pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
I just realised that
Pink diamond’s design
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Is like a court jester’s.
Because that was her point, in the court. To bring joy and laughter and celebration.
And guess what faded after she went away?
To the extent that the gems created in era two never even learned what music was?
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
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Familiar… Did she used to throw a dinner… Insisting… “But hey, I’m a Pasta, too?”
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
Go here to make your Muses Pokemon Team
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Tagging: Just anyone, go on it’s super fun!
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
The only thing I want for Christmas is for you to be happy.
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
My last brain cell is heart shaped
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
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💕Pink’s place is so pretty 💕
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
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[This new episode was so good holy snap!!?? So much new information about Pink, man I am living for this. Also steven is even more of a disney princess than we previously thought.]
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
there’s no battle too dangerous for me if it’s for your sake
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
    The spark of excitement is apparent within the girl’s eyes yet for what reason exactly, Boxcars isn’t sure. He guesses that the stranger, like many of the others within this city, haven’t seen any kind of Carapacians… And while this is to be expected, it’s still somewhat obnoxious to be constantly gawked at.
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  Pink wore a small playful smile, the same smile she always wore when learning new and exciting things. It was one that betrayed the child-like wonder within the ancient gem. She sat down on the pavement so she wasn’t towering over the man anymore.
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“I’m gonna be honest, I have no idea what those things you mentioned are. But I know a thing or two about being against the law.“ She said with a laugh. “I’ve been a criminal for almost a thousand years.“
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
    While he doesn’t mean (not exactly), Boxcars can’t help but stare at the stranger in question. While he is more than well acquainted with gang members consisting of a mostly green palette, people (or creatures, rather) consisting if a mostly pink one are… Well, certainly new.
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    He speaks out to her now, tone gruff. Honestly, he just really has to know now.
  Pink could feel the stares of the local humans on her but she didn’t mind. She was used to being gawked at. But it was the staring of a decidedly not human creature that had finally caught her attention.   Whatever this creature was fascinated Pink, she’d never seen anything like them before! Their question caught he even more off guard. What in the stars was a ‘gang’ or a ‘mafia’? The way they spoke about it made her think it was some kinda group or organization.
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“I dunno, maybe? Do rebellions count?“
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
Steven felt something unable to be explained when she touched his gem. He then watched her touch her own and he knew she understood, at least somewhat. He kept his eyes on her half in awe and half in fear. The fear was rapidly dissipating though as he could see Rose in her so clearly. Despite all he knew of her, he always felt both calm and inspired when he saw Rose.
“I know that you liked to explore Earth as Rose.” He began, before pausing. He didn’t actually want to give too much away by telling her the whole future. “And the humans really liked you, I guess.” He chuckled awkwardly.
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“I’ve seen the other Diamonds, you know.” He said. “Like…in your memories. And when I was on Homeworld. I saw how they talked to you and stuff…I definitely understand why you and Pearl left.”
He knew she cared deeply for the other gems, even if she did leave them when he was born. She was probably wondering about them.
“Pearl is great!” He assured her. “And the other gems are too! They take care of me all the time! Like…uh…oh yeah!”
He looked down at his phone and went to the pictures. He scrolled past the one he’d just accidentally taken of her that was now just a pink blur and found one he wanted –him and all of the gems.
“See!” He showed her the photo on his phone. “If you wanna get to know each other…that’d be cool. I already know a lot of stuff about you…hehe, but I used to not know anything!”
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   A small frown graced the pink Diamond’s features at Steven’s mention of her home planet and fellow diamonds. She couldn’t help it;  It pained her deeply to think of them both and everything that’s happened since the start of the Earth colony. Since the rebellion. Pink may not show it, but she’s deeply conflicted over them.   On one hand what they were doing to their gems, and the Earth with all of it’s life was wrong. It had to be stopped, of that she was certain. But on the other, she loved Blue and Yellow; before the Crystal Gems, they were her only family. Pink wished deeply that things could have gone differently; that if Blue and Yellow had just listened maybe they could have seen the beauty of Earth too!     Maybe they could have understood her love for her gems too. But it felt like a lost cause, she tried for years to get them to see what she was talking about. But they just didn’t care. No matter how many times she tried neither one would truly listen. “So you’ve been to homeworld? and met Blue and Yellow too? I’m so sorry, that must have been pretty scary for you.“
    Pink tried not to let her pity come through in her tone when she said that. But his mention of Pearl caught her attention and snapped her out of her somber thoughts. So he has the rest of the Crystal Gems caring for him? That made sense, considering he’s...her. Oh wow this must have been equally as confusing for all of them. 
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    The diamond leaned over and peered at the small screen he was displaying to her. This couldn’t be right....there was only Pearl, Garnet, and an Amethyst she didn’t recognize. “Where is everyone else?” she found herself muttering under her breathe. Were they really all that’s left?     Pink figured that these were more questions for another time and put them out of her head for now. She didn’t want to overwhelm the child- Steven, with her questions. He looked nervous enough already. Maybe it would be best if she just changed the subject. He mentioned that he knows a lot about her, she’ll start there. “So what do you know already?“
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
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Beauties having silly fun 🌺🌹
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
Send ♆ for something my muse hates.
