nyasth3tic · 2 years
i’m doing just fine! thank you so much for asking ^_^ how are you doing, though?
No need to thank me :D I’m doing fine too, thank you!! Just got home from school so I’m a little tired, but other than that all’s good. :3
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nyasth3tic · 2 years
hii it's so nice to see you back <3 i used to be godly-gummybear incase you don't know who i am! ^_^
OMG??? I LOVE YOU SM HELLO??? Aaa it’s awesome to you again!! <33
What have you been up to?! How are you?? :D
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nyasth3tic · 2 years
Yeah it's been soo long ! I miss ya y'know :3
Oh yeah Tamarin gets that ! School in my opinion , kinda sucks lol . But i'm doing alright , even though i just woke up
I missed you too hun!! I’m glad to finally back :DD
For me personally, it’s not that school sucks (I’m lucky to have gotten into a school I actually wanted to go to), it’s more that everything’s new and a bit overwhelming 😩
Also so valid I literally did not sleep last night <//3 like I was trying so hard @ body the fuck was that for huh 🤨 I hope you got some rest tho <33
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nyasth3tic · 2 years
Howdy howdy there ! ! how're you ? ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
AAA TAMARIN!! Hellur it’s been so long!! I’m doing ok, started high school back in September so things have been a bit hectic <//3 I’m doing quite alright though, thanks for asking 😩😩 and you??
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nyasth3tic · 2 years
Omfg?? KONICHIWASSUP YALL IT’S BEEN SO LONG??? I’m sorry for not posting for like. A year 😐 I’m stupid
I’ve managed to discover a lot of things about myself since I left, so I’m sorry for like any sudden shifts you may see in my bio or navigation page 😩😩
Anyways I’m back from a long, not exactly planned hiatus- I hope yall didn’t forget about me <//3
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nyasth3tic · 3 years
To all my fellow members of the lgbtq+ community, you are loved, respected, appreciated and accepted!!
I'm genuinely so happy and proud to be a part of a community that's so full of diverse, and absolutely wonderful people. 💕
- Elliot
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nyasth3tic · 3 years
Bitches will play a whole ass game for like 3 cutscenes with a character they love just to feel something
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nyasth3tic · 3 years
neurodivergent afab ace culture is not knowing whether the reason you hate Those Things on your chest is because of asexuality, gender dysphoria, or sensory issues
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nyasth3tic · 3 years
hey um just curious but do you have any other blogs by any chance i feel like ive see the name elliot somewhere before
Oh, I don't! I only have my old blog, but I never really mentioned my name on there since I went by Mod Mikan- I'm sorry if you were trying to find another blog hdjsh-
I'm not sure what you could've seen. :/ Maybe @/eli-loves-yall?? Our names sound kinda similar and I think have seen him post that he was thinking of making a writing blog, though that could be my goldfish brain not being able to remember stuff dgdhg-
However if I do make any new blogs I'll be sure to put them in my navigation post! For now I just have this. ,,^^,,
- Elliot
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nyasth3tic · 3 years
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Even better if you relaxolotl with some snaxolotl.
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nyasth3tic · 3 years
I’m not sure if this is a vent but it could be classified as one?? Idk I’m just kinda worried :,) It’ll be under the cut just in case you don’t wanna see it.
So I’m supposed to be doing like a chemistry essay or some shit (I’m not sure how to translate the word from Serbian to English but essay is the closest word in my mind rn) but I just feel like I’m gonna fail or make the teacher mad. :(( She told me what I’m supposed to be writing about but I didn’t get to write down the topics and now I’m overthinking and feeling like I’ll just waste the entire day by doing the wrong thing. I tried to ask her over google classroom, but the way our classroom works is that, for some reason, the teachers’ emails don’t show up so we have to either post questions in the stream or assignment comments instead of sending an email like a normal fucking person- and she hasn’t responded yet, and I can’t wait for her to respond anymore because I have to give her the essay tomorrow and I wake up at 6 AM just to get to school. 
So yeah, kinda fucking bummed out, but I’ll be ok ig. :,)
- Elliot
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nyasth3tic · 3 years
“the video game man isn’t real” TO YOU. i’m married to him though
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nyasth3tic · 3 years
Grateful for this tiny lookout 💜🌸🌺
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nyasth3tic · 3 years
i love the term gender envy. i wanna unlock the other seven deadly gender sins. show me gender greed. im like a gender dragon
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nyasth3tic · 3 years
content creators reblog this if you don't mind followers making a long streak of reblogging from you!! sometimes, I feel awkward for making a long reblog streak after checking out posts from blogs, STILL I'm sure it'll probably make the blogger happy somebody's reblogging them??? Like coolio, what a fine sense of devotion and support!!!
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nyasth3tic · 3 years
Hello hello hello !! I'd like to request of that's alright! Could I get some headcanons of Celeste and Rantaro with an s/o who has more of a sweet, softish aesthetic (looks like a walking talking sanrio character) but they're really chaotic and have little to no chill?
🌸Hell yeah nonnie!! I'm sorry for answering this so late, agh, it's been kind of hard for me to focus lately. I hope that what I wrote is alright, you can find your request right here! If there's anything you want me to change, be sure to let me know. <33
- Elliot
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nyasth3tic · 3 years
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prompt: reader has a very soft and cute aesthetic, but is chaotic as hell requested by: anon! characters: Rantaro Amami, Celestia Ludenberg pronouns: they/them, reader is gender neutral warnings: one f-word because I’m a bad bad boy and swear at every second that I can, you pull out a knife, you also cause arson a/n: Anon this is big brain. I love this idea!! Had lots of fun with this one, thanks so much for requesting! <33 Sorry for making you wait, I’ve been feeling unmotivated for a while. ^^’ Either way, I hope you enjoy! 
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Ok right off the bat, Celeste ADORES your aesthetic.
You two are so different and yet match so well?? It’s like you were meant to be!
You always borrow each other’s jewelry and clothing, especially if you’re into lolita fashion like she is. And if you also wear skirts, you’re constantly exchanging petticoats!!
She always found you attractive - both looks wise and in general! She couldn’t help but be drawn to you.
But when you pulled out a knife on someone who was making her uncomfortable once??
*will smith voice* ah that’s hot
After finding out how chaotic you are she embraces her own chaotic side. Now you two are hot and making it everyone else’s problem.
You two are literally on the same wavelength!! Both of you are a lot more than what meets the eye, and she finds so much comfort in knowing she’s not alone. She feels like you’re her other half. <33
Oh my god he adores you what-
You’re so!! Precious!! He literally melts every time he sees you!!
He would literally never guess that you are this 🤏 close to causing arson on the daily.
And he’s either the voice of reason or goes along with your shenanigans and there is no in between.
He genuinely finds the fact that you’re a fucking chaos machine so funny- he loves seeing people’s reactions to you casually lighting a trashcan on fire HDG-
“arson~!! o((*^▽^*))o💞💖🌸🌈 ”
While Rantaro just stands on the side sipping on a caprisun like “yup. That’s my pardner.”
He’s quick to jump in if he thinks you may get hurt, so he’s a bit protective, but other than that he doesn’t mind your vibes at all!!
You two are an unlikely ass duo but you get along super well! He feels like you bring a lot of Energy™ and Excitement™ into his life - the kind that, without you, he would never get to experience, even during his trips around the world.
And honestly, he wouldn’t have it any other way. <33
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