property-wala · 2 years
The Types Of Landlords You Would Not Want To Take Flat
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here are different types of human behaviors. The perspective of different people is different. If you are currently living in a rental flat you might be better knowing this. You might be having some of the conflicts with your homeowner. Here we will discuss the types of landlords and how to deal with them in this microblog.
Also Read:-  Ever Faster Ways to Rent Your Property
The one who has rude behavior
Some of the landlords are like who have nothing to do with anything but are still rude. They will not talk to you properly. They might not like some of your actions and this is how they have stopped talking to you.
How to deal with them?
Try to be on same page and discuss with them about the problems they are facing with you.
The one to whom only money matters
These are the type of landlords who doesn’t have issue but ask for money regarding every service. Like I faced, my landlord was just concerned with the money. And always used to lend high money from me in respect to any of the services like cleaning, ironing, etc. Such type of landlords don’t even do any repairs from their end.
 How to deal with them?
Stop consulting with them for any of the services and do that on your behalf. If there is any repair issue try contacting the rental company that has provided you this house. They will deal with the issue.
 The one who discriminates
 Some of the landlords are like becoming the problem creators sometimes. They don’t let you in if you are from other religion, caste, bachelor, family, or anything else according to their concern.
Also Read:- 6 Common problems faced by landlords are now resolved
 The one who restricts
Such type of landlords will have problem with your late entries at home, or if you invite someone in your house. They will not allow friends or relative at your home.
How to deal with them?
You can talk to them over the restrictions and convince them according to your perception. You can even involve mediators. Don’t take that house if you and homeowner is not on the same page. 
If you are facing issues with your homeowner you can directly coordinate through BivocalBirds, a rental house solutions company. It deals on behalf of the owner and tenant and resolve all the conflicts.
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property-wala · 3 years
How to Deal With the Pet Restrictions at Rental Property
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If your homeowner doesn’t like pets and won’t allow here are some of the tips that will help you to convince your homeowner to keep the pet. Today we are discus this Topics How to Deal With the Pet Restrictions at Rental Property
Let’s check one by one.
1.      Telling your owner that your pet won’t make any nuisance
Assure your owner you have a good pet and it will not make nuisance. If you have a dog your owner will be safe.
2.      Assuring that you will keep the area clean
Manage with the food and poop of your pet and make it’s habit of pooping in the area that is made for it.
3.      Your pet should be vaccinated
Take your pet for vaccination and assure your owner that his family will be safe from any sort of infection.
Hope these tips help you and you convince your homeowner if you are a pet lover. If you are finding flats on rent with no pet restrictions visit here. so, I hope you just understand what can I say this topic  How to Deal With the Pet Restrictions at Rental Property
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property-wala · 3 years
Ever Faster Ways to Rent Your Property
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When you think of renting out your property and you still get puzzled about why my flat is not being occupied by any tenant. You end up thinking but don’t get solutions to it.
Here are a few tips through which you can easily rent out your property faster and attract several tenants.
List your property for free lifetime
The very first step you should take is to list your property on the renting portal to get it advertised and marketed by the renting portals.
Also Read:- How NRI can manage their property back in India through BivocalBirds
Maintenance of the property
When we are out to sell something we go for the presentation of the thing. So make it well maintained in order to let it out in the market. The tenants will give good rents if you have a presentable property.
Decide the rent as per market
You should not keep the rent higher initially. Keep a reasonable rent rate to let your property on rent faster. Else you will end up finding tenant and won’t get the right one.
Manage with the visits
Be prepared when your house is on visit. You can handover the keys to the party that is going to show your property on rent. This will facilitate in renting your home faster even when you are not there to show your rental property.
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property-wala · 3 years
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Virtual house tours for our prospective tenants to facilitate them with their house hunt. Visit your house in just a single tap. Browse through various houses on your mobile.
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property-wala · 3 years
Worth Living In A Society That Have These 5 Recreational Activities
If you are looking for a place of comfort and dwell in the homey zone along with fun societies that have well inbuilt recreational activities are good to choose. Societies are good for living on rent as you will get many fun activities.
 Here are some of the recreational activities that you can consider while choosing to live on rent in a society.
 Gym and Spa: Having gym and spa in your society give you a wonderful time to refresh and maintain your body.
 Mini-Theatre: For fun and entertainment, it is important that you also go to theatre for fun and spend some time with your family. 
Sports: Many people are good at sports and other outdoor games like badminton, volleyball, football, basketball.
When you have a flat in a society which has all these recreational activities it becomes easy to rent your flat.
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property-wala · 3 years
Are you looking for a BHK flat for rent in society
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property-wala · 3 years
Benefits of Having a Gym in a Rental Property
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Having a fitness center at your own apartment which is on rent makes your place more attractive and ready to be rented faster. Here we have some of the benefits of having gym in your own rental apartment.
