mushroomhut · 3 years
A Long List of Ways to Spiritually Protect Yourself
(Updated from this old list here.)
Shielding is a practice entirely built on your intention–if you want an eternal shield, you can have it. If you believe in your shield, it will be there. There are many ways that are incredibly powerful with just the slightest trust and a little bit of practice. As soon as possible, start to practice shielding and methods of spiritual protection, since practice, along with your intention, will create the most powerful shields. 
Also, you can never shield to much. It’s amazing and very empowering to have layer upon layer of shielding, and the energy and time you put into shielding will really save you a lot of energy and time in the future. Even just walking around, through crowds, cities, etc, drains your energy–negative energy is everywhere, and consciously seeking only the energy for your best and highest good will really, truly, and completely empower you. 
You can shield from anything and everything, just make sure to allow in things for your “best and highest interest/good.” ShCast every shield with this affirmation. This allows what people would consider “negative” emotions to still come through, so you can live a balanced life, since not all emotions that are considered negative actually are. This affirmation effectively only allows things that raise or balance your vibration, and help you to spiritually evolve. It won’t cut you off from anything necessary. Shields themselves will never overwhelm or smother you, since they are meant solely for your needs and will always let in positive energy. Here are some simple methods to begin shielding, but you can always adopt them with your own needs and intentions! Do what works for you, just make sure to shield when practicing spirit or energy work of any sort. 
Robe of White Light:
Focus for a moment on calming yourself, and once you have a clear mind, imagine a nice fluffy robe around you (I always imagine one like in the game Journey) made of white and protective light. This is the universe’s energy, and nothing ill can penetrate it once it is surrounding you.
It is recommended to repeat once or twice a day to maintain the shielding.
You can also use the affirmation of “I call upon a robe of loving and protective white light, knowing that it will protect me from all energy not in my highest interest. This robe protects me with the power of the Universe/Source/God.”
Guardian Protection:
Ask your guardian spirits (either aloud or through your mind) to protect you.
Always command that the guardians who help that they “come in light.” And if not, say they must leave. You don’t even have to know their name, but if they aren’t here to help, then they shouldn’t be around you. So just command this and all with ill intentions will be forced to leave.
Call on them for a need by need basis.
Auric Hardening:
Imagine your aura (trust whatever color you see in your mind’s eye), and then imagine it hardening, like it’s calcifying around you. It can get as hard as a rock, or like armor.
This can sometimes push away any energy exchanges, so you could feel more distant from positive interactions too. So, it’s best used when a threat is around
Usually lasts between 4 hours-2 days, depending on the strength of your intention.
Sigil warding:
Draw with a pen, marker, or with the tip of your finger (if you don’t need visible lines) a sigil with the intention of protecting yourself. A sigil is most basically an energetic line (or series of them) with an intention. The lines hold the energy and magnify the intention.
Here are examples
A post on sigil crafting
Shielding with Intention and the Universe:
Calm yourself with a short breathing meditation, then focus on what you intend to shield-yourself, another, or a place.
Imagine casting a ball of light towards the designated target, with the intention of allowing the Universe/Source to channel through you and shield whatever you intend to.
Just watch and observe as the shield is built, knowing that it is fully fueled by the energy of the Universe and will stay there, and stay strong, until the shield is released consciously by you.
You can specify this shield for certain purposes, like to only keep a spirit out, or to keep all negative spirits out.
Reiki Shielding and Protection:
In Usui Reiki, there is a technique your Reiki Masters should have taught you about warding and cleansing the room in white light. Channel Reiki energy to do this.
If you are attuned to Reiki II, you should know the 1st symbol and that it can be used to stop all energy that is not in your highest good from coming towards you, working as an effective shield when the symbol is called on.
You need to be properly attuned to Reiki for this.
Bubble shielding:
Similar to the white light or shielding with intention, but focusing on making and empowering a bubble around you.
Replenish this as often as possible, since this is dependent on your own care.
Can be in an oval or a sphere shape. If this is hard to get a hang of, then try just fitting it a couple inches away from your body, similar to auric hardening.
Waterfall shielding:
A bubble shield with the intention of existing on top of an underneath bubble shield. 
Focus on this shield and set the intention of having it move around like a waterfall. This way, someone sending negative energy has a very small chance of hitting the same place twice.
Elemental shielding:
All of these are built with a specific intention and visualization of the shield. Time around such element used will strengthen the shield, or a conscious meditation to draw the energy towards you and the shield.
Fire shield: Envision burning fire, that will destroy all negative energy/energy not for your highest good, when it tries to enter your energetic space.
Water shield: Similar to the waterfall shield, but with the visual of actual water flowing that can wash away all negative debris or toxicity clinging to any form of bubble shield underneath it. 
Earth shielding: This one can block off positive energy too, since it works more like a layer of earth around the person. Though, it can also be envisioned to only grow/manifest around you in times of need or when you’re being attacked or faced with negative energy. It can also block your third eye from seeing outside. Earth shielding can also work as a means of grounding you, which doesn’t have negative effects (as long as you don’t neglect your upper chakras). If you ground yourself to the earth, and your are harmed or shaken by negative energy, you can replenish your energy from the earth.
Air shielding: Envision a fast current of air around you that sweeps away all negative energy or malevolent beings.
Light shielding: A bright white light that totally purifies all energy that contacts it, similar to the robe of white light. Different colored lights can work too, but they all have specific purposes that you should research first.
Ether shielding: Sometimes this works like a portal, transporting all malevolent energy to another place in the universe. Just make sure to set the intention that things in your best and highest interest aren’t affected, and that the travel won’t severely harm anyone who is transported by the portal (since sometimes negative energy can come from just someone in a bad mood). 
Chaos shielding: Not always considered an element, but with the idea of scattering any negative energy–the sudden increase in entropy raises the vibration to something more positive.
Shadow and smoke shielding: Imagining either element around you, mostly for cloaking and making your energy less obvious. This is great for astral projection and spiritual travel when you don’t want to be noticed. You can infuse the energy with an intention of how you want to be perceived, like if a threat comes, then you can suddenly raise this shield and make the smoke cause you to seem dangerous, scaring off the opponent. 
Halo shielding:
Imagine a series of halos that spin quickly around you, moving to knock away negative energy if it approaches your space. This can be inside or outside of a bubble or light based shield.
Protection charms and enchanted objects:
Work made by you, when you have a lot of experience, in creating a sigil charm or enchanted object meant for protection. This can also be from someone who has passed down a family protection amulet (just research it and bathe it in light to clear any possible negative energy on it), or from an experienced energy worker making protection amulets, charms, or objects. 
Some are religiously charged, like crosses, pentagrams, etc. If this matches your belief, your belief will empower it. 
