radioactive-garden · 28 days
bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements
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radioactive-garden · 1 month
Hey, for everyone saying xenogenders are chronically online: Today in psych class we talked about gender dysphoria and I got to illustrate my view of gender graphically. It looked like a venn diagram with four heavily overlapping circles - one of them was xenogender.
My class was ENTIRELY receptive to it. This receptiveness included a straight, cis, white, christian male who had never heard of it before. And he was totally cool with it! We even took two minutes going on about what our gender would be if we described it in xenic terms. My teacher said he'd be the point of a mountain that intersects with clouds in the sky. Another said a ball of lint. I said the ocean. Not one of us said it was "impossible" or "cringe" or any of that xenogender-phobic shit.
If you're xenogender you're valid. The world, the real, offline world thinks so too. What's "chronically online" and "cringe" is being full of hate.
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radioactive-garden · 1 month
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A dissconnomei subterm that refers to wishing/thinking one refers to themself in third person and, due to a multitude of factors, makes the person feel disconnected to their external way of referring to themself. This is not a for "fun" label or a voluntary "I wanna be this ✨️✨️✨️", this also doesn't override external speaking habits and is to merely acknowledge the disconnect
This term specific for people with involuntary disconnects that don’t believe in transitioning if it hurts others or the user or adds to further stigma and appropriation of other groups and thus is not radqueer or transid friendly and not comparable to transgender
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radioactive-garden · 1 month
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Traumarippedgender - gender that feels ripped from the person because of trauma.
No DNI for this post.
Coined by me, requested by no one.
Requests open.
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radioactive-garden · 1 month
i never do this, so let's do this now
i'm cameron, one of the alters from radioactive garden system. i'm fictive of simon "ghost" riley from og call of duty: modern warfare. if you want to message me, please don't interact with me like with source, thank you.
i use no pronouns. it means, that instead of he/she/they, in a text there should be my name, for example:
instead of:
"i saw cameron today. he looks cool. it is fictive from cod. they don't use pronouns"
should be:
"i saw cameron today. cameron looks cool. cameron is fictive from cod. cameron don't use pronouns"
this blog is mine as an alter, so i won't make a list of alters. other alters use it to find labels, pronouns etc., but i only coin genders.
we are traumagenic system, but we support endos. keep it in mind, if you are anti-endo and it's a problem for you, don't interact with us.
there's no dni for my flags, unless i said otherwise. everyone can use it.
that's all. have a great day/night
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radioactive-garden · 1 month
Masc transwoman and
fem transman
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On the left: masc transwoman – transwoman that feels masculine, masculine is a part of gender even thought that person is transwoman etc., there's no bad way to interpret this gender.
On the right: fem transman – transman that feels feminity, feminity is a part of gender even thought that person is transman etc., there's no bad way to interpret this gender.
Coined by me, requested by no one.
Requests open
coined by me, can be used by everyone*
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radioactive-garden · 1 month
Hello world, reaching to everyone as one of the queer refugees from Kenya Kakuma refugees camp. Life has never been good since we came to the camp years ago in 2019 ,2020 and 2021. Although life is hard, LGBTIQA refugees have continuously joined us in the camp in the latest years leading to a larger number of lgbtiqa refugees in Kenya.
The camp has over 200,000 total number of refugees with just about 1300 lgbtiqa+ refugees. Its just a smaller ratio of lgbtiqa regugees facing persevution from the bigger number of other refugees.
Most of us have fled from Uganda where things turned out to be hard on queer people including death and imprisonment of lgbtiqa people. I call upon everyone tk help and support the the fellow queer people surbive through this trauma. You can’t imagine we have lost friends through death due to homophobia. One of us who was killed badly by setting fire on them did noy live for a month later. When we rushed them to hospital, doctors knew was trans and so devided to delay him and later died. We please need everyone to help. Even contacting UNHCR can help.
Look we have a youtube channel for more information and links like petitions and fundraiser are attached to our youtube channel
Our fundraising campaign, help and donate if you can, if you can't please share, we are currently looking forward to constructing an iron sheet fence as it will improve our safety.
As the leadership team for our group, we estimated it to take $1200. We also love to install a solar system that will cost us $700, will include solar panel, battery, inverter, lights and extensions. Where we shall be able to charge our phones from our premises and also have security lights to avoid attacks at night. and avoid unnecessary movements that also put us at risk of attacks. Please help and support us so that we can improve our safety. With the iron sheet fence we shall reduce on the risks of attacking us by homophobes especially when we are sleeping. I please call upon your support as we shall account for all the money donated to us. Thanks
It takes a good and kind heart to help, you will always stick on our hearts yiu people that make us feel we sre loved and cared about. Sustaining ourselves has failed us. We would prefer having jobs however no one can give a job to a demon like how the call us to be.
Hospital treatment in the government and UNHCR hospitals is hard because of homophobia and delays on LGBT people. For the love and support of one another, we love you.
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radioactive-garden · 1 month
Og!ghostcharic and
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Og!ghostcharic – gender related to Simon "Ghost" Riley from original Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Coined by me, requested by me.
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Reboot!ghostcharic – gender related to Simon "Ghost" Riley from reboot of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
Coined by me, requested by no one.
Requests open
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radioactive-garden · 1 month
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Zombiegirlthing – genderthing that is zombie and girl, but also a thing because of being undead, not having soul etc.
Zombiegirlthing is coined by me, requested by anon.
Suggested pronouns:
Requests open.
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radioactive-garden · 1 month
on my way to find neopronouns that fit me
hey quick test, reblog or like this if you DONT think neopronouns are stupid im trying to prove a point to my sister and her partner
for context my sister is a binary trans lesbian dating a genderfluid lesbian and today she came up to me saying that her and her partner as two trans people have both decided neopronouns are stupid
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radioactive-garden · 1 month
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Zombieboything – genderthing that is zombie and boy, but also a thing because of being undead, not having soul etc.
Zombieboything is coined by me.
Suggested pronouns:
Requests open.
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radioactive-garden · 1 month
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Traumaghostix – traumatix gender that can be associate with trauma and ghosts, can feel like ghost because of trauma, can be interpreted in any way.
Traumaghostix is coined by me.
Traumatix is coined by ix-c-999.
No DNI for this post.
Feel free to request gender.
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