quillsandpaper · 2 days
Happy pride month to all the aromantic people out there. You don't need to prove your humanity to exist.
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quillsandpaper · 13 days
Episode 1 of SPACE SPECKS, TRACER-AQ is out now as part of the 2024 @podcastjam! You can find the transcript for this episode here.
See you in the city.
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quillsandpaper · 19 days
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Here's a very early rundown of our characters - before they had names, we called them by letters to differentiate them! Have fun guessing who's who ;)
C who is trying to be a hero and knows that, regardless of their actions, it's a dead end. E who can't stop treating everyone like they're already dead. A who is fighting not to be lonely and is grappling with the fact that loneliness is staring them in the face. B who runs away from their problems and is running headfirst into this one. D who got left behind, who can't trust anyone including themselves.
@spacespeckspod : "A year has passed since the collapse of New Olympus, a space society created decades prior by the earth's governments looking to start a new life on an exoplanet. Doomed to fail from the start, New Olympus' citizens feared the end of the world once and witnessed the collapse of their safe haven a second time, left scattered in makeshift camps across the galactic wasteland, with no intent to return to the ruins of their former colony. However, one haphazard crew of survivors embarks on a brave—or foolish—journey to search for a still-missing friend amidst the wreckage."
We're counting down to episode release by highlighting one podcast a day. Check out this show on May 25th!
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quillsandpaper · 30 days
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vaguely how i picture Pluto and Marigold from @wanderersjournalpod :) it’s good go listen
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quillsandpaper · 1 month
Episode 2 is live!
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quillsandpaper · 1 month
It has been so much fun! Well done to all the wonderful people who signed up for this event and took on the journey to create an episode from start to finish. This is scary stuff, especially when you've never done it before. But we did it and I'm so proud! I cannot wait to hear it all 🪐
The End!
The 2024 Podcast Jam is officially over! 🎉
A big thank you & congrats to all of our wonderfully talented participants for all of your hard work over the last few months.
For information regarding the event again next year, keep an eye out here and in the PBC Discord announcements later this year.
We'll be sharing more about the upcoming shows ahead of the May 25th release on this blog, and will additionally be hosting a marathon on June 1st in the Discord if anyone would like to join us for that.
Happy end to all of the jamming for now!
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quillsandpaper · 1 month
social media in the SPACE SPECKS universe
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aka the "tracking down Sawyer on a bi-weekly basis" website
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quillsandpaper · 1 month
Really feel that the vibe of Imelda and Weepe's relationship is something like:
Imelda: I can fix him
Weepe: I can make her worse
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quillsandpaper · 1 month
Midst asks a lot of important questions, such as: what if the stock market was for sin and good deeds? What if nighttime was a sentient soup that will kill you (or make you float)? What if the military’s psyop for recruitment wasn’t a tiktok egirl but a handsome buff man starring in a serialized radio play version of the military’s adventures? What if a guy called Phineas turned into a broken shell of a man? What if your babysitter was the coolest woman alive but also killed your friend the retiree with an upside down mouth? All this and much more.
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quillsandpaper · 1 month
Reflecting on Representation in Audio Drama (as a Creator)
It's a commonly sung praise of fiction podcasts that, because of the indie nature of the space, minority representation is much more commonplace, but I don't think I've heard much of what that looks like for creators on the other side, so I just want to talk about it a bit in regards to my personal experience, writing an upcoming audio drama and being physically disabled.
"Write what you know" is advice given far and wide, even beyond podcasting, so when working through the pre-canon impact the city collapse in SPACE SPECKS had on the population, a long-term injury seemed like a trail worth heading down. Thus one of the show's characters, Nora, was partially trapped underneath a collapsed wall after an explosion, with her partner forced to do a field amputation to get her to safety, and, in a broader sense, save her life.
As an amputee, just the idea of writing a character with an amputation was exciting — I've struggled to find any relatability to other amputees, in both fiction and in real life, due to the circumstances and type of amputation I had. Creating a character who's amputation was, like mine, traumatic, who struggles with phantom pain and her disability being minimized and not having a say in the medical decision, now having to relearn navigating the world with mobility aids has meant so much more to me than I ever expected it would.
