misful · 25 days
Night Skies With Sikia
on night skies full of stars, on morning days with clouds meeting you then, i couldn't be anymore proud
im pretty happy just being by your side
and im really glad that our paths collide
the non-existent breeze on this digital landscape has become a place where we both share to escape
10:39 pm
May 18,2024 Saturday
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misful · 2 months
Tell me it's a dream
Tell me papa, How could you do this to her
my head is spinning and now everything's a blur
i keep crying and crying even when the sun is up
you don't even pour anything into my broken cup
it so painful as my heart aches for your actions
i don't know what, were you looking for reactions?
it hurts me as i can't bear it to say goodbye to you
and now I'm wondering if you already knew
what you did tore apart this semi-simple family
why did our semi-peaceful life have to go into tragedy
although i have to admit that this is your fault
i can't help but blame myself for unlocking the vault.
April 22,2024
1:18 am
Papa how could you
because of what you did
my brother will grow up without a father, i will lose a father
and now our family name is stained because of your misconduct.
even if i changed my last name, the trauma and pain you gave is a mark and scar on my body and life. your actions didn't only make your life worse but also the family you swore to love and protect.
i weep for your pitiful actions, papa.
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misful · 3 months
Picked Up, Picked Down
I thought i read you like a book,
Don't reveal yourself to be a crook,
I trusted you with all my might ,
Am i really going to lose without a fight,
I'll continue wishing for this to be a fantasy,
But the evidence is on my face. It's crazy.
This is something that I longed feared,
Now all that's flowing are my tears,
And how do you expect me to work,
With what i know now that your just a jerk,
How could you repeat the same mistake twice,
Didn't you already knew that we would pay the price.
10:19 pm
March 28,2024
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misful · 3 months
Not Once But Twice
Bringing another weed when you've got a rose,
Growing in your garden as it can only pose ,
An imposter, a fake ridicule of fate ,
Garbage given to you that you take ,
It's rotten and it smells like burning flesh ,
My blood is boiling from all those dirty mesh,
my anger is on the rise,
There is nothing more that i depise,
Your such a filthy whore,
You make me sick to my core,
go ahead and spread your legs for all to see,
you really are as shameless as they can be.
How dare you give me excuses like loneliness and sorrow,
Did you really believe that there would be no tomorrow.
6:41 pm
March 28,2024
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misful · 3 months
Your Unwelcomed, Mistress.
Appearing out of thin air
Have you no shame to spare
Disgusting, it's even revolting
How dare you wicked bringing aching
Hatred i shall not hide from a pest
Your existence is nothing and everything i detest
Need not wait any longer for your end
You will not stay for long, you are not our friend
What they say is an accusation
How could they not mention
you will heed my wrath for your existence
Me and them will show you nothing but defiance
Your life will wither here.
You were never in the clear.
March 28,2024
6:19 pm
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misful · 3 months
Wondering Mind
If i said i love you, would you say it too? If i said i miss you, would you say that you miss me too?
You are the one i adore, and I'd cry for you, even if you don't exist. You bring comfort and joy, taking away my worries and turning them inyo toys.
It's just not fun if I'm not with you. And i keep counting till the time i see you. This is insanity and desperation. I can't think right, so i make bad decisions, but for some reason, i don't blame you.
You have my heart, yet i don't have yours. <How i can circulate my blood without your heart?> This is because you don't exist in this world but only in my mind.
I'd puke out blood from all the stress and lack of sleep. Burnt-out is not fun. Taking away my energy like the blowinh wind. When you're not around, i find it difficult to breathe.
You bring fresh air, yet it also suffocates me. Each breath i take is filling my lungs with toxins. I wish for your existence, but i don't think you'd choose me.
You are a beautiful dream but a burning flame to the heart, turning it to ashes with each hug and kisses. I'm a master and a slave while you are dream, yet i can't see you when i sleep as my mind is plagued with stress and work.
I want your warmth, i want your hug and your comfort, and i want to see you soon.
March 21,2024 Thursday 9:14 am
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misful · 3 months
parts of ' More than Anything ' i associate with
When I was young, I didn't really know you at all I always felt so small But I hеard your stories and I was enthralled Thе tales about your lofty dreams, I listened breathlessly
I've been dyin' to find out who you are Looks like the apple doesn't fall far
All that I'm hopin', now that my eyes are open Is that we can start again, not be pulled apart again 'Cause in the end, you are part of who I am
I'm grateful you're my father more than anything
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misful · 3 months
Exclusive Poem: Fluttering Meeting Laughing
The flow of your hair caught in the wind
never known you but each step you took was kind
Similar to the weaving thread seams that were fate
an aura of goofiness beauty was later that date
laughter fills the tense atmosphere with open arms
having known you now that you never gave me alarms
soft flutter of your wings brought on transformation
now close friends after the entertaining miscommunication
Always smiling eyes you carried give me inspiration
Sweating and Fidgeting as the caterpillar meets the butterfly
beats of the heart slowly relaxing with the gladness of affiliation
Gifting, Sending Smiles your way and with sly
Dedicated to: AS
February 29,2024
2:44 pm
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misful · 4 months
Exclusive Poem: Hiding Yellow Roses
that day was filled with blabber, no more than exciting chatter
the one that spoke was meek and i never saw them as bleak
delighted from a single conversation while smiling with recognition
greeting a simple hi and hello were enough to make them glow
hustling and bustling of day to day tasks
exchanging stories constantly when asked
gleaming light when you smiled
always carrying yourself with style
meeting you later becoming your friend
growth of joyfulness that you send
finds the yellow rose that grew alone
giving the feeling that this might also be home.
