puppypadz · 4 days
why did I just see a debate about whether shotgunning “even gets you high” as if shotgunning isn’t first and foremost about making it gay with you friends ?????? get a grip
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puppypadz · 4 days
I accidentally revealed a little experiment I was doing to my subject, today, so I finally get to tell you all about it.
I honestly didn't think that covert hypnotic triggers were a thing due to the constant annoying mysticism and years of bad science around hypnosis, as well as stuff like subliminals having absolutely zero actual effects. However, with some testing, I have been delightfully surprised.
To be clear, by a covert trigger, I do not mean a trigger that was given under trance explicitly then had the subject forget or be unaware of when used. I mean a trigger that is installed, reinforced, and used entirely without the subject noticing. It'd be more accurate to call this a preconscious trigger, but the linguistic gods disagree, I suppose.
I decided to use my favorite subject, and someone I'm close with in many ways. I've already trained general obedience into her over time, but have always allowed her to be rebellious because it's fun for the both of us. However...
There's a phrase I liked to use on occasion during trance and outside of it when I'm being a little gently degrading: the phrase, "Isn't that right?" at the end of sentences. Leading questions are natural for gentle domination, and I had already been doing it, so I decided to use it a little bit more often, and with intention.
For about two weeks straight, while under trance and while training general obedience or otherwise while messing with them, I would go, "Isn't that right?" exclusively for questions that were an absolute yes. There's no reason she wouldn't say yes to it, and so, she did, every single time.
The next week or two, I would start peppering in the phrase for slight disagreements. That's to say, things that were a yes, but something that she'd make a small fuss about normally to be rebellious. To my surprise, any time I used the phrase, all rebellion seemed to stop. I actually thought she caught on and was doing it intentionally, but she didn't respond when I signaled that to her.
A few weeks later, after more and more reinforcement, to the point where it was a very common part of my everyday vocabulary, I was able to completely quell any fire she brought up. I would do a short explanation or rationalization, then end the sentence with, "Isn't that right?", and poof, the rebellion goes away.
I accidentally revealed it today as stated due to showing a list of notes I used to keep track of triggers for subjects, but luckily, by the time she found out, it was one of the most potent triggers I had for her. It still works just fine.
Before she did find out, I finally got to hear what she sounded like after all the training when I said it out loud, as I mostly reinforced it via text. It sounded like her voice turned droopy and monotone entirely and only for when she agreed, then went back to normal. It was really, really cute, and I had to stifle a giggle or two.
Luckily, I didn't write down the other few covert triggers I have for her. I'll be having fun with those for a good while longer.
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puppypadz · 6 days
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puppypadz · 6 days
NEED pussy stink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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puppypadz · 6 days
look if you're gonna act all huffy when i break out the puppy pad maybe i should just revoke your petplay license.
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puppypadz · 8 days
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partial sylveon plush suit tf!
commission for @oneclumsysnep
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puppypadz · 14 days
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Dungeon Meshi...AH! Dungeon Meshi!
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puppypadz · 14 days
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puppypadz · 15 days
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here's a niche one… 🎮roboko gamepad mod??? just bend it over!!
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puppypadz · 15 days
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puppypadz · 15 days
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girl slimed!!
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puppypadz · 15 days
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erm what are you doing? 🐺
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puppypadz · 15 days
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coloured sketch comm for anonymous!! tysm!
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puppypadz · 16 days
somewhat horny: i have to get Fucked!
quite a bit horny: can we pretend i’m an elven prince and the necromancer’s curse turns me into a demon on the full moon and the only way to cure me is to have my Womb filled by a chivalrous knight . and can you make sure you say soem shit like ‘forsooth’ and ‘by my honor’ and stuff. mngh
hornier than anyone has ever been: i need to kiss someone and get married
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puppypadz · 17 days
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have i not posted this here yet??? you gotta see this
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puppypadz · 17 days
trans guy who doesn’t realize he’s turning into a werewolf because he assumes it’s all just normal side effects of starting testosterone
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puppypadz · 17 days
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