There is no monthly membership fee.
If you live in an apartment building without a gym, you're probably paying a monthly membership fee at another gym. When your apartment building has a gym, you can stop budgeting for a monthly gym membership fee. Your gym fees will be included in your rent or the amenities fees you pay for access to other building amenities such as the pool, spa, or entertainment center.
Beware Landlords, Don't Fall for These Rental Scams
A monthly gym membership entails more than just extra costs. It means another trip out of the house – and the associated costs and time – every time you feel the urge to lift weights or run on the treadmill. You'll never have to worry about access again if your apartment building has a gym. You'll pay no extra money to get to the gym, and you can go whenever it's convenient for you. If you struggle with motivation, this ease of access may be beneficial.
There are fewer people in the gym.
If you've ever paid for a gym membership, you're probably aware that if you go at the wrong time of day, you'll be competing with a slew of other people for access to equipment. Even if you do find what you're looking for, you'll be surrounded by other people, which can overwhelm or even claustrophobic some gym users. Because in-building gyms typically have fewer people, you won't have to deal with claustrophobia or unavailable equipment as much.
Opportunities for social interaction
When you see other people at a gym that isn't in your building, you have no idea who they are. However, if your apartment building has a gym, you know you're working out with people who live in the same building as you, so you might be able to meet some new people there. If your building has other amenities, such as a pool, spa, or lounge, having more people to enjoy them with can be a significant benefit – many luxury apartment buildings limit the number of guests who can enter amenity spaces.
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property-wala · 3 years
5 Tips to Clean Your Bathroom
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Which room in the house do you find the most difficult to clean? I'm sure you said the restroom. Cleaning showers, bathtubs, toilets, and other surfaces requires both time and elbow grease. Using this 5-step process, you can clean your bathrooms quickly and efficiently.
1. Take all items from their usual location. 
Do this step for the entire bathroom rather than as you go for the best results? Take everything out of the shower and/or bathtub. Remove all used towels and rugs from the room. Remove anything from the counters outside the bathroom. Don't forget to take any trash cans with you.
2. Vacuum and sweep.
 To remove dust, use a long-handled duster to remove cobwebs from corners, light fixtures, and vents. If you still can't reach the cobwebs, bring in a stepladder. After that, sweep or vacuum the floors to remove any hair or debris that has accumulated.
3. Clean the shower and bathtub.
 If you clean your shower on a regular basis, use an all-purpose cleaner; if you have a lot of buildup, use an acid-based cleaner. Don't forget the shower track and, if applicable, the inside of the shower door. Allow it to soak.
4. Work on other surfaces.
Wipe down any towel racks, shelves, baseboards, doors, blinds, and windowsills with the all-purpose cleaner and your cleaning device (microfiber cloth, sponge, etc.). Work in sections from the ceiling to the floor, and from left to right.
5. Prepare a floor cleaning solution.
Fill a bucket halfway with warm water and the amount of all-purpose cleaner recommended. And clean everything in the bathroom, from the bucket to the floor to the washbasin and shower.
You can find a flat on rent with well-built bathroom spaces.
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property-wala · 3 years
5 benefits of handing over your keys to the Key Cafes
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Keys are the essential part either you enter your rented house for the first time or visit a rental property while making your decision to rent a property. Even while buying a property you would require keys. If you are renting or selling your property you will have to handover your keys to some person or the company through which you are renting your flat or apartment.
If you will be the sole person to show your property, there are chances you won’t be able to turn up every time for showing the property to you prospective tenant. You might miss the chance of welcoming a good tenant.
Here are five benefits of giving your keys to the concerned person or to the property management firm.
No need to stop your useful works
You won’t miss out any urgent task when you will hand over your keys to the
Rental House and property management
You will stress free and manage all your tasks giving the keys to show your property.
Property Management company in Noida 
 Increases the chance to rent your property faster
The chances to rent your property becomes 1000times higher by just having the homeowners’ key with the firm who has taken up the responsibility of showing your property to the prospective tenant.
Chances are higher to get a good tenant
You might lose a good tenant just because you couldn’t be available to show the rental property on time and got indulged into some other work.
Property remains safe and secure
You will get your property managed safely because it will be in responsible hands. Handling over the keys to your neighbors or friends won’t help in such case. There are chances you might lose your keys and the house security is at stake.
Helps in building proper coordination 
Having keys in hand will allow the firm to show your house with utter responsibility and allow a smoother connection between tenant and the firm to rent your property faster.
There is a rental house and property management firm named as BivocalBirds that has its own key cafes where you can submit your keys without any worries.
