princessicons2 · 2 years
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here are some pictures from today. unfortunately i didn’t go to the gym, but i did make time for myself since i didn’t have work or classes. i had a cold brew today that i made from home accompanied by eggs that completed my breakfast. i didn’t really have anything for lunch, so for dinner i ended up having pasta. i had readings and a quiz from my classes that i had to finish today and now that they’re done i can watch a movie with my little sister. we still have to finish watching the twilight series, so i’m looking forward to that. other than that, i hope that anyone who gets to read this far has/had a good day and a lovely night.
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princessicons2 · 2 years
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wow my sneakers are so dirty, but that also means that i have been working hard in them. these pictures are me at the gym, b&w to stay anonymous. honestly i’m so proud of myself and how far i have come. i’ve been going to the gym for the past seven months. my cw is 142 and i started off at 130. overcoming my fear of gaining weight and body dysmorphia has been troublesome, but i’m finally getting to a point where i don’t mind the weight gain. i’ve noticed that my legs have gotten toner and that my stomach has flatten a wee bit due to running. before i would just walk at a high incline and moderate speed to burn fat, however now, i would definitely recommend running over everything. even if it’s not for a long time. the rush and drips of sweat are surprisingly sweet. and what makes it so rewarding is that you see faster results.
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baiiii. xoxo. princess.
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