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mushroomhut · 3 years
🧚🎉Fairy Festivals🎉🧚
🎉 Fairy festivals take place at crossover points in the seasons. Equinoxes and solstices are determined by the position of the Sun, but the other four festivals are celebrated when the time feels right, so the dates given below are approximate.
🎉 There are other festivals too,such as Christmas Eve,Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. Any human festival that touches on old traditions,from Ramadan to a Japanese Flower Festival, is a fairy feast. If you celebrate these festivals and make the effort to tune into what concerns the fairies, you will draw closer to their world. If you celebrate a special meal, remember to leave a little outside afterward for the fairies
1.  🌷 Imbolic - 🌷
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February 2 in the Northern Hemisphere/July 31 in the Southern Hemisphere
Imbolc means “in the belly,” and this is the time when life stirs in the belly of the earth. Frost sparkles and the pale light lingers each evening,bringing the message that spring is on the horizon. Imbolc is the delicate crossover point from winter’s depths into the New Year. It is a feast of lightness and brightness,but also a time of cleansing,to make way for the new. The Hag, who is Dark Goddess or Dark Fairy, gives way now to the Maiden, who is young and radiant.
Fairies love neatness and good housekeeping,so it is a good idea to have a late-winter sort-out,in preparation for fresh activity. While the fairies are busy coaxing snowdrops and crocuses out of the winter-hard earth,do something creative of your own,such as knitting,painting,or writing poetry. Ask the fairies to lend you a little of their magic by leaving them an offering,such as a piece of wool or a verse written just for them.
This feast is also called candlemas,sacred to St.Bridget,who was the successor to the pagan goddess Bride (pronounced “Breed”). Bride was the keeper of the sacred flame,which represents eternal life. She is the patroness of poetry,smithcraft,child birth, and healing, and is a very powerful fairy indeed. Invite her into your home by lighting as many candles as you like, in your windows and around your house. Ask her to bless your projects for the coming year,and pledge a special act of caring for the natural world in return,to seal your pact as the year waxes.
2. 🌼 Spring Equinox- 🌼
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March 21 in the Northern Hemisphere/September 21 in the Southern Hemisphere
The fairies are very busy at the Spring Equinox,looking after all the flowers that are newly blooming.Scandinavian fairies become active now: the Russian cellar fairy,The Domoviyr,casts off its skin and grows a lighter one for summer; and the Russian Rusalki,or river fairies are glimpsed by lakes swollen with melted snow.
A tree planting project is a very fairy-friendly activity at this time. A seasonal blitz on the garden is also called for. While you are hard at work, digging and pulling away at dead winter twigs, it is easy to go into a kind of trance. This, coupled with the spell of the natural world around you,can create the perfect state of mind to catch a glimpse of fairies.You can be sure they are near you,helping you with their energies.Plant some seeds of your choice and, as you put them in the earth, close your eyes and make a special request for fairy help. Visualize the fairies tending your seeds,giving them their love and care. Ask out loud for the fairies to help you,and sing or hum and you plant. Touch the soft soil with your bare hands and make real contact with the earth.
Place water in a pottery or glass jug (plastic or metal is best avoided) and leave it out in the noon sunshine. Ask the fairies to bless it. Imagine them dancing around it and coming up to touch it with their glimmering fingers. Use the water to give your houseplants a special spring blessing.
The Green Man is a powerful nature spirit that has been sensed by many people. He is represented in numerous churches as the Foliate Mask (a face made up of leaves),and one theory about his presence is that the masons who fabricated him had hidden sympathies with the old nature- worship. He is making his appearance now on some new park benches and monuments. However, you can make contact with the real Green Man out alone walking through the woodland. Ancient and wise,he is watching you. Catch a glimpse of him behind tree trunks or in the lacework of budding branches. Hear his footfalls behind you as you walk. He is the very breath of Nature, and his strength is bursting forth in springtime.
3. 💐 Beltane - 💐
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April 30 in the Northern Hemisphere/October 31 in the Southern Hemisphere
Of all the festivals, Beltane is the most flagrantly joyful and sensuous as Nature is bursting forth with beauty and excitement. This was the Celtic beginning of summer, and also marked an important transition for the people of Fairy, for it was the time when the Milesian Celts landed on the shores of south-west Ireland. With this, the last of the magical peoples,the Tuatha de Danann, receded from the the world of humans into the Hollow Hills and became the people of the Sidhe.
However, they and the other fairy folk have not gone very far. You will find them dancing in a bluebell wood or skipping in the sunshine,sheltered by a greening hedge. Beltane is the time when good fairies reign supreme and bad fairies retreat. Fairies are very active now and may try to steal butter,or some of the ritual fire that used to be ignited on hilltops and is still lit by modern pagans.
This is the maypole season, but instead you can always dance around a friendly tree. Link hands with friends, and you may find yourselves spontaneously re-creating the kind of things people used to to do when seeing fairies was commonplace:lingering,walking,and talking, in the open air, away from television,computers,and other modern distractions.
There are many tales of beautiful fairies marrying mortals. Such tales usually end in tragedy, for fairy and human can never truly be joined. Better to borrow some of the fairy enchantment by performing a little magic of your own! Rise early on May Day and wash your face in the dew or simply walk in it. As the rhyme says: “The fairy maid who, the first of May Goes to the fields at break of day, And walk in dew from the hawthorn tree, Will ever handsome be.”
Welsh legend tells how the hero Pwll saw the Lady Rhiannon riding past him at Beltane and, after pursuing her, he eventually won her. Rhiannon is one aspect of the Fairy Queen,riding on her white horse between the worlds. As you sit quietly outside,on a bank in the late spring dusk,listen for the sounds of her horse’s hooves,and open your eyes to the shimmer of her sea-blue cloak. When Rhiannon touches your heart, she will fill it with love and inspiration.
4. 🌹 Midsummer -  🌹
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June 22 in the Northern Hemisphere/December 22 in the Southern Hemisphere
This is one of the most magical times of the year, when fairies are very active and visible, playing pranks and even, it is said, stealing away the young and beautiful to join them in the Hollow Hills. The sun is now at the height of its strength and this is an important crossover point,such as the fairies love. For at the Midsummer Solstice the sun stands still, before beginning to recede as we move into the waning half of the year.
Flowers are colorful and luxuriant, and one radiant day seems to merge into another, as late dusk meets early dawn. At no time is the natural world more inviting. Take part in it by going on quests -long walks to sacred spots,evening camping out with the minimum of equipment,to draw close to the mystery that is all around, and to the Fair Folk in particular.
The rose is possibly the most sensuous bloom of all, and at midsummer it is often at its most gorgeous. Roses in the garden are especially likely to attract fairies. Distil water from rose petals and add it to your bath, asking the fairies to lend you some of their enchantment and to help you attract love. Brew tea from rosebuds and drink it,to increase your psychic powers.Plant a rose bush with a friend, to affirm the loving bound between you and invite the fairies into your life.
