Medical check first!
This will be a mini series of weekly blogs, to create a true understanding and to give as much information as possible.
If you work with a behaviourist the very first question should be have you had a veterinary check. Which details what the vet check should have explored. This will also be within your behavioural consultation pack prior to the appointment.
A Vet check with an integrative vet can ensure that there is nothing going on medically, and that there is no pain causing the behaviour that you are struggling with. This will help to narrow down the why of the behaviour and help the dog with triggers or in beginning the journey of identifying the why of the behaviour.
We highly recommend a Vet check with an integrative vet to ensure that there is nothing going on medically and that the behaviour you are struggling with is behavioural and not medically related as pain is fluid and vets tend to simply look at isolation pain and not chronic pain or unwellness. An integrative vet will see your dog as an individual and do a blood panel, possibly a pain trial and ask you lots of questions to get a better picture. Recording videos of your doga movements and behaviours can also be a great starting point for the vets.
Just as we respect individuals with invisible disabilities we should also respect that we don't know what is going on internally within our dogs bodies.
Not all invisible conditions cause symptoms that we can see such as vomiting, changes in stools, limping, lethargy. During the chronic pain symposium - the ‘Prevalence of radiographic appendicular oa and associated clinical signs in young dogs’ with - Dr. Duncan Lascelles, I witnessed a dog from his study of a year old dog with arthritis in comparison to an older dog with arthritis both going up a set of steps. The older dog showed physically signs of struggling, the young dog did not but to their trained eyes an altered gait.
Another research paper looked at the impact of unwellness in dogs of all ages and the impact on owners and found that the owners of elder dogs were resigned to their dog becoming arthritic whereas owners of younger dogs couldn't believe it as they didn't see any obvious symptoms. (1)
This is why it is so important to seek out an integrative vet who will spend a good amount of time with you and your dog, observe their movements and want to know every detail about your dog to make a diagnosis or clear them. Which I will expand on in the next part of the series.
I just created a post about how to find an integrative vet as unfortunately most do not have their own practices and tend to work in a traditional vets with allopathic medicine. Allopathic medicine is pharmaceutical based medication for those who don't know.
Being holistically based, if you find yourself working with a holistic practitioner we prefer to work within an integrative team, so the other professionals within the team maybe wholly holistic such as hydrotherapy, chiropractors, physio, acupuncture but the vet will most often be integrative. We acknowledge that conventional medicine has its place but so does holistic.
Reflect for a moment if you still don't quite understand holistic, whichever dog food you feed whether you are BARF die hard or a kibble connoisseur most likely now in your cupboard will be salmon oil, some form of herbal supplements. You may also use Pet Remedy and Dorwest herbs for problems you feel confident in handling yourself.
Until the industrial revolution in the 1800’s pharmaceutical was the snake oil, until Beechams became popular in the mid 1800’s, we didn't have aspirin until the early 1900’s and until the first and second world war there was no insulin or penicillin.
In 1957 this is when the NHS in England as we kind of know the shell of the original NHS, wasn't entirely built so the poor could afford healthcare as was the original purpose. But to fund the exciting new world of pharma. (2)
In the early 1900’s the idea was to close medical schools which did not jump into pharma and still focused on herbal medicine as pharma was discovered as the cash cow. By the 1930’s there were no more medical schools that could teach unless it was pharma based.
Herbalist’s have been famous throughout history and also key people from ancient times to now such as Hippocrates. The hippocratic oath is recited by medical professionals still today!
Herbal medicine has also played a vital role in many cultures and for the empowerment of women too, which Hollywood coined and turned into snake oil peddling. All sorts of clever techniques will be used by capitalists to make cash fast.
The last homoeopathic school in the US closed its doors in 1920 because all of the medical students wanted to work with the exciting and revolutionary new pharma. However in the 1970s only 30 years after the boom of pharma going mainstream, homoeopathy made a comeback.
Sadly like the dog training industry pre 1970s many people turned to homoeopathy because like dog training there were no regulations and anyone could set up as a homoeopath and peddle snake skin oil and liver pills.
This all changed with one doctor called Dr. Samuel Hahnemann of Germany. From studying on himself he quickly found that medicating a well person could cause the symptoms of unwellness to a lesser degree and used the cowpox vaccination to cure smallpox with the famous term "like, cures like" or "Principles of similars." (3)
When the 1950’s began to see a revival in herbalism as soon as big drug companies realised this was another way to grab another section of the market they did that too, but had to now convince people it wasn't quackery and also they have decimated many plants and endangered species as well as contributed to species becoming extinct in the name of greed.
The European Union brought in new measures to decree that herbal medicines had to meet similar criteria to that of pharma medicines in 2011. (4)
So holistic doesn't necessarily mean herbalism and plants all the way or hoodoo, as it is sometimes referred to as. Herbalism is deeply rooted in science because it has had to prove it's worth to come back into circulation alongside pharma.
Holistic means an individualised focused approach to that one individual working within a multidisciplinary team, sure there maybe herbalists or aromatherapists involved or even elements of zoopharmacognosy elements because animals teach us so much about their needs through their own self selection both in the wild and domestic settings.
