millacotton Β· 2 years
β˜†Β°. β€’ photo dump / day 04 πŸ’
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My days will become shorter now that I've focused more on my studies, it feels like life is moving way faster than before.
So I bring a little photo dump of how my day was β™‘ I ate sushi today during lunch and spent some time reading at the flower field near my house. It was the only free time I had, and I felt like I needed a little bit of nature in my life.
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I spent my afternoon doing laundry and folding clothes, since it had been a while ever since I took care of my dirty clothes. It's not that I'm a lazy person (maybe a little) its just that I don't have a lot of time on my hands!
That will be all for today ~
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millacotton Β· 2 years
Day 003 ☁️ πŸ—― ; Learning
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You could say today was a bit special! I woke up at my usual time to get ready for university, and since I had less classes today, I decided to organize my wardrobe and found so many old clothes in there!
My room was a mess during the whole process, but it didn't stop me from doing my usual routine. Although because of the reorganizing, I had to get my daily coffee in my way to university since I didn't have time to cook anything πŸ˜…
I ordered a latte with oat milk, and it was so good! While waiting for it to be done, I checked some of my classes for the day (and had some homework left unfinished) before I continued to university. This was pretty big for me since I'm used to just leaving home and going straight to uni, it felt nice to visit somewhere else.
After my first class, I finished the homework I had left from yesterday so it wouldn't pile up. Plus, I had a math class and it got so boring I studied languages instead during it (which I probably shouldn't have done, since I'm sort of failing math).
Once all my classes were over, I went straight home since it was starting to rain again! I watched some Netflix since I didn't feel like doing much. But luckily, I started feeling motivated and went ahead to study for the day! I pretty much spent my whole afternoon trying to learn math, and that got me super tired...
After a well deserved shower, I tried to cook dinner today! I just had homemade noodles since it was easy to do, which I ate while watching TV (I heard thats kinda unhealthy tho), and then my mom got me a piece of cake for desert! It was strawberry flavored and super sweet.
Well I did say today was a special day, right? It's because recently I've been getting closer to my crush! They're very nice but we never really talked much outside of school, but I finally had the courage to ask them their number! I hope I don't mess everything up like last time.
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millacotton Β· 2 years
Day 002 πŸ“– πŸ“š ; Reading a lot!
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Yesterday I didn't sleep very well... I woke up in the middle of the night and didn't really know what to do. I decided it would be for the best if I reorganized my bookshelf since I couldn't sleep, and I can say it definitely looks a lot better now!
School was going to start a big lage today, so I went ahead and made some coffee β˜• for myself. In the morning, I started watching a movie on my iPad called Legally Blonde! I heard a lot of people talking about it but never had the time to watch. Some people told me it motivates you to study, that's kinda the only reason I started watching it.
I edited some old notes on my iPad too, and couldn't stop thinking about summer! I can't wait to get a break and watch Netflix all day. Also because I'm going to spend time with my friends too, and maybe find a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend I'm not really sure.
Then because of that, I started thinking of my future too. The truth is, I'm not sure what I want to be... I think I want to be a doctor or something like that to help people! But I know it's a very hard job which is why I'm not exactly sure about it.
On my way to university, I passed by a candle shop and got a few heart shapped candles, they looked so cute! I'm not a huge fan of them because I'm a bit afraid of fire, but they would look pretty during the afternoon and night.
After my first class, I decided to go Starbucks since I was feeling a bit tired. I just got a simple coffee with milk, nothing fancy! I headed to the library while waiting for my second class, and decided to read a few of my textbooks in order to get ahead. Then I went to my second class!
Once all my classes were over, it had started to rain a bit. I really like the cold weather, so I didn't mind it all that much (plus I had an umbrella) and ordered dinner through delivery because I was feeling lazy again... πŸ˜… I ordered curry and rice and it was super good!
I decided I should probably start doing yoga again, since some of my friends were doing classes together. So today was my first yoga class of the year! It was pretty hard and I got super tired afterwards, but luckily I got home just in time to do my usual routine.
I did my usual skincare routine, been obsessed with using seed oils and been trying out this guasha thing I saw on Instagram, it's kinda annoying to use but I think it makes my face look better somehow...
I remember I kept some mochis in the fridge, so I ate those while reading another textbook for tomorrow! Honestly today was way more productive than yesterday, I even had time to write on my planner a little. And that was all for today!
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millacotton Β· 2 years
Day 001 🌷 πŸ’« ; Starting fresh
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Today was sort of busy. I first decided to start up this account!! So I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Milo! I've been trying to study more and be more organized, which is why I made this account (but it's more of a blog lol).
And it's still in the works, but I'll set everything up as time goes!
Anyways, today I woke up around 5 AM since my school starts at 7, I ate some left over cake for breakfast and had to quickly get ready and leave. I passed by a field of tulips on my walk to school today, and it looked super pretty! I live in a rural area so I'm used to the huge plain fields, but recently the flowers have started to grow and it looks lovely 🌷
Today I had a lot of philosophy homework, about a really old guy named Francis Bacon, but I thought his philosophy was pretty interesting. Then I played some games in my laptop during my free hours, even though I should've probably studied πŸ˜… at least my friends did.
During my next free hour I felt bad and actually sat down to read and rewrite some of my old notes from January, so I wouldn't forget the topics I saw months ago. Once I was done I went back to playing games as usual, even if my laptop doesn't handle heavy apps too well...
Then school was over! It was a pretty boring day today, at least I got to pass by the field of tulips again. When I got home, I made some macaroni with cheese since I was feeling too lazy to cook something difficult.
I studied a bit once I finished dinner, I wasn't really motivated today. Most of the night I just watched a bunch of YouTube videos! I will be going to bed around 10 PM, I have a trip for the weekend and I need to get ready for that!
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