neptinite-writings · 4 months
Not Back-Just an Update
Since people have been going around and binding Fanfiction, I am making my stance clear across platforms where my writing is. I do not condone book binding ANY of my works. If I get ONE notification that I am being sued because someone tries to bind one of my works, I will be personally deleting all of my works across all sites and will never return. I already have trouble publishing at the moment because a lot are self inserts that are not good with characters that I love and I write to make me feel better. That is why I have stopped publishing. But this is an official warning that EVERYTHING I have ever published will be taken down if someone comes after me for a fan paying someone to book bind one of my works.
Neptinite 2/27/2024 0600
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
Fan fic authors are not professional writers.
Expecting them to be perfect and never make mistakes is setting yourself up to be an asshole.
Do you know how long it takes to write and publish a 60k novel for most published authors? Years. Plural.
That includes time spent writing multiple drafts and doing research and multiple rounds of edits. Access to a professional editor, and the ability to hire sensitivity readers. The list goes on and on and on.
Fan fic authors owe you nothing. They are churning out multiple novel length fics (or the equivalent in one shots) a year while still holding down school/jobs.
And you're gonna jump down their throats because they wrote a pairing differently than you prefer??
Shut the fuck up.
Tags exists for a reason. Read them and move on if the fic is not for you.
I mean really. We all just lived through fucking 2020. Let people enjoy their FAKE gay porn in peace.
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
reblog and put in the tags a physical feature about yourself that might change your mutuals visual idea of you
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
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i spent 15 mins making this rather than writing
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
So where are the fanfics of Old!Loki raising Kid!Loki and his mischevious pet!Alligator?
Old!Loki drinking wine and also feeding Croki with wine.
Kid!Loki: I want wine too! Why does Croki get some wine, but I don’t? I’m Loki and I want some wine!
Old!Loki: No. Here, have some juice. 
Kid!Loki: *pouting* *aggressively drinking some juice*
Old!Loki: *sigh* And you can sit on the throne!
Kid!Loki: *pretending to still be angry* Fine… *sits on the throne with a huge smile*
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
Stuff kids on tumblr better relearn
1. You are responsible for your own media experience. 
2. There is such a thing as a healthy level of avoidance towards topics that make you feel unwell or even (in a real-life clinical definition of the term) trigger you - but you are the one to actively take care of what you view.
3. Avoiding does not mean policing others.
4. You have no right to tell artists to censor themselves - you may criticize what others do, you may dislike it, that’s fine - but actively asking for censorship when you could easily unfollow or block a person just makes you look incompetent in your use of the internet.
5. Do not give people on tumblr or /any/ website the responsibility for your emotional well-being. Because these people do not even know you so no, you have no right to ask them to take care of you.
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
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Fandoms lately.
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
* crawls into your inbox like the desperate content-deprived binch that I am, tears streaming down my cheeks and an insane look in my eyes* I see you, too, are a person of culture and write for the one and only Victor von Doom. Could I get some content for Doom with a short plus size s/o who is very tender and motherly and loves him and dotes on him? It can be anything, fluff or smut or fluffy smut...I just need my shameless self insert because I love Doom so much. ;v;
Sorry for the long wait! I hope it is worth it!
Words: 1717
Warnings: Sex, self-doubt, doubt in general
You walk Castle Doom, looking for your fiancé. “Victor?” You find him in his study, writing in his journal. “Darling, have you even had anything to eat today? I hardly see you with the wedding planning I am doing.”
He grunts before looking up. “Do you need us to push our date back?” Doom closes his journal.
“No, of course not. I have plenty of time to be ready for our wedding in a few days.” You smile and touch his mask. “You know you do not have to hide your face from me. I am not the perfect model people expect you to marry either.” He frowns behind his mask. “Don’t give me that look. You know it is true. They expect me taller or thinner than I am. But I think the world would not like me either way.” Doom takes off his mask and pulls you into a kiss, having you fall onto his lap.
“You know those ignorant, narrowminded imbeciles do not matter.” He murmurs. “They will be jealous that I have the most loyal, regal woman in this universe.” Doom strokes your cheek.
You blush and wrap your arms around him. “Now, don’t go torturing people on my behalf. Let us just enjoy this time together.” You sigh and lay your head on his. “And I can’t help but notice that you dodged my question. Have you had anything to eat today?” You smirk and look into his eyes. “No lying to me.”
