radiopoison · 2 years
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Aesop’s Fables
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radiopoison · 2 years
I think that we as a society should get more comfortable with the idea that sometimes our friends will be attracted to us and sometimes we will be attracted to our friends and nothing needs to come of that.
You don't have to date. You don't have to stop being friends. You can just keep hanging out. Self control and respect exists.
And sometimes you will date your friend and figure out that your dynamic worked better when you were friends. And then you can go back to being friends. It's really quite simple. Mature and cool, even.
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radiopoison · 2 years
I have had tumblr for 6 years. I could have been seeing timestamps all along?? Editing tags easily??? Improving my experience in SO many ways?????
It literally took me under a minute. If you've been procrastinating on downloading XKit on desktop, this is your sign to go do that NOW.
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radiopoison · 2 years
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revisiting the "comics as a self-love exercise" thing i did a few years ago. (u can read the first one here, cw for discussions of death + suicide.)
thank u for hanging in there. u did really good.
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radiopoison · 2 years
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Does Izzy DESERVE two big strong boyfriends? No. Does he WANT two big strong boyfriends? Also no. 
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radiopoison · 2 years
the real question is how many people have *you* admitted you have a crush on to
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radiopoison · 2 years
mostly my career goals are to hang out with friends and do whatever is funniest in the moment. hope that helps
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radiopoison · 2 years
i love that post thats like “never trust how you feel about your life after 9pm” that shit changed my life. every time i feel bad i look at the clock and i’m like Aha It’s 10:26 PM You Cannot Fucking Fool Me
edit: if you want to tag this with some variation on “but i feel bad during the day,” read this to understand what i’m really saying here. also, please stop putting triggering content in my notes
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radiopoison · 2 years
check out literally just sitting outside if u can. the hobby of the summer
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radiopoison · 2 years
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radiopoison · 2 years
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I’ve been microdosing T for two months and so far I’m just damp and pimply 🙃
quick warm-up sketch from my digital sketchbook
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radiopoison · 2 years
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raise yr hand if you just resigned yourself to uncomfortable underwear when you were a kid because you thought that’s just how life was
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radiopoison · 2 years
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Keep reading
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radiopoison · 2 years
Thinking about Frenchie, Oluwande and Roach as names... And both the tragedy and the privilege of being mixed/having lighter skin
Out of the three Black men in the Revenge, Oluwande is the only one who has a real name. He's also the only one who has a last name (Boodhari). That, paired with the fact that he seems utterly unused to experiencing racism (his shock at the french person's comment during the party) and the fact that he's the darkest-skinned one out of the three, makes me think that Oluwande probably came from a relatively safe Black community. Maybe a quilombo or maybe he's African and from a tribe that hadn't been torn to shreds before he was born. Either way, Oluwande comes from a place where he's fully human; he has a last name, he has a real name. He knows what it's like to live relatively unaware of how much white people hate him
(Which is then, of course, lost; and because he didn't grow up in that environment, and because he is so dark-skinned, he is the most vulnerable one now, and the one who, in the eyes of white people, needs to be put in his place the most. I want to make it very clear that I'm not trying to imply Oluwande is privileged here; but he is in a unique position as a person of color, especially in that time, and that comparison makes the violence the other two went through even more visible)
Compare that to Roach. Roach as a name is so utterly horrifying, and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth every time I talk about him. Which I think is absolutely intentional. It's racism in its purest form, and you have to be uncomfortable about it. You can't talk about Roach without thinking, to some level, about the horrors of racism and colonization
And also... Roach doesn't have a last name
This, of course, tracks down historically - enslaved people were denied their last names. And having no last name while living in the Western world is having no history, no family, no origin. It's being denied community and family and culture and richness. Someone without a last name is alone in Western society. And someone named Roach and only Roach... Well, they're nothing. From the moment Roach was born, as a dark-skinned Black man who definitely came from a colonized environment, he was put in his place as less-than