St.John’s wort is a herb known to break any negative fairy enchantment and drive away depression. Pluck some on Midsummer’s Day and carry it, to keep cheerful.
Look out for water nymphs by streams, or for undines for water elementals on the seashore- or for even the Lady of the Lake herself,rising from the luminous depths.In olden times, these beings were said to have no souls. It is closer to the truth to say that they do not have human morals. Conventions often conceal or feelings, but the beauty of the water fairies opens us to our unconscious tides; see them and let yourself be transformed.
5. 🌾Lammas- 🌾
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July 31 in the Northern Hemisphere/February 2 in the Southern Hemisphere
Lammas is “Loaf Mass,” a christian version of a much older festival known as Lughnasadh, or the “Feast of Lugh.” Lugh was a Celtic god,lord of the Tuatha de Danann, and his name means “bright one.” Lughnasadh is a major fairy festival, and many fairies become active during this period,such as the Russian Polevik, who kicks sleepy harvesters awake. It is also a time when fairies move about in preparation for winter,and processions of them may be seen as a line of twinkling lights moving between the hills in the countryside.
At Lammas, the fields are golden with corn and splashed with red poppies. It is hazy,lazy time of holidays and abundance,but there is an underlying theme of death,for the Corn Spirit must be sacrificed in order to reap the harvest. If you walk out into a field of ripe wheat, you may sense the anger of the nature spirits as what is to be taken from the earth,even thought that is a part of the natural cycle of life.Gather up some ears of wheat and tie them into a bunch with red thread,to make a charm for the coming winter to hang over your hearth. At the same time,pledge an act of caring for the earth,such as clearing a derelict site in your neighborhood or garden, or planting and tending a herb, as payment for what you-and all of us- take from it.
At home, bake your own bread, using the rising of the dough as a spell to ensure that everything prospers in your life. While you are kneading the bread dough, say to yourself “As this dough swells, so may my fortunes increase.” Ask for your own personal Brownie, or house fairy, to come and help your bread rise- and remember to leave some breadcrumbs outside afterward,for the fairies.
Some say that Lugh is lord of the waning year, and his dance- through the waving,whispering corn- is a dance of death. If so, it is a reminder that all things come in cycles,and that everything is united in love and beauty. Stand at the edge of a sun-kissed wheat field and see the shimmer and sway that betrays the presence of Lugh. Take a few moments to feel respect for the earth in your heart, and understand the meaning of the Wheel of Life.
6. 🍁 Autumn Equinox (Mabon) - 🍁
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September 21 in the Northern Hemisphere/March 21 in the Southern Hemisphere
At the Autumn Equinox, Nature stands poised between light and dark,but darkness is gaining. The veil between this world and the Otherworld is at its thinnest, and all manner of spirit visitations are more frequent now.
The hedgerows are beaded with berries,and mist lingers in the hollows. Sometimes the wind whistles in from nowhere and tosses baring branches. On other says, the mellow sun caresses the fields with slanting fingers. It is a time for reflection, but also for industry. In days gone by, preserves would be made for winter store and the help of the Good Folk would be sought by country people.
Absorb the atmosphere of the season by going blackberrying. In Celtic countries, there may be a taboo on eating blackberries, because these belong especially to fairies. However, as long as you gather them with respect and do not denude the bramble bushes, they will hardly object. Better still,leave out some of your homemade blackberry pie or wine for them,so that they will bless you. When this month ends, leave the blackberries alone and move on. Also look out for a bramble bush that forms an arch-so much the better if it faces east/west, for that mirrors the passage of the sun. Crawl through this three times on a sunny day to be healed of physical ills, especially rheumatism and skin troubles.
At this mysterious time, pay honor to Queen Mab. Her special gift is to bring dreams and visions to birth within us. She is really one of many manifestations of the Goddess, in her autumnal guise of wise-woman and Lady of Magic, and she is linked with ancient ideas of sovereignty- for the king drew his power from the land, and Mab presided.
Preferably at the Full Moon closest to the equinox,place good-quality wine in a stemmed glass or chalice,and take it into the garden or a secluded place.Raise the glass to the Moon,say, “Mab, I honor you”and pour some of the wine onto the earth. Drink a little and say, “Mab, I drink with you,” Then return home,light a bright-green candle beside your bed,gaze at the flame and say, “Mab,give me wisdom,” Place some jasmine or rose oil on your pillow,extinguish the candle-and drift into Fairyland. This is a little ritual that you can repeat during any Full Moon if you wish.
7. 🎃 Samhain - 🎃
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October 31 in the Northern Hemisphere/April 30 in the Southern Hemisphere
Samhain means “summer’s end” and is pronounced “sa-wen.” This ancient Celtic festival at the official start of the winter was later Christianized as Halloween- a time when the dead were remembered. There was always a sinister aspect to Samhain,because certain sacrifices had to be made in order to survive the coming cold weather. Animals had to be slaughtered,and some say that human sacrifice took place to propitiate the spirits. Sacrifice,however, is a corruption of nature worship,for life is hard enough as it is and all we have to do is show respect.
Barrow mounds,shrouded in mist,are particularly eerie places at Samhain. Draw close,if you dare,and sit quietly.Do you hear the strange,far-off noise of fairy music,or the sound of knocking? Maybe the mound will open for you and unearthly light will stream over the barren fields.After Samhain,the earth is given over to the powers of darkness and decay.No crops or berries may be harvested after this time,because the Phooka, a malevolent Irish Fairy,blights them. The true meaning here,of course,is that death and decay have a place in the natural order,requiring due honor and respect lest they get out of hand.
Traditionally, this is the start of the story telling season. While the wind whistles around the eaves or the mist comes down outside,gather family or friends around your hearth- preferably with a real fire burning in it. If you do not have an open hearth,substitute a collection of large,burning candles. Sit round and speak of times gone by and people who have passed over to the other side.Ask the Beloved Dead to be present, if you wish(but note that this is not a seance,and the Beloved Dead are invited,not summoned). Laugh,share funny stories,feast,and drink.
Cerridwen is the Underworld Goddess and the Fairy Hag most associated with this time. In her magic cauldron,she stirs a brew that confers inspiration and transformation. Simmer up a hearty soup of root vegetables or pumpkin, to share with friends,then light a black candle and ask Cerridwen to guide you through the darkness into the light. You will  be both safe and wise.
8.  ❄️ Yule - ❄️
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December 22 in the Northern Hemisphere/June 22 in the Southern Hemisphere
Yule is the Midwinter Solstice, when the sun again appears to stand still,as it did at midsummer,but the season is poised for the return of light. Celebrations of Christ’s birth were moved to coincide with the much more ancient solstice.