So this is why we rely on integrative vets, they have studied the path of pharmacy first, become qualified, practised and become seasoned and then evolved into their own practitioner based on their scientific learning. You can hear this directly from an integrative vet herself here following the link! https://canineflow.com/insights/how-to-find-a-holistic-vet-in-the-uk
Belshaw, Z., Dean, R. and Asher, L. (2020). ‘You can be blind because of loving them so much’: the impact on owners in the United Kingdom of living with a dog with osteoarthritis. BMC Veterinary Research, 16(1). doi:https://doi.org/10.1186/s12917-020-02404-5. ‌
Pharmaphorum (2020). A history of the pharmaceutical industry. [online] pharmaphorum. Available at: https://pharmaphorum.com/r-d/a_history_of_the_pharmaceutical_industry.
Loudon, I. (2006) A brief history of homoeopathy, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1676328/
Anon, (n.d.). Legislation | British Herbal Medicine Association. [online] Available at: https://bhma.info/legislation-on-herbal-medicines/#:~:text=Traditional%20Herbal%20Registrations%20(THRs)
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Silly Saturday!
Image description: A robot which is spider shaped. Shooting laser beams from its eyes. Which has exploded the problem. The text reads: Silence. When I hear treats are bribery.
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Wicked Wednesday!
Image description: Meme. Image of Thanos hand with a double edge knife. Thanos says: Perfectly balanced... As all things should be. On the meme as pre made. The text added reads: the only place balanced belongs. Next to the image of his hand and the knife.
The next image is of Thanos speaking: the text reads - we don't want our dogs to be Thanosed.
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Tag a friend!
Image description: A grey and white husky puppy with blue eyes, against a pink background. The text reads: This person is obsessed with dogs.
Text to the bottom right reads: These people encourage it with an arrow pointing to the like button.
Text to the bottom left reads: These people share it with an arrow pointing to the share button.
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Silly Saturday!
Gif: a brown Spaniel looking confused. The text reads: When you snap the treat in half!!
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Audio YouTube link - https://youtu.be/_oTR1zbtaYM?si=pxQjEV_2k45ooXxY
Whenever I work with clients struggling with an adolescent dog it is really quite simple. What were you like as a teenager? Were you a ray of sunshine and enjoyable company? Or were you a pain in the butt, didn't listen, ran off, blasted music? Refused to eat? Perfect in front of your peers' parents?
Teenage humans and teenage dogs are not too dissimilar to one another. Many parents struggle to speak to their teenage children just as they do their teenage dog.
The following research I will be discussing is based upon the research of 70 potential guide dog bitches. So these dogs are not your typical pet dog. (1)
Through research we understand that the less secure the attachment to the caregiver the more negative effects we see and changes in physiology. Dogs are likely to enter into early puberty, experience heightened conflict and bitches can become reproductively ready earlier than they should be biologically. It was also found adolescent dogs could not follow cues owing to the insecure attachments with their guardians. (2)
We have to understand that the dog as a species undergoes massive hormonal changes and brain reorganisation just like a human teenager. Motivations change as dogs enter into puberty just like humans. (3)
So scientifically from research it was found that securely attached dogs entered into puberty earlier just like humans and there was also more conflict for human teenagers who were insecurely attached just like dogs.
Researchers could not understand the reason as to why dogs who were insecurely attached to their guardians wouldn't follow cues from their guardians but did from trainers and also individuals with no knowledge of training. So this demonstrates that the dogs only followed the trainers with much better skills and reward delivery.
Adolescence is a sensitive period of the development of life for most mammals including rats. It is believed from the evidence available that this is due to the brain development and changes in the neural circuitry. (4)
It was also found that dogs who were insecurely attached and distressed with being left alone were unable to follow cues even more so. It was also found that these dogs' levels of training were poorer when compared to other dogs. (5)
It could be that the adolescent conflict is in fact a survival strategy for the dog in securing their environment just as teenagers test their parents to feel safer and secure a secure attachment. Care givers, parents, guardians are essential for survival. (6)
We have to remember that as human-like as dogs are, they are a species that is designed to exist and survive. All mammals are programmed to survive. Dogs need a secure attachment, children need a secure attachment, it makes common sense logical thinking on the dogs part to test the parameters of the attachment just like human teenagers.
Adolescence is fleeting and a passing time, at the time of the experience of adolescence you may feel that your dog doesn't love you, doesn't want you, doesn't want to interact with you, is a complete and unmanageable nightmare. But this time is fleeting. Just as with a human child you need to stay the course to enjoy such a beautiful relationship when this time passes.
There is data which shows the damage to dog welfare through punishment based methods and relinquishment to shelters as this is the most common age that a dog is relinquished. (7)
These dogs then remain insecure because their secure attachment was taken away from them and we know that dogs who experience this struggle to form secure and healthy attachments with new potential guardians and we see many dogs return again and again.
So do you have what it takes to stay the course? Can you battle through adolescence and accept it for the fleeting period it is? Can you fulfil your dog's needs to feel securely attached to you? Are you ready to embrace a beautiful journey with your dog?
For anyone struggling with the puppy blues I have made a free Webinar and slideshow which you can access here: https://youtu.be/FGELvIQuZYI?si=lAOIoW6PdGYicxLq
You can also get support directly from our community group
Of course you can also reach out to book a consult at: www.muttsnmischief.com or [email protected]
Asher, L, England C. W. G, Somerville R, Harvey D.N. 2020. Teenage dogs? Evidence for adolescent-phase conflict behaviour and an association between attachment to humans and pubertal timing in the domestic dog. Biol Lett. 2020 May; 16(5): 20200097. Doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2020.0097
Romero T, Nagasawa M, Mogi K, Hasegawa T, Kikusui T. 2014. Oxytocin promotes social bonding in dogs. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 111, 9085–9090. ( 10.1073/pnas.1322868111)
Sisk CL, Zehr JL. 2005. Pubertal hormones organize the adolescent brain and behavior. Front. Neuroendocrinol. 26, 163–174. ( 10.1016/j.yfrne.2005.10.003)
Harvey ND. 2019. Adolescence. In Encyclopedia of animal cognition and behavior (eds Vonk J, Shackelford TK). New York, NY: Springer.
