nil-nothing-nada · 15 days
bc of major character design and lore updates im putting my stardew valley based arg back in the oven to cook for a bit longer. i mean whuh huh what arg
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nil-nothing-nada · 16 days
btw on my school campus there is a courting female/female pair of barn swallows and they sit on the lights and preen each other and they go beep and chase each other when they fly and if that doesn't warm your gay little heart then idk what will
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nil-nothing-nada · 16 days
more quincy + qi art. i have literally no idea what's going on with the background i don't even think it looks good but i didn't want to leave it white
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nil-nothing-nada · 22 days
i hope you're proud of yourself.
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nil-nothing-nada · 23 days
Try JojaGreen™ today!
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nil-nothing-nada · 24 days
if anyone needs extra clarification on the quincy and qi dynamic
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nil-nothing-nada · 25 days
currently in the process of making a youtube playlist for my stardew valley oc quincy
link here
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nil-nothing-nada · 28 days
Quincy Headcanons
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(This is my partially self-insert farmer oc! I'm less worried about being cringe than I used to be so this guy is pretty self indulgent, hehehe.)
30 Years Old
Non-Binary (He/They/It/Xe)
Full name is Quincy Woodrow.
Sometimes goes by "Quill." His full name will occasionally be shortened to "Quill Wood." (Sounds familiar...)
Needs glasses partially because they messed up their vision by staring at screens in the dark while researching supernatural phenomena.
Was ecstatic when they found out they inherited their Grandpa's farm in the valley because that area is known to be a hub for supernatural activity. Moving there gave Quincy the perfect opportunity for their research. (You can really tell this guy is inspired by Ford from Gravity Falls...)
Renamed their grandpa's farm to "Cryptic Farm" mostly so that they could label their produce stuff like "cryptic eggs" or "cryptic jelly" just because they think it's funny.
Created many of the modern names for mines and cavern monsters. He is particularly known for his studies of goliath spiders, attempts at rehabilitating cursed skeletons, and investigations of ghosts.
Has a pet cat-sized spider named Raphael and a living skeleton assistant named Michael. He also has a horse named Gabriel. (Yeah, I'm obsessed with the monster pets mod. It just fits too well!)
All of his farm animals are named after medicinal herbs mentioned in the Bible/Book of Yoba. (He isn't religious, he just thinks that angels and old herbal medicine are cool.)
Really upset with how young he looks because people take his research less seriously.
Is actually quite a bit stronger than he looks because he handles monsters and does farmwork, he's just naturally built a bit thin.
Much more scared of normal bugs than the giant mine bugs because he can't see them as well.
Is willing to do dubious things to get answers to his mysteries.
Would've adopted Krobus, but Quincy can't stand the inside of house being hot and humid. The two are still great friends, though.
Trying to find whoever M. Jasper is so that he can talk about aliens and dwarves with them.
Super interested in Mr. Qi because of his connection to the valley's supernatural activity and his strange biology. (He might also have a little bit of a crush just because Mr. Qi is one of the only sapient monsters that he hasn't been able to figure out, which he finds really attractive for some reason.)
At some point in his storyline his heart just stops beating but he's magically still fully alive and functional which leads to a lot of angst as he tries to figure out if he's actually dead or alive. (He develops some light streaks in his hair during this arc because I think it looks cool and if any of you mention Wilbur Soot I will boil you alive.)
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nil-nothing-nada · 28 days
voice acting for nil's notebook has officially been postponed indefinitely due to general scheduling issues. still, shoutout to all my friends who offered to help!
also, nil's notebook is going to be on a small hiatus because i've kinda been overworking myself with script writing and i need a bit of a break, which is partially why i'm indulging in my mr. qi obsession. again, thanks to everyone for supporting me! i might've gotten in a bit over my head, but i still want to bring my ideas into reality.
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nil-nothing-nada · 29 days
random doodle of quincy (my farmer oc) and mr. qi
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nil-nothing-nada · 29 days
guys idk how to tag people but this person called iridium-cypher has the most GALAXY brain take on my stardew valley farmer oc and mr. qi pairing like they literally read my mind. shoutout to them. also i'll be posting my notes on my farmer oc soon, formatted the same way as my mr. qi headcanon post :3
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nil-nothing-nada · 29 days
pov you're a farmer/monster research specialist/paranormal investigator who is deeply obsessed with the mysteries of a small town that all lead back to this one blue man who is also obsessed with you for unknown reasons and keeps breaking into your house (homosexual subtext)
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nil-nothing-nada · 1 month
i love being an artist. i can draw my gay little ocs however i want
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nil-nothing-nada · 1 month
The Empty Rune: Represents the both the divine nature of learning and the power of the unknowable.