As you deck your Christmas tree,remember that the evergreen is a powerful symbol of the enduring life in Nature. Of course,is has a fairy on top of it,confirming that it is a festival of the Fair Folk,who also rejoice in the sun’s rebirth. Decorating your tree is an important magical act,for the decorations are fairy charms. Each member of the family should hang at least one special charm of their own,to enable a wish to come true.
Jack Frost is an active fairy in the cold weather,painting windows with intricate lacework. In Russia he is called Father Frost,the soul of winter,covering the trees in ice. Do not shrink from the frost fairy-go out and wonder at his works and he will reward you with hope and joy,just as in Russia Father Frost brings presents for the children on New Year’s Day.
By far the best-known and most powerful fairy at Yule is Father Christmas himself. Today we know him by his robes of red and white, but in the past he also wore green and other colors. As we have seen,red is the color both of life and death, and many fairies wear red caps. The hearty red of Father Christmas is a sign that he is an Otherworld being-very much alive,but not of this earth. He is recognized all over the world, as Kris Kringle in Germany and Pere Noel in France. In Brazil he is Papa Noel,and in China Dun Che Loa. He is the essence of Yuletide mystery,joy and renewal,and like many traditional fairies, he comes in and out via the hearth.
When all is quiet on Christmas Eve, get ready to welcome Father Christmas- light a candle and look at the stars. Pledge a gift for a friend and one for the world, and ask for a special gift to answer your heart’s desire. Write your wish on a piece of paper and “post” it up the chimney if you have an open fire. If not, burn it in the candle flame. Can you hear those sleigh bells?
(Art By: IrenHorrors On Deviantart -Link)
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mushroomhut · 3 years
free witchcraft books
howdy, i keep an archive of over 500 resources for witchcraft and the occult
we are beginner friendly and offer an essentials section for witchcraft - history, protection, and the basics to spellwork - with summaries for everything to help you find relevant content
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if youre interested - or just wanted to have a look around - feel free to join us here!
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mushroomhut · 3 years
Quick Things to do to celebrate Yule
if you are like me most likely you are stuck inside today and can’t really go out. Here are some things you can do to celebrate Yule
Do a 12 card spread Each card represents what the month of the year holds for you. The card on the bottom of the deck represents the underlying theme of the year. 
Review something you’d like to renew or revive Especially if it’s a project or something you were working on that you put aside for a long time. Think about taking it back up today. If you are lost in this, you can ask your deck for help. 
Make blessings for yourself or loved ones It’s a great time to send positive energy towards others you care about or if you really need it, focus it on yourself. This year we have the Great Conjunction so it’s a fantastic time for abundance spells and blessings
Play some music Here is a curated playlist for you
Make a “feast” Ok so Feast for 1 usually is just like a festive dish with roasted veggies and a nice dessert. Maybe make an easy roast, a pasta bake or a stew and top it off with a home made baked good and ice cream. Boom. Wassail. 
Have a blessed Yule everyone. Hope this next cycle can allow for more freedom and growth. 
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mushroomhut · 4 years
Hi I'm dumb. I've been following you for a year and I still don't understand some of these things? Could you maybe give a description of what the planets represent and what houses are I'm really confused - a stupid Scorpio
of course honey bee!!!! hope this helps :)***and you’re not dumb!!!! you shouldn’t call yourself stupid for not knowing something 
Keep reading
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mushroomhut · 4 years
Understanding Lunar Geometry  ~*The Logic Behind Moon Phases in Astrology*~
I want students of astrology at all levels to understand how this works, whether you’re a beginner, or you’ve been studying many years, I believe this material is essential :).
I think it is important to not only understand astrology on an interpretive/creative level, but also on a physical/mathematical level.  This way, you thoroughly grasp how it works, you gain an authentic connection to how the celestial bodies move, instead of just reading what each sign and aspect means.  Learning this also helps you to estimate where the planets are in the houses at any given moment, without having to rely on the computer to run up a chart for you.
At the new moon, the sun and moon are in the same sign, so no more than 30 degrees apart (some people would say that when the moon is within 45 degrees of the sun its still a new moon).  This is why you can’t see the moon when its new moon time, they’re so close that the moon can’t show its sign.  So let’s say you’re walking around outside at noon and the sun is at the top of the sky and you know it’s a new moon that night, now you can also figure that the moon is close to the midheaven since the sun is.  Let’s say you keep walking a few more hours and the sun is more than 30 degrees away from setting, so you now know the sun is in the 8th house, and the moon must be pretty close by it.
At the Waxing Crescent Moon, the moon is one or two signs after the sun.  So its almost noon, and the sun is in the 10th house, now you know that the moon would probably be in the 11th or 12th house, as celestial bodies move clockwise thru the horoscope.  At sunset on these days, the moon would probably be in the 9th or 8th house.  At midnight, the sun would be near the IC, and so the moon would likely be in the 5th or 6th house.
At the First Quarter Moon, the moon is three signs after the sun, so the moon would be 90 degrees counterclockwise from the sun.  At noon when the sun is on the midheaven, the moon is just rising up the ascendant.  When the sun is transiting the 8th house, the moon is transiting the 11th house.  The moon is right at the top of the sky when the sun is descending.  When the moon is in the 8th house, the sun would be in the 5th house.  When the moon sets, the sun is conjunct the IC.  When the sun rises on that day, the moon is conjunct the IC.
At the Waxing Gibbous Moon, the moon is at the sign that would be quincunx/inconjunct to the sun.  This is when the moon is 150 degrees counterclockwise from the sun.  Some astrologers would count the moon trine (120 degrees) the sun as a waxing gibbous as well.  So lets say its January, the sun is in Capricorn and the moon is in Gemini (or maybe its November and the sun is in Scorpio and the moon is in Aries, or maybe its July and the sun is in Leo and the moon is in Capricorn), before sunrise, the moon is in the 6th house.  When the sun rises up thru the 12th house, the moon is in the 5th house.  At noon when the sun is in the 10th house, the moon would be in the 3rd house.  The moon rises up into the 12th house (above the eastern horizon) before the sun sets in the 7th house.
At the full moon, the sun and moon are 180 degrees apart, so right when the sun sets on the western horizon, is when the moon rises on the eastern horizon.  Then when the moon sets on the Descendant, the sun rises on the Ascendant. When it is noon and the sun is on the Midheaven, the moon would be conjunct the IC.  When the moon is at the very top of the sky, then you know the sun is conjunct the IC, as this is a 180 angle.
As the moon starts to wane, the moon sign makes the other quincunx/inconjunct to the sun.  This is when the moon is 150 degrees clockwise from the sun.  In January while the sun is in Capricorn, the moon would be in Leo, in July while the sun is in Leo, the moon would be in Pisces, in November while the sun is in Scorpio, the moon would be in Gemini, and so on… Some astrologers call this the Disseminating moon phase.  Before the sun rises, the moon would be in the 8th house, as the sun rises up into the 12th house, the moon would be in the 7th house.  At high noon, the sun is conjunct the MC and the moon would be in the 5th house. When the sunset is happening during sun in the 7th house, the moon would be in the 2nd house.  Then the sun’s in the 6th and the moon’s in the 1st.  When the moon rises up thru the 12th house, the sun would be in the 5th house.  Once the moon reaches the top of the sky, conjunct the midheaven, the sun is likely in the 3rd house.