Allen JP, Land D. 1999. Attachment in adolescence. In Handbook of attachment: theory, research, and clinical applications (eds Cassidy J, Shaver PR), pp. 319–335. New York, NY: Guilford Press; See http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1999-02469-015.
Cooper ML, Shaver PR, Collins NL. 1998. Attachment styles, emotion regulation, and adjustment in adolescence. J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 74, 1380–1397. ( 10.1037/0022-3514.74.5.1380)
Weiss E, Slater M, Garrison L, Drain N, Dolan E, Scarlett JM, Zawistowski SL. 2014. Large dog relinquishment to two municipal facilities in New York City and Washington, D.C.: identifying targets for intervention. Animals 4, 409–433. ( 10.3390/ani4030409)
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Wicked Wednesday!
Image description: Meme of the confused math lady. The title at the top reads: When science backs arguments against aversives... The background is a lady with blonde hair in a close up. Repeating four times with more Co fused expressions in each shot. There are white math diagrams over the second, third and fourth photo.
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Silly Saturday!
Image description: Meme. Title - What gives people feelings of power. Underneath the title is a chart with a green block which says money, a blue block slightly longer than the green which reads, status. A pink block to the end of the chart which reads: arguing in dog groups on FB.
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Youtube text to speech audio: listening duration 11 minutes https://youtu.be/LvxokgPxqLQ?si=lSd7qOJKxGY7kLxb
Recently I saw a colleague being brought down by a client who wasn't happy with not allowing the dogs in the class to be off lead and “play.” This is not what socialisation is about.
Socialisation is not what it has been drummed up to be over the decades, socialisation isn't even the correct term we should be using anymore, like many terms that we use within the dog world because people become stuck on words.
Socialisation is the process of an individual's skills, standards, behaviour, motives and behaviours changing to conform to societal expectations which are desirable and appropriate for their future role within society. Many agents play a role within the socialisation process, families, peers, media, religious institutions and schools. (1)
We do of course take terms from psychology and other human subjects of learning and apply them to dogs, to help to create a familiarity in learning. Whereas we have a direct source to cite for human socialisation we do not have this for dogs. We have lots of organisations and blogs describing their idea of socialisation for dogs, but nothing that is quotable as we do for humans.
Like any industry terms are easy to be adapted to interpretation, I have more recently been questioning professionals within different industries. The main thing we have in common is that we are frustrated within our own areas of expertise and professionalism.
Many professionals within their industries have demonstrated distress and frustration with the public's perception of their role as an industry and the expectations placed upon them.
I've actually found it quite refreshing and cathartic to speak to experts within their own fields and their frustrations, their industry lack of regulations and how their learning and CPD functions.
Instead what a section of dog professionals and experts are trying to create in this ever changing world of dogs, especially post covid. Is neutrality towards other dogs and the environment, through desensitisation and classical conditioning protocols, this is not to appease people but for dog welfare.
Dogs are a social species, however today in the modern world, they are a species mostly confined to an urban environment and have to meet urban expectations. Such as suppressing their natural emotions and fears to not be rehomed. To keep their family and first secure connection since leaving their biological family.
This has been a problem for a long time. Bearing in mind we have seen double the following figures since covid of dogs being rehomed.
In the UK 2009: 129, 473 dogs entered a rescue centre.
In the US 2009: 4 million dogs entered into a shelter.
In Spain 2009: 100,000 dogs entered into a rescue.
In Australia 2009: 200, 000 dogs entered into a shelter. (2,3,4)
Problematic behaviours as deemed by the dog guardians was the reason for relinquishment, most of these problem behaviours were reactive behaviours or destructive behaviours. 65.6% of these dogs in 2009 were euthanized. Relinquishment to a rescue or shelter can increase behavioural problems and cause stress to the individual dog. (5)
A study was conducted to understand how providing behavioural support to guardians could in fact reduce or stop relinquishment. 69.2% of the relinquishing guardians refused behavioural help.
Which focused on part of the problem being sharing of information to guardians. (6)
We are no longer in 2009 and social media has grown exponentially, far more than any of us could have thought. Many of us within the dog industry put out free information and knowledge for guardians to read and this information is free despite the cost to us for our education fees and time making this information or like myself and the Do No Harm Dog Training Group team volunteering our time to help dog guardians for free.
Or YouTube tutorials.
The main problem is the conflicting information that is available to guardians and them not knowing where to navigate or learn from information. (I have this conversation with every guardian I work with).
Instead we need to focus on education for the public properly, explaining why behaviour consults are needed and why previously learnt ideologies are no longer recommended. We have a duty of care to explain to guardians why they need to see their dog as an individual and why generalised information won't work.
Instead of a system of them vs us with tool usage we have a duty of care to protect our guardians and their dogs. We can do this by giving proper education and being on the same page for better dog welfare and understanding of dogs a species and not societal expectations.
Dogs were not bred to be our best mates dogs best mate, they were not bred to tolerate other dogs within society, dogs were originally bred for work and to aid humans in their work.