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property-wala · 3 years
Easy tips to cook instantly at your rental apartment
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Is your apartment unsuitable for cooking? Do you currently live in an apartment without a kitchen? Perhaps it's a studio or a teeny one-bedroom layout that's too small for standard kitchen appliances?
Whatever the cause of your current food and beverage lifestyle quandary, we have solutions! If you're sick of ordering takeout from one of those ubiquitous restaurant delivery services, we've got the inside scoop on how to satisfy your hunger without having to tip the delivery guy.
Here are some of the tips through which you can cook instantly at your rental apartment!
1.    Keep the countertop clean
The countertop should be free and uncluttered before you start cooking something. You should avoid the obstacles before you make something from the top of the counter.
2.    Wash & cut the vegetables before you cook
Clean and wash the vegetables before you cook your dish. Read the recipe before cooking the dish and keep the proportions ready.
Also Read:- Try These Instant Homemade recipes at home
3.    Keep the ingredients prepared before you cook
Keep good amount of ingredients available at the countertop before cooking the dish. You must know the amount and proportions well. Keeping the things ready make the cooking work easy.
4.    Know your dish well before cooking
Go through every step well before you prepare a dish. Having a proper knowledge of what you are going to make is important.
So be ready to be a master chef before you start cooking! If you are looking for a flat in noida where you can easily cook visit here.
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property-wala · 3 years
5 Ways To Manage Your Expenses When You Rent Out A Property
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So you have decided to rent out your apartment and the expenses are killing you. You cannot control them as you want to give that perfect touch to your property inorder to provide comfort level to your tenant. But you are worried that you have invested a lot in to the decorations and maintenance of your rental property. Let’s see the ways through which you can save money.
 1.Move the unwanted things to your store room
 Remove the things that are no longer of use to you. These might also not be charming to your tenant.
2. Modify the furniture instead of buying new one
There always a room for improvement. Creativity and perfection comes when the things are modified and remade. These modified furniture looks better. 
3.Make décor items from waste materials
There are lots of DIY videos to make the beautiful décor items. You can try that and make it at your home. This is how you can save your money.
4.Don’t invest too much in maintenance in one month
Since you are a beginner in renting don’t invest too much in maintenance. You can also get the maintenance done later once you have tenant in your rental property. 
5.Don’t tell brokers or agents
List your property directly to the property listing portals and don’t contact brokers or agents. They might ask you for high charges to rent it out. Do the marketing for free.
If you are looking for a suitable tenant click here to post your property for free. You won’t have to invest a single penny in finding a tenant.
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property-wala · 3 years
How Can You Make Passive Income From Rental Income
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The low rental yield in traditional rentals pushed for this new real estate model. Space as a service is a service that combines a physical location with specific amenities to provide an on-demand experience. The value of this model is explained in part by its plug-and-play model, which offers all amenities taken care of by the provider of the space and shared access to underutilised assets to effectively use the space. It changes the landlord's role from rent collector to service provider.
Co-living spaces, as the name implies, are housing arrangements in which renters share underutilised amenities such as kitchens and living rooms and can accommodate more residents than a typical housing situation. Lack of affordable housing in urban areas where high rents and living costs make it financially appealing to share living quarters with strangers.
Students and young professionals are driving demand because it offers flexible contracts, affordability, plug-and-play living, community engagement, and a hassle-free living experience.
Earn a secure passive income through renting and click here to post your property free.
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property-wala · 3 years
Moving Out With Friends- 5 Signs That You Should Not Ignore
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It’s good to make friends and hang out to remove yourself from stress and make good memories too. But do you know that not everyone who is near you is your friend. So there are some of the safety precautions we need to keep in mind before we hang out or night out with our friends.
Here are some of the signs you should not ignore when you are out with friends.
Only love to talk about themselves
A strong friendship is reciprocal. She should be interested in hearing about what's going on in your world rather than rehashing what's been going on in hers for the umpteenth time.
Kick you out
The inverse problem might also have an impact on your relationship. Opening up allows you to connect with one another and solve challenges together. No one should have to go through this alone!
Gossip at your back
It's one thing to smear the contestants on The Bachelor, but it's another to gossip about your pals in real life. Only Hang Out When It's Convenient.
Everyone is occupied. Even if her schedule is completely full, a true buddy manages to squeeze in a quick coffee run. Breaking arrangements (or being late for them) frequently may indicate that your relationship isn't a priority.
Judges you
We all make mistakes, so don't judge us. A good buddy would assist you in moving forward rather than condemn your activities.
Let’s plan a trip with your best buddies. Also, if you wish to share rental apartment with your friends be cautious while choosing with whom you have to live. Also, get guidance here related to the safest rental apartments which you can share with your roomies.
