Week of 1/31/22-2/6/22 Pick a Card Reading
Namaste! Here is the Pick a Card Reading for the week of 1/31/22-2/6/21. I want you to close your eyes and ask Spirit what important messages they have for you this week. Once you’re done, pick your pile or even 2 if you feel guided to. 
Deck Used: Keepers of the Light Oracle by Kyle Gray
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Pile 1 - Monday-Wednesday You’re being guided to follow whatever guidance you have been getting from spirit. I pullrd the Master Jesus: Forgiveness card for Thursday and Friday however, I feel like this ties into the first card I drew. You’re being called this week to work on forgiving others who have hurt you in the past. Someone may have put you down previously for your interests and because of that, you may have fell out of love with whatever it was you were interested in. You’re being guided to move past the hurt, and rebuild the love you had again for your passions. 
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Pile 2 - For this particular pile, I feel like there is only 1 message coming through. I feel like you may have some trust issues in regards to people. What I’m feeling is Social Anxiety. What the divine is saying is that you should address these problems more this week and making a start on your healing journey. Whenever you have to go out, imagine yourself clouded in a bubble of beautiful white light with angels surrounding your entire auric field. What I’m also noticing is the amount of blue in the cards so Throat Chakra healing would also be very beneficial because the Throat Chakra deals with speaking and when theres an inbalance, blockage etc. it can cause Social Anxiety. 
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Pile 3 - For my pile 3 people, I feel like there’s only one message coming through for you. I feel like my pile 3 people are confused about their life purpose and what they want to do with it. Don’t rush to find what it is that you truly want to do with your life and also don’t be afraid to try different things. Remember, life is a journey and it has it’s ups and downs. It’s really interesting because I’m noticing the amount of Asian beings that I pulled in this reading. You may be interested in Asian philosophy and perhaps you can make something that involves that into a career. 
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Pile 4 - Pile 4, your message for this week is to work on facing fears that you may have in regards to career choice. I feel like you want to pursue something but you’re afraid that it won’t work out. What the divine is saying is that you need to move beyond these fears and trust that everything will work out for your highest good. The divine sees how committed you have been to this particular path that you took, now they are saying that they support you in what you are doing. 
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Pile 5 - This week, you’re being guided to focus on manifesting what your ideal life would be. This week isn’t the time to take actual steps towards your goal, only manifestit and imagine it coming to life. They’re also encouraging you by saying that yes, miracles will occur for you in time. 
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Pile 6 - I feel like this particular pile is going through a rough time in life. The divine is here to remind you that thid is soon going to pass. This particular situation was meant to come into your life so you could grow as a person. You will soon realize how strong of a person you are and you will truly rise above the darkness and move into your true self. You are a powerful being as is everyone on this planet. 
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Pick a Card Messages from your Ancestors
Hello everyone! This pick a card reading comes from your ancestors who have a message for you! Close your eyes and imagine your ancestors all around you and ask them what it is you need to hear at this time. Once you’re done, you can pick a pile or even two if you want. Interpretations are above the pictures of the cards.
Decks Used: Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid and Angels and Ancestors Oracle by Kyle Gray. 
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Pile 1 - For pile 1, your ancestors are saying that there is someone in your life trying to control something that you are trying to do like for example, a project or something else. Whatever it may be, your ancestors are guiding you to heal this issue with the other person involved by talking to them. If this doesn’t work than you’ll have no other choice but to cut them away because they are hindering your path towards happiness. If you find it hard to forgive this person than imagine them sitting in front of you and plant a flower seed in their heart and imagine it bloom and say “I don’t excuse what you did, but I hope by planting this seed, you may come into light.” 
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Pile 2 - There is someone in your life that is causing you lots of problems for you. This person may make you feel bad about yourself and put you down a lot. The first thing your ancestors want to say to you is you are a divine master put on this earth for a reason and there is nothing to be ashamed of about yourself. You are a beautiful being and if you feel bad about the way you look, your ancestors are saying that underneath this physically body, we are ultimately souls that will one day leave this body. 
