oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
some aesthetic words for your fic title! (pt.1)
alexithymia (n) the inability to express your feelings
cosmogyral (adj): whirling around the universe
euneirophrenia (n): the peace of mind that comes from having pleasant dreams
scintila (n); a tiny, brilliant flash; a small thing; a barely visible trait
anagapesis(n): no longer have any feelings for one you once loved
mangata (n); the reflection of moon on water
serendipity (n); finding luck without even looking for it
selenophile (n) the person who loves the moon
nyctophilia (n); love for darkness or nght, finding relax and comfort in the darkness
drapetomania(n); an overwhelming urge to run away
gumusservi (n): moonlight shining on water
clinomania (n); the excessive desire to stay in your bed
basorexia (n); the overwhelming desire to kiss
solivagant (adj) wandering alone
sehnsucht (n): the inconsolable longing in the human heart for we know not what, a yearningfor far, familiar, non- earthy land one can identify as one’s home
redamancy (n); the act of loving one who loves you, a love returned in full
hireath (n); a home sickness to a home which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was, the nostalgia, the yearning, the grieve for the lost places of your past
 alamort (adj) : half- dead of exhaustion
viridity (adj): naive innocent
numinous (adj): describing an experience which makes you fearful yet fascinated, awed yet attracted, the powerful personal feeling of being overwhelmed and inspired
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
I'm done being traumatized can I have a new backstory now pls
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
I hope you realize this is one of the most wonderful ways someone has reacted to my writing.
A smile like sunshine
Pairing: Prinxiety (could be read as platonic or romantic)
Word count: 890
Warnings: Death of a parent, mention of a gunshot, ask for me to add others
Dear Stranger,
It started with a letter. On snow-white paper contrasting against the black calligraphy settled on top. Written back when Roman was still in ninth grade. A feeble, 14-year-old boy with golden-red curls and a smile like sunshine. Roman, who was the biggest flirt even then. Roman, who ran with bare feet on the fading sun, he legs becoming dirty with sand. Roman, who, in a sudden wave of impulse, wrote a letter in a bottle and tossed it out to the ocean.
I hope this letter finds you in good health, whoever you may be.
It started with a pair of shoes. Black, second-hand combat boots that were really the worst thing to wear on fine sand. Owned by Virgil (who realized this and promptly threw them across the beach). Virgil, now a man- if you could call him that- of eighteen. Virgil, who hid behind shit-eating grins and spikes on his clothes. Virgil, who always seemed to have that snarky comeback that made teachers roll their eyes. Virgil, who, instead of taking hold of his shoes, ended up grabbing a glittering bottle on the shore.
Speaking of that- nice to meet you!
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
A smile like sunshine
Pairing: Prinxiety (could be read as platonic or romantic)
Word count: 890
Warnings: Death of a parent, mention of a gunshot, ask for me to add others
Dear Stranger,
It started with a letter. On snow-white paper contrasting against the black calligraphy settled on top. Written back when Roman was still in ninth grade. A feeble, 14-year-old boy with golden-red curls and a smile like sunshine. Roman, who was the biggest flirt even then. Roman, who ran with bare feet on the fading sun, he legs becoming dirty with sand. Roman, who, in a sudden wave of impulse, wrote a letter in a bottle and tossed it out to the ocean.
I hope this letter finds you in good health, whoever you may be.
It started with a pair of shoes. Black, second-hand combat boots that were really the worst thing to wear on fine sand. Owned by Virgil (who realized this and promptly threw them across the beach). Virgil, now a man- if you could call him that- of eighteen. Virgil, who hid behind shit-eating grins and spikes on his clothes. Virgil, who always seemed to have that snarky comeback that made teachers roll their eyes. Virgil, who, instead of taking hold of his shoes, ended up grabbing a glittering bottle on the shore.
Speaking of that- nice to meet you!
It continued with a red dress. One Roman saw  when he was sixteen. It was in the charity shop and he the second he saw it, the dress was in his arms. The hem had rips and tears in it, its sleeves seemed stiff, the design was plain, and it was the best thing Roman had worn. It felt like reading a poem where all the words fit together. Like a puzzle fitting right into place. Like something that was just... Right. On the way out the store Roman noticed a boy about his age looking at a mural with a sense of accomplishment. "Cool painting," Roman muttered as he walked by. "Cool dress," The other boy responded in an instant. And then they departed.
I hope to talk with you someday! I guess you can find me at...
