nothingnew3 · 6 months
I know I succeeded when:
You look like a pig becomes You look like a skeleton
You should eat less becomes Please eat more
Maybe take up a sport becomes You have to stop the cardio
You need to go a size up becomes They don't have a smaller size here
You're fine becomes We're worried about you
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nothingnew3 · 8 months
imagine what you're wearing right now to be so loose it eats up your entire body.
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nothingnew3 · 8 months
should I consider my fast broken if I had 45 cals of almond milk in my coffee?🤨
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nothingnew3 · 8 months
Just imagine
how skinny you could be by the end of the year. We have more than 3 Months.
You could lose so much weight. Imagine the looks you will receive, the compliments.
Start now. you can do it
or stay like this forever.
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nothingnew3 · 8 months
not being fat is one thing. being thin is a very different thing. being noticeably, exceptionally skinny is a very, very different thing.
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nothingnew3 · 8 months
HOW I’VE BEEN SUCESSFULLY LOSING WEIGHT: Notes from a former binge eater ♥️
*this guide is to show how ~I~ do things and offer advice on how to do it MY way. I am in no way encouraging anyone to do themselves harm. First off,
That being said.. this is literally the longest I’ve ever gone without bingeing. It’s just,,, easy this time. Once you get a feel of what it’s like to be skinny you just don’t crave junk as much anymore bc you KNOW it’s not worth it. The trick is to eat clean 90% of the time and allow your favorite treats 10% do the time. Fit them into your calorie limit!!! Here’s some personal favorites that have helped me lose like 20lbs in the past 2 months.
I tend to do one higher- calorie drink during the day (protein shake, Starbucks, etc) and one healthy filling but low cal meal and a sweet snack at the end of the night.
Mediterranean salad (~150): mixed greens, chopped bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, red onion. Little bit of feta cheese. Balsamic vinegar (not dressing or vinegarette!!!!) I don’t add meat but you could totally add chicken for low cal high protein choice. You could also add olives but I don’t fw them.
Chocolate Protein shakes from the gas station (loll). They’re 220 cal on average and a great treat. Strawberry one is good too.
SEAWEED SNACKS they’re literally 30-60 calories for a pack and kill my urge to eat chips!!! Please give them a try!
Soups. Soups that are already portioned and have the calorie amount posted. I add extra seasonings and spice to boost metabolism.
Coffee!! With almond milk and a little coffee creamer. It’s worth the calories if you want a coffee just make one it’s better than going to Starbucks.
Sushi: I’m vegetarian so I get an avocado and cucumber roll. It’s so good with fresh ginger and a little soy sauce. Sometimes I will be craving it allllllll day and have it as my OMAD so rewarding 🥹
Miso soup>>>>>> add tofu and seaweed and onions!! And mushrooms if you like them.
Monster Ultra energy drinks,,,, yeah I know they’re bad for you but I love them.
Fruits!!! I especially love strawberries, watermelon, cherries, blackberries, pineapple and mangoes.
Trail mix: dried cherries, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, cashews. High in calories but perfect for killing hunger. High protein keeps you full and muscles strong, high healthy fats will keep your hair and skin and nails beautiful.
Chocolates: SMALL PORTIONS. if you can’t eat just eat a piece without bingeing, do NOT buy a big bag. what I do is I buy a bar of whatever chocolate I’m craving for my bf and we share it piece by piece. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white, hazelnut, with coffee beans, with toffee, fruits, chocolate is the best thing ever 🍫
Starbucks! My fav drinks are matcha lattes (hot/iced), iced white chocolate mocha, caramel macchiato, and occasionally a pumpkin spice latte. Peppermint mochas on the holidays. Oat milk always
Baked goods. Same deal as the chocolate, ONLY BUY THE PORTION YOURE GOING TO EAT. If you have been craving a croissant, go get one. One. Don’t buy a whole dozen of them. You will end up bingeing trust me. My favs are cinnamon rolls <3
I’m going to the gym!!! Consistently for the first time in my life. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. Spend 30 min on the treadmill alternating between incline walking and easy paced jogging. Put on a YouTube video. Wear pink and bring a cute water bottle. You have to make an experience out of it! I stick to cardio and full body stretches plus ocasional (light) strength workouts w my bf.
I don’t drink anymore. Just 🍃. Alc is so high in sugar and carbs and it’s literally poison bro. I know it’s hard to stop but once you do you’ll feel so much better.
I rarely weigh myself. I’m at my bfs house all the time so I only step on my scale maybe 3 times a month. It’s been a game changer!!!