Some astrologers would still consider the next moon trine sun to be a disseminating phase.  This is when the moon is 120 degrees clockwise from the sun.  So lets say the sun is in Aquarius and the moon is in Libra.  When the sun rises on the Ascendant, the moon would likely be in the 9th house.  At high noon, the moon is probably in the 6th house.  Late afternoon while the sun is in the 8th house, the moon is in the 4th house.  Right at sunset (DSC), the moon would be around the brink of the 3rd and 2nd houses.  Right when the moon rises (ASC), the sun would be on the brink of the 4th and 5th houses.  When the moon is at the top of the sky (MC), the sun would be in the 2nd house, reaching into the 1st.
At the Last Quarter Moon Phase, the moon is 90 degrees clockwise from the sun.  For example, the sun is in Aquarius and the moon is in Scorpio, or the sun is in Pisces and the moon is in Sagittarius, or the sun is in Aries and the moon is in Capricorn, and so on… When the sun rises up the ascendant, you may faintly see the moon at the top of the sky (midheaven).  At high noon, the moon is setting.  At sunset, the moon is cozy at the IC.  The moon rises around midnight, when the sun is at the IC.  The moon is transiting the 12th house while the Sun is transiting the 3rd.  The moon’s in the 11th house (reaching towards the top of the sky) while the sun��s in the 2nd house.  So during this time, you don’t see the moon at night, or at least not very much.
At the Balsamic Moon phase, the moon is within the last 45 degrees, approaching the sun.  For example, the sun could be in Libra and the moon is in Virgo, or maybe the sun is at the beginning of Libra and the moon could be in the last half of Leo.  Or the sun is in Sagittarius and the moon is in Scorpio, or the end of Libra.  And so on… If it’s high noon, the sun is at the MC and the moon is somewhere between the 10th and 8th house, of course you can’t see the moon during this time, as it’s too close too the sun, it can’t shine.  This is kind of symbolic, as being born under a Balsamic moon phase means you have lots of karmic debt you’re working thru, you feel like you can’t shine all the time.   That’s a topic for another blogpost though…  In transits, the “dark moon” is a time for retreat, so you cannot see the moon shine as it wants to be left alone, not on display for everyone.  In progressions, a balsamic moon is an important stage of your development to release old feelings, old karma, old habits, etc., to prepare for your new moon phase where you begin anew.  I digress, back to the geometry.  When the sun sets at the Descendant, the moon is somewhere between the 7th and 5th house.  When it’s midnight and the sun is at the IC, the moon is between the 4th and 2nd house.  The moon rises not more than a few hours before sunrise.
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mushroomhut · 4 years
Astrology chart basics overview
Sun sign = the essence of a person, the potential & ideal personality
Moon sign = the inner core of a person, private feelings, subconscious habits and attitudes
Ascendant sign = (aka rising sign) the outer layer, mask, the first impression a person gives to others
Planets (represent energies; what is taking place):
Keep reading
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mushroomhut · 4 years
astrological placements 01.
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the inner planets.  these planets have the most effect on the individual, because these planets complete their cycle around the sun more often; the placements that appear person-to-person are more varied, and more specific.
sun. (ruled by leo) outer expression. the most basic sense of self. the lens through which the rest of the chart is seen. it’s like a filter for the rest of our natal chart, it colors everything. 
moon. (ruled by cancer) inner expression. the understanding we have of ourselves. receptivity. emotions and sensitivity.  
mercury. (ruled by gemini/virgo) communication. the use of language, and our communicative manner and tendencies. reason, logic, rationality, evaluation. learning, skills, and abilities. 
venus. (ruled by libra/taurus) affinity. our expressions of love and what appeals to us. intimacy, beauty, pleasure, romance.
mars. (ruled by aries) action. the assertion of ourselves, and methods of achieving goals. passion, drive, courage, aggression, impulsivity.
the outer planets.  these planets have less obvious effects on the individual, and more generational. these planets complete their orbits very slowly, so they are more relevant to understanding ourselves in a grander scheme.
jupiter. (ruled by sagittarius) growth. the search for meaning, the sense of justice. purpose, faith, philosophy, expansion. 
saturn. (ruled by capricorn) limitations. the laws and rules we choose to live by, our perceived reality. moral compass. conviction, concentration, caution. 
uranus. (ruled by aquarius) intuition. sudden insight, openness to what is new, unusual. inspiration, instinct, change, originality.
neptune. (ruled by pisces) supersensory. experience of the transcendental. the line between reality and fantasy. paranormal, mystic, occult, supernatural. 
pluto. (ruled by scorpio) power. dealing with the power and control. the cycle of creation and destruction. regeneration, transformation, rebirth, subconscious.
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mushroomhut · 4 years
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
path through life, basic self, early environment, beginnings, subjective self awareness, our effect on others, the way you operate, vitality, demeanour
family life, food/drink, teeth, planning, work ethic, inner wealth, what you bring to the table, your unique talents, the will to live, self esteem, how you use your material goods, greed
competition, your logical mind, aunts and uncles, local transportation, relativity, local culture, primary and secondary education, apprenticeship, modern means of communication and all practical things
academic degrees, destiny, influence of the father, soul’s intention, your final years, home, both the home native comes from and the one the native will set up
recreation, escape from responsibilities, the urge to produce, the urge to be special, the urge to influence, colour
what you can control, what you must do, underling (a person lower in status or rank), competence, elegance, unequal relationships, boundaries, the body-mind connection, helpfulness, self-discipline, behaviour at work, minor obligations, servitudes, lower-ranking co-workers, minor illnesses
projected self, concern for others, mutual relationships, mutual commitments, socialization, what we project onto others, desires, the native’s behaviour towards other people
letting go, career change, regeneration and renewal, partner’s values, self-regeneration, cynicism, sizing people up, idle curiosity, people watching, late afternoon, happy hour, sexual self-esteem, sexual self-respect, sexual self-control, celibacy, masturbation, feeling relaxed, feeling at ease, mutual interest, interest rates, rate of exchange, energy exchange, energy regulations, reiki, suicidal feelings, losing interest in life, jealousy, as an indicator of life desires, gratitude, sponsorships, fundraising, patrons, child support, unemployment benefits, pension, buying time, emotional responsibility, emotional accountability, the ability to recognize other people’s gifts, talent scout, talent agent, longevity, vulnerability, psychological transformation
⛵️ 9TH HOUSE ⛵️
Luck, devotion, journeys of the mind, collective thought, foreign languages, risk, cultural exchange, mental exploration, in-laws, the understanding of abstract topics
🏆 10TH HOUSE 🏆
visible actions, taking power, boss, publications, honors, long-term goals, experts, men, masculinity, guides, influence of the mother, native’s social elevation as compared to his family background, potential fame
🏵 11TH HOUSE 🏵
side hustles, eldest sibling, income from job/career, winnings, love received, our role in groups, originality, eccentricity, sudden events, surprises, gains, native’s protectors, the place native occupies within the group
💜 12TH HOUSE 💜
retreat, release, self-sabotage, enlightenment, far away lands, asceticism, your hidden strength, old age, limiting beliefs, closure, solitude, service to humanity, retreats from the world, repressed parts of oneself, self-sacrifice, the final stages of a project, surrender, separation from society, imagination, creativity, arts, film, dance, poetry, journals, frustration, limitations, serious illnesses
LEARN TO LOVE YOUR PLACEMENTS it’s what you have to take from this post.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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mushroomhut · 4 years
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Hi guys, this is my first book of shadows. I’ve kept everything in my notes app but I finally got around to making a book for myself. I actually sewed the pages together and made the cover as well so it could be more personal. I’m also not finished with my about me page lol. If you know of anything that would make a good center piece let me know!