It continued with painting. Something Virgil had always been good at. As in, asked-to-paint-a-charity-shop good. He could use the money and it wasn't like he had much going on that summer, so Virgil agreed. It was a design of his own making. Something of color and something like love in it. A patchwork of constellations and greenery over the ocean. The result was stunning. "Cool painting" a voice sounded behind him. Virgil turned to see a boy in a red dress with morning dew for eyes and sunlight for a smile, "Cool dress," He barely managed to say with confidence. And then the boy left.
How are you? And WHO are you? So many questions...
And furthermore with a sirens. The type that come an go for hours as you wonder what atrocity could have happened to warrant them. They came as Roman had just begun to sleep, far past two am. Ambulances stood waiting like shattered glass at a house just near Roman's. He watched as someone was run into the ambulance, a boy his age standing frozen beside them. He didn't sleep that night.
How's life for you? I'd say mine is pretty well.
And furthermore with a gunshot. But all Virgil could hear were the screams of his father telling him not to come in. The world crumpled like paper as the EMTs brought his mother out on a stretcher. Virgil caught the eyes of a boy in a red dress across the street, staring at the scene in horror. He couldn't sleep that night.
Are you a guy? are you cute? I hope so.
It kept on with a smile. Not one like sunshine and honeybees. The smile didn't have water droplets on the edges or gold lining the edges. It was the water after a hurricane. Something like worry and something like curiosity. Roman saw it in passing, sitting on a boy from his neighborhood. The boy was moving away. He'd miss that smile.
I guess I should wrap this up soon.
It kept on with worry. Virgil wasn't happy, no. Who would be with his mother freshly dead and having to move across the country because of it? But he had to look like he was. He saw the boy from before walking the street. He didn't have a smile. Virgil had never seen the boy less than happy. He already missed the smile.
have a lovely day or night!
It ended with a sunset. By this time Roman was eighteen. He'd long forgotten about the message in a bottle he through into the lake he sat at nearing four years ago. By now he was a bit stronger, a bit smarter. He didn't walk with bare feet over the land- too many scrapes. His sunlight smile was dimming. Not quickly, though. The world still looked lovely through his morning dew eyes. And then all of the sudden his phone dinged.
Sincerely, Roman.
It ended with a full moon. A letter in a bottle in the dim light. Virgil, still eighteen, was hesitant to message this supposed Roman. a silent breeze ran over his neck like a glacier had formed. The hurricane had subsides in him, leaving unsure waters through his veins. The moon watched over, her eyes urging Virgil on. He typed in the e-mail address.
Hey! I'm Virgil,
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
Broken Together
Ships: Prinxiety
Characters: Roman, Virgil
Warnings: Insecure thoughts, panic attack, mention of death, mention of potential injury
Work count: 591
A.N. I wrote this?? Last year?? Don’t know, still one of my favorites
Experts say it takes a minimum of two weeks for love to form. The gay disasters say it taken ten minutes.  
Roman grumbled, slamming his head against the poor table for what must have been the hundredth time that hour. He was silently grateful for the fact that none of the sides could get physically hurt, or else he couldn’t imagine what sort of headache he would have. The creative side stared down at the crumpled paper. Each had some new idea or doodle scattered on the page. It was a broken sort of tidiness. He stared fondly at each one. keep an optimistic view, he thought, at least I’m making something. 
2:48 am
Virgil watched the clock illumination the screen of his phone. He silently urged it to move forward faster. Each passing second felt like another weight pushing down the, already very prominent, eyebags on Virgil’s face. The air around him stood mockingly still, laughing at the misfortune of Virgil’s awake-ness. He glared at it. The air glared back. 
Truely, Roman’s desk didn’t deserve this. And, while it was true the sides couldn’t get hurt, that rule did not hold for any other object in the mindscape. This fact was reiterated as Roman put a bit too much strength into his frustration, sending his table into a thousand splintered pieces. God, he was too tired to fix it. 
It was no secret that Virgil was a fool when it came to healthy habits and common sense. For as much as he put on the halloween-loving, edgy, persona, he would definitely be the first to die in any and all horror movies- if it was his own choice or not is up to interpretation. This was proven true when he decided to investigate the loud and obviously murderer-esque sound that came from across the hallway. 
Roman sighed, falling softly to the ground. Optimism seemed to decide there were much more worthy hosts, and left him. 
He was no stranger to insecure thoughts. Granted, that didn’t change how bad they hurt each time. Not that they were wrong. 
