meowmeowmeowimacat · 12 hours
the subreddit r/stremtch: https://www.reddit.com/r/stremtch/s/BR56izelRC
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she’s happy that I’m back!
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meowmeowmeowimacat · 12 hours
how to grow the fuck up
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meowmeowmeowimacat · 13 hours
literally 1984
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meowmeowmeowimacat · 13 hours
be afraid
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it is scheduled. I highly recommend everyone else do the same.
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meowmeowmeowimacat · 13 hours
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meowmeowmeowimacat · 13 hours
@s @ rus+ / bronze cusp i @m s+rongly @g@ins+ culling §:'<
wats ur take on recreational culling
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meowmeowmeowimacat · 18 hours
Me (Kermit) to the Dutch exchange student (sadly she leaves for home before July 4th)
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meowmeowmeowimacat · 18 hours
i basically know nothing about Hetalia but for some reason i still get it
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meowmeowmeowimacat · 18 hours
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meowmeowmeowimacat · 18 hours
This might be a weird addon but at first i thought we were literally finding animals and cutting their legs and paws to resemble chair legs. I was plesantly surprised
i think furniture legs should be carved into little animal feet again.  i think that would solve a lot of problems. 
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meowmeowmeowimacat · 18 hours
Okay i think the Homestuck (TM) is out of my system (for now)
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Intro to Alternian Biology: respiratory pigments
Like the blood of most species on Earth and Alternia, trolls' blood derives its color from metalloproteins used to transport oxygen. Unlike most species on Earth and Alternia, troll blood contains multiple types of oxygen-transport proteins--five in total.
HEMERYTHRIN is the primary oxygen-transport protein in the blood of seadwelling trolls, and is also present in significant concentrations in purplebloods. It is violet-pink when oxygenated. Much Alternian sea life uses hemerythrin as its sole or primary oxygen transport protein, as do many Earth marine invertebrates.
HEMOCYANIN is the primary oxygen-transport protein of landdwelling highbloods (blue and purple) and present in significant concentrations down to olive. It is dark blue when oxygenated. Hemocyanin is also found in the blood of many Earth mollusks and arthropods.
CHLOROCRUORIN is present in very small quantities across the hemospectrum, and in high concentrations in greenbloods; it was the primary blood pigment in limebloods, which are now extinct. Chlorocruorin is a dichromatic compound which appears light green in dilute solutions, including normal blood, and red when highly concentrated; an uncommon mutation causing extreme overproduction of chlorocruorin thus results in bright red blood. On Earth, chlorocruorin is mostly found in worms.
COBOGLOBIN is an important oxygen-transport protein in low and midblood trolls and is most highly concentrated in goldbloods, the only caste for which it is primary, with significant concentrations occurring in every hemotype from rust to teal. It is yellow-orange in color when deoxygenated. Coboglobin is the only Alternian blood protein that does not occur in Earth biology.
HEMOGLOBIN is the primary oxygen-transport protein in rustblooded trolls. The highest concentrations occur in burgundy bloods, and it is present in significant quantities in all blood castes up to olive. Fuschiabloods also have hemoglobin in relatively small but still significant quantities, notably more than in any of the other high blood castes. It is dark red when oxygenated. Nearly all Earth vertebrate species rely on hemoglobin for oxygen transport.
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Additional notes:
The gray color of trolls' skin comes from black eumelanin and blue-gray carotenoproteins in the skin cells, the concentration of which increases with age. The yellow color of trolls' irises comes from yellow carotenoproteins. These are present in most troll tissues, but their color is usually masked by the darker skin pigments or the more vivid blood pigments. They do, however, contribute to the color of yellow blood, the only hemotype dominated by a transport protein which is colorless when oxygenated.
High concentrations of chlorocruorin are correlated with conciliatory impulses. Sopor slime is a highly oxygenated fluid containing significant concentrations of chlorocruorin, which give it its green color and are believed by many to contribute to its dampening effect on sleep rage and daymares, though the mechanism is not known. No surviving castes have as much as 50% chlorocruorin, while the now-extinct lime bloods had just over. Trolls with the rare cherry red mutation, however, have over 90% chlorocruorin, twice as concentrated as any other surviving caste.
It has been theorized that the cherry red mutation is a throwback to a now-extinct subspecies of troll which relied solely on chlorocrourin for oxygen transport. There were many subspecies in Alternia's evolutionary past, some more successful and widespread than others. In prehistory it is thought that none used more than one oxygen transport protein, as is typical in most planetary ecologies including Earth's. However, early hybrids benefited from the adaptive advantages of diversifying oxygen transport, and the mixing of subspecies through kleptogenetic reproductive strategies eventually resulted in the distribution of diverse respiratory pigments seen in the modern hemospectrum.
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my psiionic warriors. send me good images (< is suffering) (< illness)
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reblog if you are your url
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Reblog with your score
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