paulreichstein · 4 years
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So many blessings to my beautiful friend @vintage_camden for reminding me that our hero turned 103 the other day. She’s surviving like a trooper! Vera Lynn. VERA LYNN! COVID-19??....bah! I sang the troops to a safe place during the worst world war this planet has ever seen! Still my beautiful goodness, Laura. A Dame....literally...and a constant comfort to me. White Cliffs of Dover....settles all my anxieties. #veralynn #whitecliffsofdover #ww2 ❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Bh2dvHGuJ/?igshid=1rcfwcd9jx2zy
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paulreichstein · 4 years
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My beautiful Grandmother, Coral. I miss her a lot right now. She would have turned 99 yesterday. But having said that, if her hip was okay she probably would still be tending to 10 chickens, ironing 100 shirts whilst coaching a netball team and settling her grandson in for a night of mornay and Sale of the Century. @vintage_camden , totally the same vintage as Vera! She knew Vera’s music so so well. It’s because of Coral that I fell in love with all things Vera. #grandmother #veralynn #1920s #love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Bi34aHc8F/?igshid=1rwu5l5vavl52
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paulreichstein · 4 years
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This is one of my favourite productions of Macbeth and I’ve never seen a Shakespeare tragedy work so perfectly in a vineyard and @essential_theatre have an AMAZING SHOW HERE!! Oh my god, this is PERFECT!!! Thank you for such a wonderful evening. Everyone in this is superb and the direction is fantastic! Such a beautiful experience, all! Thank you. Owen Little...you’re a bit more than just talented. Beautiful work, good man! ❤️🖤🦉🗡🩸 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8RBZnqn3JC/?igshid=1mnxgdykp8ny3
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paulreichstein · 4 years
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Ro, I love you with all my heart! Our 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY, MY MAN! I remember this night in question like it were yesterday; like you were 21 and I was 31 and are we not still? I mean really??? The Prince...many, many times and so often...Roberta. So so so much fun! Yep, there’s some scars, there’s some lows, but there’s ‘us’, and what a gift that the years haven’t changed this. I can’t wait for the next decade of adventures my friend (Peru?...but of course it’ll happen) and all the new memories to be made. I love you Ro. You’ve always got me. You give more than you can often spare and I know this. Here’s proof of my love of this photo and the meaning it holds. ❤️❤️❤️ #always #friendship #nothingtrulydies #lovealways https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ONcKOH9Vp/?igshid=146gmzm926ok6
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paulreichstein · 4 years
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Beautiful gifts from @christieteamj from their recent European trek! Fellow Germanics like me! Since I’ve already, with great ease, memorised Shakespeare’s entire cannon (including the sonnets and that god-awful The Rape of Lucrece) in English, I guess I better memorise these 3 favourites in German. Makes sense. See you in 2 weeks for a seriously guttural Lady M. #shakespeare #shakespeareingerman #deutsche #theatre #actorslife 🇩🇪❤️🇩🇪❤️🇩🇪❤️🇩🇪❤️🇩🇪❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B7xQEHNHyk3/?igshid=1jcfw9nsdl869
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paulreichstein · 4 years
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Summer garden fest. I just love watching things grow, bloom, fruit, bring joy. I’d live the rest of my life surrounded by plants, if I could. A hobby farm in the Adelaide hills callled, “Paulie’s Petulant Peculiar Planting Pleasures”. I wish I could take credit for these babies, but it’s all Mum and Dad. Still, I get to spend time with them as I water, while listening to Joni Mitchell. Joni makes things grow better, you see. She’s actually the offical, spiritual counsellor for growth. I just endowed her with that. So yes....tomatoes. BLOOM! 🍅🍅🍅🍅#2020 #gardendelights #garden #tomato #heaven #growth #adelaide #southaustralia https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Ps4TAnVdG/?igshid=bv7905b50l2f
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paulreichstein · 4 years
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I was so moved today. All the way from London, via Bloomington, Indiana my gorgeous friend, Laura Wanchic sent me this off-the-charts exquisite gift; the Portraits series by the amazing @lee_jeffries. Honestly, what a gorgeous, brutal, sexy, confronting, inspiring look at human beings - Lost Angels - in the best and the saddest of moments. I couldn’t think of a more personal thing to gift a friend and Laura, I burst into tears. Just so moved by your generosity and love. So much love coming to you, my dear friend. Let’s indeed find each other in 2020. I’m speechless. Thank you for a wonderful start to my New Year. 😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️ @lwanchic #leejeffries #lostangels #photography #friendship #love #leejeffriesportraits #gifts #indiana #greatstrangedream #2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6wj0UfHc2z/?igshid=19u03bekqshuf
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paulreichstein · 4 years
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This is a picture of me lying under my 1978 caravan (because yes, I am trailer trash) in Adelaide, whilst holding a Japanese throwing knife and contemplating what it actually means to be turning 31 tomorrow. #adelaide #summer #whatnext #nomorenetflix 😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ZzF04nsbM/?igshid=1pk7qkkto47vf
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paulreichstein · 5 years