Dogs have transitioned from being a tool of the workforce to sentient beings. This does not mean we can pick and choose in the areas that they are sentient . We have to acknowledge and embrace that they have emotions just like us, our brains are essentially identical, the only difference is a dog is non verbal in the way of human communication as humans expect.
Most dog professionals are well versed on dog communication and what it is that they are communicating and how they are feeling. We then pass this information onto dog guardians.
We need to give dogs more agency and grace, dogs communicate with one another much better than we do. They are a species who through genetics know how to communicate with one another. This is not something we as humans teach, what we can do is give them agency and respect their choices in whether or not they wish to interact with other dogs. It's not for us as humans to say, it is for the dog's to choose.
We have to step back and embrace and understand our role in offering them a secure attachment and knowing that their communications to us will be respected and listened to, much like a therapist we feel we can trust. It is not for us to say a dog is no good for being a dog and not meeting a Disney expectation.
No class or setting where dogs are set up to be overwhelmed, charged at, frightened or experience a trauma is going to help any dog with the right start to life.
This will however ensure your dog doesn't feel secure or safe and will be nervous of most other dog interactions and the risk of the event repeating again. This is why we then see the statistical figures of dogs relinquished because they cannot cope with the environment successfully with their guardian.
Listen to your dog and observe them, in most cases with dog to dog interactions after a few seconds they disengage from the interaction, this is a cue for the guardian to move away, not to insist on standing by the other dog because this fulfils an ideology that is in fact harmful.
Allowing dogs to play with all other dogs that they meet or interact with, especially within a closed setting builds frustrated adults who don't know how to communicate with their own species, they may lunge and bark at the end of the lead until they get to the other dog, they may not listen to cues from the other dog or being uncomfortable and not wanting the interaction.
This sets dogs up to fail, needless altercations and an unfair situation for the dog's involved.
As professionals we need to keep reiterating until the media and other sources of human brainwashing do come to understand that dogs are just as complex as us. To give them agency is to respect their emotions and needs and not force them into classes where they are overwhelmed and set up to fail, but to listen and take the learning opportunities from the dog.
Parke, R.D. and Morris , L.S. (2008) Socialization, Socialization - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/social-sciences/socialization
Protopopova A., Gunter L. Adoption and relinquishment interventions at the animal shelter: A review. Anim. Welf. 2017;26:35–48. doi: 10.7120/09627286.26.1.035.
Fatjó J., Bowen J., García E., Calvo P., Rueda S., Amblás S., Lalanza J.F. Epidemiology of dog and cat abandonment in Spain (2008–2013) Animals. 2015;5:426–441. doi: 10.3390/ani5020364.
Chua D., Rand J., Morton J. Surrendered and stray dogs in Australia—Estimation of numbers entering municipal pounds, shelters and rescue groups and their outcomes. Animals. 2017;7:50. doi: 10.3390/ani7070050
Stavisky J., Brennan M.L., Downes M., Dean R. Demographics and economic burden of unowned cats and dogs in the UK: Results of a 2010 census. BMC Veter.-Res. 2012;8:163. doi: 10.1186/1746-6148-8-163.
Dolan E.D., Scotto J., Slater M., Weiss E. Risk factors for dog relinquishment to a Los Angeles municipal animal shelter. Animals. 2015;5:1311–1328. doi: 10.3390/ani5040413.
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Why did you bring a dog into your family?
Audio link: https://youtu.be/F_U8ss46f7g?si=0Dc_7ZhxrHQsjoKW
I brought a dog into my family because I needed that companionship, unconditional love, uncomplicated love, a companion to have adventures with and share my life with.
I think it's really important that this difficult topic is addressed. Socialisation.
Dogs just like us don't want to be friends with every dog that they meet. We need to rebuild the new normal, if friends and family have dogs it doesn't mean that your dog's are going to get along.
You choose your best friend but your dog's choose who they also feel comfortable with.
Your dog is amazing just the way they are and they are your companion. Not your best friends dog, not your parents dog, not your friends dog. They are your companion and yours alone. Love them for that very special role!
Did you know puppy parties and classes are an outdated 50 year old rhetoric? There is no evidence today in science that puppy parties or classes are in any way helpful to dogs and could in fact be the opposite.
It's down to the breeders during the critical and sensitive periods to expose puppies to socialisation experiences, this is not synonymous with playing with other puppies.
Early socialisation experiences for puppies with breeders looks like; early scent introduction (ESI) or early neurological stimulation (ENS) with neonatal puppies.
ENS promotes physiological health, improves cardiovascular activities, strengthens adrenal glands, builds a higher resistance to disease, stress tolerance and resilience. (1)
ESI or early scent introduction begins at the age of day 3 through to day 16 of the puppy's life for only one minute per day but begins to open the neurological pathways and can enhance the neurological performance for puppy's throughout their life through touch and scent as early neurological stimulation (ENS) is combined with ESI. (2)
Breeders will also expose to children where possible, car journeys, the vets, sounds and different textures.
Once they are adopted into their new family it is then up to the new guardians to continue with socialisation to novel situations and situations that they will experience as they become an adult and are an adult.
This could be getting used to traffic in urban environments, it could be desensitisation to bird scarers in a rural environment, it could be that the vets or the pet shop is on an industrial estate so getting used to the sounds of shutters and fork lifts can be helpful.
It could be that you live by a school, a construction area, a fire station, police or paramedic station. In which the main desensitisation needs is to sirens.