Maybe he wasn’t good enough. Maybe his ideas were stupid and unoriginal. Maybe he didn’t deserve to-
If there was strong anxiety or depression in the mindscape, Virgil knew. It was perhaps why he and Patton had grown so close, and maybe why Logan seemed to avoid his during distressing times. And it might have been the reason Virgil felt a punch to the gut as he passed the creative side’s room.  
He went inside. 
During intense stages of panic, one seems to forget things needed to survive. As Roman has begun to so brilliantly demonstrate, breathing is one of them. 
Maybe it was those stupid thoughts- or it could be the anxiety that slowly bubbled inside him. Or… it might be the personification of woe and panic looming over the broken pieces of him. That was probably it.
Before entering the room Virgil knew what state Roman was in. once seeing him, it was exactly what he’d thought. Shaking violently in a ball, barely fitting the criteria for a human, much less a fully in-tact one. He bent down.
The words were muted, only showing up in shattered fragments,
“...-re you o-...”
“...-n you breathe with m-...”
“...in for f-...”
“...-hold for sev-...”
“...-out for eigh-...”
“... Thanks, Virge.”
“No problem. At least now we can be broken together.”
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
I’m c a c k l i n g
Siren’s Song
Roman’s always had an affinity towards those sirens he was warned about. Perhaps dangerously so. 
Characters: Roman, Eden (Deceit), Virgil
Ships: Roceit, Platonic Prinxiety
Warnings: Possibly unsyp!Deceit? Could be read as toxic/possessive, mention of almost drowning, one mention of Remus
Word Count: 1,195
A.N. This idea wouldn’t leave my head until I wrote it. 
The oceans water lulled gently across Roman’s skin. It held quite whispers, drowned out by the sirens song that the merman next to him hummed into his ear. The stone pillars near the pair held cracks of age and war. Roman was acutely aware he shouldn’t be able to see these cracks in the pillars. He shouldn’t be able to see at all. He shouldn’t be here. But here he was, and it wasn’t half bad. Oh, Roman had been warned of sirens and sea monsters all his life, but at this moment all the warnings seemed so far away. So unimportant.
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
Well, I left it open for a reason (Totally not because I was tired and didn’t have a good ending in mind haha what do you mean /j) If you imagine him drowning Roman, that’s a perfect way to think about it! But considering I didn’t clearly write what happened, I’m not confirming or denying any theories.  
Siren’s Song
Roman’s always had an affinity towards those sirens he was warned about. Perhaps dangerously so. 
Characters: Roman, Eden (Deceit), Virgil
Ships: Roceit, Platonic Prinxiety
Warnings: Possibly unsyp!Deceit? Could be read as toxic/possessive, mention of almost drowning, one mention of Remus
Word Count: 1,195
A.N. This idea wouldn’t leave my head until I wrote it. 
The oceans water lulled gently across Roman’s skin. It held quite whispers, drowned out by the sirens song that the merman next to him hummed into his ear. The stone pillars near the pair held cracks of age and war. Roman was acutely aware he shouldn’t be able to see these cracks in the pillars. He shouldn’t be able to see at all. He shouldn’t be here. But here he was, and it wasn’t half bad. Oh, Roman had been warned of sirens and sea monsters all his life, but at this moment all the warnings seemed so far away. So unimportant.
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
Tumblr media
"Roman- Roman, remind me if fainting is a symptom of lovelust," Logan suddenly grabbed his friends arm as the pair stepped not even a foot into the coffee shop. Roman, who had long grown used to this, sighed with an oh-so-extra eyerolls and continued to walk, "Why don't you actually talk to him, Microsoft nerd?" "He's so pretty I'm going to faint," "Suit yourself," He abandoned Logan, rather rudely, in lieu of ordering his classic "Caramel-frapp-three-shots-vanilla-eight-shots-expresso-my-friend's-name-is-Logan-you-should-ask-in-on-a-date-no-whipped-cream" The barista smirked and turned to the frantically blushing Logan, "And for you, hun?" Logan blinked, his own eyes staring back in the reflection of the baristas- Remy's- sunglasses. Who even wears sunglasses inside? Not that Logan was complaining they were quite stunning on him, "Oh! Apologies," It seems his mechanics sprung to life, "Coffee. Black." He stood a second too long before stepping over and rejoining the giggling Roman. Logan shot him a glare, "What?" "Why don't you just give him your number?" "Because he's- Well he.. I mean," Logan was, for once in his life, unsure. Their names were called before Logan could add anything else, "Saved by the hottie," Roman jeered. Logan rolled his eyes, snapping as something clicked in his mind, "I forgot to pay!" Remy looked over, "On the house, babe," He offered that /charming/ smile that left Logan speechless, "Oh, and check the lid. It's a new design."
