pineconebreeze · 3 months
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pineconebreeze · 4 months
Crystal Magic for Beginners: Embarking on an Enchanting Journey
Crystals, those dazzling gems of the Earth, have a mystical allure that captivates the hearts of many. If you're new to the world of crystal magic and eager to explore the wonders these stones hold, you've come to the right place!
Welcome to the enchanting realm of "Crystal Magic for Beginners," where we embark on a magical journey to discover the immense power and wisdom these precious gems can bring into our lives.
1. Choosing Your First Crystals 🌈🔍
With countless crystals to choose from, finding your perfect match can be a thrilling adventure. Begin by exploring the most common crystals like clear quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz. Allow your intuition to guide you as you feel their energies and pick the ones that resonate with you the most.
2. Setting Your Intentions 🌟🌌
Crystals are like cosmic companions, amplifying our intentions and desires. Before you start working with them, take a moment to set your intentions—whether it's enhancing love, boosting creativity, or finding inner peace. Infuse your chosen crystals with these intentions to create a powerful connection.
3. Cleansing and Charging 🌬️🌞
To awaken the full potential of your crystals, give them a refreshing cleanse to clear away any previous energies. You can use running water, moonlight, or smoke from sage or palo santo to purify them. After cleansing, bask them in the light of the sun or the glow of the moon to recharge their energies.
4. Creating Sacred Spaces 🏰🌠
Designate a special place in your home to honor your crystal collection. Arrange them on a crystal grid, an altar, or simply display them on a beautiful cloth. This sacred space becomes a portal of inspiration and connection with the magical energies they embody.
5. Crystal Affirmations and Meditation 🧘‍♀️💎
Embrace the serene world of crystal meditation and affirmations. Hold your chosen crystal in your hand, close your eyes, and allow its energies to wash over you. Recite empowering affirmations to align yourself with its energy, awakening your inner magic.
As we embark on this journey into the wondrous world of crystal magic, remember to embrace the process with an open heart and a curious mind. Crystals are not merely rocks; they are cosmic allies ready to guide you toward self-discovery, empowerment, and healing.
So let us embrace the enchantment of crystal magic, where the sparkle of each gem mirrors the brilliance within ourselves.
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pineconebreeze · 4 months
Practical Magic - November Spell A Day Challenge
This spell challenge is designed to increase your day-to-day witchcraft, and introduce spells into problems you might normally rely entirely on mundane solutions for. (Please continue to use medicine and be responsible! Magic is in addition to, not instead of, mundane solutions)
Day 1 | Spell | Lost
Day 2 | Sigil | Remember
Day 3 | Potion | Hangover
Day 4 | Divination | Decision
Day 5 | Glamour | Respect
Day 6 | Spell | Motivation
Day 7 | Charm | Job
Day 8 | Shower | Headache
Day 9 | Spell | Listen 
Day 10 | Sigil | Protection
Day 11 | Hex | Apology
Day 12 | Ward | Guests
Day 13 | Spell | Money
Day 14 | Divination | Dinner
Day 15 | Charm | Pain 
Day 16 | Bath | Anxiety
Day 17 | Sigil | Shield
Day 18 | Potion | Focus
Day 19 | Glamour | Clean
Day 20 | Sigil | Warm
Day 21 | Spell | Sex
Day 22 | Hex | Gossip
Day 23 | Spell | House
Day 24 | Ward | Family
Day 25 | Spell | Leftovers
Day 26 | Sigil | Call
Day 27 | Glamour | Gender
Day 28 | Sigil | Study
Day 29 | Charm | Doctor
Day 30 | Spell | Habits
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pineconebreeze · 4 months
Money bowl!! 💸
ingredients -
salt, mint, chamomile, cinnamon sticks, bay leaves with intentions written on them, calendula, basil, green aventurine, coins & a green candle! I also like to add a little bit of peppermint essential oil!
other herbs you can add are cloves, patchouli, alfalfa & honeysuckle!
other crystals you can add are citrine, jade & pyrite!