It's also really important to focus on socialising with your vet as this person is going to be a constant in your dog's life as well as the socialisation to the surgery, the sounds and smells and of course the groomer, should you have a breed which requires grooming.
Unfortunately, like much of the industry, the information we have today is 50 years old, 50 years ago socialisation classes were encouraged based on the information that they had then. Which in all fairness is very limited. 50 years ago Barbara Woodhouse was also the trainer most guardians looked to, shudder.
It's also been found in a much more recent study that different breeds have different socialisation windows and with breed variations this means that different breeds, very much can't just be lumped into a puppy party or socialising class. (3)
In 1999, researchers identified very few benefits of puppy classes in a controlled test study and reviewing the results of the puppies behaviour, post puppy classes. (4)
These results again stress the importance in further research in truly understanding optimal socialisation windows for dogs based upon their breed.
It was also discussed that a major limitation to truly understanding socialisation as a formal study is that although guardian questionnaires can be used, they can be unreliable and biassed and most importantly all puppies live in very different environments which also means the study results will not be consistent for analysis, which is why 50 year old rhetoric is still used today.
It also used to be that people didn't think twice about bringing a puppy home at 5, 6, 7, 8 weeks and now it is encouraged that puppies are 12 weeks old before going to their new homes for their optimal development and emotional wellbeing.
Epigenetics, maternal instincts and experiences for the puppies with their mother and other environmental factors, secure attachments and Oxytocin levels have also not been tested to develop a baseline of effective socialisation and experiences which shape whether a dog as an adult is likely to become fearful or bite. (5)
The other problem is that when dogs become adolescent and emotionally challenged they are relinquished and many stories are told as to why they are relinquished, this also means understanding relinquishment rates is also not reliable as people cannot be counted on to be honest about what they have or haven't done with their puppy which could of led to the “unwanted behaviours.” This is when we see relinquishment of dogs, as they haven't met the idea of companionship of the human. (6)
Many guardians I have worked with who had emotionally challenged dogs attended a puppy class or party of some kind and many felt lost, frustrated and first contact a lot of the time was: “If I couldn't help they would relinquish their dog.”
I think it's really important that we embrace a new understanding of dogs. We bring dogs into our lives to become family members and sometimes dogs are emotionally challenged for a whole variation of reasons, as discussed in this blog.
We need to come to understand that our dog is our companion, not the neighbours dog, not a dog round the block or strange dogs that you bump into. Your dog is your companion and if your dog is emotionally challenged by other dogs, that's OK because your dog is your companion and yours alone.
Rethink puppy classes as even the experts don't believe there are any positive associations or benefits for your puppy and begin to embrace setting your puppy up for success in the life you live, the company you keep and the places you travel!
Boone, G. et al. (2022) The effect of early neurological stimulation on puppy welfare in commercial breeding kennels, MDPI. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. Available at: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/13/1/71
Cerebral blood flow and personality: A positron emission tomography. (2011). Available at: https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/ajp.156.2.252
Morrow M., Ottobre J., Ottobre A., Neville P., St-Pierre N., Dreschel N., Pate J.L. Breed-dependent differences in the onset of fear-related avoidance behaviour in puppies. J. Vet. Behav. Clin. Appl. Res. 2015;10:286–294. doi: 10.1016/j.jveb.2015.03.002
Seksel K., Mazurski E.J., Taylor A. Puppy socialisation programs: Short and long term behavioural effects. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 1999;62:335–349. doi: 10.1016/S0168-1591(98)00232-9.
Serpell J., Duffy D.L., Jagoe J.A. Becoming a dog: Early experience and the development of behavior. In: Serpell J., editor. The Domestic Dog: Its Evolution, Behavior and Interactions with People. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press; Cambridge, UK: 2016. pp. 94–102.
Marston LC, Bennett PC. Reforging the bond – towards successful canine adoption. Appl Anim Behav Sci. 2003;83:227–245.
Image description: A grey comic book window. The title reads Socialising with other dogs will not magic your dog into a socialite. The window has a cardboard box upside down which has a sign that reads: go away. In red spray paint. Someone is saying off screen: " Do you want to hang out?"
A comic style speech bubble reads Poof! Where to recipient of the question has disappeared under the box!.
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Please sign and share this petition to finally ban electric shock collars once and for all in England. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/657377
Full information as to the harm of these devices can be read here -
Picture of my beautiful girl for tax
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I don't feel I am the right person for a (my) dog!
Audio - text to speech - 10 minutes 3 seconds duration - https://youtu.be/CVGtybWUv5c?si=t8Vb82o6hkw8o_1Z
Many people who are autistic/ anxious or have developmental, neurological or mental health conditions (Neurodivergent) don't feel that they are the right type of person to have a dog.
I was one of these people for many years, I worried I would make my dog anxious or stressed if I was to get a dog.
Working in kennels I wanted to take them all home and couldn't see just how much I was doing for them and how much they enjoyed my company.
Being referred to as quirky, highly strung, odd, sensitive, where my heart on my sleeve, weird etc or overlooked for my skills and talent because I am different. These are all extremely harmful and hurtful terms, especially when you are also overlooked because of someone's mindset about you.
People would be quick to commend me and tell me what a wonderful way I had about myself with dogs to put the most anxious dogs at ease. But when it comes to the crunch, it is always a case of being overlooked. Which is not ideal for anyone's confidence or harmful self beliefs because of others and their opinions and lack of empathy, tolerance and understanding.
