myfuckedthinking · 6 years
I Don’t Understand Gender
Just so you can understand my logic, please accept that there are only two sexes otherwise I feel like my ramblings might anger some people. As far as I understand it sex should only be defined in regards to how specific the context needs to be: in a social context your sex should be whatever your appearance fits into; in a legal matter, your sex should be whatever the governments have you registered as; medical practices should be able to define you by your sex organs unless prior procedures have been made to alter your sex in any way and in a specific context such as a biologist will identify you by your chromosomes. As I see it, sex is easy, it’s really only important for official documentation, legal and scientific fields.
Now to Gender. As a child, I never understood gender athough I was taught that sex and gender were the same thing and as a man you had a specific role in society but as I grew older and met more and more people, different from myself, I began to learn a lot about my self, my prejudices and distrust towards others and my own opinions towards others. I also began to question the reason for gender roles and why there were so many differences between the sexes. These roles made a lot of sense for so long in the history of mankind, “protect the future of our race” I’ll admit the methods that were taken were very primitive and somehow fed into the ego of many cultures but that’s changed a lot in an extremely small amount of time which I think we as humans, forget how long we as a species have existsed compared to how long these issues of gender have been brought into the forefront of the worlds thought and the amount of change that has occurred in that time, it is absolutely unfathomable.
Now with the way our world is now and if we continue with this pace of change (remember the pace of progression has always and will always be exponential) I believe that all this hubbub about gender and labels that so many people seem to fight so hard for won’t even matter in the next two generations. I feel that by the time my generation are grandparents, gender won’t even exist, it’ll be thought as a primitive way of thinking And we’ll be thought of as the bigots by our grandchildren.
Let me explain (I’m sorry if this sounds wrong, it’s just how I see the world). Currently there seems to be so much emphasis on acknowledging the chosen identity of everyone around us we’re expected to understand every single “unique” label given to ones self. Labels that are supposed to describe and explain the individual identity of one person, labels invented by other people who felt like they needed to belong to something whilst rejecting the narrow social standard. But when you really take a long while and think about it, when you remove yourself from your own body and look at the big picture without bias for anyone’s idea of a normal lifestyle, all this effort doesn’t make sense. From my perspective it seems like all this constructed struggle our generation has given to identity is just a waste of time, a waste of energy.
As aware as we are of the world around us and as much as we say we want a better future for our species, we all seem so blind to the inevitable, gender roles will be a concept of history, along with gender itself and sexuality. There is no doubt that the future will be accepting of everyone we shouldn’t be adding all these extra steps to categorise ourselves, we should try and eliminate all these boxes we keep putting ourselves into and accept that there should only be one box you fit into(with one of two sub categories for legal reasons) it may be lonely being the only person in your box but if you truly are an accepting person you’ll find a way to be happy with those around you.
In conclusion: Instead of living your life in a ven-diagram of cautionary thoughts and offended cries, we could all just roll down the hills of humanity in zorbs of accepting individuality (throw a bit of soapy water in there if you want a hella good time)
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