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Pile 3 - Pile 3 people, I feel like your ancestors are saying that there is a lot of things you are passionate about however, you’re having a hard time deciding which passion to make into a career. Your ancestors are telling you to think about it longer and to pray on it, don’t rush trying to make a decision.
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Pile 4 - Your ancestors are telling me that you just got out of a failed relationship with someone. It could be a platonic relationship or a romantic one. Even one with a family member. No matter what the status of this relationship was, I feel like now is the time to find a home and happy place with yourself and try to focus on making sure your needs are met because your ancestors are saying that you put other people before yourself and this habit needs to be healed.
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Pile 5 - I feel like pile 5 people have commitment issues. This could be about anything so, apply this to whatever scenario you are going through. Whatever this is about, your ancestors are saying that you need to trust that the situation will work out for your highest light and good even if the end result isn’t how you wanted it to turn out. Also, If people try to cross you, don’t be afraid to stand up to them with love. Don’t be nasty when confronting a person, always stand in light. 
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Pile 6 - I feel like for this group of people, there has been a lot of restlessness in your life. As if you never got a break from all of the bad things that might have happened in your life. However, your ancestors are telling me that you did a really good job staying in the light through these troubling times and soon, you will enjoy success and happiness. 
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Week of 1/24/22 - 2/1/22 Pick a Card Reading
Namaste everyone! Here are your messages for the week of 1/24/22 - 2/1/22. Close your eyes and ask your guides what you need to hear for the week ahead. Feel free to pick more than 1 pile and the messages are above the pictures of the cards!
Deck Used: Magical Dimensions Oracle by Lightstar
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Pile 1 - This week is a good week for you to bring your dreams into reality. The sky is the limit. It’s very interesting because I keep getting messages about bringing dreams into reality. If you’re having trouble with coming up with new ideas about birthing in this new dream, waves of inspiration will come to you. You may even literally get these waves of inspiration in your dreams. 
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Pile 2 - I feel like this week there will be a situation in which you feel afraid about your financial situation. You may go into survival mode and be rather defensive and scared. But what the divine is saying is to have courage and to not be attached to the idea that your situation will take a turn for the worst. 
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Pile 3 - This week is a week to focus on self love and potential anger issues. Look within and ask yourself “why am I so angry all the time?” By asking yourself that question you will be able to hopefully resolve the issues. The anger problems may even stem from your self love issues. Perhaps journal about the negative thoughts you have about yourself and then after that, reverse the bad things you said about yourself into good things like for example you would maybe write “I am ugly” instead you would write something more powerful and uplifting like “I am a beautiful reflection of God’s awesomeness.” 
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Pile 4 - This week is a very spiritual and I’m wanting to say etheric week for you. This week would be a really good week for you to tap into your spirituality more and to access ancient wisdom from the ancestors. You may experience seeing lots of angel numbers (I’m seeing 9:44 as I type this). You may even have synchronicities and signs from the divine.
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Pile 5 - I’m getting the feeling that you may have been going through a rough time recently. This week would be a good week to just focus on cleansing your physical space and mental space of anything you no longer need. You may need to just take this week to be with yourself and only yourself as much as you can. Just don’t get sucked into the habit of wanting to be alone all the time. 
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Pile 6 - For Pile 6, I’m feeling like trust issues may arrise with your partner. I feel like the feelings you might have about your partner being untrustworthy are untrue. What I’m picking up is to address and work on your trust issues so it doesn’t sabotage your current relationship or even future relationship if you’re single. Heart chakra healing may be needed for you. 
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Pick a Card Messages from Mary Magdalene
Hey everyone! I hope everyone is having a nice week. I received my Magdalene Oracle yesterday and I was super excited to get messages from Mary Magdalene out to you guys so that being said, close your eyes and imagine Mary Magdalene standing in front of you with pink, white and red light around her. Ask Mary what messages are most important for you to be hearing at this time. Pick whatever pile you are drawn to, feel free to even pick 2 piles. The messages are above the pictures of the cards. Namaste everyone!