I want to remind those like myself who are also neurodivergent or disabled that there is absolutely nothing wrong with us having dogs.
Some studies have found long term stress for humans can affect dogs also (but what they mostly found was this was actually with guardians who took their dogs to agility). (1)
Studies are extremely limited and work with a controlled section of breeds, sex, humans and environmental factors. For example in the study conducted by Sundman et al (2019). Their study was limited to 58 humans and their dog which was either a Border Collie or Shetland Sheepdogs.
If we look at another journal we find that there has been a study focused on Border collie behaviour. “Individual and group level trajectories of behavioural development in Border Collies.” This study focused on 69 Border Collies which placed an emphasis on the individual traits of each dog. (2)
So it is very easy for a journal to say that science has found evidence that stressed owners stress their dogs. However this is a very small study and not one to a scale where this could be said definitively or one that could be applied to real relationships as the individual guardian and their family would have to be evaluated by a psychiatrist, an independent observer such as a behaviourist would have to fill in the questionnaires about the dogs perceived behaviour in the home etc and then the researchers would have to interpret this data.
Which will never happen as this would just be too costly and many guardians would not want a live in behaviourist observing them nor would many people be open to a psychiatrist test to explore the five factor model and be assessed on their OCEAN traits of personality. (3)
OCEAN stands for openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. For my Level 4 years ago I had to conduct this study on a cross section of willing friends who were also dog guardians. Some of them are neurodivergent and some not yet all scored very high for neuroticism. Which according to data doesn't make for a great guardian, except they were great guardians.
We can absolutely not base a person's ability to be a good guardian based on their developmental, neurological conditions or mental health.
All of my dogs support me and my mental health, they know when I am struggling and they offer comfort during these times. I am stressed most of the time and my dogs are not. If I have a particularly bad day this does not reflect in their behaviours, they aren't highly strung on walks, their fur patterns haven't changed, their diets and appetites haven't ever changed, playfulness or any other behaviour trait.
Zombie, my youngest is a special needs dog and his behaviour is the opposite of what a dog should express, for example when he's enjoying cuddles that he instigates, he doesn't look soft and relaxed like a normal dog. He looks the complete opposite and if you stop because you're worried about his body language he communicates to you that you fuss him and he isn't finished.
Many people said that I should euthanize him when he was younger and showed how different he was, but I persevered and made sure he was happy and comfortable just like my other dogs with different needs and arrangements made for him.
Now I am commended for all I have done for him and how he is excelling and enjoying life.
The relationship with your dog isn't about training and how your dog feels emotionally. It's about the connection you both have. Again if we look at the first study the dogs and humans both showed heightened stress partaking in dog sports.
The pet dogs did not show this level of stress and nor did their humans. The researchers themselves admitted this needs to be studied further for a complete understanding.
The most important thing is the connection you have with your dog. It doesn't matter if you're stressed, depressed, autistic or have another development or neurological condition or if you have a mental health condition.
The connection you have with your dog and how you live with them, bond with them, play with them, communicate with them and love them is what matters. A dog and guardian relationship where the dog and the guardian share a secure connection is what matters.
What many of us need to focus on whether you already have a dog or are considering adding to your family is self love which you can read about here and access self help tools. https://www.facebook.com/share/Aup95JhKk7BT4zCT/?mibextid=WC7FNe
Dogs also do help people with mental health problems, developmental and neurological disorders. Studies that have found that guardians struggle with mental health are actually based on the reactivity of the human.
Researchers found guardians of dogs may experience a form of caregiver burden as found in humans and families due to dogs being seen as a part of the family unit. (4)
This reference is cited from a journal which was exploring how mental health is impacted by dogs. This particular reference was in reference to guardians with reactive dogs.
These guardians displayed negative mental health due to their dogs behaviour and reactions to triggers but upon further analysis it was actually found to be due to society and not their dogs.
Through the data that the researchers collected they found that there were four major areas which could be analysed as to understanding the breakdown in relationships and the struggles of behavioural challenges in dogs.
Caretaking - expense of the vets, training, behaviour modification, breakdown in relationships, lack of understanding and support from friends and families.
Emotions - both negative and positive emotions were reported. Negative included emotions such as anger, fear, frustration, sadness and resentment. Whereas some reported feeling that they had a stronger bond.
Coping strategies - seeking help and getting support from trainers and behaviourists as well as some vets and therapists for themselves.
Lack of understanding and support - from the general public on walks, friends and family and social media. (4)
So when we look at these four categories, the dog isn't actually to be blamed. The frustrations all come down to money and having to spend more money than anticipated originally.
Lack of support from friends, family and even some professionals as well as unsolicited opinions from the general public and social media.
So here we aren't looking at dogs with behavioural problems as being the problem. We are looking at humans who are unable to deal with negativity from other humans and feeling that this all stems from their dogs behaviour.
Guardians are negatively impacted due to other' s opinions. So coming back to where I discussed how dogs improve and aid our mental health and or developmental or neurological disorders this is true. It is society and people which cause harm to guardians with dogs with big emotions.
People don't like to feel inadequate and some more than others, some guardians like myself can focus on their dogs strengths and support their dog through their anxiety and emotions and focus on a secure and healthy connection with the dog over training, trying to change an emotion quickly to “nip it in the bud” rather than heal the emotion or dog sports.
So to conclude you are good enough to have a dog. I wish someone had said this to me over a decade ago. People are so quick to criticise and be unkind and people aren't so quick to lend support, love and strength.
