olliventures · 1 year
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With the sound of a bronze bowl, heaven and earth unite. Embedded in my birth bubble, feminine and male parts flow into me with tension. They struggle for dominance. How can it be that a single body forms the vessel for something so great. Between the forces, I feel like a resistance standing between the worlds.
I lack the space to breathe. Squeezed into my form, I slowly push through the birth canal. Accompanied by my mother's screams and my father's fears, I wonder if I am ready. Was I already finished accepting these untamed dual forces within me.
In the light of the emerging realization, I take my first breath and scream any resistance from my soul. "Yes, I am ready. And no, I will never be done bringing these forces within me into harmony."
(Thank you dear Samarpan for this wonderful experience)
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olliventures · 1 year
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"The Stone of Wisdom"
(Glass Voices Part 2)
In search of a new day, I follow my shadow through the night. With the full moon at my back, dampening the darkness, my eyes adjust to the deep black, with all its loving facets.
I receive a visit from a crow - Isa - energy of intuition. She speaks: Stay with yourself, in awareness and feeling. Keep moving, go through old patterns and create new perspectives. Pay attention to the signs in your environment. The energies of the elements always set signs for you.
She winks at me and casts her gaze on a sparkling ruby by the side of the road. I pick it up. Hold it against the moonlight. The interior of the stone draws a map through my consciousness, blood red. Like never before, I feel the path of my destiny.
(Thank you dear Maren for your inspiration)
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olliventures · 1 year
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"Small Awakening"
(Glass Voices Part 1)
With the awareness - SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT - I am abruptly pulled from my thought carousel. Now I stand at the brink of my madness and am certain that today is the day that the eternal cycle breaks.
I muster the courage, turn silently into the unknown. Embark on a new path. A peaceful silence accompanies me.
Then a soft melody sounds from a distance. It draws me in magically.
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olliventures · 1 year
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"Preserving Beauty"
Intuition speaks to Beauty: "I brought someone to meet you. It's Doubt who won't believe that every moment holds a miracle."
Beauty replies: "That's wonderful. Now we have Doubt in our midst and we can exchange ideas. And you, dear Doubt, are one of the greatest wonders to me."
Doubt smiles, as they are experiencing one of their most wonderful moments.
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olliventures · 1 year
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"Little, but with love."
This phrase is engraved on my wedding ring that my queen placed on my heart a long time ago. At first, I thought it was not worthy of a king. Today I know its true greatness.
Love does not discriminate between rich or poor. It is a gift for those who open themselves to it.
Then it bears unconditional and limitless wealth into the space that touches all the senses. It is the love of our lives.
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olliventures · 1 year
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"Cosmic Unity"
On the boulevard of dreams, another ego races into the abyss and discovers itself and the world in a new light.
To grow from this, in its full power and beauty, is a cosmic plan that connects us all.
All one with the energy of all worlds, we swing from the primordial mud into the highest spheres to bloom into light and back again.
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olliventures · 1 year
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"Dark in Light"
The horned one looks over his shoulder. He slowly scratches with his sharp claws at the wall speckled with veins. Deeper and deeper into the flesh until the blood flows in streams.
His gaze reveals to me that he has been waiting for me for a long time. He speaks: "You locked me away with disdain in the basement!"
Your pain, your fear that I carry within me, I once gave to you for protection. And yet you do not want to see me. Why do you believe in healing if you only reach for the crown.
I am the dark part in you, your shadow, your root that belongs to you, just as night belongs to day. I too am a piece of your homeland.
Dammit, I want to be loved too!
You want healing? Then enter where the pain is greatest.
(In memory of a dear friend.)
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olliventures · 1 year
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"Source of Being"
What if we were all to regain access to our higher consciousness?
We would draw from a source that teaches us to love again, makes community palpable, and places each one of us at the center of our being.
If the source of all origin is love, then you are that too.
In its purest and highest form.
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olliventures · 1 year
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"Mirror, mirror…"
The lost king stands in front of the mirror and asks: "If I am you and you are an illusion, then who am I?"
The mirror answers: "I am you and you are an illusion!"
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olliventures · 1 year
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„Fairy Tales of the New Age“
Everything begins with inhalation and ends with exhalation.
In between lies life and love.
Die a little death with each breath and enjoy what may come.
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