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mushroomhut · 4 years
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mushroomhut · 4 years
Do you know of a masterpost where one could find easy/beginner spells for new witches on a budget? Thank you! 🌙💕
Hello! I couldn’t find a masterlist for it, so I just make one. Hope this works, lovely. 💕
Cheap/Free Ingredients
Common spell items
Where to get cheap items
Make your own rose water
Crystal substitute
Where to get cheap items part II
Something I also recommend just looking around outside for things. You can find tons of useful things for spells like acorns, thorns, dandelion seeds, rocks, roots, branches, flowers, etc. You’ll also probably find a lot of commonly used herbs in your own kitchen!
Cheap  Easy Spells
you can’t hurt me
abundance in your home
keep someone away from you
luck chant
banish negative energies
untouchable protection
shampoo spell
protect your secrets
leaf manifest
psychic abilities
give me sunshine potion
water spell
home protection
And lastly- 
Sigils. They’re free and easy to make, and a great place to start. 
Hope this helps! xx
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mushroomhut · 4 years
Artsy Witch Ideas/Tips
For all of my witches out there that are artists or just love art of any kind, here are some things to consider adding to your craft.
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Use vine or compressed charcoal dust to make black salt
Use sketchbooks as unique grimoires, book of shadows, book of cosmos, dream journals, etc that allow you to use markers, paints, etc to your heart’s desire
Red liquid ink can substitute for blood
Black liquid ink is good for curses especially for blinding, confusion and chaos
Blue liquid ink can represent water or the ocean 
Yellow liquid ink for divination
Green liquid ink for protection and healing spells
Enchant your calligraphy pens for sigil work to strengthen the sigils you make or spells you write with them
Use doodles of people or how you see a person for taglocks in curses and bindings
Melt crayons for wax seals on jars or other spells by placing them in intense sun or heating them in a wax melter (use caution that you don’t heat them too high)
Melt crayons and mix with coconut oil and olive oil for anointing oil corresponding with the colors you use (also can be used as lipstick if desired)*
Use scrapbooking paper in your grimoire to give it unique and artsy pages
Use your paints to make painted spells. Make a sigil and paint it onto your page or canvas, and based on the sigil’s intent once dried paint over it an image that corresponds with that intent to activate. Hang up in your room or home. Cleanse and charge regularly
Glitter my witches, great for color magic and jar spells (note glitter is not good to be tossed into the environment so please don’t)
Write down a person or ‘force’ in your life you wish to remove and use erasers to erase it away as a simple severing spell
Use your dirty paint water for curses or inspiration spells
Use stickers to seal spell jars 
Unable to burn something in your apartment? Drench it in black ink or paint instead
Use mechanical pencil lead in curses by break it up. very effective for writer’s block and creativity block curses
Bead enthusiasts or jewelry makers, use your beads to make spell/enchanted jewelry based on colors, shapes, and letters used in it for correspondences
Make your own ouija boards, crystal grids, pendulum charts, etc on some matte board or foam board using paints to make unique affordable tools
Use chalk dust for warding and protection spells
Buy chalkboard paint to turn a wall or other object into a chalkboard for sigil use, spell writing, organization, etc
Use those plastic reusable paint containers for small portable spell jars
Sharpies and black markers are good for curses in general
Use your color wheels for divination via colormancy
Use modeling clay or pottery clay to make your own offering bowls, statuettes and poppets for a variety of uses
For a quick and easy black mirror simply paint the back glass of a picture frame with black acrylic paint. It may take several layers
Reuse bottles and cans by painting them up to make them witchy containers for your tools, art supplies and other storage purposes
Make drawings, write poetry, write stories, make pottery, make a painting, etc to make as offerings to deities, fae, spirits, etc. Just be sure not to sign it if it is for fae (your name can give them power of you)
Use glue or tape to seal spells, for binding and for strengthening spells
Use whiteout for banishing and invisibility spells
Use henna, temporary tats or body safe paint for fun body sigils
Save pencil shavings for inspiration and creativity spells
Enchant your art supplies to bring you creativity, focus, motivation and inspiration when you use them
Use your paints to paint rocks colors for easy color magic
Turn your name into a sigil to sign your artwork so people will recognize it as yours (or other such desires)
Use used paint sponges to absorb negativity before throwing away
Mix paint or ink with water to make color potions or spell jars
Collect markers, crayons, colored pencils, pens, highlighters, etc to use for colorful written spells, amplify sigils, and to strengthen spells
Illustrate your grimoire, book of shadows, dream journal, etc with images that you feel are important or doodles to add your own extra touch to the spells and information inside. Make it your own
Paint, draw, or design your desires or wishes and charge the art in the moonlight to help welcome those things into your life. Keep the piece of art in your room or home
Use lines from your written poetry, stories, lyrics, etc as spell incantations or lines when writing spells to make them more personal
Use old sketchbooks, idea notebooks, free write journals, etc for bibliomancy 
Try/Practice automatic writing or drawing for divination and spirit communication
Make collages out of posters, drawings, photos, writings, poems, etc on your wall to act as a low key altar
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mushroomhut · 4 years
Grounding is something that is harder to explain than being simply a metaphysical need to tether one’s mind and/or soul to their physical plane of existence. That is one of two components to what this essential function actually is. The two components of grounding are Spiritual/Mental and Physical. Grounding itself is basically aligning oneself with the energetic core of the terrestrial planet we live on. It brings your body’s physical energy and by default your Essence or Spirit Energy into harmony with the planet’s physical energy and allows you to resonate together and create an equilibrium.
