I interrupt your scrolling to say: this is the love of my life, Minnie.
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This is my angel, the light of my life, my reason of getting up, my actual child, and I will hear no words against her. Reblog to show her the love she deserves.
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LEONARD NIMOY (Vladeck) and WILLIAM SHATNER (Michael Donfield) appearing together for the first time in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. episode "The Project Strigas Affair" (1964), directed by Joseph Sargent
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You’re meeting the friend of a friend for the first time, who’s apparently an empath. When they shake your hand, they immediately rip their hand away from you.
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RB if you think CD drives in computers are not obsolete, but in fact still necessary, despite being artificially phased out
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A reminder in case you ever doubt the strength of your friendships! We don't talk about security in friendships often, but it's a wonderful thing to know your friends care about you and are there to support you! 💕
If you tend to mindread, you might feel like you're bothering your friends, or even that they don't feel the same closeness as you do. But we should remember that the voices in our heads aren't always right, and we should trust that our friends would communicate with us if they did feel differently!
Chibird store | Positive pin club | Instagram
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Every character has their own routine - what's yours?
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My new YouTube video: A DM’s Guide to Ranged Combat is now live! Please go give it a watch!
If you’re a DM looking for a way to challenge your overspecced crossbow player, or just generally make mixed-range combat more interesting and enjoyable, it’s full of helpful tips and visualisations. Plus, supporting these long videos really helps keep my channel alive and funds more future content!
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Reblog if you're shorter than 5'8.
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From the IFD Survey!
In February 2024, fans answered an International Fanworks Day survey, asking about their fanwork creation and awareness of OTW projects.
Q5: Are you aware that the OTW helps preserve physical format fan creations? 51,823 survey takers answered this question.  Yes – 14,767 (28.36%) No  – 37,056 (71.64%)
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I thought I was late to my appointment at the ADHD clinic but the ADHD clinic knows their clients well and the appointment reminded me to be here at 1:30 when my appointment was actually at 2:00.
Me: oh good I'm actually on time! :)
Me, realizing why and being overcome by the mortifying ordeal of being known: >:/
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There’s needing something to live, and then needing something because it’s good for your soul… 😆 I struggle when it comes to very cute things.
Chibird store | Positive pin club | Instagram
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I explained why it would not be happy if it went into the forest. I showed it the problems that going into the forest would cause as I tried to properly take care of the story and help it grow. I talked about knowing what we can do. I used sock puppets to do a little impromptu play for the story about how we stay out of the forest now while we continue to develop the fullness of story and the strength of narrative to face whatever challenges a tree might provide.
Now the dang thing has got stuck under a tree root and is dangling precariously over a sinkhole. And every time I try to entangle it, it starts whining about scary beehives.
I know damned well that within 2 days carefully extricating the story from the forest, it's going to be climbing up a half rotted pine until it gets up too high to be safely supported by the remaining solid branches.
It's not an "abandoned" WIP, I didn't intentionally leave it in the forest to die and forget about it, it is a lost wip who wandered into the forest despite my pleas not to. I sit at the edge of the forest every day and hear it calling for help but there is nothing I can do. It is a haunting wip
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Are you planning on continuing your dominoes fanfiction? Or is ist already finished? Or paused?
It's just slow going, but it's definitely not abandoned or finished yet! I went to an academic conference last week to present some of my research and that was VERY stressful, but now that's done, and I only have a little longer until my semester is over and I can actually write again.
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I would absolutely watch the series described in @galwednesday's tags in the immediately previous reblog
but also
this might be a pleasing world setting (for gaming, for stories) for you folks!
Don't get mad at me for reading incomprehension just because it starts off saying "the world came to an end". That's some in-world writer type being Dramatique™.