So if this has resonated with you, you are good enough for your dog and if you don't yet have a dog but want one. Welcome a dog into your family because you are good enough!
Sundman, AS., Van Poucke, E., Svensson Holm, AC. et al. Long-term stress levels are synchronized in dogs and their owners. Sci Rep 9, 7391 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-43851-x
Riemer, S., Müller, C., Virányi, Z., Huber, L., & Range, F. (2016, July). Individual and group level trajectories of Behavioural Development in border collies. Applied animal behaviour science. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5295634/
McCrae RR, John OP. An introduction to the five-factor model and its applications. J Pers. 1992 Jun;60(2):175-215. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6494.1992.tb00970.x. PMID: 1635039.
V. Braun, V. Clarke.Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qual.Res. Psychol., 3 (2006), pp. 77-101
Image description - a baby Wolfdog chewing a frozen enrichment item under a table.
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We're not anti- crate
We're not anti-crate, we're pro dog welfare - if there's space for a crate there's space for a Doggy Enrichment Land! - Tasha Attwood (Do No Harm Dog Training and Behaviour Handbook, Linda Michaels MA pgs. 262-270.
Using a crate inappropriately or excessively can result in both mental and physical harm to a dog.
Inappropriate use includes keeping a dog in a crate that is too small, dirty, or uncomfortable, or using it for punishment or confinement. For example, if a dog is crated for extended periods, they can develop anxiety, boredom, and frustration, which may lead to destructive behaviour or even aggression. Additionally, if a crate is too small, the dog may not be able to stretch out, turn around, or stand up properly, leading to physical discomfort and health problems.
Excessive use of a crate can also affect your dog's welfare. A dog that spends the majority of its time in a crate may become socially isolated, emotionally withdrawn, and prone to depression. This can lead to further problems, including aggression, destructive behaviour, and reduced life expectancy.
It is important to use a crate for training and safety purposes, but it should never be used as a means of punishment or to replace human interaction. A well-trained and socialised dog that receives regular exercise and attention will not need to spend extended periods in a crate. When using a crate, it should be large enough for the dog to move around comfortably, contain soft and comfortable bedding, provide access to fresh water, have a fan in the hot months, be free from draughts in winter and allow for plenty of human interaction and playtime. With proper use, a crate can be a comfortable space for your dog to rest and a valuable tool for training and travel.
Did you know the minimum size requirement for the housing of a mouse is 250cm2 and 500cm2 for two mice? (1) My single baby mouse has 3500cm2 floor space.
Now when we consider this for a moment, consider how much larger a dog is than a mouse. The average mouse is 6.3 - 10. 2 cm in length and have a height of 3 - 5 cm. A Chihuahua for example is roughly 12.7 cm - 20.32 cm in height and 24.13 cm to 38.1 cm in length. So there's already a vast comparison between their sizes.
The small dog crate floor space is 2787.091 square centimetres and is barely double the height of my mouse housing, this means my single baby mouse has more square footage of floor space than a Chihuahua or any other small breed of dog confined to a dog crate!
This means my baby mouse has 712.909 cm2 more floor space than a small dog crate.
A rabbit must have the minimum floor space of 6m2, housing of a width of 2m and length of 3m. With an internal shelter that always has the door open. A rabbit has 60,000 sq cm of floor space whilst a dog still has only 2787.091 sq cm. That means a rabbit has 57, 212.909 sq cm more than a small dog.
I don't know about you, but this really made me pause. My housing for my baby mouse is bigger than a small dog crate.
Hopefully this example has now grabbed your interest. Now we can delve into why crates can be misused, abused and can negatively impact dog welfare and harm dog welfare and their emotions.
In the UK we have the Animal Welfare Act 2006 which states the five freedoms that animals have:
Freedom from hunger and thirst.
Freedom from discomfort
Freedom from pain, injury or disease
Freedom to express normal behaviour
Freedom from fear and distress
The crate must be big enough for them to stand, turn around and stretch out.
The temperature of the environment for a dog sleeping and confined to a crate must be between 10°C and 26°C. Free from humidity and drafts, well ventilated and away from heat sources.
They must not be left alone for more than 3 hours, they must have access to water, enrichment items, food and access to toileting.
How terribly sad, that in a country where animal welfare has a law that crates must only be big enough for this.
Let's look at the RSPCA charity standards in the UK.
Many of us don't support zoos, sea worlds and other exploitative means of animal containment. Many people probably sit their shaking their head at the Animal right exploitation videos whilst their dog is sat in a crate.
It's important to understand not only are crates far too small, but also how many hours a dog is subject to spending in a crate per day. Then consider all of these hours each day over their short life span.
Greenfield , R. (2022) Minimum requirements for the Ethical Housing Of Mice, Rachie’s Retirement Home. Available at: https://rachiesratirementhome.com/ethicalmousehousing
Image description: A four window grey comic panel background. The title reads: Let's talk crates.
The first image is of a crate with a sad cream and grey Wolf Dog inside. The carpet is green, the wallpaper is green with different size and shade circles. There is a wooden skirting board. The white text box reads: crates are one of the most abused tools.
The next window is of a crate with the crate door bent and a howling cream and grey Wolf Dog inside trying to get out. The carpet is green, the wallpaper is green with different size and shade circles. There is a wooden skirting board. The white text box reads: Dogs shouldn't get to this state of anxiety and fear.