It was three hours until Logan had realized it was Remy's number written there.
“Hey, darlin’, Remy Insom at your service, who’s this”
There was silence on the over end for a moment as Logan wondered if he’s made a mistake,
“Logan.. Oh! Blushing black coffee guy, right?” Remy’s smile could almost be heard, “Hey there!”
“... I find your wit and charm and certainly your looks to be rather pleasing and I would like to ask you on a date” Logan spoke at the speed of lightning. He let out a quiet breath at the end,
“Hmm...” Remy thought, “My shift ends in four hours. That work for ya, gurl?”
“YES! yes. Yes, apologies, that is...” Logan checked his calander. He was due to finish a paper then, “.. I’ll pick you up,” 
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
Could be either, 
Siren’s Song
Roman’s always had an affinity towards those sirens he was warned about. Perhaps dangerously so. 
Characters: Roman, Eden (Deceit), Virgil
Ships: Roceit, Platonic Prinxiety
Warnings: Possibly unsyp!Deceit? Could be read as toxic/possessive, mention of almost drowning, one mention of Remus
Word Count: 1,195
A.N. This idea wouldn’t leave my head until I wrote it. 
The oceans water lulled gently across Roman’s skin. It held quite whispers, drowned out by the sirens song that the merman next to him hummed into his ear. The stone pillars near the pair held cracks of age and war. Roman was acutely aware he shouldn’t be able to see these cracks in the pillars. He shouldn’t be able to see at all. He shouldn’t be here. But here he was, and it wasn’t half bad. Oh, Roman had been warned of sirens and sea monsters all his life, but at this moment all the warnings seemed so far away. So unimportant.
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
All’s well that ends well- Chapter One: In which Eden has no plans, nor ever will
Summary: “Without a ruler,” Eden had once said, “The word turns to anarchy.” What he failed to mention, is what happens if the rulers are the cause. 
The story in which everyone dies, a revolution fails, and it all turns out okay. 
Ships: Eventual roceit, background moxiety
Chapter warnings: Mentions of being eaten alive, mentions of murder, general fear of the king, falling off high structures, mention of shooting someone, anger at the main character, accidental misgendering, a character is picked up without consent but he’s alright with it
Word Count: 2076
They all die in the end- though we cant say if it was their true demise. Not by sword fights, hungry land whales, the unfortunate number of tall structures people seem to fall off of, or the tyrant king's guards. No, all in this story are united and destroyed by one factor alone, and nothing else; The idiocy of Eden Viper Anwir. This is, of course, how Eden survives it all.
Many scholars debate exactly when people began using bovine as a somewhat more polite synonym for stupid, though it's widely agreed that it was within the years of Eden Viper Anwir's life. Before that, they might have used dense, simple minded, dull, but it was when the shepherds son fell out his window that the population really began to relate those of small minds to cattle. Ironic, considering Eden did fall into a heard of cattle. Or, perhaps, where cattle had been. A truer statement would be he fell into a herd of cattle dropping. This was not recorded, though the way a passerby cackled and shouted, "Look at that idiot! Bovine and dumb, 'e must be!" was (It was one of the most reference accounts  in determining the time frame of the word). To which they received a rather rude gesture from Eden. He stood, brushing off the manure and looking cruelly up to the window (that seemed to stare just as cruelly back) at which he had just fallen out of. Eden was acutely aware he could have used the door of his house, though that small thought was diminished as he remembered his father working at his desk, who would surely have seen him leaving had he not gone out the window. 
Of course next time he might want a better way to get back in. Future-Eden would likely love to shoot Past-Eden for the trouble. Although guns did not exist yet, nor did Future-Eden. (Scholars often reported the invention of guns was in the 10th century in China, although it had actually been in the lost city of Atlantis roughly ten years prior. However, it was exactly then which the city sank and thus their invention was never brought to light.)
The bar was a hole-in-the wall place in every sense of the word, to the point that the only way to enter is was to quite literally climb through a hole in where the old food cellar had once been. It still would be a cellar, had the owners not been taken and murdered by the king. No one had taken the offer to buy it, so the building was covered and ignored until Patton Arrows had found it. Soon enough, it became a safe haven for anyone in need. The homeless, the cursed, fugitives of the crown. It was a nice spot, if you knew where to look. Not many did. 