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[In my opinion, it’s The Diamonds     But like, in a vague sense? She doesn’t hate Blue or Yellow, White’s still up for debate but she still cares for the other two. It’s more like what they represent that she hates; She hates the way the Diamonds are treated: with fearful salutes and averted gazes from those that they should be protecting.   Pink hates the way the Diamonds treat their gems, like little more than tools(not to mention the corrupted gems in her future!) and she hates the way they see organic life as inferior to gemkind. She hates what the Diamonds did to Earth and all other colonies that came before it.  
    But most importantly she hates herself. To her, she is the absolute image of everything she hates about the Diamonds. Whenever Pink sees her reflection she gets flashes of who she used to be: That bratty, spoiled, child. Selfish without a care or regard for those and their feelings around her. She sees the tyrant diamond she could have become without her pearl there to change everything.The more she sees it the more she wishes she could just...Start over.]
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
Send ❂ for a like headcanon.
Send ✄ for a favorite movie of my muse’s.
Send ✚ for one of my muse’s prized possessions.
Send ✿ for a happy memory.
Send ♡ for a friendship headcanon.
Send ♬ for a childhood headcanon.
Send ☼ for a dream headcanon.
Send ♧ for a cooking headcanon.
Send ❧ for a food headcanon.
Send ★ for a talent headcanon.
Send ❀ for a crush my muse has had.
Send △ for a sex headcanon.
Send ➷ for a sports headcanon.
Send ♤ for a ‘dislike’ headcanon.
Send ♆ for something my muse hates.
Send ⊗ for a phobia headcanon.
Send ☾ for a sleep headcanon.
Send ✜ for a fear headcanon.
Send ☠ for a death headcanon.
Send ◊ for a headcanon of the mun’s choice.
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
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bought a history of fashion book today and was reminded of old timey poofy pants and decided it would be fitting to put pink into some more accurate early 1600s attire
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
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Meeting mom <3
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pinkcompxssion-blog · 5 years
The moon was just becoming visible in the dusky sky, and it was just the artsy kinda thing Steven wanted to take a picture of. He held his phone camera up at the sky when he heard a voice behind him.
Steven gasped, phone fumbling in his hands and snapping a picture once as he caught it before it hit the sidewalk.
He’d been conditioned to be afraid of, since he saw her in his dreams before knowing the truth. He stared up, shaking just slightly. He tried to feel any of that warmth he felt when he used to look at Rose’s portrait, but it was hard. She wasn’t Rose, not yet.
“Pink…Diamond!?” Steven blinked, then remembering the fake version of his mother he’d seen here once before, and again back home in her room on the temple.
He slowly raised his phone up to look at her through the camera. She didn’t fit all in frame, but she did show up. So she was real.
“Pink Diamond…”he gulped nervously before shaking his head. No, she wasn’t scary. She was just a little goofy and immature and rebellious.
A lot of stuff was her fault, but it wasn’t like he could yell at her for it. She didn’t really know. Definitely not. Not if she wasn’t even Rose yet.
“My name is Steven.” He put his phone back in his pocket and lifted his shirt almost in defeat. “And I’m your son.”
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Whether or not she’d recognize her gem from this angle or even knew what a son was at this point was yet to be known. 
       Pink eyed the little human curiously, the fact that he was afraid of her caused her a bit of hesitation. Normally humans weren’t this afraid in her presence but then again she was used to interacting with them as Rose. She didn’t want to cause him anymore unneeded fear so the diamond crouched down to a lower level. She wasn’t at eye level with him by a long shot but at least she wasn’t towering over the boy now.
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    Oh! He seemed to recognize her, he even called her by name. That was even more peculiar, Pink couldn’t recall ever seeming this boy before but harking back to what drew her to him in the first place, he felt extremely familiar.    A soft gasp of surprise came from Pink when Steven showed her the gem situated in the same location as her own. It was a diamond. Not just any diamond but a pink diamond, hers. But that couldn’t be possible, she was right here! She lightly touched it with the tips of her fingers but drew her hand back quickly. It really was hers. The same hand drifting back to lightly graze her own gem.      Her son..That’s what he called himself. That was the male offspring of humans wasn’t it? But a gem can have a child..Can they? The Earth was full of things she never dreamed possible, perhaps gems and humans were more compatible than she’d originally assumed. Was it possible that this city giving her a glimpse into her own future?
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   Pink gave the boy a soft smile, he was so small. So young and yet there was a level of guilt weighing on him that she could see. It was plain to see that telling her this was painful for him, She was unsure why but figured it would be a question for later. Pink wasn’t sure what was going on, or even what he was, but it was obvious to her that they were connected.  “Steven..It’s nice to meet you. I’m sorry that I don’t know who you are....but I’d like to. If you don’t mind.” 
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