We're both partial foot amputees (write what you know, right?) and for me, this came with a lot of strife that I'm now getting to explore through Nora. I didn't call myself an amputee for a very long time — I didn't think I "deserved" it, because you wouldn't ever be able to tell just by looking at me, because my healthcare team and my family told me I would be fine and would adapt to walking again and because, even in amputee spaces, I simply didn't have it as bad as others did, along with hundreds of other reasons.
In short, though, audio drama is allowing me to tell a story that I would otherwise probably continue to feel isolated within. Becoming an amputee was a huge shift in my life I've never shared with anyone, but now Nora's injury has the opportunity to help me and maybe help others feel seen and understood, (even if their circumstances may be different!) This is just an incredibly unique sort of catharsis I didn't expect to find in podcasting & I'm really grateful for the opportunities this space presents. :)
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quillsandpaper · 1 month
SPACE SPECKS Cast Announcements!
We definitely didn't steal these documents from the city. Don't even worry about it.
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Lumi Oakes @lumoakes as Coral Johansen
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Rawlyx @rawlyx as Gene Kelsey
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Quills @quillsandpaper as Nora Elsinger
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Finch Smallsies @smallsies as Sawyer Shepherd
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Cat @adragoncat as Sparrow Winters
All character art was made by Rawlyx! You can read more about our (inter)stellar cast on our website. We'll be seeing y'all in the city very soon 🪐
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quillsandpaper · 1 month
How's everyone?
Barely hanging on? The need to disappear can be strong, but sometimes you don't need to fake your death, you just need a moment to top up your cocoa, drink some water, eat some maltesers, yeah? Do it for me? Thanks!
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quillsandpaper · 1 month
Welcome to the Bookclub!
Podcast Book Club is a Discord-centric community of podcast fans, creators, and all those that fall somewhere in between.
Three shows—two fiction podcasts and one actual play—are on rotation at any given time, meaning there's always a new podcast to listen to! You can jump in and discuss these shows whenever you like during the show's run, alongside joining in on group listening parties.
The Podcast Jam @podcastjam is an event in which participants create the pilot episode of a new fiction podcast, with recording & editing taking place over one weekend.
Coffee Shop Chats, or the "podcast about podcasts," is an interview series with creators in actual play & audio drama, with all questions submitted by server members.
To get in touch with us, you can send us an email at [email protected], reach out to Finch directly on Discord at smallsies, submit the contact form on our website, or open a ticket in the server.
If you would like to support our efforts beyond participating in the community, you are more than welcome to contribute financially via our Ko-Fi page.
The server & all projects are maintained by a small staff team of 7 volunteers. If you're interested in working with us, applications to join are open on a standing basis, and can be found on our website.
Dumb Kids Playing Hero
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quillsandpaper · 1 month
The first episode of Wanderer's Journal is officially out!
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quillsandpaper · 2 months
What @podcastjam shows our characters would listen to!
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Be sure to check out the fellow jam shows mentioned; @valdiviansfinest @gobbpodblog @hello-are-you-there @working-tidal-pod @theichorousrotpod They're all working on some really cool projects!
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quillsandpaper · 2 months
As a celiac ace I need something like garlic bread that is just as alluring (although my mom makes the best gf homemade pizza). Like… all of the ace community loves carbs. Give me gluten free food thirst traps.
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quillsandpaper · 2 months
Gender: default setting
Sexuality: my bad, hand slipped to the off-switch
Romantic attraction: wouldn't it be nice if- oh, nvm?
Tagging (no pressure, only if you want):
@smallsies @n1et @adragoncat @rawlyx @lumoakes and anyone who wants to :)
Gender, Sexuality, Romantic Attraction Tagging Game
How do: You put your gender, sexuality, and romantic attraction down with a line break between them—but, here's the catch, don't use any labels! So, for example, this, "Gender? Agender Sexuality? Lesbian Romantic Attraction? Demiromantic" would be this: "Gender? I hardly know 'er! Sexuality? Girl-kisser Romantic Attraction? My friends, I think"
So, here's mine!
Gender? Yours, fool Sexuality? Yes Romantic Attraction? Only if I know you well enough
TAGS (under the cut, and don't feel obligated to do it!) (and obviously those who I have not tagged can participate too)
@bassguitarinablackt-shirt @gloriousvermin @midnight-thedyke @littlebookworm69 @runwiththerain @cybercerealkiller @ishouldsleepbut @ssavinggrace @i-love-your-father @us-costco-official @scifikode @i-am-an-arson-enthusiast
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