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property-wala · 3 years
How To Deal With Your Neighbours When You Live In A Rented House
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You choose a house to live on rent but you don’t choose neighbours. You have no idea who is going to be your neighbour. In order to be sweet and a person with etiquettes you have to be calm and modest. Neighbours are the most important people and are located nearby your house. No one is closer to you than neighbours.
Why your neighbours are important for you?
Neighbours can help you come out from a difficult situation as they are near to you than your family while you live in a rented home. While living on rent you should deal with your neighbours politely. Remember how several times your neighbour has taken your home delivery package when you were out of your rental home. Sometimes you might have been sick and your neighbour helped you out with the medicines in emergency. So have good relationships with your neighbour and live freely on rent.
Let’s see some of the etiquettes to deal with your neighbour:
Introduce yourself to your neighbour
When you first enter the rental apartment try to be acquainted with your neighbours and have a brief introduction about yourself. Also, ask from them about their background. Once we get something relatable to talk over the conversation becomes more interesting.
Ask about different market and localities
You can have a general talk about the market and different localities to be friendly with them. Know about different places to eat, from where you can get furniture on rent, nearest laundry service and sometimes from where you can get the work done.
Share your experiences
Whenever you get time or are alone at home, try having a stress relief talk with your neighbour so that you can get to know more about and share your experiences. It is possible that you both might be living on rent. If it is so, you will share good vibes then having same sort of experiences.
Be ready to help your neighbour from your end
To expect from someone, you first need to do more from your end. So, try to help your neighbour before you expect a help from them. Help them if they are in need of something
Give your neighbour some homemade food
“Sharing is caring” we all know that. Try spreading love through food. Prepare some good dish and share it with your near one. This will help you in maintaining good relationships with your neighbor. Your neighbor will also share the food and will have a good impression in his/her mind.
Call your neighbour home during any function
You can invite your neighbours during some party or function at home. This will create a good bond with your neighbours. You can get to spend some more time. You won’t even miss spending time with your family when you will be spending time with neighbours.
Most of the people are entering into the phase of depression since the pandemic has left us in such situation. Having social interactions will help you out in ruling out depression. If you are looking for  a flat on rent where you can get good neighbours click here.
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property-wala · 3 years
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25 posts!
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property-wala · 3 years
Things To Be Kept In Mind When you Are About To Book The Rental Apartment
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Now that you have liked the  house and  are about to close the deal you need to keep in mind the things that are to be followed for booking a rental apartment. You should check all the important things before  you close the deal.
Here are the tips that you need to know before you book a rented house!
Negotiate on the price
You should preferably close the deal at the same price. everything can be negotiated and it is easy to do so. If you have really liked the house and are willing to live over there negotiation can be possible.
Rent agreement  discussion
You must discuss with your homeowner about all the rent clauses that are to be decided before shifting to  that house. You and your homeowner should be on the same page before coming into a deal. Rule out the things that  are not necessary for both the parties.
Security amount
You should decide the security amount with your owner. Be agreed upon the security amount that you have to pay which will be refunded to you once you leave the rented premises. This sums up to half the rent amount  or in some cases it's  about 1 month.
Know hows of the property
You must know about what is where.  To have a proper idea about the  property is important and you should talk to your owner regarding this. You can talk to your property owner regarding this. Know about the market areas and connectivity too.
If you are looking for a warm and friendly homeowner having a spacious flat for rent click here.
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property-wala · 3 years
How You Should  Take Care of your  Rented House During Winters
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Cold weather is on its way, and it's time to start preparing your home for the winter season. Of course, this may not be at the top of many homeowners' priority lists, but some home maintenance and improvements can help you save money. Remember that cold weather can cause significant damage to your home, so getting some work done before the winter chill sets in makes perfect sense.
Here are the tips through which you can prepare for the winter season!
You need to check your heating system
As winter strikes, it becomes necessary that you check over whether everything is working efficiently or not in the heating system. If these appliances are regularly up-to-date you won’t have to work for the further maintenance of it and  also your electricity  bill will be less.  Consult with your homeowner regarding this as this repair and maintenance won’t  come under your part.
You should check the  windows and  doors
If your windows and doors are leaking air, you may struggle to achieve the comfort and cosiness that you require inside your home. It will not only make your home cooler, but it will also raise your entry bills, which can be easily avoided. To fill those gaps and prevent air leaks, use silicone sealant.
You should check  the electric heaters
Nothing could be more relaxing than sitting near an electric heater and enjoying it with your spouse. Check your electric heater as well as other electrical appliances that you really need during winters. If your heater is not  working properly you can get it managed  before time.
Get  your boilers checked and repaired
Many people believe that boilers do not require service until they break down, but this is a myth. In order to function properly, your boiler should be serviced manually. Contact a certified technician who can take excellent care of your boiler and ensure that it performs optimally.
If you wish to rent a flat that is as per the facilitations of winter see here.
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