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pineconebreeze · 4 months
Remember that magic is an enhancer, not a cure. 💖
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pineconebreeze · 4 months
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Title: Introduction to Grounding
Suggested Reading
Shadow Work: First Steps Shadow Work Concepts Duality in Witchcraft Basics of Energy Work Spirit Work: First Steps Energetic Senses
*- Closed or semi-closed culture/practice
After a working, stressful experience, physically or otherwise, one might feel disconnected, sporadic, powerless, unhinged, bogged down, lofty, etc. After experiences like this it can be difficult to re-engage with yourself, your life, your thoughts, feelings, etc. Grounding is the act of recentering your mind, energy, and body to be better conducive after coming out of these types of experiences. The practice can also be insurmountable in dealing with panic attacks and anxiety. This obviously doesn't apply to everyone. If you chronically suffer from such experiences, I highly advise speaking to a licensed psychiatrist.
What is grounding?
Grounding is bringing your mind, body, and subtle body back into equilibrium. It can be as simple as becoming still and taking a deep breath or as complicated as an entire ritual. I personally recommend that all levels of grounding are used when they are most applicable. While some methods are more effective than others, like warding, it is best to be well rounded. When grounded properly, making complex decisions and plans becomes a lot easier (Mental illness allowing). It also makes spellwork go a lot smoother, because you’ll have carved out enough room to easily maintain headspace. It is important to thoroughly ground after spellwork as well. This will help you break away from the working. 
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Physical Grounding
These exercises are the simplest form of grounding and don’t require magic at all. Though, energy work can be incorporated into them to make them more effective. The simplest exercise is deep breathing. A deep lasting breath, inhaled through the nose, that is held for three beats of the heart and then slowly released through the mouth. Sometimes, only a single deep breath is necessary. I have an example of an energetic application of this here.
Stretching is also a great way to ground. Practices like Yoga* are very effective at bringing the body, mind, and subtle body into synchronicity. However, you do not need to practice Yoga* to achieve this. Simply stretching while feeling every muscle, tendon, and bone in your body is sufficient. 
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Psychological Grounding
The human psyche is a complex web of emotions, thoughts, and reactions to external stimuli. The stability of this intricate system can be undermined by factors such as trauma, stress, or simply the pace of modern life. As such, the concept of grounding has been explored in various psychological and scientific contexts as a means to foster equilibrium within this system. Grounding refers to the act of reconnecting with the present moment, often by focusing on physical sensations or objective realities. This practice can serve as a pivot point from which an individual can recalibrate their emotional and cognitive state.
One of the approaches to grounding is the practice of realist affirmation. This method involves the conscious acknowledgement of tangible realities. Instead of becoming lost in abstract or potentially distressing thoughts, individuals refocus their cognition on concrete facts. For example, one might affirm the date, their location, or a description of their immediate environment. This technique aids in anchoring the individual's mind in objective reality and can mitigate the risk of spiraling into overwhelming emotional states or negative thought patterns.
Meditation, another renowned method for mental regulation, has been the subject of extensive scientific research. While the term is often laden with various cultural and religious connotations, stripped to its basics, meditation is the act of training one's attention. Methods can vary, but commonly include focusing on the breath or on specific bodily sensations. This fosters an awareness of the present moment, and over time, can increase an individual's overall mindfulness, thereby decreasing the prevalence of negative or intrusive thoughts.
Therapy, especially cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), has often employed grounding techniques as part of its protocol. CBT operates on the principle that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected. By identifying and challenging negative thought patterns, individuals can regulate their emotions and reactions more effectively. Grounding exercises, within this framework, serve as tools to disrupt and divert from maladaptive cognitive pathways.
A sigil is a symbol imbued with magical intent. In a modern, psychological context, devoid of its magical properties, a psychological sigil can be seen as a symbol or token that serves as a mnemonic or anchor point for a particular mental state or cognitive strategy. For instance, a person might associate a specific shape or symbol with the state of calm and use it as a tactile or visual cue to induce grounding when faced with stress. The Spare Method is a very good example of psychological sigils. This method uses a phrase or intention of personal change and abstracts it through letter grids in order to create a memetic anchor for that concept.