Dedicated to: JSSM
February 24,2024
7:03 pm
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misful · 4 months
Exclusive Poem: Jellyfish Dreamscape
A place limited to light as dark as night
luminescent of bubbles bursting above
small waves can be felt as a shove
further from whence position
Gliding through the hydro territory
it's tentacle like feet float on purgatory
not a single soul that knows it's story
While a miniscule shrimp meets jelly
sound with none yet noise is heard
moments fleeting away like a flying bird
alas they sing a siren's song
Inviting those who want to sing along
February 22,2024 Thursday 10:30 am
Dedicated to birthday girl: AMF
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misful · 4 months
Exclusive Poem: Whistling a light present
"Clack" Stepping into a Tunnel i do not know
"Whoosh" the wind wraps around me like snow
Shivering from the unexpected encounter
A tiny light grows a warm fire
Something you might, someone you may
There's a fuzzy feeling of welcoming display
blow a whistle for my new companion
gifting me a smile similar to a reunion
Taking a step and accepting your gift
Could i give you a hug out of relief?
time feels faster while i feel lighter
you are the light that guided me through this dark winter.
February 19, 2024
11:45 am
dedicated to: CPD
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misful · 4 months
Exclusive Poem: Weaving Thread Seams
Strands of thread sway from the breeze
gently clashing with the other seams
Catch your attention as you freeze
Softly staring at you while you beam
Turning to south due to curiosity
between the ropes is ambiguity
The cold wind hugs our head
placing our thoughts back to bed
Approaching with an aura of eccentricity
quietly blowing words in broad daylight
resting easily under the moonlight
orbiting 2 hopefully with honesty.
February 19,2024
11:10 am
dedicated to: YSC
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misful · 5 months
Clouds on Mountains
11 friends agreed to spend summer break at 01's mansion in the mountain, the breeze was cold and the clouds we're at their feet.
there were 6 bedrooms in total, with 01 staying in the master's bedroom alone as the other 10 decide to share a room in a pair of 2.
as they arrive in the early morning, they start unpacking their things and out of nowhere 08 kills himself and gets his spirit trapped inside the mansion.
01 annoyed but can do nothing for now decides to leave it alone and call for a priest, monk or exorcist in the future.
later that night, while everyone is enjoying their time, playing videogames, watching movies, swimming in the pool, taking a stroll out on the mountain edge and reading. 04 decide to get out of the pool to take a stroll when she see's 09 running away as her eyes land on the bloody body of 05 by the balcony window.
everyone rushes to the scene but 02, 03 and 07 stay behind since they didn't care as much to check and only wanted to wait for updates from their friends.
06 killed 05.
01 and 07 are working together on a personal experiment.
07 betrayed 01.
01 betrayed 07.
11 friends we're all test subjects.
the whole vacation was a front.
the mansion on the mountain is not as it seems.
08 continues to haunt the mansion, still aware and in control of himself.
02, 03 and 09 are innocent?
04 is a mystery.
10 and 11 we're MIA.
January 21 2024 9:53pm
this is just a story idea, i won't probably finish or do after i post this.
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misful · 6 months
Night Of Blue Floral Field
This uneventful night~
Shall be the last i swing~
A simple turn~
A cold breeze~
So sleepy~
A field full of hope and life~
Could this be a sign~
I cannot stand on my own~
This life was never mine~
*i continue to sing*
Since this is my last~
Im glad i said goobye~
No more regrets~
Shall this be my fate~
*as i reach the end of my song, i rustle through the field near the cliffs edge*
And this shall be the curtain's call~
*i turn my back away from the edge and turn around to bow*
December 21,2023 Thursday
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misful · 8 months
Fascination of the Light
Fascination of the Light
the moon that reflects itself on the oceans surface a tiny fish is enamored by the light it's faint glow is cool and soothing to it's scales the tiny fish starts swimming closer to the moonlight until it peaks its tiny head on the surface seeing the moon in full view unbeknownst to the tiny fish a vessel made of steel and aluminum appears beside it lacking the time to flee, the tiny fish gets stricken by the vessel leaving behind a faint smell of blood which attracts it's predator only for the predator to realize the event that recently occurred does the predator get casted above onto the vessel.
i was gonna make a poem but i turned it into a story October 24,2023 9 27 pm
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misful · 8 months
i treated you like you were the best but in the end i still had to confess
i was delusional and i fooled myself 
believing my gaslight and lies, my problem itself
it was comforting for me while it lasted 
many moons have passed already yet i haven't adapted
im drowning in my own selfish tears 
i'm being swallowed by all my relentless fears
im finding it hard to breathe
i feel so trapped in the pressure underneath
october 11 2023 8 32 pm
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misful · 8 months
Floral Descent
I draw a flower whose petals stretch till the ground
so elegant and soft while it's environment isn't sound
surrounded by mists of dark pearls that's stench spreads wide
the stem that holds the bud's petals curls into a quiet side
succumbing to it's territories agonizing murk of stage
trembled, distress and frightened it turns towards rage
the fresh bloom shifts to a loathing, vexing and refusing heart
i hesitate continuing my art as a last resort i decide to tear it apart
9 45 pm October 8 2023
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