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I love selfies with this goddess. Mother Earth. That’s how I see her. ❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹 @mserincornell love you friend. You heal me! #friendship #lifeisglorious #beautyunleashed https://www.instagram.com/p/B5xCyCOHuOK/?igshid=1bkfvp450wd1
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paulreichstein · 5 years
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December 3rd, 1947, Tennessee Williams’ play “A Streetcar Named Desire” opens on Broadway. One of my favourite plays, one of my dream roles, which I’ve accepted I’ll never play. But let’s face it, it’s just my excuse to post this ugly picture of Brando. *sweet Jesus help me* 🙄🙄🙄#brando #astreetcarnameddesire #tennesseewilliams #stanleykowalski #theatre https://www.instagram.com/p/B5o8TMCnsBN/?igshid=cy3ptx4ztafb
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paulreichstein · 5 years
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Trying to head back to beauty in simple things. Frangipanni. I just love plants and flowers. Solace. Indigenous to Mexico, Central America and the gorgeous Caribbean. The smell is intoxicating. The home-owner came out the front yard and I was worried she thought I was casing the place. I said “Mam, I am so sorry, I just love-“ She waved her hand and and said “don’t apologise. I moved here from Croatia 50 years ago. Frangipanni also grow beautiful here.” #plantlover #botanylover #frangipanni #sydneyaustralia #ashfieldnsw #postshowblues 🌺🌸🌼🌻🌺🌸🌼🌻 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5jmfLKHg1n/?igshid=omoeh3pe26ij
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paulreichstein · 5 years
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We bonded over Lady Macbeth. So much love to you @therealjesspaterson ❤️❤️❤️ #friendship #bellshakespeare #sydneyaustralia https://www.instagram.com/p/B5TdlljHSbI/?igshid=1m1b6bg75wyy2
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paulreichstein · 5 years
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I’m surrounded by beautiful people with big generous, gorgeous hearts and for that i am bursting with gratitude. ❤️❤️❤️ #friendship #biglove #bellshakespeare #sydneyaustralia #lifeisbeautiful @cait.burley @jeremicampese @jack.crumlin https://www.instagram.com/p/B5TdXcwHKcw/?igshid=1l13t76u2nxq3
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paulreichstein · 5 years
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It’s really hard saying goodbye to this one. You know, us actors getting attached to projects and the people we work with and saying farewell is always a little tough; post show blues, and all that. I’ve always been so blessed to work with amazing people and to have had opportunities to invest in exciting texts, especially with Shakespeare. I always wanted to be in a comedy, I always wanted to do Bell Shakespeare’s national tour and I always wanted to play a villain because I knew there was one in me; there are several - I nurture them - so let this be a solid beginning. I got all three of these opportunities this year, all in one show and I couldn’t be more thankful for all that Bell Shakespeare has brought my way, over the years, but right now with this production in particular. I sit here feeling such serious gratitude for everything I’ve experienced in the past 5 months. It’s felt longer and then sometimes shorter. Sometimes I feel like we started yesterday and then in other moments I feel we’ve been doing it for years. I will miss the people the most and that’s the important thing. There’s not one of these actors or crew that I will be able to look at the same way again; there’s too many shared miles now, too many moments, too much growth, too many smiles, laughs, tears, intimate get togethers, amazing meals, explorations, private moments at strange hours of the morning, often involving beer and conversations that just needed to happen in that and those very moments. There are places that will forever be the conversations I had there, with one of my cast or several. There are patches in the desert, or hotel rooms, or playgrounds in the middle of the night, or beaches, or train-tracks of second-hand stores were minutia was exchanged and relationships built. I held people, they held me and every day I’d then step back in Much Ado’s Messina and I’d begin with the same line, “I thank you. I’m not of many words, but I thank you.” My heart is so heavy right now… But only because it is full. I will miss you Messina. So gloriously rapt. Hey Nonny nonny! ❤️🌹❤️ #shakespeare #muchadoaboutnothing #bellshakespeare #donjohn #theatre #sydneyope https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ROnFQn3c0/?igshid=1pdvjnagoadc1
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paulreichstein · 5 years
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Will and I contemplate sleep, at the end of it all. 😘😘😘 #shakespeare #muchadoaboutnothing #actorslife #sydneyoperahouse #sydneyaustralia #theatre #bellshakespeare @williamcdonald https://www.instagram.com/p/B5RNp-aH3Ch/?igshid=ahm1toim5dbh
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paulreichstein · 5 years
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The Watchman. Danny Ball, you are a beautiful friend and an amazing man to tread the boards with. Can’t wait to do it again! Love you, brother! ❤️❤️❤️ #muchadoaboutnothing #shakespeare #bellshakespeare @bellshakespeare @dannydball #nationaltour #actorslife https://www.instagram.com/p/B5RNoOqnc_c/?igshid=9ah26p6gofp4
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paulreichstein · 5 years
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Fella. Such a beautiful fella. The best of men. A heart as big as the red centre. ❤️#muchadoaboutnothing #simpsonsgap #alicesprings #latergram #friendship #nationaltour #bellshakespeare #actorslife https://www.instagram.com/p/B5RNmsdHtK3/?igshid=11wjuekns0z2v
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