nightbotten 1 month
Painc Health Emergency
This post will discuss really personal stuff with me and my medical history, so if you're not comfortable with those topics, please don't interact with this post.
So I have this really rare internal disease called scleroderma and reynaud that left me 100% disable and unable to hold any well-paid hard labor jobs. I have this condition sent birth and was only diagnosed when I was like 3-4 with cause a lot of tests, failed treatment, etc. It wasn't until an experimental treatment was suggested to us when I was 6 that only have a 12% chance on delay of the harmful effects of my illness (remember I say delay not cured cause there is no cure for this deadly disease) the treatment worked on delay the harmful effects which kinda just gave me more time.
Recently becoming a "legal adult" I have to go through the system on transferring all me health needs to new doctors closer to home. All my health need before this transferring was done at Children's mercy for all my life and of course it was a big change. I keep pushing before the transfers to have a doctors that is familiar with my rare disease and have a good patient history. The reason why keep pushing this caues the doctors and hospitals in my town don't work like a hospital but more like a business with a known history of not listening to patients and possibly borderline patient neglect. I'm not saying all doctors here are like that but there is very few that don't fall underneath the issue in are town.
I have met the new doctors they all seem nice but unfortunately the one that is doctors that suppose to specialize for scleroderma keep say that I'm "normal" and "completely fine" when I not. The doctor keep down playing my disease and not listening the issue that been happening to me that I believe is cause from my disease.
It's very frustrating cause 100% depends on government funds to keep me alive, and if these doctors keep down playing my disease, it can lead to that government funds to take from me believing I'm cured. I like to talk to someone about this but I have no support system were I live to go to, especially a support system that share the same disease I have from it being so rare and not well documented.
If there is anyone out there that share disease that I have or people that facing a similar issue I love to talk or listen to any advice that can help me fine better doctors or how should I get help if I'm forced to get jobs because of this issue that won't put my health at risk.
I'm really panicking a lot about this cause it seems I'm just all alone here, and no one will listen to me, not even people who should care about my illness.
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nightbotten 3 months
Here some practice expression on my persona.
It's so difficult to do it without a nose lol.
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nightbotten 3 months
Ok so hear me out here what haven't I not see this yet
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To be honest my first time see this guy on the show immediately have me thinking about that meme. I'm slightly disappointed no one else thought of this and I need to share this with others.
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nightbotten 3 months
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Here my daily art dumb!
This is my reference of my personal.
Trying to post old art to get rid of my art block. Maybe after I run out of art to post it will scare my brain to draw lol.
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nightbotten 3 months
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Forgot to post this here. My bad, this draw you oc in this dress been going around and I thought this will be a good way to show off my personal Presenting as females.
Hope you all enjoy it my wonderful embers. 馃挏
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nightbotten 1 year
So I been in a Destiny 2 binge recently and I realized. I never draw my character I play in Destiny so I did it. I am surprised how well this came out. Hope you all enjoy it
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nightbotten 1 year
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i forgot to post this here.
this is my new persona/hellsona.
hope you all enjoy him my little embers
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nightbotten 1 year
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Here something more resents hope you all enjoy him.
I its just a cleaner charter sheet of my oc Airframe
I do draw him a lot so hope you all enjoy seeing him
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nightbotten 1 year
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here some old sun and moon drawing I found. I always wonder why I never use makers then I see these drawing and remember how much I hate how much marker bleed out of the line work.
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nightbotten 2 years
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this is code and this post is just a project for him as charter and my art style. the traditional drawing of him was made Feb 23 as the digital was made in may 17. I was planning to do a drawing of him by just had no motivation to do so.
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nightbotten 2 years
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MHA practice expansions this is super old like oct 30, 2021 old
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