Deck used: Magdalene Oracle by Toni Carmine-Salerno
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Pile 1 - Mary Magdalene is coming through and telling you to let go of any resentment that may be between you or another person or even situation that happened in your life. It could be anything you’re really resentful about. What Mary is trying to say is to send the person or situation love. Imagine a pink and white beam of light surrounding the situation you are resentful about and just remember that it has come to you as a lesson in order for your soul to evolve. 
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Pile 2 - Your guardian angel is coming through and helping you to evolve spiritually and ascend. There may be a really big download that you get from your Guardian Angel that has to do with advancing on your spiritual path. I’m hearing for you to watch out for white feathers as these could be signs from your Guardian Angel. 
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Pile 3 - I feel like for this pile, Mary Magdalene is encouraging you to water a dream that may have died or not have worked out in the past. You may have wanted to do something so badly in the past but it didn’t work out or it just wasn’t the time. Mary Magdalene is saying that yes, now is the time to resurrect the dream that you once thought was dead and do co-create with the divine into bringing this dream into the world. 
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Pile 4 - I am seeing that you have been very insecure about yourself and have issues regarding sex. Right now, I feel like you’re in a part of your life where you’re bettering your self esteem and ready to enter into your sexuality again. If this has not yet occured and still have self esteem issues, Mary Magdalene is saying that you need to work on those issues before you end up going into a relationship. Think of this, if you and your future partner broke up, you would have to also be alright with being by yourself. You can’t depend on another person to make you feel whole. 
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Pile 5 - for my pile 5 people, Mary Magdalene is wanting to address past life issues that still affect you in this current life. In this life, I feel like you have a victim complex. That stems from a lifetime where you may have been persecuted. Mary Magdalene is saying that it is possible to let go of that victim mindset and it is also possible to illuminate your life with beautiful light again. Working with crystals and putting them on your 3rd eye chakra would be beneficial. I’m also being guided to tell you to do a past life regression and ask Archangel Metatron to assist you through the process. Ask him to show you the past life where your victim complex stems. 
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Pile 6 - I’m feeling that there is a disconnect from the world for the people that chose this particular pile. Seclusion. This may stem back to when you were a child and you may have felt that you were the black sheep of the family. Like you didn’t fit in. Mary Magdalene is stepping in to be a mother to you and offer you the healing you need. She can help you shift your perception and understand more as to why you felt that way. If your family was actively casting you aside than even than Mary Magdalene can assist you in changing perceptions about yourself and knowing your worth. Going to therapy to solve this problem would also be very beneficial for you. 
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Stay tuned for the weekly pick a card that should be out around Sunday! Blessings everyone!
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Week of 1/17/22 - 1/23/22 Pick a Card
Hello everyone! This is my first post in this account and I look forward to posting more in the future! I want everyone to close their eyes and ask the divine what message you need to hear for this week! Feel free to pick more than 1 pile if you feel that’s what you need to do. The explanation of the piles are above the photos of the cards. 
Deck used: Angel Guide Oracle by Kyle Gray
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Pile 1 - The divine is calling you Monday-Wednesday to look at any issues you may have with your self image and try to heal that. Remember that God or Source lives within you and that you were made in the image of God. Thursday-Friday, The divine is giving you the strength to overcome any obstacles you may be facing currently. This may even link into the Self-Acceptance card that I pulled. Regardless of what it is don’t be afraid to ask the divine to have your back. Also, don’t be afraid to ask the divine for more guidance on whatever it is you’re concerned about. And finally for Saturday and Sunday, I pulled the card Ease and Grace. Saturday and Sunday may be a good time to reflect on the week and ask yourself, “Did I handle any problems I faced this week with grace?” If you find that it’s a no, ask yourself “What can I do to better handle situations I may face in my life?” Best of luck and may the blessings of the divine be upon you now and always. Amen!
