niceonejxmes · 3 years
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thank you, jesy nelson, for nine wonderful years in little mix.
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niceonejxmes · 4 years
i watched this video like 7 times
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niceonejxmes · 6 years
It’s Jilytober...
and I missed October 1st by almost an hour but it’s still the 1st in America so have a little drabble thing.
James Potter is fifteen and his girlfriend is gorgeous.
That’s the first thing he would say about her, were he ever pressed to describe her to a layman, because she is gorgeous and he likes pointing it out. Winifred Barnes is universally gorgeous. Famous person gorgeous. She’s the kind of gorgeous he sees on posters flogging cosmetics when he ventures into Muggle London, the kind that most objective observers couldn’t possibly deny.
Empirical, is the word for it. Winnie’s beauty is empirical, not to be dissected or debated by differing opinions, but simply there, as undeniable as the ebb and flow of the tides.
She’s small and slender and perfectly put together, and her dark brown hair always feels soft between his fingers when they’re snogging in whatever abandoned classroom is closest (the map he’s making with his mates, whenever they finally crack it, will be immensely helpful in such endeavours). Her lips are full, her fingernails always prettily painted, and he can never remember the colour of her eyes, but her lashes are long and curly, and she has a certain way of looking at him that makes him feel all funny.
Winifred Barnes is easily the fittest girl in school, and of all the blokes at Hogwarts, she has settled upon James. She adores him, in fact. Follows him around like a lovesick puppy. Gets jealous of the other girls in his house. Loves him, obviously, though he barely has to try to hold her affections. That has given him a certain distinction amongst his peers.
James Potter is fifteen, and his girlfriend is gorgeous, and it makes other blokes jealous.
Girlfriends don’t get much better than that.
James Potter is eighteen and his girlfriend is beautiful.
That’s not the first thing he would say about her, were he ever pressed to describe her to a layman, because it would give the wrong impression, though it’s certainly true and covers an immensely broad spectrum of wonderful things. A sharp, observant, and brilliantly clever mind is beautiful. Strength of character and courage of conviction is beautiful. A bottomless capacity for kindness, loyalty and friendship is beautiful. A wickedly dry sense of humour is beautiful, as is a surprising penchant for silliness.
And yes, there’s always the obvious.
There’s always her hair, a dark, rich red that gives warmth to her pale skin. There’s the pretty trail of freckles that dust across her nose. There’s her smile and her voice and the way she laughs, and her eyes, of course, which are bright and brilliant and magical. Lily Evans has eyes the colour of emeralds, dark irises pooling into a lighter green, whole constellations swirling through one clever, curious gaze.
Those eyes of hers see everything.
Those eyes of hers see James. They see him for who he really is. They saw him, bore no bullshit and recognised the truth of him, even when the reality of who he was lay concealed behind a conceited, posturing idiot. They see those things because she pays attention.
She always pays attention, to their teachers, to her surroundings, and to the world outside the bubble (soon to burst) that she and her classmates live in. Lily pays attention to her friends, anticipating their needs, validating their feelings, offering support when it’s needed and even (especially) when it isn’t. Her humanity never takes a day off, it’s simply there, inarguable. Undeniable. Constant.
Lily Evans is easily the most remarkable woman he knows, and of all the paths her life could have taken, she has chosen to align hers with his. Chosen to love him. Chosen to smile whenever he holds her hand, and for that, he will never not be grateful. He will never take her for granted. Never stop trying. Never let her down.
James Potter is eighteen, and his girlfriend is beautiful. In her skin. In her bones. In her heart.
Love doesn’t get any better than that.
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niceonejxmes · 6 years
hermione: stop saying “I wish I could” and say “I will”!
ron: I will fly
hermione: wait
ron [pointing wand at himself]: wingardium-
hermione: RON STOP
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niceonejxmes · 6 years
i really am, from the bottom of my heart, an actual fucking idiot
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niceonejxmes · 6 years
ppl who say they’re “brutally honest” are more interested in the brutality than the honesty
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niceonejxmes · 6 years
‪What part of “i don’t wanna spend anymore money” don’t I understand
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niceonejxmes · 6 years
Lily: I don’t even have time to tell you how wrong you are.
Lily: Actually, it’s going to bug me if I don’t.
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niceonejxmes · 6 years
yall ever read a fact that just fucks up your whole world? let me tell you about mine. fact: you can very easily slip a lightbulb in your mouth, but it is impossible to remove it without breaking either the lightbulb or your jaw. this has ruined my life. i can not fucking see an old style lightbuble without thinking about how i could shove that baby right in my maw easy as pie. the inclination to do so is fucking insatiable. i feel like rapunzel’s mom and the rampion garden. a quest i know will result in terrible fate but my mind wants to do it so badly just to play out the awful scenario that would undoubtedly unfold before me. this is the true symbol of temptation. a lightbulb.
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niceonejxmes · 6 years
Care to debate abortion?
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niceonejxmes · 6 years
writing conclusions in papers is like the stupidest thing ever though like what’s the point of dedicating an entire paragraph to “so yeah i know you just read my paper but this is a summarization of what you read in case you need to be reminded about what you just read” like why can’t the paper just end 
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niceonejxmes · 6 years
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Lucas Jade Zumann as Gilbert Blythe in Anne with an “E” (2017— )
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niceonejxmes · 6 years
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this is the worst thing that ever happened to harry
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niceonejxmes · 6 years
All these ‘how the marauders act when they’re sick’ talking like Sirius would be a massive drama queen? I totally disagree. He would hide it as much as he could, deny it vehemently, because his parents never took care of him when he was sick as a child. On the contrary, they discouraged any kind of weakness. So I think Sirius would run himself into the ground and hide his illness completely and shake off any kind of concern from Remus and Mother Hen James Potter. But there would be moments where he was just too tired to keep his guard up, so he would sit next to Remus in the common room and drop his head on Remus’ shoulder. Remus would run his fingers through Sirius’ hair and surreptitiously feel his forehead. Later, James and Remus would help him up the stairs and into bed, and he would snuggle up to Moony and let himself be taken care of, for just a little while.
Don’t try to tell me that the whiny one wouldn’t be James Potter, Professional Drama Queen ™. “Sirius I have a paper cut, I’m going to get tetanus and die.”
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niceonejxmes · 6 years
tag yourself ; space edition
moonlight - sleep deprived af, genius ideas at 2:00 am, constantly underestimated, tangled earbuds, pretends like they don’t care but actually cares a lot, unscented candles
comet - will fight you for their friends, perfect eyeliner, doesn’t get angry but instead just fucking glares at you until you crumble, loves thunderstorms, cat person
stars - has no idea what they’re doing 167% of the time, artsy, likes halsey, string lights everywhere, loves fuzzy socks and blankets, probably wears space buns
alien - secretly is super good at makeup but doesn’t wear it often, lots of coffee, probably has a pet fish, reads young adult fantasy novels, closet conspiracy theorist, arms and papers always covered in doodles
black hole - 97% of their wardrobe is hoodies, professional procrastinator, can write, probably owns essential oils, eats ramen at 1:00 am, only writes in pen, actually really cool but doesn’t know it
spacedust - bath bombs, a+ insta feed, long flowy skirts and tops, city person, pretends to have their shit together, secretly loves kermit memes, probably dyed their hair at one point
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niceonejxmes · 6 years
Fandom Theories vs Canon
SHOW: We’re building up to a big reveal! Can you guess what’s going to happen?
FANDOM: (dozens of theories based on evidence from past episodes)
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FANDOM: Well, that’s fine, go ahead and do the reveal!
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niceonejxmes · 6 years
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