The third window is of a crate with a sleeping cream and grey Wolf Dog inside but no door. The carpet is green, the wallpaper is green with different size and shade circles. There is a wooden skirting board. The white text box reads: bringing your dog to this emotional state takes time and dedication.
The fourth window is of an empty crate. The Wolfdog is at the side of the handler who is in an orange wheelchair. The dog has a relaxed happy look on their face. There is cheese and a trail of cheese to the crate. The carpet is green, the wallpaper is green with different size and shade circles. There is a wooden skirting board. The white text box reads: the first step is to commit to a plan.
The final text under all of the windows reads: We all have a duty of care to ensure we don't add to the problem by supporting videos which try to make a dog's distress look humourous
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Wicked Wednesday!!!
Image description: Henry Cavill in a charcoal suit and a golden tie smiling to the cameras. Jason Momoa sneaking up on Henry on a pink carpet. The text reads: When you think your puppy is going to be so easy to live with...
The following text reads: Pysch!!! Adolescence!!!
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Emotionally challenged dogs
Have you ever been unfortunate to have a panic attack? If you haven't it feels like you can't breathe, your having a heart attack and you feel like you are going to pass out. Sounds are muffled and you are simply focused on surviving in that moment.
This is how it feels for your dog when they too feel big emotions. For humans someone can give us a paper bag, soothe us, reassure us, and give those who aren't anti hugs a hug.
For your dog they don't understand why you aren't reassuring them, why are you getting mad. They need to hear your voice which is soothing, gentle and familiar to break through the dizzying fog. They are desperately connection seeking you through the internal storm in their brain, paralysing their body and all of their nerve endings. They are no longer in control of their body, just like a deer or a rabbit running for their life.
A dog cannot run for their life. Most of the time they are on a lead. Sometimes they feel they can do nothing but protect themselves. This is what they were born to do. To protect themselves at all costs, just like us.
Some humans fight, some freeze and some fawn, just like dogs.
Reassure them, let them know you are with them, retreat and go home. Wait until they are rested and recovered. Enjoy your dog every minute of their short life.
Image description:
A baby Wolf Dog sat with a cheeky look on his face. Over the image are.text message notifications. The text messages read: From best friend:
PSA: an emotionally challenged dog is not trying to ignore you or refusing to listen, they are having a hard time relying on their instincts to survive. Punishing them, choking, yanking, shocking, shouting is only going to make them feel unsafe further…
Listening to them, retreating to safety and reaffirming your and their connection which will offer them a feeling of safety. You would not punish or ignore a human we love having a panic attack so it's the same principle.
Learning triggers, fears, thresholds and identifying needs can ensure you both have a fun and pleasant walk. At the end of the day I am an animal governed by the need to survive at all costs. To you it's another dog or person, to me they are terrifying just like the house spider you were screaming at, at 2am this morning...
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Silly Saturday!
Image description: A white background titled: the fastest things on earth. The first image is a Cheetah with a bar quarter full with yellow. The next image is an airplane with the bar a little more full in orange. The next image is of the sun - the speed of light. The bar is 3/4 full with yellow. The final image is a Trainer titled - Dog trainers ready to disagree. The bar is full with the colour red.
#dogtraining #humour #meme #sillysaturday #dogs
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The importance of veterinary checks
Yesterday I took Django to the vets as he has been itchy and chewing himself. I was really worried as to what could be wrong. Fully prepared for the possibility of an allergy test, pharma medications, imaging…
Our vet team is absolutely brilliant and they are so helpful and make us feel safe. This was Django's first time at the new vets surgery yesterday and he was made to feel welcome and safe which is really important.
The vet took his time with Django allowing Django to acclimatise, he watched his movements and asked lots of questions. Then listened to my worries and gave a diagnosis and possible treatment options.
The vet was quick, gentle, assisted by a team member and allowed us to comfort Django and support him as he needed.
The vet explained how the next 48 hours will be and then to observe for the next three weeks and a follow up option too.
He then explained that Django will need to come in regularly for checks to monitor him for the future now that his anal glands have been expressed.
They also give information as to why they do what they do, for example antibiotics and how the antibiotics work.
Good vets really have patient care at the centre of their work and make the patient feel safe and secure despite uncomfortable treatments.
6 month regular checks are really helpful for your vet to get to know your dog and create a baseline of what is normal behaviours for your dog, their diet, environment and routine. So that when the day comes when something could be wrong, just like your own doctor your vet knows your dog too as well as you!
Image description: A pale blue background of an infographic. The title reads: The importance of veterinary checks in white. There is an orange paw in the background.
The subtitle reads: what to seek in a veterinary check.
The main body of text reads: Your vet will see your dog promptly
The vet will ask questions to make an assessment
the vet will listen to your answers
They will allow your dog to acclimatise to them and the clinic before touching your dog
They will allow the use of collaborative care
They will discuss possible diagnosis and the treatments
They will give a choice to you in the treatment routes
Vet will observe your dog's movement and also ask or be interested in any videos of the behaviour as it occurs naturally as to your concerns
They will ask about diet, environment, any changes, current treatments, for example worming and flea treatment
The second main body of text to the right reads: a Vet check is more than a booster appointment
a Vet check should be routinely done every 6 months or sooner if your dog has a problem
A Vet will be keen to discuss with you the Helsinki pain scale, a possibility of a pain trial if needed
A follow up consultation following the treatment
To the bottom left is a Wolfdog with his mouth open next to a treat bag. The background has been removed.
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