All the patrons glanced over warily as Eden entered. There was always a worry of the kings guard finding the bar. There was a collective sigh as they all returned to what they had been doing. Or, should I say, all but one. A person made of fire who stormed over, lighting at their feet as they faced Eden, "You bastard!" "Lovely to see you, too, Virgil," Eden dried off his coat, hanging it on the back of an unoccupied chair. He stepped over to the counter and jumped to the other side. Grabbing a bottle and leaving a few coins, he turned back to the fuming Virgil. 
"You bovine, unbearable, bastard!" Perhaps a bit more than fuming, "Where were you the past four nights? We've been worried sick!"
"I see you've found a thesaurus," Eden took a sip from the bottle, savoring the bitter taste for a moment. The person across from him placed their head into their hands. There was no time to question it before arms were picking Eden up in a hug,
"Eden! We've missed you!" Patton's joyful voice boomed from behind. The hug squeezed him tighter than seemed altogether necessary, sending him into a coughing fit, 
"Binder, Patton, let go" Eden sputtered out. He was quickly dropped by Patton, who stepped back meekly, 
"Oop! Sorry, kiddo! Forgot about that little thing," He still smiled just as bright, helping Eden to his feet. Patton 'tsk'ed at the bottle Eden had been holding, swiping it away from him before he could grab it again. Eden hissed and grabbed for it to no avail. Patton towered over him, anyway. 
Patton poured a glass for himself and Eden and got water for Virgil, who didn't drink despite spending the better part of their days in a bar. He sat back onto a stool. Eden's eyes flickered with curiosity,
"How do you both feel about murder?"
Virgil quirked an eyebrow, "As in, would we like to commit it or die from it?" they paused, "Yes to both, why?"
"No!" Patton grabbed Virgil reflexively, "If you die, I will, too."
Eden coughed to bring back their attention, "I mean to kill the king,"
The group all stopped. Virgil and Patton glanced between each other. Eden's eyebrows twitched, curious to their hesitance.
"You don't think we should? He's been less a monarch and more a tyrant over this land for--"
"Yeah, yeah, save your lecture. I agree just... Do you have a plan?" Virgil questioned,"
"Well I--"
"Any means to get into the castle?"
"Maybe I-"
"Anyone else in on this?"
"That's exactly it!" Eden spoke through clenched teeth. "I need your help! Come on, Patton?"
The bartender stepped back, "Well, I- uh... Y'know, I think it's a good idea!" He curled into himself, "But I think it's just that: an idea."
The world froze for Eden. He glanced with ice in his veins to the two in front of him,
"You're kidding." There was no answer, which only helped to raise the goosebumps on his arms, "You have to be kidding! You can't- So, what, you plan to just-" Air thawed around him as Eden huffed and grabbed his jacket. He began to storm out, "Fine! If you want to live complacent with this life, be my guest!" If there was a door he would have slammed it.
A fair was going on. Something was always going on. A fair, a festival, a parade. It was a good distraction to the public, albeit an annoyance to those not as pleased with the sounds and lights. Eden found himself biting at ravens wings, leaning passive-aggressively against a withered tree,
"Do you plan to lean passive-aggressively against that tree, or socialize like a normal person?" A sultry voice asked beside him. Eden moved the hood of his cloak just enough to see a handsome stranger just at his left. He stared with amber eyes into Eden with a strange sort of purpose. The man seemed to be looking into him, opposed to the more common way of simply looking at a person. It unnerved him,
"Oh! How could I have been so foolish?" Eden faked a gasp, "Because of course I like to busy myself with the events of a normal person," 
The stranger offered a hand to shake but not a name,
"Well then, could you at least give me something to call you?"
Eden didn't shake it, "I like to keep it for myself, actually."
They laughed, "Oh, I just might like you, sir no-name," 
"But is that feeling mutual, Mr...?" 
"Mx. Roman, actually," 
Eden smiled. Now the handsome stranger had a name, he turned ever so slightly to face them, "No last name?"
"I can hardly guarantee you a first," They grinned, clapping their hands together, "Now! You finally decided to look at me," 
Eden scoffed, "Trust me, Roman, I've seen you this whole time. With a face like that, you're hard to ignore." 
Romans face reddened, hidden by the orange firelight, "Oh," they chuckled a bit, "You jest, of course." 
Eden sighed, "If that's how you would like to take it, then sure."
