A boy and a Girl
In the history of time,
A tale unfolds,
Of a boy and a girl,
Whose stories are told.
A journey through years,
Moments shared and grown,
A symphony of emotions,
A life’s journey known.
At six, their worlds converged,
A chance encounter so rare.
He pulled at her hair,
Some playful mischievous dare.
The memories are dim,
Like whispers in the night,
Yet destiny's thread had begun to take flight.
Seven, an unexpected friendship bloomed,
Small gestures of care.
She glimpsed his calm home,
Aside he'd only share.
Wild at school,
A whirlwind untamed,
A mystery unfolding,
A bond unnamed.
Eight came with confidence,
She found her voice anew.
Yet he remained unchanged,
A wild spirit he'd pursue.
No longer side by side,
Paths diverged in sight,
A pause in their journey,
A temporary respite.
Nine, division came forth,
Girl groups and boy cliques,
A separation of sorts,
A path that others picked,
Friendships rearranged,
Some opinions transformed,
Yet their story continued,
Amid chaos and relationships deformed.
At ten, a twist took hold,
His words turned cruel and vile.
Jokes that wounded deep,
Her confidence in trial.
The boy's antics,
Once amusing,
Turned into pain,
Her strength diminished,
As darkness fell like rain.
Eleven brought a change,
His antics ceased to sting,
But shadows remained,
Anxiety taking wing.
Fear of words spoken,
A constant haunting dread,
A fractured trust,
A heart heavy with lead.
Twelve marked a departure,
Classmates no more,
Yet the shadows lingered,
As her spirit tore,
Relief in the distance,
Yet anxiety's embrace,
A sense of liberation,
Marred by past’s trace.
Now at sixteen,
Their stories unfold,
Two paths diverged,
A tale of truth be told,
She accepted her journey,
The wounds that remained,
Yet forgiveness was elusive,
Still anchored by the pain.
A boy and a girl,
Each chapter a new scar,
A narrative complex,
Like constellations afar.
She'd learned to live with the void,
He'd wrought.
Anxiety's grip,
Lessons painfully taught.
The cause of her anguish,
Anxiety's root,
A connection fragile,
Like a fragile glass flute,
Little contact remained,
A chance perhaps to mend,
But he ruined it,
So she sealed their fate,
A tragic story’s end.
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You tell me to stand up for myself
But *she* taught me to always stay quiet
You really do not understand
How confusing
And difficult
That is for a child
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We all have those moments we regret
You feel like a terrible person
You’re afraid someone’s going to be mad
You’re afraid someone you care about hates you
At least
That’s what I am feeling
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I Hate
I hate how the world works
I hate that I have trouble letting go
I hate how people think of me
I hate that they think I’m shy
I hate how my emotions work
I hate that I’m scared to tell my parents
I hate how it’s so much easier to say it on internet
I hate that I don’t know what I feel
I hate how others do know how they feel
I hate that others tell me how I feel
I hate how I react to them
I hate that people stereotype me
I hate how I learned to do the same
I hate that there’s so much more
I hate it
I really do
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I don’t care that you’re a stranger
Just smile
You’ll find happiness
One way or another
Believe me
It happened to me, too
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Do you know why I love quotes so much?
They either make my day
Or I can relate to them
That’s what brings me joy;
Knowing someone’s there for me
Even though they don’t know me
And knowing I am not the only one
Even though I don’t know them
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Why is my brain doing this to me?
Why am I doing this to myself?
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Real Life
Why do I only relate to sad songs?
Why not the happy ones?
Am I depressed?
Definitely not
It’s just because the sad songs are the only ones
Describing real life
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Some people don’t seem to realise
That giving us that speech
About how we don’t have to be
Or afraid
To speak up
Won’t help us talk more
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They come for one night
And then they leave
So why are we so scared of them?
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Once Upon a Time
Once upon a time
There was this four-year-old girl
She loved Disney
She was spoiled
She was mean
She didn’t know any better
Because that was how
Everyone else in her class was
Unbelievable, isn’t it
A group of four
And six-year-olds
Made her a cruel person
Made her someone she actually wasn’t
Once upon a time
There was this six-year-old girl
She loved Disney
She was quiet
She was sweet
She was shy
She had moved to a different city
And this was her first impression
People liked this version
Maybe a little too much
They told everyone they knew
“That is the sweetest person I know”
“She won’t hurt a fly”
“She is so quiet”
That was the moment the little girl
She had to stay this way
For the rest of her life
But was this really her?
She didn’t even know
No one did
Once upon a time
There was this ten-year-old girl
She loved Disney
She was shy
She was ashamed
She was bullied
A boy in her class decided
It would be funny to
Make girls uncomfortable
He said they slept together
He said they are a couple
He looked at them in a strange way
The girl had just started
To be more herself
But he broke her
She told herself she should
Never be herself
“People will always find ways to
Bring you down”
Unbelievable, isn’t it
A ten-year-old
Still so young
Made her this way
Someone she didn’t like
Once upon a time
There was this twelve-year-old girl
She was even shyer
She was even quieter
She was pressured
She was losing her friends
She had to choose between
Three different high schools
She was too old for Disney now
Because if she still loved it
Her classmates would go crazy
Her teacher pressured her
To speak up more
But the moment she did
The teacher sushed her
“Such a tone will bring you nowhere”
This kept on repeating
The girl kept on hiding her true side
She hoped a new school
Would give her a new start
There is this fifteen-year-old girl now
She loves Disney
She is stressed
She is witty
She is smart
She is getting happy
Her enemies are in different schools
Her new friends get her
Well, as good as possible
People stress her to decide
What she wants to do when older
She doesn’t know
She has been too busy trying
To finally be herself
But she’ll get there
Unbelievable, isn’t it
She’s separated from the wrong people
And found some good ones
She can finally be herself
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People compare the feeling
Of liking someone
With the feeling
Of having butterflies
In your stomach.
But how do you know
How that feels?
And how do you know
It’s not a different
They say that you
Get jitters
In your stomach
When nervous
Or scared.
Don’t those butterflies
And those jitters
Feel the same?
How do people know
When they feel what?
Is it just me who is
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