Doom grumbles and looks away. “No.”
“Darling, you know how I feel about that.” You turn his face back to you and kiss him. “I will return with supper, because I know trying to get you to stop working is harder than taming a wild horse.” You smile at his frown. “Anything in particular?”
“No.” He turns away and looks at the papers on his desk. “You know I can never rest when my country needs me.”
“I know.” You stand. “But sometimes I think you work too hard trying to fix everything.” You leave him to make supper. You never would have thought you would have found love with the man sitting alone in his study. You smile as you stand over the stove, thinking about these past few years. When you met him, he was broken and on the run. You hid him away for a year from the new king in your home and nursed him back to health. You chuckle as you remember his protests about resting and healing when Latveria needed him. “He will never change.” You whisper to yourself. You never thought you would see him again after he left to take back his country. He surprised you when he returned the following year, nearly on the anniversary when he left, to ask you to return to the palace with him.
“I need someone who…cared for me as you did.” Doom forces out. “That’s why I request this.”
“So, I would be your servant, master?” You bow your head to hide your confusion and to show your respect to him.
“Not as a servant, (Y/n).” He lifts your chin. “As my companion.”
“Your…what?” You feel a blush spread over your face. “Master, I…I am not worthy. Surely you have others in mind to be your companion. You can have anyone.”
“If you do not wish to be my companion, you are free to deny me.” Doom frowns. “But there is no one else I wish to have beside me as an equal. You have shown loyalty and love for me when others would turn against me in fear. No one deserves this position more than you.” He turns away. “I apologize for disturbing you.”
“Master, I did not give my answer.” You reach out to touch his arm to stop him from leaving. You see him flinch, but know that is his instinct. “I’m saying yes, if you’re sure you want someone who will make you appear weak. I am not a fighter. I’m not strong or can stand tall. Am I who you really desire to have?”
Doom takes off his mask, walking back to you. “You hid away a fugitive, nursing his health and pride, with no regard for your own safety.” He takes your hand in his. “Your strength is known. Your love and devotion to me is known. You are who I choose to be mine.” Doom kisses your hand. “Do not doubt my decision.”
“My dear, call me Victor.” He strokes your cheek.
“Victor, I will be your companion.”
“(Y/n)?” You jump, almost dropping the dishes.
“Sorry, Victor, I was lost in thought.” You smile at him. “I was returning to your study.”
“No need, I am joining you for supper.” Doom cups your face. “What is on your mind?”
“Nothing.” You lead him to the table. “Just the wedding.” You set the table and sit beside him. “Will things change once we’re married?”
Doom frowns. “Yes, we have talked about those differences already. You seemed okay with being queen and allowing the servants to cook for you.”
“Oh, yes, I know.” You smile when the thought of you having servants come to mind. “I am not used to that thought.”
“Are you against this now?” He sighs and looks away from you. “You may leave if you desire it. I am not surprised.”
You frown. “We are not doing this again.” You take his hand. “If you doubt me, how can I face the doubts of the world?”
Doom looks at your hand in his. “This…has happened before.”
“Victor.” You wrap your arms around him. “I’m not leaving you. Whatever happens in our future, believe that.”
“Yes, my lady.” He avoids looking at you.
“Now,” you force him to look at you and smile. “Are you going to eat? Or will I have to feed you?”
His lip twitches up into almost a smile before he frowns again. “Doom feeds himself.”
“That’s what I thought.” You kiss him before relaxing. You two eat silently.
“(Y/n), the universe believes Doom deserves to be alone.” He looks away again.
“And since when did you do as you were told?” You stand when the servants come to clear the dishes away. “Follow me, Victor.” You take his hand and pull him with you.
“Well, it seems you command Doom.” He grumbles, but doesn’t protest.
You stop once you’re on the balcony, overlooking the city. “Only for this.” You smile as you look out at the sunset. “It’s romantic.”
“I will indulge you.” He wraps his arms around you. “I do not doubt you.”
“It sounds like you do.” You sigh and lean against him as the stars form in the dark sky. Doom holds you closer to his chest. “I am not going anywhere.” You whisper.
He sighs and nods. “I know you believe that.”
“What can I do to prove it?” You look up at him.
Doom kisses you softly. “Do you remember our first night together?”
“You mean…that afternoon when you were particularly irritable?” You smile at the memory.