This setting has:
Pirates Privateers
Supernatural creatures which are absolutely NOT "fairies" and will get into a shouting match about it
Portals to otherwhere, and the people who regularly travel through them
tomb raiders independently operating archaeologists
Easter eggs for the over-thirty set
It's still a work in progress, and will continue to be for the next year at least. (For example, the author's intention is that personality tendencies will align with culture or ethnicity, not species; he is still expanding that.)
my most unpopular stranger things related but not stranger things exclusive opinion is that i am very bored with how almost every story that has paranormal or scifi elements eventually evolves into a story about stopping the end of the world. and i do know that apocalypse media has its enjoyers however i am not one of them and i very rarely choose to consume it so you see why it would exhaust me that so often all my horror shows and podcasts turn into an apocalypse thing
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This is the public statement from @alepresser and myself which went up at Webtoons tonight.
Now for some ranting. Just from me, not from Ale—she's innocent of the art crimes I've committed in the past, and boy howdy have I committed art crimes.
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This is the first page of my first webcomic, A Girl and Her Fed. I started this thing back in 2006. (I don't actually need a head count of those reading this who weren't yet born in 2006. I'm sure you're delightful and I wish you well in college.)
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And this is the last page I drew in early 2020 before I turned art duties over to Dr. Beer. It's better, right?
Well, these days, A Girl and Her Fed has pages like this:
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I drew this comic for fourteen fucking years because it's a story I wanted to tell, and I thought webcomics were the perfect format for it. I didn't know how to draw. I got better through sheer obstinate perseverance and sticking to deadlines as best I could for, again, fourteen fucking years. I sought out a replacement artist when I ran into time constraints and couldn't do art plus writing anymore; I'm a much better writer than an artist, so I had no problems whatsoever kicking art to the curb.
The first time Ale sent me art that would go up on the website—art I hadn't needed to draw myself—I literally cried in relief because I had been grinding myself down for, yet again, fourteen fucking years.
So when I read comments from people who say they want to make a webcomic but can't draw themselves and therefore need to resort to AI, that little line between my eyes gets dangerously deep.
This isn't like I'm some old dude who's bitching over student loans getting cancelled after making regular payments. This is me, someone who threw raw art onto the internet like a monkey hurling fresh poo, because I wanted to make a webcomic and the art is part of the process of storytelling via webcomics! I could've (arguably should've) hired an artist right out of the gate, and that would've been part of the process of making comics, too: a partnership between an artist and a writer is also something which grows and develops over time.
For example, after Dr. Beer and I spent two years working on AGAHF, we decided we enjoyed our partnership so much that we set out to make another webcomic! It's great! It's got wonderful art and consistent storytelling! You should read it!
But turning art duties over to unaltered images generated by AI because you want to make a webcomic but "just can't draw" is, frankly, a bullshit excuse. I'm not talking about persons who are physically unable to draw due to disability—I'm talking about people who say they want to make webcomics but simply don't wanna do the art part.
Friends, if you don't want to show your entire ass in front of God and country, you don't actually want to make a webcomic.
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Do the thing yourself.
If you're scared, don't be. Take the plunge. Set a goal of twenty strips and do the thing yourself. If you can already draw but can't write? Great! Write twenty strips, write forty panels, etc. You might surprise yourself. If you can write but can't draw? Great! Draw twenty panels and see what happens.
Whatever comes out of it, it's a thing you've done yourself. It's something new you've given to the world, no matter how big or small. Be proud of that. And if you need to partner with someone else to make your comic dreams work? You can do that, too! It's still a thing you've done yourself, and many projects are stronger when done together.
...but maaaaaaaaaybe hire that partner before you've busted your own ass for fourteen fucking years. That one's on me.
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I have gotten into the habit of checking www.tornadohq.com every time the weather feels "weird" to me, and more importantly I have been joyfully sending that particular page to my more anxiety-prone extended family.
But listen, beloved Tumblrines who are in nothern Texas and most of Nebraska:
I'm keeping you in my thoughts today, April 26th, 2024. I hope you're safe and dry and secure. A mile-wide supercell tornado is Not Fun Times.
Is Severe Weather In Your Forecast? #severeweather #tornado #flooding
For those folks in the southern and central plains and adjacent areas, it’s no secret that we’re heading into several days of severe weather with all hazards, including tornadoes, expected. Here’s some very important and helpful severe weather, tornado, lightning, and flood safety information from the National Weather Service. Also, remember to plan well ahead if you’re traveling, working, etc.…
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