pyshnyy · 2 days
There is a difference between actual BDSM and people who use BDSM as a shield for their violent behaviour.
BDSM is about trusting your partner enough to fully submit to them or dominate them. The submissive must trust the Dominant to not hurt them and the Dominant must trust the submissive to tell them when they are crossing a line. The MOST important thing about BDSM is that it's CONSENSUAL and based on utmost TRUST. Yes, there are some hard kinks which may seem misogynistic but those kinks are often what allows some victims(like myself) to take back our body autonomy, and to feel in control of the bad things that happened to us. Some are trauma kinks which help us heal. BDSM is not misogynistic however, because then all the Dommes(female dominants) and male subs would not exist.
However, yes, I know there are some people polluting the BDSM community who use it just to harm women (or even men) but that's the case in any community. Wolf wearing sheep's clothing. There are a lot of us who are into true BDSM, who practice safe and consensual activities with consenting adults. I encourage you to actually read more about BDSM from a BDSM positive or neutral source rather than only looking towards people who don't even know what it is about or have prejudices against it.
I am a WOC and a feminist who is still into some hard kinks like CNC(CONSENSUAL Non Consent) and Somnophilia, which helps me recover and move on from being sexually abused as a child. However not everyone has to go through trauma to have hard kinks, and that doesn't make them a monster as long as they are practicing with a CONSENTING adult with clear guidelines and safewords.
So all I'm saying is, don't let a few people with I'll intentions who use BDSM as a shield make you see the rest of us who practice BDSM in its true essence in a bad light.
Thank you for your time and patience.
All the love
The thing is BDSM is not that great either. It’s not about what you do physically anon but it’s what happens emotionally. Also your not a good feminist if you think CNC is okay
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pyshnyy · 3 days
the people fearmongering about bdsm are the same people fearmongering about fetishes are the same people fearmongering about pornography are the same people fearmongering about trans women are the same people fearmongering about groomers are the same people making sure gay and trans people stay unsafe, btw
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pyshnyy · 3 days
has anyone seen that woman on tiktok who’s mother was in a BDSM dom/sub relationship?
her mother wore an “eternity collar” around the children, engaged in non-sexual BDSM behavior around the children (getting on her knees to serve water to her “dom” is just one example), and even explained the “rules” of her dom/sub relationship to the children.
this woman is explaining how being exposed to BDSM as a child negatively affected her, and the comments are like “but not all kink/BDSM people” like???
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pyshnyy · 3 days
"Men can't show emotions!". Women are called manipulative for crying.
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pyshnyy · 3 days
It’s weird how people on this website are so obsessed with discussing the intricacies of their sexuality and kinks while simultaneously being so virginal. Like there’s no shame in being a virgin, but why don’t you just try having normal sex before identifying yourself as a polysexual bdsm kinkster? I feel like porn has caused a bunch of young people to form weird fantasies that are very unlikely to be fulfilled in real life
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pyshnyy · 3 days
Watch this video. Listen to what she's saying. She's explaining the dangers of strangulation and her own experience with domestic violence. What would you assume the comments are like? Sympathetic? Are people interested in spreading awareness?
No. The comments look like this
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This is why I fucking despise kink culture. Y'all are willing to make jokes like this to a woman who survived domestic violence. Y'all are willing to invalidate her message to validate your kink.
Yes, strangulation is still dangerous during sex and it doesn't stop being dangerous because sex is involved.
Yes, women are injured by rough sex all the time.
Yes, it's still abuse even if it happens during sex.
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pyshnyy · 5 days
how life feels when you dgaf about male loneliness
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pyshnyy · 6 days
I hate the entire concept of rehabilitating a rapist. Rapists aren't ill. Raping is not a symptom. It is a misogynistic hate crime. Stop letting violent men pathologize themselves out of consequences. They're not the ones suffering from what they've done.
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pyshnyy · 6 days
Stomp right wing ideology out of radical feminism. There is nothing radical nor feminist about any form of right wing ideology. Radical feminism is a leftist ideology. If you are a conservative and you think you're a radfem, you're probably just a conservative and can see the truth behind trans ideology. But racism, homophobia, religious indoctrination (I'll say it - I think religion sucks and is bad for you), etc needs to be purged from this movement. The core values are inherently contradictory.
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pyshnyy · 6 days
#notallmen but somehow its always men who commit gang rape, often filming the torture, sometimes even murdering the victim; even if the victim is a fucking lizard they killed and ate after the act. most men dont do stuff like this but somehow its men when an orang utan gets prostituted or when videos of unspeakable animal abuse get exchanged in secret furry chats (look up kero the wolf on your own discretion). most men are horrified by these acts - allegedly - but cant explain why its almost exclusively men committing these truly unspeakable acts. #notallmen but the nth room case in south korea was organised and the videos consumed by men.
when men and women are equally capable of evil acts - which anti feminists dont tire to remind us of - then how come that for every heinous act a woman commits, men have done it more often and more violent? and that there are violent acts women tend to not commit at all, specifically gang rape, necrophilia and zoosadism? does this not tell you something about the inherently different predisposition that is being male, having a penis to rape with? not all men do, but all men could, and all men see other men doing it. think about that
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pyshnyy · 6 days
When you have grown up in a violent misogynistic environment where women, including your own mother, were regularly beaten by their husbands, the increasing popularity of BDSM seems particularly disturbing. I don't care if it is consensual, I don't care if the women who partake in BDSM claim to enjoy it. You are emulating the abuse that thousands of women suffer daily for sexual gratification. And that's perverse. You can scream about consent all you want. At the end of the day, you still find the abuse that my father inflicted on my mother sexy. You still find sexualized violence sexy enough to be emulated. Yes, that makes you a bad person.
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pyshnyy · 7 days
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A dude dm’ed me this. And they ask me why I’m a radfem
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pyshnyy · 9 days
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How men feel when they wear a PornHub shirt in public.
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pyshnyy · 11 days
Idk if it’s just me but I get so emotional seeing kink posts on here. It makes me so upset to see women objectifying themselves
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pyshnyy · 11 days
you know what? normalize ruthlessly mocking men’s interests completely unprovoked the same way they’ve spent years mocking pumpkin spice lattes and pop music and animal crossing and the sims and every other completely harmless thing women often enjoy. I Love Revenge
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pyshnyy · 11 days
a thing that really shook me was the study where women performed worse in a math test when they were wearing a swimsuit vs a sweater whereas for men there was no difference. objectification literally diminishes your brain capacity. i can't help but wonder what we could be in a truly liberated society because there's no way that how we are raised to be objectified and to even self objectify hasn't thoroughly poisoned our brains to always underperform even in normal clothes.
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pyshnyy · 13 days
I think a lot of us glaze over Booktok. You guys can defend it, but as somebody who has been through SA, I find it disturbing as in it makes me feel “gross” that women are WILLING FULLY reading about my trauma and getting off to it/liking it, that’s just me though.
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