mosie-b · 4 months
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mosie-b · 5 months
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God she was such a rot girl
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mosie-b · 6 months
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Turned out it was not just platonic :p
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mosie-b · 6 months
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mosie-b · 6 months
I eat bitter chocolate. it's meditative. 85%. just a hint of sweetness. but other than that it's bitter. I firmly believe it brings me closer to god. which god exactly? I'm not quite keyed into the specifics yet, but I can feel her looming over me. I fear the discrete possibility it is some foul entity astral projecting into my mind temple; Infiltrating the firmament in my most vulnerable moment: chocolate time.
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mosie-b · 6 months
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mosie-b · 7 months
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mgs girls picmix frenzy
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mosie-b · 7 months
It would be so funny if Mr. Beast did a video where he pays for the gender affirming care of 10000 trans people. Reblog if you agree. I dunno.
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mosie-b · 7 months
We stopped at the In-N-Out Burger. A quick dinner in between two hours on the road. At the only table empty among the evening rush, it was clear the day'd been rough for her. I'm not sure she'd really wanted to go. We sat, dreading the drive home, when, to neither of us in particular, she said: "I need to use the restroom, which sucks cause I really don't wanna go alone."
And I just sat there. I said nothing. What even can you say? The friend who's been so kind helped so much, and you're just you. Disgusting putrid you. Incapable of even the bare-fucking minimum. I'm not a woman enough for a simple show of solidarity, or to ease the unbearability of driving when you need to pee.
Why do I take more than I'm worth? And why can't I be right enough to give back? Even just an inch?
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mosie-b · 7 months
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I have failed in the genetic lottery once again.
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mosie-b · 7 months
Did Virginia Woolf invent clocky transgirls?
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mosie-b · 7 months
Why does the fnaf movie work on twin peaks logic?
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mosie-b · 7 months
Why is Grindr like that?
Put my photo up, cute one, maybe the cutest I have; the kinda photo you look at and think, "Oh, they seem cute," within five minutes, BOOM!! cock. Now, I'm not a prudish girly. I can appreciate a dick pic from time to time, but please tell me why these "men"
(for can we really call a creature, so debased by its urges, a man. Can we truly, and in good conscience, label "man" as something which will send a girl young enough to be its own daughter a picture of its cock, I truly do not know, but I digress)
See fit to send the most horrid angles imaginable? There are two which I have seen to be most pervasive. The first I will label is the 'aerial landscape:' A photo in which the phone is hoisted above a body situated most typically in a reclined position to create an image much like this illustration.
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Figure 1: A third-person illustration of the posing method 'aerial landscape' in which we see a man take a photo of himself and his genitalia from an elevated position.
He creates the effect of his body as a landscape atop which trots all sorts of nature's creatures(lice, dirt, poor hygiene, etc.) As if enticing the viewer to come. He hopes his image will engender it's viewers with the same feelings as a nation's tourist advertisements. But unbeknownst to him, his dirty cock and nude body do not illicit the same reactions as beautiful helicopter photography of the Swiss Alps, or Scandinavian Fjords.
The second and more elusive angle I have entitled the "majesty." Despite its name, this angle is anything but majestic. Instead, just as with the former, it seeks to emulate that which holds beauty, the wonder when gazing upon a mountain or of man's tallest creations. The sense of majesty and splendor created by something so much grander than yourself. Unfortunately, and once again, his cock may not live up to these expectations.
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Figure 2: A first-person illustration of the posting method 'majesty' in which we see a man's face eclipsed by his erect penis from the perspective of the phone
In conclusion, if you, as a man, wish to send a picture of your 'member' erect or otherwise, to a young woman, especially one such as myself, please first take the time to work through a simple set of criteria:
Is my angle truly enticing(ask someone whom you trust and more importantly whom is willing to help you)
Is the lighting favorable to me and my member
have I taken proper care to clean myself before
finally, and most important, is this being sent with consent
Now with that last point, I understand that using Grinder in and of itself constitutes a form of minimal consent for this type of behavior, but I still think it should not be encouraged especially when performed so sloppily.
If you wish to improve your dick pic 'game,' I suggest heading to sites such as tumblr.com or twitter.com, where you may gaze upon the work of the mighty transfemme. Just as with the Dutch Masters of old, these women have perfected the art of the dick pic. They understand lighting, composition and enticement. They know how to leave the viewer intrigued.
Please, before you send me another dick pic, just ask, and then maybe put on some panties; leave a little something to the imagination, you fucking troglodytes.
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mosie-b · 7 months
Even as a boy, I dreamed of being a divorced woman. The freedom in such a fantasy has always been intoxicating.
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mosie-b · 7 months
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much less serious comic, script is verbatim from a conversation i had with my friends today
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mosie-b · 7 months
Doxy was friends with the bus driver. And If she’d know it was his line she was stepping into, she’d probably have done it two blocks south.
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mosie-b · 7 months
I admire the chef at my local sushi joint. He spends his days prepping and rolling. He doesn’t cut them too well, the rolls I mean, often I have to pull them apart myself. But I couldn’t care less, i can’t bring myself to feel anger towards a man who walks in the place, puts in his AirPods, blasts his tunes and does his work with consummate joy. Good for him and all he has, I wish, sometimes, I were him.
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