nanasamantha · 2 months
UC or ER?
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nanasamantha · 3 months
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save me winter elliott stardew valley... winter elliott stardew valley save me......
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nanasamantha · 3 months
I just heard the news and I just can't believe Toriyama passed away.. It's too sudden, too unexpected, something I was definitely NOT prepared to see today and I think I need time to fully process this
RIP Akira Toriyama. Thank you for the great stories and memories you have created for us. Thank you for everything and the huge impact you had and still have on me, you will be dearly missed
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nanasamantha · 4 months
🥘 stillstainless following
full dishwasher kind of annoying actually. release me
🔲 tupperware follow
can we all agree that handwash onlys are attention seeking? you're using the same dish soap as the rest of us but you need a sponge bath because you're too good for a shower
🍳 cast-iron following
op some people will die if they're washed with soap at all. unlike certain plastic divas dishes that claim to be "top row only" like that makes a fucking difference.
🔲 tupperware follow
can you actually fuck off
🥣 countercandy mutuals
☕ mug-shots follow
i love being on the top row like you are NOTTT using me for coffee LMAOO
🐾 dogbowl follow
dusty ass
🍴silverwarewolf following
all tucked in. in my drawer. with my polycule <3
#and these takeout chopsticks too i guess #ok
🥡 lunchb0x follow
Excited for summer break 😃 Can't wait to see what kinds of mold i'll collect this year
#ForgottenAgain #BackpackGang #LockerGang
🔁cast-iron following
anonymous asked: Why are you whining about how other dishes like to be washed when you're literally covered in spaghetti stains
tupperware answered: what if i killed myself
🥤 papercup mutuals
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nanasamantha · 4 months
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nanasamantha · 5 months
My theories on King Vegeta are completely my own, so I doubt they'll ever come true, but how interesting would it be if King Vegeta started out as a decent/good man when he was young, but as time went on, he would eventually see that goodness has its weaknesses and start to accept their warring ways as the only true way to live. As long as you stay strong and remain on top, then you can make the rules and ensure nobody fucks with you or your people. I like to think Beerus taught him that after making him and his people subordinate to King Cold
(I also like to think King Vegeta never actually stole the pillow, but thats neither here nor there atm)
In DB's world, you must be the strongest to truly guarantee your safety in the universe anyways. Or you must have the technology to defend yourself if nothing else. Imagine King Vegeta, seeing all these planets not even try to defend themselves, or have the ability too. What are they thinking?! Why dont they have any defenses set up at all? If they won't save themselves, what do they expect to happen in a universe this cruel? The Saiyans have fought for centuries, maybe even since the dawn of time, so I imagine his tolerance to other races not having the self-preservation to even defend themselves is pretty low, especially after Beerus. In his mind, they deserve the reality they find themselves in when his people go to slaughter them, and he no longer cares
You ever think about how King Vegeta may have been trying to keep Frieza from destroying the planet by exiling Broly (going by Dragon Ball Super: Broly’s retelling)?
For all he knew the Legendary Super Saiyan was just a “freak of nature”; they didn’t have much evidence aside from the weird readings they got when Broly was a baby
As much as I hate King Vegeta (and he doesn’t really give much of a reason not to), he has, unfortunately, shown that he has some sense of self-preservation (whether it’s borne of cowardice or not, it’s a bit hard to say, though it’s usually portrayed as such.)
Evidence (to my knowledge):
1. (DBS: Broly) King Vegeta considered Prince Vegeta IV his pride and joy, cared for him immensely, and wanted to raise him to become strong enough to revolt against Frieza (Note that he never specified that he wanted Prince Vegeta to become the Legendary Super Saiyan.)
2. (DBS: i forget which episode/movie specifically don’t kill me lol) King Vegeta regularly met with Beerus. He had a connection to a GOD OF DESTRUCTION. AND he did his best to try and comply with whatever ridiculous demand Beerus made, like finding the softest pillow in the universe (despite Champa cheating.) I think it’s even been hinted that King Vegeta has made REPEATED ATTEMPTS on Beerus’s life/Beerus joking that he would try to intentionally poison his food. So it’s clear Beerus knows King Vegeta holds some serious contempt towards him.
Long story short, King Vegeta’s a complex character with a ton of flaws but it’s interesting to really dissect his story and motives etc.
Feel free to add to this with your own thoughts/evidence/observations/theories etc. lol I wanna hear what y’all have to say :D
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nanasamantha · 5 months
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nanasamantha · 5 months
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FINALLYYYYYyyYyyYYY DONE!!!!! not counting Push Forward (which was split in two) this is by far the longest chapter ive done, just barely making tumblr's page limit!!! this took quite a while cause i got pretty sick right after Christmas (im all better now!) so i spent a lot of time trying to rest up instead. i also rewrote the ending like three times lol (first time i rushed it, second time i tried rewriting it while sick and it came out goofy, third time's the charm!) content warning: this chapter is quite heavy and contains discussions/depictions of both child and domestic abuse as well as mental and physical health issues. please take care while reading and i hope you enjoy! (next chapters in my head are fairly fluffy and happy so these two can have a break from the angst. as for me im gonna go to bed for a few days HAHAHAA)
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nanasamantha · 6 months
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nanasamantha · 6 months
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Stardew Valley brainrot with my farmer Nara and her boyfriend Elliott ❤️
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nanasamantha · 6 months
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Every other day at the clinic
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nanasamantha · 7 months
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nanasamantha · 7 months
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Fang from My Time At Sandrock aka my HUSBAND
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nanasamantha · 7 months
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Unstoppable Doodles😇
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nanasamantha · 7 months
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Unstoppable Doodles😇
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nanasamantha · 7 months
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nanasamantha · 7 months
This is the best mod so far!
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