“Yes,” he turns you around. “We have not shared a bed again since.”
“Well, that is tradition, Victor.” You smile at him.
“What if we broke tradition?” Doom grins and lifts you up. “Our subjects will not know.”
“As my king commands.” You let him carry you to his room.
“Our roles have reversed.” He lays you on the bed. “My lady, will you allow your husband to take you before your wedding?”
“Yes, my king.” You help him with his armor. “How do you wear this?”
“It is now like a second skin. I’ve worn it for so long.” Doom murmurs before unbuttoning your shirt. “Lay back and let your king please you.” He continues taking off your clothes until you are bare before him. “Such a lovely sight, even better than what I remember.” Doom kisses you deeply, making you blush. His fingers tease your entrance before slipping in. You moan against him, pulling him closer to you. “Shh, my dear, you don’t want to be heard, do you?” He teases.
“Maybe I do.” You tease back.
Doom kisses down to your breasts, nipping at your skin. “A sinful temptation.” He smirks. “I was a bad influence on you.”
“Or I was to you.” You pull him down into a heated kiss.
“Don’t I get a taste?” He kisses down your body again, not stopping until finding your sex. “I was not able to taste you last time.” Doom nips at your inner thigh before pressing his mouth against you. You groan with need as he eats you out, occasionally slowing down to tease you.
Your hands play with your breasts. “Victor, please!” You beg.
Doom looks up, a little concerned at the pain in your voice. “Darling?”
“Take me.” You pant. “I can’t take more teasing. Just fuck me.”
He chuckles, crawling up to be above you. “That is not how a queen speaks.” Doom kisses you softly, pressing against you. “Ask nicely.”
You try to wrap your legs around him to push him into you, but you know he is much stronger than you. “Please, my king, give your future wife the pleasure she craves.” You look into his eyes, begging him with them.
“As my queen requests.” Doom slips in with a groan and you sigh. You cling to his shoulders as he pounds you.
“Yes! Fuck!” You cry out in pleasure. Doom kisses you deeply, trying to suppress his own sounds. He keeps a merciless pace, making you wonder if he truly hasn’t even pleased himself before taking you again. Your toes curl as you unravel beneath him, crying out loud enough Doom presses the pillow against your face. He grunts as his pace slows, filling you with his last thrusts. You find yourself exhausted and Doom falls against you, not moving from his spot between your legs.
“Have I harmed you?” He whispers, petting your hair as if concerned you were scared of him now.
“No, Victor.” You whisper back, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling your face into the nape of his neck. “I’m completely and utterly euphoric with you.”
Doom moves off you to spoon you. He presses as close as he could. “And I with you.”
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
Do you sometimes read a fic writer’s work, and just… thank all the gods this person managed to get obsessed with the same fictional people you did?
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
My tumblr wife is back and writing! Anyone who wants to read great stories check out @tokoyamisstuff!
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
One more thing about episode 4 and then I’m done… How did you not see this coming? In episode 3 he stumbles when she says “the only reason you saved me is because you need me to get that thing working” and his response was literal stutter and then “yeah…well, mostly.” And then on the train he asks her if she has a romantic interest in someone. And then got drunk, serenaded her, and then gave her a sad beautiful metaphor about love. …Are you really shocked?
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
Lol a mom and in your 30s? What're u doing writing smut?
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
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"Love is a dagger"
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
“They did us so dirty with the new episode!!” Yeah nah they didn’t. You just want to be spoonfed content that suits what you desire exactly, with no deviation, like a spoiled child. Please don’t ruin it for everyone.
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
Future Fandom and You
tl;dr of the last post:
You cannot control how people react to your work.
You should not write based on the hypothetical worst outcomes of said reactions.
You should not write in response to said reactions (the ruin of many, from Game of Thrones to Star Wars).
Write for yourself and your goals, not out of fear.
All of that said, there are plenty good aspects to fandom and you should not be afraid of it. Keep focused, keep working, and you’ll make work you can be proud of and people will love.
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neptinite-writings · 3 years
I’m so out of the loop on this hellsite anymore that my opinion doesn’t matter. But I think it’s very fucking ironic that I see “positive Loki series” posts and vibes and “this is a Loki series safe place” right before this episode that sent everyone over the fucking edge came out. Like…wow that lasted .2 seconds. Thanks for the entertainment for the day.
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