I practice mindfulness and speak kindly to myself. Basically sweetspo + affirmations to myself all the time.
Taking more pride in your appearance will also help motivate you. You think you’ll still want to binge after you took a full body shower, clean PJ’s or outfit, painted your nails, skincare and makeup done, whitened your teeth and lit a candle? No thanks.
Pinterest is your new best friend. If you haven’t already, create a vision board called “me”. Add pics of exactly what you want your body to look like, outfits you want to wear, things that describe your personality and interest. Take your dream future self and work at creating her in this vision board. Make sure to look at this board every day!!!!! Maybe while you brush your teeth in the morning or right before bed. As long as you’re consistent, you’ll slowly become her.
Limit stupid, negative, useless media consumption. Watch things that have to do with your hobbies/ interests and your social media algorithms begin to kinda clean themselves up over time. My pages are all about exercise, study blogs, beauty tips and sciencey stuff. No more drama or celebrity nonsense. Cut down your following!!
For the girlies, watch Wizardliz and for the skinnies watch Karmalita Fox cause dam she puts me in my place.
Remember you only have one life on earth. You’re young and hot once. Don’t you want to grab this chance while you have it? Unfortunately your beauty is your currency especially as a woman, so if there’s anything I can do to give myself a better life I will. Losing just a few pounds of fat will make the craziest difference in ways you’d never expect. Free and discounted stuff. More people smile at you and listen to what you have to say. Both literal and figurative doors will be opened for you. Men are nicer and women will compliment your outfits more bc they’re more flattering when your body is fit and healthy. While it feels good to get validation from other people, the best part of it is looking in the mirror and feeling proud instead of ashamed. The inner confidence that comes from successful transformation………….there’s no other feeling that compares. If you know, you know. I’m just saying,, the choice is yours 🤷🏼‍♀️
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nothingnew3 · 8 months
my reasons to keep going
1. fit into size 00
2. people asking if i’m alright
3. being other peoples thinspo
4. being content with my body
5. being able to see my ribs
6. to get compliments 
7. not feeling like a wannarexic
8. to buy myself gifts when i reach gws
9. not being disgusted by what i see in the mirror
10. for others to be inspired by me
11. getting to my ugw so i can eat what i want
12. for my family to actually pay attention to me and care
13. so my friends will ask how i did it
14. so i can feel fulfilled
15. so people will want to be seen with me
16. not having to cover my stomach
17. being able to fit my aesthetic
18. to look good in dance costumes
19. to prove that i can stick to things
20. look and feel healthier
21. people pointing out that i’ve lost weight
22. looking good from all angles
23. so future so’s can pick me up or let me sit on their lap
24. so my clothes hang off my body
25. not being ashamed of why i eat
26. to take up less space
27. so i can be the tiniest in the room
28. for girls at school to stop making fun of my pics
29. so i can see my bones
30. to watch the number drop
31. to be able to wrap my fingers around my thighs
32. learning discipline and self control
33. not being the biggest one in pics
34. being the healthy friend
35. so my doctors take my medical concerns seriously
36. so i won’t get called brave for wearing tight clothes
37. so i have to put weights in my pockets
38. to be the skinny sibling
39. for my weight to be someone else’s ugw
40. so clothes fit exactly how i want
41. to be cold all the time
42. to not sweat walking to the store
43. to not cry after weighing myself
44. so i can feel my bones
45. being able to take aesthetic pics
46. being able to decline food
47. so my stomach shrinks
48. to feel sick after eating
49. not being ashamed of my weight
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nothingnew3 · 8 months
I'm getting to 90lbs by Christmas and idc how unrealistic that is I will fuckin do it
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nothingnew3 · 8 months
Seeing th1nsp0 irl hits so much harder than any picture
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nothingnew3 · 8 months
hungry is normal
hungry is normal
hungry is normal
hungry is normal
hungry is normal
hungry is normal
hungry is normal
hungry is normal
hungry is normal
hungry is normal
hungry is normal
hungry is normal
hungry is normal
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nothingnew3 · 8 months
.。*゚+.*.。my weightloss reasons。.。:+*
☆ all my clothes would look good!!!
☆ less sweating ٩( 'ω' )و
☆ smaller face
☆ look smaller in seats/chairs/shadows
☆ low rise jeans and crop tops!!