Breathing techniques, rooted in physiology, offer immediate and tangible benefits. The autonomic nervous system, responsible for involuntary bodily functions, is divided into the sympathetic (often associated with the "fight or flight" response) and the parasympathetic (associated with "rest and digest"). By consciously altering breathing patterns, one can engage the parasympathetic system, promoting relaxation and countering the effects of stress. Slow, deep inhalations, followed by prolonged exhalations, have been shown to have a calming effect on the nervous system.
Lastly, the 5 senses exercise is a commonly advocated grounding technique. It involves the sequential acknowledgment of sensory experiences: identifying five things one can see, four one can touch, three one can hear, two one can smell, and one one can taste. This method, rooted in immediate sensory perception, effectively diverts attention from distressing or overwhelming thoughts and anchors the individual firmly in the present.
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Spiritual Grounding
Grounding, in a psychological context, pertains to techniques that anchor individuals in the present and deter them from negative cognitive spirals. Spiritual grounding, on the other hand, is oriented towards reconnecting individuals with their inherent spiritual essence or a larger cosmic framework. Rather than just dealing with the immediate sensory realm, it dives into the realms of beliefs, faith, and deeper connections to the universe or divine entities. It facilitates a harmonization of one's spiritual energies with the surrounding environment.
The practice of ancestor work is one method that many cultures and traditions utilize to establish spiritual grounding. This practice involves reaching out to, honoring, and sometimes seeking guidance from one's forebears. Ancestor work acknowledges that an individual's existence is the culmination of countless generations and that wisdom, experience, and energy from these past generations can be accessed and channeled. By connecting with ancestors, either through ritual or meditative techniques, individuals can find guidance, strength, and a deeper sense of belonging in the world.
Prayer, a universal practice found in virtually all spiritual and religious traditions, is another potent tool for spiritual grounding. Though the content and form of prayers can vastly differ, their core essence remains the same: they are channels of communication between the mortal realm and a higher power or consciousness. Prayer is a deliberate act, setting aside a moment from daily life to converse with the divine or the universe, to seek guidance, give thanks, or simply to reflect. This act, by its very nature, pulls individuals out of the mundane and reconnects them with a grander, spiritual realm, thus grounding them in their faith or spiritual path.
Theological offerings and interactions serve as physical representations or acts that demonstrate reverence, gratitude, or supplication to a higher power. These can take the form of food, incense, artifacts, or other symbolic items presented at altars, temples, or other sacred spaces. Such acts are not mere transactions; they symbolize a relationship between the devotee and the divine. By giving offerings, one acknowledges the presence of a higher power in their life, and in return, they may feel a sense of protection, blessing, or simply a deeper connection to their spiritual path. Engaging in these tangible acts can serve to ground an individual in their spiritual beliefs and practices.
Interactions in a theological context might also encompass rituals, ceremonies, or communal gatherings where spiritual teachings are shared and explored. Such interactions, whether they are with spiritual leaders, fellow believers, or the divine itself, serve to solidify and reaffirm an individual's spiritual foundation.
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Up Next: Intermediate Grounding
In the next installment of our comprehensive series, we'll delve into Energetic Grounding. Much like its psychological and spiritual counterparts, energetic grounding offers techniques to anchor oneself, but it primarily concerns the non-physical or subtle energy body. 
We'll explore the profound concept of connection and how our subtle body interfaces with the energies of the world around us. This connection acts as a bridge, allowing us to tap into the vast reservoir of cosmic energy and, at the same time, offering a channel for us to root or ground our energies.
The practice of "Rooting the Subtle Body" provides fascinating insights. Rooting is more than just a metaphor; it's an active practice of extending one's energetic tendrils deep into the Earth, much like the roots of a tree, drawing stability, nourishment, and strength. This anchoring not only offers a sense of belonging but also ensures that our energetic system remains balanced and aligned.
Further, the article will delve into the intriguing process of the Subtle Body Expansion into the Physical Body. Our physical form is not isolated from our energy body; rather, they intertwine and influence one another. We'll explore techniques to harmonize and integrate these two aspects of our being, ensuring a symbiotic relationship between the tangible and intangible facets of our existence.