Your Spirit, Essence, or Soul energy is the same energy that runs the electrical pulses within your body, so when you need to balance your physical body, you are also balancing your Soul’s energy as well. That does not tie your Soul’s energy exclusively to your body’s physical stamina or energy, as they can be mutually exclusive. Remember, the Soul is much, much larger than the physical body we are here with. Your body could not withstand all of the energy one Soul contains at any one time naturally. If your body is run down or has trouble, your Soul’s energy is not to blame. Your Soul is not smaller or weaker than another’s, nor do you have less access to it. The two are mutually exclusive. You can ground them together or separately, and you can use different methods for them. Physically grounding the body has to be done with skin contact to the Earth’s surface or a conductive surface that resonates on the same energetic wavelength as Earth’s surface. The Soul/Mind can be grounded anywhere using a variety of methods or using the Earth’s surface as well. The two types of grounding are discussed a bit more below:
The first component I want to discuss is the Physical necessity of grounding, because this is a basic need that all who dwell upon this planet have in common. Plants, animals, and humans all share the need to ground, and this is something that has no root in metaphysics or magic, this is purely biological. No imagery techniques are needed for this, all that is required is skin to ground contact with the Earth. Plants and animals all naturally partake of this gift our Planet offers up to us freely.
The body naturally runs on a series of electrical pulses, and these pulses power every function and organ in our bodies. This is true for all organisms, so in essence, this is literally the spark of life. We are charged beings that run on electricity, not unlike the objects we use in our day to day lives. Think about this - in the wild rarely is it heard of that our fellow creatures fall victim to the same rash of ills that we do. How often do we switch on our programs and hear of clans of animals bogged down in rashes of chronic pains and disease? Of heart attacks and joint inflammation or arthritis? Quite simply, they are generally healthy! Their bodies are in better balance, and they are more resilient to the ailments that run rampant in our population.
The same is true in groups that spend more of their time barefoot, or sleep on the ground more. People that spend more time out with skin to Earth contact in more quantity have less inclination to chronic pain and generally better physical functionality. This is because of the electrical current that runs naturally on the Earth’s surface. It grounds the body’s charges and restores balance in the body physically. Our modern advancements such as shoes and false floors, and insulated living have created a massive disconnect that have allowed us to fall out of balance. This can lead to these inflammatory conditions, and you do not have to take my word for this alone. The research has begun already, and there is a book that covers physical grounding more in depth. It is called Earthing by Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D. and Martin Zucker. It is very worth it, and I highly recommend it.
As to the Spiritual/Mental properties of grounding, this is where the visualization can be more of an optional thing, and where methods can get more varied. There is no doubt that this is a necessary and very useful tool for anyone, regardless of if you are casting spells, communing with the Spirits, walking between worlds, or just someone who has trouble keeping your head in this space of reality, but there is some variance on exactly when and how this is to be done. There is no right or wrong method when it comes to grounding, there is just what feels right, when feels right, and what works for you as an individual.
The idea behind grounding for mental reasons is to help maintain balance between your life here and your life in another headspace. Your reasons for being in another headspace are not what is important. It can be for stress relief, for spiritual workings, for fun, but what matters is how you get back, and how you make it safe. Sometimes when we have an ability to do such a thing, we don’t necessarily always have the degree of control over it we would like. Sometimes we float off at inconvenient times, or have trouble getting back even when it was intentional, and grounding helps to control or alleviate that.
Method is not important, as I stated before, so do not get so caught up in if you are doing this right or wrong. All that matters is that it works and it makes you feel comfortable and back in your body and back on solid ground - this planet’s solid ground, to be precise. Some people use rooting techniques from various parts of their bodies, rooting deep into the Earth to reconnect. Some people simply breathe into their space, and weigh themselves back down, firmly planting back until they feel themselves ‘fill’ back in completely. Some people use an object, and press or rub it, using the physical stimulation to bring themselves back. Some will use a combination of methods, and may even use vocal toning and some physical rotations to bring themselves back as well. The method is not what really matters, so long as it works.
Please note that nothing here is intended to treat, cure, or replace any conventional treatments or preventative measures for any conditions, be it physical or mental. The methods given are always best advised to be used in conjunction with modern medicine and/or psychology where applicable, never in place of or against it. There is no shame in getting help where it is needed.
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mushroomhut · 4 years
How do Crystals Actually Work?
AKA: The basic science behind crystal-related metaphysics / Information about these semi-precious minerals!
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Hello there ~! As a witch and a constant crystal user, I have come across my fair share of skeptics. These people may have even presented themselves to you at one time; claiming that ‘crystal magick’ or ‘crystal healing’ methods are not at all effective or real, and giving you a bit of grief for your crystal usage and beliefs. Well, I’m here to give you a nice long post on the physics and properties of metaphysical stones! I also figured it would be nice to have an explanation post going around for all those who work with stones and crystals, yet have never considered the science behind their energies. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I feel that this is the type of post that will collect a few comments in my ask, so please be sure to handle any comments/questions you may have with patience, and I will gladly chat with you about the contents of this post! On the other hand, aggressive and/or rude messages will be deleted, if they should reach my message box ~ Thank you
Energy Explaination ◊
Crystals and stones have been treasured and sought after for hundreds of years and used in nearly every culture of the world. Not only are they beautiful, collectable, and make wonderful jewelry or trinkets; but crystals are very powerful subjects for energy movement and manipulation! These precious minerals use a type of energy called
* Piezoelectricity *
Which is a huge factor in why many crystals are commonly used to transmit energy in technology and devices, such as the computer or phone you may be reading this from. Along with the ability to transmit, they can also take in, enhance, or ‘mingle’ with the natural energies from your own body or with the energies of another organism/object to produce a desired outcome!
The chemical makeup of each type of stone determines what exactly it’s own energy will do when combined with a persons’ natural energy, and because everyone has a different energy, this is also the reason why we all have different responses to the energies of varying stones. 
For example, although Rose Quartz and Smokey Quartz may both be in the same family of stone, their differences in formation and make-up will act in different ways. 
Here are some interesting informational posts that go deeper into crystal energies and makeup:
Pizeoelectricity: What is it?
Scientific Build of a Crystal
Quartz Crystal in Technology
The Natural Forming Process of Crystals - Smithsonian
How Shape Effects Energy ◊
Crystals, not only those used for jewelry, are often cut into specific shapes and sizes for personal use. Among the most common types are spherical/tumbled, pointed, and obilisk ~  And although you might not have considered the shape while thinking about crystal healing, meditation, or magick, it still plays an relatively important role! Here are a list of shapes and their best uses, as known by myself and collected from various sources:
(Cut) Pointed: Best used when energy is meant to be concentrated and strongly ‘pointed’ in only one specific direction. If a stone has more than one point, the energy will also tend to shoot in those multiple directions. (The second portion of this definition also fits for a crystal cluster piece, though those points are naturally formed rather than cut)
Raw/Natural: (Can included naturally pointed) Much like a crystal’s natural and seemingly random shape of growth, the energy of a raw stone will come out in a ‘blotted’ manner, and will most likely be emitted in different directions and frequencies from different areas of the stone, determined by the formation.