☆ tight dresses^^
☆ being smaller
☆ feeling fragile and more feminine
☆ wind not blowing my shirt against my stomach
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nothingnew3 · 8 months
fav things 2 do instead of binging/eating
*lazy edition*
my last post got some hate because there were complaints that they took too much energy which i totally get , so here are some things i like to do while i rot in bed avoiding food <3
- organize/make playlists
i love music so so much so i love creating playlists. i use spotify because i have a subscription (personally think it’s the best but to each their own). i have many playlist that consist of music i used to listen to or songs i forgot were great and wish to never lose again. you can make a playlist for any situation. raining ? working out ? going to sleep ? getting ready ? driving or walking somewhere ? there’s always a playlist you can put on :)
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- floss
i know i know it sounds kind of dumb but it’s so important. flossing helps prevent cavities and gets all the yucky stuff your toothbrush can’t reach. it also helps when visiting the dentist as deep cleanings that hurt are usually given when you don’t floss. it’s very important to take care of your teeth especially in this community. i usually just have a bag of floss picks on my bedside table and floss after i’ve brushed my teeth or even throughout the day. also the minty flavor some of them have help with cravings.
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- facial exercises
even when losing a bunch of weight it can sometimes feels like you still have a double chin or have a puffy face. simple facial exercises are available and while there are some that use tools like a gua shua others don’t which is perfect if you don’t have much energy to begin with. i simply follow a tutorial on youtube since i couldn’t really stick to a routine with a gua sha. when i do skincare i also do the facial exercises while applying serum or moisturizer and waiting for it to dry.
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- online shop
god i love to shop. from clothes, makeup, music, accessories or knickknacks. i usually download some apps and go from there. some allow u to organize items you like into sections others don’t it all just depends. for fashion inspo i like to go on shein for basic items like skirts, etsy is great for homemade things like bookmarks or pins or stickers and tons of jewelry, depop can be pricy sometimes it all just depends but i like to go onto others people profiles and pull inspo from them as well, ulta & sephora are great to keep track of what makeup or skincare you’d like and it’s great to see reviews of what people thought of the products beforehand. pinterest even has the option where some of your pins that are available for purchase are automatically created into a folder so you can always make your own or use the apps.
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- journal/notes
i know i said this in my last post but i believe it’s important and great to have as a coping mechanism or for simple boredom. while some get into it and can sit down with a pen and their journal and write for hours others can’t and that’s okay !! when i have little to no energy i like to use my notes app as a journal :) it’s great, easy and very private. you can make your own folders and separate your regular notes from your journal entries. i like to do this a lot of the time and when i do find the inspiration write down what i have from my phone into my journal. you can lock them and unlock them with a password you set. other than journaling i like to make simple lists as well such as what makeup id like to get soon, what i need to budget with my upcoming paychecks, a cd wishlist, workout routines to try, the list goes on and on.
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i hope this helped even a little bit. i understand that our energy can be very limited in this community and hope you all stay safe. remember to take vitamins, drink water and get even just a little bit of sun everyday. stay safe 💘
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nothingnew3 · 9 months
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nothingnew3 · 9 months
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nothingnew3 · 9 months
being skinny makes you look expensive<3
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nothingnew3 · 9 months
‼️ read carefully‼️
(a person from a discord server wrote it and since she didn’t had tumblr she told me I could post it here)
You are NOT gonna wake up with no money‼️
You ALWAYS have the choice to eat that DOESN’T mean you should ‼️
Think “There will always be food in the house so why are u eating so much? why so fast?” Are u scared that the food is gonna run away? Don’t make excuses for yourself, be honest you want to eat because you feel like it or just because you can 🙄 well SUCK IT UP there is always TOMORROW‼️ You’re always gonna be surrounded by temptations🤦‍♀️
If possible DO NOT BUY unhealthy food but if no just know FOOD WILL NOT DISAPPEAR‼️
You have money right! make the choice to eat LATER or go ahead EAT NOW and Cry about it after! 🤩sound fun right! feeling guilty! wanting to purge! hurting your throught! destroying your teeth!🤩 funny right? NO? so stop! Make the choice to eat junk when you actually can enjoy it without those thoughts 💕 I’m sorry if that’s to mean but that is the truth 😭💕 I really want to help but being nice don’t help with binging (I am still scared to lose control) being mean is how I stop myself
+ not talking about regular eating this is about eating so much that u feel sick or eating junk food
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nothingnew3 · 9 months
say some morning affirmations with me y’all!
✨ I am in control of what goes in my body ✨
🌸 I have complete control over the calories I eat 🌸
🥗 Only I can allow food into my body 🥗
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