Lastly, we'll touch upon Wellsource Gnosis, or entering into a state of Gnosis on the Wellsource and becoming conscious of its interactions with the subtle and physical bodies. This practice, often overlooked in modern discourse, speaks of a primordial source of energy for the human subtle body. Tapping into the Wellsource can provide not just grounding but also a deep reservoir of insight and understanding.
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Patreon Shoutouts:
Meegs (You're amazing!) Jinsu (TYSM)
I know I had a bit of a lull there when I was sick, but you guys kept supporting me through it. This article is dedicated to Meegs who specifically requested this one!
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This article was reviewed and edited by ChatGTP
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pineconebreeze · 4 months
Crystal Colour Meanings
Using colour is an easy way to understand the general benefits of a crystal if we don’t know its name or properties in depth.
Red: courage, motivation, energy, passion, root chakra
Orange: creativity, pleasure, support, sacral chakra
Yellow: happiness, warmth, optimism, solar plexus chakra
Green: abundance, growth, prosperity, harmony, manifestation, health, luck, heart chakra
Blue: communication, calmness, peace, trust, expression, intuition, throat chakra
Purple: spirituality, wisdom, visions, intuition, harmony, crown chakra
Pink: love, hope, compassion, nurturing, healing, heart chakra
Black: protection, security, power, mystery, strength, cleansing, grounding, root chakra
Clear/White: clarity, cleansing, purity, regeneration, healing, crown chakra
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pineconebreeze · 5 months
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Question, I don't want to write happy Christmas in the cards this year, how do you think the grandparents would respond to this yule blessing?
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pineconebreeze · 6 months
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New witch here, just finished page 8 in my grimoire.
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pineconebreeze · 6 months
Anatomy of a Spell
This infographic is based on my Anatomy of a Spell post and is based on my own experience with spell work.
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Ofc tumblr butchered the quality but I'll try to find another way to post it so that it's more clear lol.
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pineconebreeze · 6 months
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Rosmarinus officinalis
Known as: compass weed, dew of the sea, elf leaf, guardrobe, incsensier, labonotis, Mary's cloak, polar plant, sea dew, stella maria & star of the sea.
Related plants: A member of the mint family Lamiaceae that includea basil, mint, sage, savory, marjoram, oregano, hyssop, thyme, lavender & perilla. As well as other herbs such as catnip, salvia, bee balm, wild dagga, and oriental motherwort. 
Parts used: Leaves, roots, sprigs & essential oils from the flowers.
Habitat and cultivation: This evergreen  shrub is native to the Mediterranean Portugal, and northwestern Spain.
Plant type: Perennial
Region: Zone 6 with occasional winter protection & zones 7-10
Harvest: Anytime but avoid taking more than 1/3 of the plant when you do.
Planting tips: Rosemary has a low germination rate and slow to sprout, try using cuttings or buy from a nursery if you have problems. Keep in full sun with a well drainer container & let the soil dry out completely before watering again.
Medicinal information: Over the years rosemary was used to relieve muscle pain, repelling insects, improve memory, boost the immune system & promote hair growth.
Cautions: While safe, ingesting excessive amounts of rosemary can be dangerous and lead to vomiting, coma & pulmonary edema.
Magickal properties
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Faeries, Elves, sea spirits & Virgin Mary
Magickal uses:
•Place in dream pillows to prevent nightmares
• Burn as an incense to purify & remove negativity
• Hang above your doorways to drive away unwanted visitors
• Add to a ritual bath for cleansing & removing hexes
• Use as a substitute for frankincense
• Plant in your garden to attract fae
• Carry a sprig to protect against the evil eye
• Keep under your bed to ensure fidelity & a happy relationship
• Wash your hands with a rosmary infusion before healing magick to increase potency
• Wear in a satchet or amulet to improve memory recall & improved health
• In Italian folk magic, it is cooked with to alleviate sadness  grief
• Rosemary may be used as incense at rituals of death and dying. It may be cast upon the coffin when it is slowly lowered into the burial place. With this we will all remember with love and fondness the one who is passing into another life, and thus we will also remember that we inhabit mortal bodies as we walk through the earth
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pineconebreeze · 6 months
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pineconebreeze · 6 months
Witchcraft: The Four Elements
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pineconebreeze · 6 months
Casting Your First Spell: A Step-by-Step Guide
Casting your first spell is an enchanting and empowering moment on your witchcraft journey. It's an act of manifesting your intentions and connecting with the magic that resides within and around you. Whether you're a beginner or simply looking for a refresher, this step-by-step guide will help you cast your first spell with safety, intention, and ethical considerations in mind.