And then you have Frenchie. Frenchie was named after the people who colonized his people, and that is fucking awful. Especially considering that Frenchie also doesn't have a last name. So no connection to his own history or culture; all that's left is the culture that hates him. Frenchie was born to be assimilated: forget your culture, forget your roots, spend your whole life trying to be like your colonizer
Except, of course, you'll never actually be accepted by them. He's not a Frenchman. He's Frenchie. It's derisive, it's scornful. Forget who you are, but don't forget that you're also not really one of us. Embrace us, but remember, we won't embrace you
(And if you've studied French colonial history - or read Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon - you know that the fact that he's named after France absolutely cannot be a coincidence. That was the modus operandi of French colonialism down to the bone. Give your colonized French status, force them to trade their culture for yours, assimilate them in such a way that they might actually believe they are indeed Frenchmen; but never see their lives as equal or them as real Frenchmen)
So, Frenchie's name is a tragedy and also leaves a horrible taste of colonialism, of culture denial, of assimilationism in my mouth. It reminds me of my own grandfather being taken away from his people and taking years to even find out the name of his tribe; it's horrible, and painful in a way that's hard to even put into words
At the same time, he's not Roach
Because Frenchie is also too light-skinned to be anything that isn't mixed, and so his name doubles - it's about colonialism and assimilationism, yes, but it's also being closer to being acceptable to white society. Frenchie can be a Frenchman, kinda; there is some space for him, if he forever accepts the abuse and violence that comes with not being white in that environment. Roach isn't even offered this choice; his skin is not light enough for him to be human in the colonizer's eyes. He could never be seen as even on the vicinity of French men. To them, he's just a roach
It's a good balance, I think, of tackling the privilege of light skin versus the horrible lack of belonging and the fact that said privilege is born out of violence that's carved on your skin into the bone. A commentary made even better by the presence of Oluwande, reminding us that the best thing to be is neither Roach nor Frenchie - the best thing to be is Oluwande Boodhari, a full person, with a real name, with a family and history and a sense of belonging; and who's not used to being treated as lesser than. And in that, OFMD also reminds us to have solidarity, and to not aim for crumbs of acceptance, but for the whole thing
(In this setting, Oluwande feels almost like a fantasy. Being whole, being unused to violence, having history and pride as a person of color. Which again, is not to say he's privileged, because as the darkest-skinned one he's the biggest target. But there's something... Just amazing about seeing this man be so whole despite that)
And it's really a nice balance of drawing solidarity while also pointing out privilege; having both what makes them similar and what makes them different; pointing out that no violence is better or acceptable; and encouraging that people band together instead of tearing each other apart. Plus commentary on history, racism, and assimilationism. It's really so well done, and it blows my mind that they managed to fit so much commentary into nothing but their names
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radiopoison · 2 years
What do you consider the pillars of your diet? Like not what you consider the most delicious, or even necessarily your "favorite" food, but the food that if you look within your heart and are honest with yourself actually eat more often than anything else? I think mine is toast, broccoli, and eggs
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radiopoison · 2 years
Man I love Izzy Hands. This little dude is so funny. He’s the most homophobic character in the whole show but he’s also very much gay. He moaned ‘daddy’ completely unprompted. He’s not even that short but everyone else is taller than him so he looks tiny all the time. He curses multiple times in every sentence. He has the energy of an angry purse dog. He has That Voice. He’s been pining over a false image of his boss for years. He thought he overheard said boss having sex with a random guy and literally cried about it. He was forced to eat his own severed toe and he kinda liked it. His name is fucking Hands.
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radiopoison · 2 years
the way tumblr is treating taika waititi is so fucking annoying he won't fix the mcu he won't make hollywood gay he's one guy. he didnt even make ofmd. like i absolutely get liking the shit he makes i love it too!! im even gonna subject myself to an mcu movie and watch thor 4 coz i like his style so much!!! but people neeed to stop putting celebs on pedestals like this because sooner or later he WILL fuck up and do something that'll immediately make everyone label him problematic coz he's just some guy!!! like he's a real human being holy shit why do we have to do this with a new man every month.
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