radicallyhippie · 4 years
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Perfection in a picture
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
Idk this gif just spoke to me
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I wish I was michael at this time and moment
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
Just saying I think I was born in the wrong century :///
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
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I can’t believe Sangwoo isn’t Korean
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
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The Lost Boys - 1987
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
everyone talks about marko being tiny but david really isn’t much bigger than him
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
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I’ll represent you in court :)
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
Happy Halloween 🎃🎉
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Happy Halloween everybody I'm a little late oml anyways still happy Halloween
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
Paul's and Markos friendship 😍
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So like. feel like their friendship would be really cool, they would listen to music, banging their head hollering around and having a good time. They always have each other's back and would protect each other to death, they care for David and Dwayne of course it's just their connection is different
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
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What do I have to do to find a friendship as bogus as this one
Bill and Ted's excellent adventure 1980
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
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David x y/n cute imagine
Requests are open! ༊🎐*ೃ˚🎏
You aren't new to santa carla or a few of it's residents, including the four bikers that everyone hates so much
They and you was actually really good friends they never treated you wrongly or hurt anything from what you could tell, their secret made it a little hard for a while. But if humans can kill animals to survive then why can't they kill humans to do the very same?? You cared deeply for them all like they was your family, you needed them and they needed you.
You smiled as you was wearing david's jacket and was walking down the board walk with them
"let's have some fun shall we?" David said chuckling looking at them all and then back to the Carousel
"David you know you aren't allowed here if you get caught you'll get in trouble" you pouted looking at him "come on let's just go" you gently tugged on his jacket
"it'll be fine you don't have to come" he chuckled and before you know it the four boys walked into the carousel to have their fun, you huffed in slight annoyance they never listen to me.
You shook your head as you watched them go through the people who seemed to despise them, you let out a soft giggle as you saw david get into a small fight. The fun all came to a when a security guard got onto them for being on the boardwalk, you ran over grabbing david's hand when they walked off the Carousel
"I wasn't even doing anything wrong" he chuckled smirking slightly "he'll get it soon anyways"
"you know just cos they do you wrong don't mean you can always just off them" you laughed softly walking in front of him but you was walking backwards so you didn't really see where you was going until he grabbed your waist to keep you from walking into one of the tables that was holding jewelery
"you need to watch where you're going sweetheart" he said softly looking into your eyes
"y-yeah I know" you blushed as the boys was all teasing you about how he had caught you
You knew it embarrassed David it was the first time you had seem him embarrassed he was always so tough looking and had this hard shell so seeing him like this made you have butterflies in your stomach
After you guys got a few drinks and they all got into their bikes and you got onto the back of davids wrapping your arms around his waist
They drove off towards the direction of their place but before you had realized david took a wrong turn you smiled to yourself cos it wasn't often you got to spend time along with him and it made you happy that he was taking the time to make time for you
He stopped a little ways away from the beach on the other side that only you two knew about and helped you off of the bike grabbing your waist "it's so hard to love you with them around without them teasing us" he chuckled kissing you softly
"I mean well it's cute seeing you so flustered mister tough guy" you teased him slightly
"it's cos they know you like it and they just want to see you happy so they'll do it just for you" he rolled his eyes laughing soft. "But no matter what, or who teases me. It'll never change how much I love you" he smiled kissing you again
"and nothing will ever change how much I love and need you" you smiled kissing him softly
You two never knew what living was until you found each other. You love him and he loves you, what could be better. Cos after all home isn't a place it's a person
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
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Kiefer Sutherland
The Lost Boys 1987 ‧
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
i love how bill and ted and the lost boys have absolutely zero correlation besides alex winter yet we still go crazy for crossovers
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
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Small imagine:
You had known the boys for a while. You also knew about them being vampires too.
You didn't ever think much of it but seeing as it was your birthday they wanted to know if you wanted to be like them, you had thought about the pros and cons of being a vampire. The good outweighed the bad. But in ways the bad outweighed the good.
"So have you decided" David said looking at you as the three other boys stared at you with the biggest smiles on their faces
You couldn't ever have a child. You couldn't die which honestly isn't a bad thing but you would have to never see your family again. But these boys are your family one of them is the love of your life. He made everything worth it.
"It's been a long thought. but I've decided.. I would be dead without you all.. I love you all so much.. and I love you most of all" you smiled looking at marko "so to stay with the love of my life of course I will turn" you smiled looking at marko as he gave you the cutest smile you've ever seen
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radicallyhippie · 4 years
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The Lost Boys (1987) dir. Joel Schumacher
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