"Do you ever say something without an aura of vague-ness, lies and dolls?" 
(Scholars were long confused by this, before remembering the age-old fairytale of pies and dolls, popular in the 1360's.)
"That truly depends on who you ask,"
Roman sighed, "I'll assume a no."
Without much hesitation, Roman pulled Eden from the ground into his arms bridal-style (Although, scholars might say that style of carry was made much later. Humans, however, are well aware that style of carry has long existed prior to the dates given. Hence why scholars are often wrong.) much to the man's surprise. He jumped, hanging on to Roman's neck and squirming,
"Have anywhere to be, tonight?" they never let go. 
"Yes, Of course I--"
Roman saw through the lie, "Like the man who decided socializing was too good for him has many plans." They hummed, all together too happy, "So unless the king has a bounty on you, I'm taking you to Thomas'."
He couldn't argue. The only place Eden would have to go is back home, and current-Eden regretfully remembered past-Eden deciding to leave the problem of getting inside up to him. He would shoot that guy, if he could. There was no choice but to let Roman do as they pleased. 
No that he particularly disliked the idea. 
As it turned out, "Thomas'" Was an animal sanctuary. That "take in creatures unfit for the wild and give them a home!" the brochure said in a far to happy tone. 
"Thomas and I go way back- He was a castle guard when I was just a kid, y'know." Roman explained, "But later he decided to open this sanctuary." 
Eden nodded, taking in the sight of the place. It wasn't in the worst of shape by any means, although it wasn't in the best, either. Eden traced his hand over the cracks in the plaster, grimacing at the dust that settle on the tips of his fingers, "Definitely seems to follow health codes,"
Roman laughed without humor, "Yeah, well, the king doesn't seem to think this place deserves funding," They held bitterness in their voice, beginning to lead Eden through, "Doesn't stop people from doing what they can to keep this place going. Gosh, don't know where they'd go. All the animals, I mean. The wolves and land whales and dragons and all--"
"Whales?" (Although it was never acknowledged by scholars, Eden's phobia of whales existed at age seven and well into adulthood. The scholars deemed this an unimportant, and this is why you do not trust scholars.)
Roman nodded, seemingly confused at the reaction. Eden, who suddenly decided he didn't particularly fancy being around such horrid creatures as land whales, pulled back. Roman looked oddly to him, stepping towards Eden. They held up his hands, "You won't even see them, fibber on the roof." Their voice assured, "And, trust me, you're going to want to come with me." 
"Because you think I fancy being fed to the whales?" Eden hissed in response. He stepped back again. Roman sighed, 
"Just trust me." 
Ah, yeah, trust a person he just met and was abducted by. sounds great.
A door behind them opened. Someone stepped out, lighting up seeing the pair,
"Roman!" He grinned, "And who's this?"
There was a beat of silence. Roman probably expected Eden to introduce himself. 
He didn't.
"A... friend! He's a friend of mine,"
"Oh!" There was a strained sort of hesitance in the mans voice, "Are you sure he... Oh, well I mean does he support...?"
He gestured vaguely. Roman nodded, 
"I'm quite sure he does! And have I ever brought an untrustworthy friend before?"
"Seven times, Roman," The man deadpanned. His smile returned, opening his door wider and beckoning them both inside the room.
It was dark. No windows, the only source or light being a fair few candles set on a table. It was small. Seven people could fit, though only five stood there now, including Eden and Roman. The table held papers covered in illegible notes and scribbles and unsightly doodles at the corners. If you took more than a look at the place, it would bring a vague feeling of fear that Eden had long ago grown accustomed to. 
He briefly wondered exactly what he was doing here with a crowd of strangers. The man seemed to read his mind. He stuck out a hand for Eden to shake,
"I'm Thomas Sanders!" He grinned,
"We're planning a revolution."
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
Me, writing, crying: Please,,,, Give me more than one cis charater,,,
My writing, cackling: You can have two (2) cis characters. As a treat. 
