panicking-gay-dork · 5 years
My Cat Is Fucking Psycho
No really, she is. In the last ten minutes, she has, not particularly in order:
chased her own tail
stared intensely at the wall
tried to eat my headphones, key chain, and bookmark
sat on my chest as i was sitting up
tried to pick up my pencil case and run away with it in her mouth (she didn’t get very far)
sniffed my paint-water tins and then got blue paint in her nose
squeaked when i dropped a piece of paper
fell off the bed trying to catch a fly
jumped and hissed at my computer when i started playing music
FYI, this cat is almost twelve years old.
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panicking-gay-dork · 5 years
Pride Day
So. I have no idea why my school decided on having a pride day in August instead of June, but it happened. I, an intellectual, decided to wear a frying pan on my head. The amount of times I had to explain the joke to straight people was unbelievable.
We took some cool photos, I hit my girlfriend in the head with my frying pan when I bent down to kiss her, my lesbian teacher laughed at my outfit because I looked like a rainbow threw up on me, and my health teacher lost his shit at the gay joke I told in the middle of class.
A good day, and no homophobic comments, so plus.
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panicking-gay-dork · 5 years
Calling all pansexuals: you are valid and worthy of attention. You are supposed to be included in the LGBT community. It doesn't matter if you haven't been with every gender. It doesn't matter if you prefer one over the others. It doesn't even matter if you've never been with anyone, ever. I respect and appreciate all of you.
But if you start considering deepthroating frying pans, then you might want that looked at. Other than that, we good. Go out there and be pantastic!
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