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Pile 2 - Monday-Wednesday, I pulled the Divine Timing card. This is really good news because this means that whatever you may have been planning on doing is now the right time to do so! For Thursday and Friday I pulled the card Take Charge and Action. Thursday and Friday are the days that you should start bringing whatever it is you are planning into fruition and to bring it into reality. And finally, for the last card for Saturday and Sunday, I pulled the card Signs and Reminders. Don’t be afraid to ask for signs from the divine to point you in the right direction. If you are unclear about which steps to take to bring this new idea into being than ask the divine for signs and they will give them to you! Much love pile 2 and may the divine protect you now, and always. Amen!
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Pile 3 - Monday-Wednesday I pulled the Guardian Angel card. This card is a reminder that your Guardian Angel is always here and they are protecting you and guiding you throughout your journey in this incarnation. For Thursday and Friday, I pulled the card Trust the Universe.  I feel like for Pile 3, some of you may be very anxious about something in your life. The Universe and your Guardian angel are here to comfort you and offer you a helping hand. And finally for Saturday and Sunday I pulled the Ask and Recieve card. If you are worried that whatever you are hoping for won’t happen for you than the Divine is here to remind you that whatever you want is within reach however, you must actually do the work to get it and the Divine will gladly assist you in doing so. If you are in a position where things seem to be stagnant than ask the divine to assist you in finding what your next step is. Whatever the case may be, the divine has open ears at all times waiting to help you. Don’t feel like you ask them too much for help. After all, it is their job! Best of luck and well wishes to you Pile 3! 
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Pile 4 - Monday-Wednesday, I pulled the Opportunity and Change card. What exactly is it that you want to change in your life? In the First 2 cards in this pile, I am being drawn to the amount of the color green that is being used so, I feel like the change is in regards to health. Some of you may be wanting to start a new diet or exercise routine and the divine is saying that yes, you should totally do it if it makes you happy! For Thursday and Friday, I pulled the Compassion card. So again, I feel like this is signifying that you’re finally being more compassionate towards yourself and making changes to live a happy and fulfilling life. And finally for Saturday and Sunday, I pulled the Expect Miracles card. There is no explanation needed for this card because it is quite clear as to what it means. Expect Miracles! All love to you Pile 4 and may you always be under the divine’s protection! Amen!
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Pile 5 - Monday-Wednesday, I pulled the card Intuition and Downloads card, you may be being called to listen to God more and stop ignoring what previous guidance the Divine has been giving you to. For Thursday and Friday, I pulled the Mother-Father card. again this is God calling you to listen to them. And for Saturday and Sunday, I pulled the No! card. What I’m picking up from this certain group is that God as been trying to tell you no about something and you’ve been ignoring the signs that God has been giving you. While No may not be what you want to be hearing, it’s important to understand that everything is supposed to happen at the right time and right now just isn’t the right time. Wouldn’t you rather wait for really awesome results than get what you wanted now and have it not be as great as you anticipated? All love to you Pile 5! Amen!
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Pile 6 - This pile is a little different than the previous ones that I read. For this reading I feel like I have to read it all as one reading instead of reading for Monday-Wednesday, Thursday-Friday and Saturday-Sunday. I pulled the cards, Blessings and Abundance, Courange and Bravery and Clear, Cancel, and Release. This week, the Divine is telling you that there may be some toxic situations. people, behaviors etc. that need to be addressed and dealt with. This week is a good week to start working on trying to remove any toxic situations from your life and not be scared. Yes, it may be scary at first to get out of this pattern of toxicity because you’re so used to it but in the long run, it will be beneficial to you and you will have more blessings and abundance. Best of luck to you pile 6 and I send good energy and strength your way! Amen!
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Ok everyone! I hope your messages resonated with you and I hope you all have a wonderful week! Stay tuned for later on in the week because I am posting a Mary Magdalene pick a card. All love and best wishes everyone.
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