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
continuation of idea from the last post
T’s Masterlist of AU Ideas
Need some inspiration for your next fanfic? Here are a list of ideas I’ve compiled to help you get started! There are also a few sub-AUs I included just because :)
50s AU
80s AU
Ancient Egypt AU
Cold War AU
Medieval AU
Dark/Middle Ages
Regency AU
Revolutionary War AU
Roaring 20s AU
Stone Age AU
Tudor AU
Victorian AU
World War I AU
World War II AU
Apocalypse AU
Dystopian AU
Fairy Tale AU
12 Dancing Princesses
Aladdin / Arabian Nights
Beauty & the Beast
Hansel & Gretel
Jack & the Beanstalk
Peter Pan
Sleeping Beauty
Snow Queen
Snow White
The Frog Prince
The Little Mermaid
The Prince/Princess & the Pauper
The Princess & the Pea
High Fantasy AU
Horror AU
Mafia AU
Military AU
Musical AU
Mystery AU
Noir AU
Pirate AU
Sci-Fi AU
Shakespeare AU
Superhero AU
Supernatural/Paranormal AU
Time Travel AU
Urban Fantasy AU
Utopian AU
Wild West AU
Airplane Passengers AU
Aristocrat/Commoner AU
Arranged Marriage AU
Artist/Muse AU
Author/Publisher AU
Body Swap AU
Childhood Sweethearts AU
Chosen One & Sidekick AU
Complete Opposites AU
Doctor/Patient AU
Hades & Persephone AU
Handcuffed Together AU
Lab Partners AU
Neighbors AU
Pen Pals AU
Personality Switch AU
Rockstar/Groupie AU
Roommates AU
Royalty/Servant AU
Soldier/Nurse AU
Soulmates AU
Teacher/Student AU
Tourist/Native AU
Battle Royale AU
Breakfast Club AU
Chronicles of Narnia AU
Dirty Dancing AU
Giselle AU
Hogwarts AU
Inception AU
Jumanji AU
Les Miserables AU
La La Land AU
Middle Earth AU
Nutcracker AU
Pacific Rim AU
Phantom of the Opera AU
Star Trek AU
Star Wars AU
Swan Lake AU
Swiss Family Robinson AU
Terminator AU
Wonderland AU
Android AU
Archaeologist AU
Assassin AU
Astronaut AU
Celebrity AU
Cosplayer AU
Criminal AU
Dancer AU
Demon Slayer AU
Detective AU
Double Agent AU
Explorer AU
Fallen Angel AU
Fighter Pilot AU
Guardian Angel AU
Hacker AU
Musician AU
Nerd/Geek AU
Olympic Athlete AU
Photographer AU
Private Eye AU
Punk AU
Race Car Driver AU
Revolutionary AU
Royalty AU
Street Performer AU
Tsundere AU
Tutor AU
Viking AU
Yandere AU
Atlantis AU
Egyptian Gods AU
El Dorado AU
Fountain of Youth AU
Greek Gods AU
King Arthur AU
Norse Gods AU
Robin Hood AU
Angel AU
Banshee AU
Demigod AU
Demon AU
Genie AU
Ghost AU
Mermaid AU
Siren AU
Werewolf AU
Vampire AU
Zombie AU
Christmas AU
Fourth of July AU
Halloween AU
Hanukkah AU
New Years AU
Spring Break AU
Thanksgiving AU
Backpacking Across Europe AU
Battle of the Bands AU
Bookshop AU
Carnival AU
Circus AU
Coffeeshop AU
College AU
“We got paired up for a group project but none of us know what we’re doing”
Conspiracy AU
Dragons AU
Heist AU
High School AU
Summer School
Immortal AU
Kidnapped AU
Prison AU
Reincarnation AU
Road Trip AU
Seven Deadly Sins AU
Summer Camp AU
Time Travel AU
“Marry me because my green card expired” AU
“Why does by neighbor have to be an aspiring opera singer?” AU
“I’m a server and you’re a frequent customer and you flirt with me but YOU NEVER TIP ME, WHAT THE HELL MAN?” AU
“I never break the law but I was asked to be part of a massive heist and damn, I really need to pay off my student debt…” AU
“I lied and said I could speak a different language to impress my crush but now he wants me to tutor him so I need to become fluent in Mandarin in 3 days HELP” AU
“We are fictional characters that know we are fictional characters and so we decided to have a little fun and mess with the author by not following any of the tropes they’re writing” AU
[Updated 8/21/17]
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
Give me a ship and AU?