Spherical: The energies of a crystal sphere, much like those used for crystal ball scrying and divination, come out in a round and even manner; the smoother and more even the spherical shape of the ball, the smoother the energy will emit. Because it is completely round, energy will emit from all areas of the ball in even amounts.
Tumbled: (Similar to spherical) Crystals and stones that have been ‘tumbled’, or smoothed out - yet not into a sphere, will behave similar to the shape above. Although, because they are not completely round (just ‘soft-edged’) the energy will slightly differ in means of even-ness to that of a sphere.
Obilisk: A stronger version of the (cut) pointed stone, as the bottom of an obilisk-shaped crystal is solidly flat, and allowing for a more ‘grounded’ directional energy. Because these are meant to be displaced standing and pointing upwards, they are best used when energy is needed to be pointed up.
Now that I know these things, what could I do with crystals? ◊
Meditate with them
Create “Crystal Grids” ~ Tutorial post here
Aline and balance your bodys’ natural energy points with crystals (Also known as ‘Chakras’, first introduced in Hindu texts)
Use stones and crystals to create a desired effect or feeling (They can be used for love, physical & mental healing, focus, grounding, balancing, communication, emotional subjects, strengthening mental/metaphysical abilities, cleansing, etc.) ~ List of Crystal Properties (by name)
Create amulets from stones/crystals
Craft them into keychains/pocket keepsakes to carry with you for everyday use (Be sure to take gentle care of softer stones that scratch easily!)
Mixing up a gem elixer (see tips below; some stones are toxic to water)
And many more! While I could not list everything you could possibly do with these treasured pieces of earth, there are likely more options that I have never even explored myself
Extra Crystal Tips ◊
Some stones are toxic to water, and/or may ruin or dissolve when come in contact with it! Click HERE for a list of crystals that do not enjoy water, along with the materials that make them this way 
In metaphysics, crystal magick, and technology, quartz is the universal substitute for all stones. Quartz can be physically and technologically programmed with an extremely high amount of data, and can also be programmed with intent for personal, healing, and magickal use. Think of quartz as the ‘empty jar’ of crystals: filled with possibility
When buying stones and crystals online, make absolute sure that you order from someone who a.) has positive and over 10+ reviews, and b.) will be willing to tell you the EXACT measurements and dimensions of the product. Too many online stores will trick you into buying a stone that is smaller than you were led to think upon purchase! I also recommend buying from someone who will provide insurance over fragile crystals possibly broken during shipping
When cleansing them, be sure to choose a method that is best for each type of stone. Some may fade in sunlight, dissolve or ruin in water, react badly with salt, etc. Do your research!
If the chemical makeup of a lab-produced crystal is the exact same to the makeup of a naturally-formed one, the only things that will differ between the stones are the frequency rates of energy they emit (a lab-produced stone would not be as powerful as a naturally formed one), and the energies they contain. Contained energies aren’t so important as the frequencies, as stones and crystals can be “cleansed” (cleared out / turned into a ‘blank-slate’) by multiple methods.
If you are wondering whether or not you have any crystal/mineral stores near you, try searching google maps with the terms “crystal”, “mineral”, or “metaphysical” - as these will usually yield the best results!
After acquiring a stone, it is best to cleanse out the energies that may have been transferred into it by the formation process or by other people handling it
If you feel fatigued, sick, head/body pain, or any sort of discomfort while using a stone for metaphysical purposes (on more than one occasion) give it a good cleanse before further use
Thank you for reading!
I hope everyone learned a thing or two from this gathering of information, and as always, feel free to send me any questions or comments you may have! I’m sure I will think of a few more things to add to this post, so similar to my Witch Types post, I may post updated versions as needed.
Hope you’re all having a lovely day! ◊ Rainy
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mushroomhut · 4 years
Anything for gardens/gardening? Finally have a little herb garden and I'm so proud of it! Have a nice day! ❤
Congrats on your little herb garden!!! 
They’re just so charming! I’ve been meaning to get started on one myself…
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5 Key Steps to Keep Your Herb Garden Alive
This might be more for me, but hey! There may be some tips you’d find helpful, too!
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DIY Fresh Herb Bouquets
Lovely aromatic gifts for your friends and family!
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DIY Rustic Herb Sign
With a printable!
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DIY Herb Drying Rack
Air drying herbs is an easy peasy way to preserve and store with little loss of flavor and quality.
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DIY Garden Markers
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DIY Garden Apron
Water and stain resistant!
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DIY Mini Zen Garden
A different take.
sew-much-to-do: a visual collection of sewing tutorials/patterns, knitting, diy, crafts, recipes, etc.
Need help finding tutorials? Send me a request!
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mushroomhut · 4 years
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PBW Witch Shop!
It’s a strange time for us at Portland Button Works. Our primary business is making custom pinback buttons, but with conventions canceled and gathering discouraged our primary is business is at a complete stand still. On top of the Covid-17 pandemic and a “stay home” order in Portland, we were forced to move out of the warehouse we had called home for 4 years. It’s a shame because we just updated our website and our next focus going to be making our shop as more of a community space. We had such great plans! I guess is sort of good we lost our space because in a few months, paying rent was going to get difficult in this climate.
Selling our catalog of items like our pre-made button designs, books, zines, tarot decks and other stuff has always been more of my hobby to be able to sell things I like and it was only about 20% of our business. While it was only 20% of our business, it was a large portion of physical things in our shop, so we had a lot of things to move. In the last week we moved 400 square feet of things from our shop into a 120 square foot spare room in our home, the spare room where I stated making custom button and selling zines over a decade ago. I guess we are now working from home like a lot of people.
I know not everyone has spending money right now, but if you do and you have thought about buying some of the books or zines or buttons shown above or anything in our catalog, right now would be a really great time to check out our PBW Witch Shop or even the rest of our catalog of zines, buttons, or other things.
Also, we have access to buying books through book trade distribution. If there is a book, witchy or otherwise, that you would like to purchase from a small business and not from Amazon, get in touch. This may take a week to get and it will cost cover price, but we can order any book by a major publisher.
If you are in Portland, Oregon we can arrange for a contact-less pick up.
If you don’t have any money to spend, hey, neither do we! You can still help us out. You can reblog this post or tell your friends who are looking to get some witchy goods that they should take a look at our shop. Also, if you have ever bought anything from us or even if you have read any of the zines or books we carry or even if you were gifted one of our buttons you can leave reviews of those items on our website and it helps us out.
We would appreciate any help you can throw our way, together we can get through this!
Here’s a link to the PBW Witch Shop!
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