is scary, but it’s worth it. You deserve to eat, you deserve to honor your body. <3 I hope you’re having an amazing day, you deserve to recover, you deserve to love yourself~
As always, good luck on your journey, until next time~
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recoverywithgh0ul · 18 days
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recoverywithgh0ul · 18 days
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