mysmes-fanz · 6 years
So obviously theres Jaehee is Baehee but what about Heisuke is Baesuke? (Was literally about to watch Otome Youkai Zakuro when this popped up into my head)
Heisuke is from Hakuouki in case theres people who didnt know that
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mysmes-fanz · 6 years
So after I posted that image I scrolled down and saw my other drawing I uploaded on here... holy crud my art has improved a LOT XD but Anywho, I'll try to be more active again!
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mysmes-fanz · 6 years
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Sorry for the inactivity on here, I've been busy with college lately so here's a drawing thing I did to make up for it. The MC in this is one of my custom MCs, this one as you can see is the one that would be with Zen XD A little bio about her because why not and I need to be able to know the personalities of each one. Name: Sian Age: 20 She has a bit of an obsession with squids, at the home she grew up in there's still a bunch of squid plushies that she needs to get into her own home (some of them are really old lol) She works in a small cafe, she doesn't go to university since she doesn't want to deal with any form of debt if she can help it, plus she loves her job. Fun fact: the cafe was the first place she met Zen and she had literally no idea who he was because she wasn't into many musicals, though she started watching more after he talked about it with her. She didn't know about the RFA until her cousin (the one that ends up following the game) ended up joining them and had invited her to the party She has blue eyes which is pretty rare when someone is ginger. Her parents are from America but she was born and raised in Korea, hence her name and appearance being more western. She found out about Zen's cat allergy when he first went to her parents place on her birthday (before they were dating) and her parents had to let the cat out and try to get rid of the cat fur while she and him just went to the park nearby for a bit (boom, more cats, though they didn't approach them luckily) So yea, I'll do more for the other MC's for the other characters soon since I have a week off from college now lmao
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mysmes-fanz · 7 years
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Quick doodle of Saeran that was going to be detailed but I chose to be lazy lol
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mysmes-fanz · 7 years
Ask box open
I'll do headcanons, fanfics and art requests! I'll probably also work on a lot of Saeran ones and maybe even ones for Rika because honestly she needs someone to show her how it feels to actually love and not obsess over a person lol
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mysmes-fanz · 7 years
So I made an Instagram for me to basically RP as MC, if you want to follow it it's collegestudentmc
That's a link to it so feel free to follow me and I'll happily talk to anyone who wants to, also if anyone has a MysMes instagram where they act as any of the other characters I'd love to be able to talk to you all~
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