AU List A-Z
Made a list of all the AU’s I could think of. Used to help me when I have no ideas, decided it could help others and I should post it. It took a few weeks to fill it out this extensively and I have no more interest in adding to it, so please don’t bother suggesting anything (; ̄д ̄)
Accidental Marriage AU
Actor AU
Alien AU
Amnesia AU
Android AU
Angel/Demon AU
Animal AU
Apocalypse AU
Arranged Marriage AU
Artist AU
Art Student AU
Assassin AU
Athlete AU
Author AU
Avian (Bird People) AU
Babysitter AU
Bakery AU
Ballet AU
Band AU
Bartender/Bar AU
Beach AU
Blind AU
Blind Date AU
Bodyguard AU
Book Store AU
Bounty Hunter AU
Brothel AU
Caterer AU
Camp Counselor AU
Camping AU
Carnival AU
Castaway AU
Celebrity AU
Chef AU
Child AU
Choir AU
Circus AU
Clothing Shop AU
Club AU
Coffee Shop AU
College AU
Conductor AU
Choreographer AU
Coworker AU
Criminal AU
Cult AU
Cyborg AU
Dancer AU
Dead/Death AU
Deaf AU
Demigod AU
Demon Hunter AU
Detective AU
Dimension Hoping AU
Doctor AU
Domestic AU
Dragon AU
Drama Class AU
Enemies AU
Fairy AU
Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage AU
Fashion/Fashion Designer AU
Fire Fighter AU
Forbidden Love AU
Fugitive AU
Gang AU
Gardener/Gardening AU
Ghost AU
Hairstylist AU
Haunted House AU
Hero/Villain AU
High School AU
High School Reunion AU
Historical AU
Horror AU
Hospital AU
Hunger Games AU
Immortal AU
Judge AU
Jury Duty AU
Kidnapper/Kidnapped AU
Lawyer AU
Library AU
Lifeguard AU
Mafia AU
Maid AU
Magician AU
Magic AU
Marriage AU
Mechanic AU
Medieval AU
Mermaid AU
Military AU
Model AU
Modern AU
Monster/Monster Hunter/Monster Tamer AU
Murder Mystery AU
Musical AU
Musician AU
Neighbor AU
Ninja AU
Nurse AU
Office AU
Officer (Police) AU
Parallel Universe AU
Parametric AU
Paranormal Investigator AU
Parent AU
Pen Pal AU
Pet Store AU
Photographer AU
Pirate AU
Podcast AU
Porn Star AU
Prisoner AU
Prank War AU
Prostitute AU
Reality TV Show AU
Reporter AU
Restaurant AU
Resurrection AU
Road Trip AU
Roll Reversal AU
Room Mate AU
Rival AU
Royalty AU
Scientist AU
Serial Killer AU
Servant AU
Sick AU
Social Media AU
Soulmate AU
Space AU
Spy AU
Stalker AU
Stranger AU
Street Racing AU
Stripper AU
Student AU
Survival AU
Tattoo Shop AU
Teacher AU
Theater AU
Thief AU
Time Travel AU
Undead AU
Undercover Cop AU
Vacation AU
Vampire/Vampire Hunter AU
Veterinarian AU
Waiter AU
War AU
Wedding Planner AU
Werewolf AU
Wild West AU
Witch AU
Wizard AU
Yandere AU
Youtuber AU
Zookeeper AU
Zombie AU
32K notes · View notes
oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
Hello, darling,
I want to follow every single Roman stan in this fandom so,
Reblog if you’re a Roman stan
941 notes · View notes
oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
can’t sleep so who wants roman headcanons
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
Wow thanks for finding my writing inspiration,
fantasy AU where virgil gets trapped in a mirror for some reason and since roman canonically serenades himself in the mirror when he’s feeling bad, he accidentally sings to virgil’s mirror one time and whoops virgil’s heart goes 💖💝💞💗💕💘💓
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
@figurative-siren-song  Anxceitmus, if it suits your liking.
No longer a prince
Or, perhaps, sometimes it takes someone getting exiled to realize you love them. 
Characters: Virgil, Remus, Eden (deceit), Mention of Logan and Roman
Ships: Anxceitmus (Virgil x Deceit x Remus),
Warnings: Mentions of attempted murder, bombs/explosions,  running away
Word Count: 1,221
Prompt for this was given by the splendid @art-chive-main 
“You came so far to see me?” Eden stares back at Virgil, hesitance lacing his voice. “Well, yeah. I promised you, didn’t I?” And that he had. Or, I suppose, not a verbal promise. No, more a promise in the way which said ‘I’ll always find you’ even if it was never spoken. A promise of trust, that was it. Of course, you can’t blame Eden for thinking Prince Virgil Rupert Lancelot Herman Sanders wouldn’t care to so much as look for the useless Eden Miller. Especially if said Eden Miller was exiled on claims of attempted assassination. But he had.
Keep reading
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