Step 1: Set Your Intention 🌌🔮
Begin by clarifying your intention. What do you wish to achieve with your spell? Be specific and ensure your intention aligns with your highest good and the greater good of all involved. Remember the ethical guideline: "An it harm none, do what ye will."
Step 2: Choose Your Tools 🌿🕯️
Select tools that correspond to your intention. For a simple spell, a colored candle, crystals, and herbs that match your purpose are often sufficient. For example, a green candle for prosperity or rose quartz for love.
Step 3: Create Sacred Space 🌟🏞️
Find a quiet and undisturbed space for your spell. You can cast your spell indoors or outdoors, but ensure you feel safe and comfortable. Light the candle and, if desired, cast a protective circle to create a sacred space.
Step 4: Ground and Center 🌳🌠
Ground yourself by visualizing roots extending from your body into the Earth. Center your energy by focusing on your breath and releasing any tension or distraction. Feel connected to the Earth and the universe.
Step 5: State Your Intention Aloud 🗣️📜
Speak your intention aloud with confidence and sincerity. You can use a chant, a rhyme, or simply state your intention clearly and concisely. This vocalization empowers your intention with your voice and energy.
Step 6: Visualization 🌈🌌
Close your eyes and visualize your intention manifesting. Feel the emotions associated with your desire as if it's happening right now. See it clearly in your mind's eye and believe that it's already on its way to you.
Step 7: Focus Your Energy 🧙‍♀️💫
Hold your chosen tools and focus your energy on your intention. Imagine the energy flowing from your body into the tools, charging them with your purpose. Feel the power within you.
Step 8: Release the Energy 🌬️🔥
When you sense that the energy is at its peak, release it into the universe. Blow out the candle if you've used one, or simply release your energy into the cosmos, trusting that it will work on your behalf.
Step 9: Express Gratitude 🙏🌸
Thank the universe, your deities, or any spiritual guides you work with for their assistance. Gratitude enhances the flow of positive energy in your life.
Step 10: Close the Circle (if applicable) 🌀🌕
If you cast a circle, release it by thanking the elements and spirits for their presence and assistance. Imagine the energy of the circle dissipating.
Step 11: Release Attachment and Trust 🕊️🌠
Release any attachment to the outcome of your spell. Trust that the universe is working to manifest your intention in the right way and at the right time.
Remember that spellwork is a practice, and like any skill, it improves with time and dedication. Approach your craft with respect for yourself and the world around you, and may your spells be a source of positive transformation in your life.
Casting your first spell is a beautiful milestone on your magical journey. Embrace the magic within you, and may it bring you growth, joy, and a deeper connection to the mysteries of the universe.
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pineconebreeze · 6 months
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pineconebreeze · 6 months
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pineconebreeze · 6 months
Self Altar
That's right, I have an altar to myself.
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Arrogant? Um, have you fucking met me?
I kid. I don't think this is arrogant at all. All people have a spark of the Divine within them. Were we not created by Gods? What is so wrong with honoring that?
Self altars are a meditative device. A self care device. A self love device.
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Mine is on the bookshelf that holds my altars to Hestia and Athena above it, and my magical books below it. It is to the side of my work desk, so I'm next to it all day long. It isn't just my icon. My altar contains
My planner
My shadow work journal
My prayer journal
My general spiritual journal
Various crystals
Religious iconography
An incense burner
Rose water for my face
A trivet to hold my teapot
A blessing from my friend
And my Tiara of the Year
It reminds me that I am not just a worker bee, a mindless drone for capitalistic greed. I am a person, worthy of care and love, even from myself. And let me tell you, I have struggled so hard with loving myself. So I love myself and I take care of myself in practical ways using my altar as a tool.
You should get one.
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