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nil-nothing-nada · 1 month
Mr. Qi Headcanons
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(A lot of these are based around the idea that he's secretly super powerful and is restraining himself most of the time because that's one of my favorite traits in a character, hehehe. Also, I am a sucker for freaky, supernatural biological traits if you can't tell by my ocs...)
Agender (Any Pronouns)
Full name is Adam Qi. (First name is by his mother, last name is inherited from his father)
Uses any pronouns, but if often referred to as a male since that's what he's used to. He's all around pretty relaxed about his gender.
Doesn't like his first name because it reminds him of his past humanity, so he never tells it to anyone. He prefers that people refer to him as Mr. Qi or just Qi.
Frighteningly good at masking and pushing down his emotions so that all he displays is cool confidence. Even in the worst situations he seems incredibly diplomatic and slow to anger, though if you somehow happen to see past this facade, you can tell that he is extremely volatile and barely able to restrain himself. Only a few specific things will ever cause the mask to slip, but when it does, he'll explode with uncharacteristically violent anger. Cheating at any of his games especially pisses him off, and he has "disposed" of the worst offenders.
Tries to keep a smile on his face all the time to better hide his intentions. (No, this isn't a reference to Alastor from Hazbin Hotel, sadly.)
Was human at one point, but is completely unwilling to talk about it. He becomes aggressive if he's pushed too much on this topic.
Around the time he turned 19, Mr. Qi was unwillingly possessed by a sort of "will of the universe" that has been jumping from person to person for eons. At first he was terrified, but since then he has grown to enjoy the power he received from it, despite the loss of his humanity.
Mr. Qi himself is only 32 years old, but he has memories and knowledge from countless centuries of lifetimes so he's often referred to as immortal.
The universe's will is always searching for its next heir, and Mr. Qi believes the farmer could be a perfect fit if they are given the right encouragement.
His clothes are made of an enchanted fabric that slightly shimmers like the night sky. It's also quite light and comfortable, as he is picky about the textures of the clothes he wears.
Very sensitive to touch, and hates when people touch him without permission.
Geiger counters and other sensors for hazardous materials go off around him, detecting him as the element polonium or the chemical hydrogen cyanide. Despite this, he is not actually harmful to be around in any way.
If he's angry he creates a static-y aura that can cause unprotected machinery around him to glitch and short circuit. He can also use this power on command, but he has to focus on it. (For visual reference, think about how Mono from Little Nightmares II tunes into the TV transmissions.)
Is fully immune to radiation. Additionally, all toxins have minimal effect on him and cannot kill him, although they might make him sick for a bit.
Regenerates from any damage immediately. He still feels pain like a normal person, but he usually just pushes past it.
He can't really control his strength, but he's usually only about as strong as a decently-exercised human. However, he becomes much stronger when he's truly angry, to the point where he'll clench his fists hard enough to break his bones. This power usually only lasts for very short bursts, though.
Is inhumanly agile and very quiet when moving. He frequently sneaks up on people unintentionally and startles them.
Has pointed, shark-like teeth and small, sharp claws. His claws are always partially out, but he can extend them further if he needs to.
Has a split tongue that is a bit longer than a normal human's.
His skin glitters and looks slightly iridescent in certain lights.
His eyes are impossibly dark, yet seem to sparkle like they contain small universes. Looking in them without preparation causes immense cosmic dread in the viewer, so he wears his reflective sunglasses to cover them.
His blood is dark like space and has a slimy texture.
Growls when he's angry and purrs when he's content. However, he hates purring around other people because it ruins his mysterious, threatening persona. (If I headcanon that someone growls threateningly I gotta make it so they purr too. Sorry, I don't make the rules...)
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nil-nothing-nada · 1 month
im too lazy to make actual art of him rn so here's the reference model i made for mr qi
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nil-nothing-nada · 1 month
guys im sobbing. i agree that mr. qi isn't a twink but i currently only know how to draw twinks so im literally re-studying cartoon anatomy so i can draw him. im hyperfixating so hard on this guy
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